So it's true then? Even if I use Kirby's Fsmash, which is an amazing move, and has great priority/range/possibly disjointed/I don't really know these thingsAsdioh, i cant say for kirby upb since this sword is actually a disjointed AIR hitbox, where there is no priority and it is a b move. Otherwise, any attack kirby may do on the ground can be cancelled by a simple ftilt(even an fsmash) since mk outranges kirby and bypass his priority.
EDIT: Was that all it really took to prove how broken he is? I mean it took over 50 pages on the other thread and noone can provide me how bypassing the priority system on the ground isnt broken. And in the air he does the opposite and since priority values are low by default in the air since they arent usually used, he has near ultimate priority over there too(IE see tornado or the clang from afterattack upb)
...a well-timed Ftilt will beat it?
That's the biggest problem I have against Meta Knight. Essentially all the attacks that good Meta Knight players will use beat essentially all of Kirby's attacks. The only time I am hitting Meta Knight is when he is not attacking, because he is stupid enough to shield/dodge/etc.
But like Umbreon said, we're discussing players at the HIGHEST level of skill. Just because Meta Knight doesn't win doesn't mean he's not worthy of a ban.Who cares if MK has some high priority moves or not. Tourney results are the bottom line. Pointing out good things that MK has only explain what we ALREADY observe; they just explain why he is as good as he is. They don't all of a sudden make MK a more bannable character any more than proving a mathematical theorem suddenly makes it true in the universe.
Anther won a tournament this Saturday because he's incredibly good, not because Meta Knight isn't broken.