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The Snake FAQ/Q&A Thread

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Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
1) No, they can use a quick aerial (faster then 8-9 frames) or simply fastfall.

2) Please read my dthrow topic, it has all that data there. Note that jab --> Dthrow is not really a 'legit' combo so it won't always work.


Smash Cadet
Jan 25, 2009
Are there any moves to easily get someone off the edge after their invincibility frames are up. Right now I've just been short hopping dairs and those frequently will hit but is there anything else?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 12, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
You guys know how nades are used to help techchase right?

Say snake gets a down throw, and a nade is behind snake. You should always do a getup attack or roll towards the nade. If you roll away, the snake is baiting this roll exactly, so it's another 12% anyway and leads to another techchase. Effective?
Aug 6, 2008
You guys know how nades are used to help techchase right?

Say snake gets a down throw, and a nade is behind snake. You should always do a getup attack or roll towards the nade. If you roll away, the snake is baiting this roll exactly, so it's another 12% anyway and leads to another techchase. Effective?
Situational, known and happens rarely. But as you said, effective if done correctly.


Smash Fence
Mar 24, 2008
Berkeley, CA
It's not a chaingrab. It's all about predicting your opponents and punish your opponent. With some characters, you can just look at the animation and get the grab. I'm not sure on the entire list of characters that you can perform this on, however.


Smash Fence
Mar 24, 2008
Berkeley, CA
As a person who has mained Snake, grenades usually come with experience, and just watching videos on Youtube learning how other people use grenades. I usually tweak that information to suit my style of play. I'm pretty sure the Snake guide gives a nice overview of grenades. Still, grenades come through experience, IMO at least.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2008
Wishing Apex 2012 happened again.
Hi. I hope this Q/A thread and this board is active x_X Few questions I'd like to ask, I'm still in the newb/mid level of Snake. Haven't really gotten him to tourney yet.

1. I'd like to know the MOST up to date matchup between,

- MK
- Snake dittos (like what's the objective, who will win by getting 1st grab or what not etc)

2. My next question is, how does Snake do in teams? Does he do better in teams compared to singles? or vice versa? And also in teams l'd like to know if he does better as stock tanker, over supporter, or supporter than damage racker or vice versa etc..

3. Does he have inescapeable jab combos like jab to ftilt?

kthx if this managed to get answered


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
55:45 MK, IMO. I don't think we have up to date info on it.

For D3, check out the SS topic on him.

Snake dittos, is just camp. Don't be the first to ftilt, shield then ftilt. If you get grabbed and you can get the full length of your grab (no ledge) roll away. You can't be regrabbed (I have yet to be regrabbed, even by Hall and Jon T and any other Snake I've ever played)

2. Stock tank and KO's. Don't play him like you would in singles. Be SUPPORTIVE not CONTROLLING

3. Jab > ftilt and Jab > Grab may be guarenteed on a few chars, unsure, and it depends on what part of the jab hitbox hits AFAIK. We haven't fully tested.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2008
Houston, TX
Any advice on the Pit/Yoshi matchup?

My last tournament, which was supposed to be a smashfest but had nuff people, I placed 13/24 all Snake.

I had to play Esca's Pit, which is fuggin good, and this was only my 2nd tourney. I got 3 stocked, if you guys want to see the vid I'll post it, but it's the only one that got recorded.

I CPed Halberd, 2 stocked his MK, and then ended up beating his Pit last match. I adapted pretty quick, but I didn't know much about that matchup.

And I tried to much wifi stuff first match, and made gay mistakes, so yeah, no johns though. :)

idk bout yoshi.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2008
Prisoner of society.....
Hey guys, I have a match-up question....

What about Ike, they havent discussed him in the matchup thread and a friend of mine has recently started to second him.
I find his Ike harder than his main for some reason (which is ZSS). But when I bring out my Marth its an easy win or even a 2 stocking.
Why is this?
Is it his super armor moves or something? Im not sure...
Can someone give me a rundown of what to do in this match-up please?

PS Im also curious as to how you guys would rate this match-up advantage wise.

Aug 6, 2008
Hey guys, I have a match-up question....

What about Ike, they havent discussed him in the matchup thread and a friend of mine has recently started to second him.
I find his Ike harder than his main for some reason (which is ZSS). But when I bring out my Marth its an easy win or even a 2 stocking.
Why is this?
Is it his super armor moves or something? Im not sure...
Can someone give me a rundown of what to do in this match-up please?

PS Im also curious as to how you guys would rate this match-up advantage wise.

I'm not sure entirely, but I'm going to be rating from experience.

Ike obviously doesn't have a means to camp you or anything, so that gives you the advantage of not having to approach him. If you learn the various ways the Ike your playing approaches, you can counter him. His CQC game is rather stale. There isn't really much he can try to throw at you that isn't really based on the jab. Tilts are slow enough that you can attack him or shield them before they hit. Grabs are thrown in typically with the jab. Aerials are typically used to predict/intercept or as a hit to miss type moves.

