Maybe this should be in another thread feel free to move it as I don't post but rather browse the forums normally.
Disclaimer: I am not very good
I am sure I get the DI wrong, when I last played online(!) this Sheik i was playing against consistently combo'd D-Throw->Fair->Fair->j.Fair->Fair->BF. He also did some other insane stuff and I have saved replays of these but I was quite surprised by how I could not escape this. Does DI work differently in S4?
When I, on the other hand, D-Throwed him I could barely get the first F-air with his DI. Perhaps I'm just not jumping fast enough after the throw. He would consistently get his air dodge off before I reached him. When I play my brother I'd always get it.
Ps. I was playing Sheik as well.
I have replays of his combos, any suggestions on how to show them to you? DS.