The biggest problem against Ike is his edgeguarding ability against you and getting on stage. If Ike knows what they are doing, they can keep you offstage for a long time. UpSmash charging is a great way for him to try to attack you as you try to land on stage. It's timing can vary meaning he can either try to outlast your airdodge, or hit you early with it. But you can keep Ike offstage just as well and punish his rather poor recovery. I'd

The Ike's I've fought have either tried to stay up in my face, or try to bait me to make the first move. Never try to fall for the bait. Punish him for him making the first move.

I'd say that the MU is 60-40 Snake. But not sure how the other Ike plays, so it's sort of difficult to gauge how they play. Seek an experts opinion.


// s o n d e r
Jul 15, 2009
I have a friend who mains Metaknight>.>and when I K.O. him, I try everything from runing like crazy or doing nothing and he just gets me offstage and uses Shuttle Loop on my Up-B. This kills me like......70% of the time and I really don't know how to get around it. I can't attack b4 it that gives too much lag and I fall to my death and he hits me during the start-up period. Do I just REALLY try to not be near him when he re-spawns?
Also: I do REALLY good in Doubles but I always end up getting hit by my partner because Im here then there and everywhere around the stage with my DACUS, and thats a huge part of my strategys. It's not my parners fault, because I come out of nowhere. Should I stop my DACUSing and get rid of my mindgames or should I just use it in certain places?


Smash Lord
Apr 16, 2008
Victorville , CA
your probably really predictable in your jumping habits / recovery that your friends can easily intercept you. Try to use your grenades to bother him.

As in doubles Dacus is not that great hitting your opponent will really annoy, so don't spam that since your opponents can predict it and hit you of it.


// s o n d e r
Jul 15, 2009
your probably really predictable in your jumping habits / recovery that your friends can easily intercept you. Try to use your grenades to bother him.

As in doubles Dacus is not that great hitting your opponent will really annoy, so don't spam that since your opponents can predict it and hit you of it.
I try my best to get out of there right but I have had this happen like 6 times in one day and it's annoying. I do everything but I still get shuttlelooped and it most likely ends up in a K.O. I'll try that grenade thing thanks.

I don't quite understand what you said in the last sentance. I use DACUS a lot but smartly, but I don't get hit by my opponents I get hit by my partner because I show up out of no-where and he accidentally hits me. I can take it out of my doubles game but that would most likely screw up my strategies :(.
And it's not his fault, I just don't know how to fix it without messing me up =/


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
well...whats screwing up your doubles game is your partner hitting you. you might have to adjust to not snakedashing in doubles but eventually it'll be fine. snake in doubles and snake in singles are played completely differently.

all things considered, dacus into partner's smash attack is probably not the way to go.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
as in they dthrow you then utilt you?
if so just roll..or get up attack. really just don't do nothing. and probably dont standup.

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
Even a buffered jab is avoidable. Utilt is easy to avoid, just buffer your reaction.

As for doubles, I barely ever mortar slide. It's really only safe when you're doing it away from your partner or he isn't on the stage. My doubles partner is an attack happy MK though. I know the second he gets close to me I have to shield or I'm going to get hit. If I didn't know his playstyle inside and out, then I would swear he was purposely trying to hit me. XD But that actually works surprisingly well. People don't generally expect the 1st person to shield and the second person to try and attack through their teammate :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Jan 14, 2009
Well, my partner is pretty much a DDD person. What are the general problems with that team?


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
Me and a friend are actually doing a D3/snake team as well. D3/MK works too but, I like using snake much better. But yeah, it's hard to avoid each other that's for sure. You can chain attacks onto D3's grabs though, making killing easy and getting easy damage.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2008
I play a friend who plays wolf and spams lasers and smashes.

Help with dealing please? =/


Smash Cadet
Mar 18, 2008
I play a friend who plays wolf and spams lasers and smashes.

Help with dealing please? =/

Err, is this online or offline?

offline it will be easier. Shield lasers at the right time and time your grenades. You don't need to cook them. just throw them when not being lazrd and if he REALLY is spamming, he'll blow it up when he first pulls his laser out.

Then approach as teh laserz have stopped.

Punish smashes with ftilt.
If he's really that spammy (and I bet he is), it should be easy to predict

I'm too lazy to elaborate much. So that's all.

Hopefully you understand all that...


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
I have to beat an unbeaten snake tomorrow at a tourny... anyone have some tips...
Your playing Ike Right? He is going to focus on nade camping you. Make sure to throw the nades back, and when you get him off the stage. Stay on either the ground or the ledge. Where he is going to land Fsmash. He will airdodge and get hit. Works most of the time. :) When he is off the ledge. Grab that Immediately.

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
snake and diddy are **** in teams... complete and utter stage control :D
They really are a **** team. You have to really really know how to work together though, otherwise you'll get *****.

Speaking of which, i'm teaming with a diddy this saturday at a tourney, and we're taking first :D

Wish me luck. I haven't been to any tourneys in Utah for almost three months now (cause they didn't have any :( )
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