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~The Olimar Matchup Thread~Review: R.O.B. or someone~

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Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2007

Link is 65-35 Olimar wins.
Wario is.. debatable. 50-50. -Wario may have advantage-
Pikachu... I'd say 55-45 Olimar wins.


Smash Champion
Jul 18, 2008
i'll have to say that wario does have the advantage, if only slight. But..link beating an oli? laughable. #1 Example of why link should NEVER beat oli. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0
I would say 60:40 Wario or at least 55:45, imo Wario has the advantage.

Link hits olimar of the stage, Link grabs the ledge, Olimars up-spec becaumes useless.
i dont think ive ever lost a match to a olimar user, i dont see why anyone uses him...
yeah and since link is the only character who can do this crazy ****, he sure has a 100-0 MU against olimar. I don't see why link isn't freakin top tier oO


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
I would say 60:40 Wario or at least 55:45, imo Wario has the advantage.

yeah and since link is the only character who can do this crazy ****, he sure has a 100-0 MU against olimar. I don't see why link isn't freakin top tier oO
Its cause link sucks balls against lOlimar

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
LOL, I was just posting it to show that Sonic isn't as easy as you people think. And that you people obviously haven't fought a good sonic if you're saying it's easy. You have no idea what a good sonic can do and "just sit there and hit C stick" doesn't work.

There is absolutely no way sonic is low tier.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
LOL, I was just posting it to show that Sonic isn't as easy as you people think. And that you people obviously haven't fought a good sonic if you're saying it's easy. You have no idea what a good sonic can do and "just sit there and hit C stick" doesn't work.

There is absolutely no way sonic is low tier.
One random person posts that sonic is easy, with nothing backing it up. People already realized it was a silly comment, and posting a video of your friend's sonic beating SK92's FALCO in a friendly won't help OLIMAR boards.

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
LOL, I got it mixed up with another matchup thread (I look up a lot of sonic matchups cause I can't beat my friend haha). That whole thread pretty much said sonic sucked and that he was super easy to beat. So seeing that comment at the top of the page got me confused with that one and I posted that vid.

Sorry to waste the time of whoever watched that vid.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
it was a friendly, but that is a **** good sonic

so cal woulda ***** yo shiiit :3

come to so cal tournies instead :p


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
I've been playing and Oli main lately, most Olimar practice I've gotten in a while, and, while Olimar can rack up damage hella quick from a distance, I have the feeling that he can do very very little against Wario's pressure game once he gets inside your range.

Dairs shred pikmin (and you), nairs take them off him instantly, and Wario is a pretty good gimper. Haha, I recently found that Wario's sh actually sends him perfectly over the Pikmin sent out in a Pivot Grab (similar to how he can sh perfectly over ZSS' stun gun)... this isn't matchup breaking but it's nice to know, especially since you're a "sitting duck" until the pikmin gets back. What else, if he pressure chases you offstage and gets within range, he can actually nair for a guaranteed hit, as, if you whistle cancel, you'll block the first hit of the nair, but not the second. The waft is also actually VERY VIABLE in this matchup at ANY TIME. At lower percents it will send you almost perfectly horizontal, so if you get hit by it, it's an easy gimp setup. Also, if Pikmin are latched onto him, WATCH OUT, as the fart hitbox duration will be extended as it kills the latched Pikmin. I haven't paid attention to the colors, but Wario's upairs will oftentimes both destroy your Pikmin during a dair AND hit you.

On the flipside, you guys get some heavily damaging early combos on Wario, can make it difficult for him to get inside your comfort zone, your nair and uptilt **** him (be careful though, they have little range, and thus are easily/safely baitable, and they can be SDId), and your purple upsmash > Wario (as well as any yellow aerial pretty much. You want to stay grounded, but at the same time you can't rely entirely on your grabs, as, since you're Olimars, that's what we're expecting, and you won't get even a fraction of the grabs you're accustomed to. PICK A HUGE *** PLATFORM STAGE THAT YOU CAN STAND UNDER (not really YI, the plat slants and gives Wario more room to maneuver), and you can make life hell for Wario. Just, if you see him getting past your grab/aerial defenses, RUN, if you stay stationary you will get bitten, and that's horrible as it will set you up for a massive ****** pretty much, lol.

I know it looks from the way I posted that Wario has many more things going for him, but this isn't the case, Oli's damage racking is absolutely ridiculous, and he can actually kill Wario at a decent percentage. I do believe Wario has advantage over Oli, but I wouldn't put it higher than 60:40. I will update my opinion as I play more/different Olis (should I ever, lol).

P.S. Wario can pop a wheelie and you can no longer grab him off the bike when he does so. You can risk it and go for an upsmash, but it's safer to just shield and let him ride past you.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
I've been playing and Oli main lately, most Olimar practice I've gotten in a while, and, while Olimar can rack up damage hella quick from a distance, I have the feeling that he can do very very little against Wario's pressure game once he gets inside your range.

Dairs shred pikmin (and you), nairs take them off him instantly, and Wario is a pretty good gimper. Haha, I recently found that Wario's sh actually sends him perfectly over the Pikmin sent out in a Pivot Grab (similar to how he can sh perfectly over ZSS' stun gun)... this isn't matchup breaking but it's nice to know, especially since you're a "sitting duck" until the pikmin gets back. What else, if he pressure chases you offstage and gets within range, he can actually nair for a guaranteed hit, as, if you whistle cancel, you'll block the first hit of the nair, but not the second. The waft is also actually VERY VIABLE in this matchup at ANY TIME. At lower percents it will send you almost perfectly horizontal, so if you get hit by it, it's an easy gimp setup. Also, if Pikmin are latched onto him, WATCH OUT, as the fart hitbox duration will be extended as it kills the latched Pikmin. I haven't paid attention to the colors, but Wario's upairs will oftentimes both destroy your Pikmin during a dair AND hit you.

On the flipside, you guys get some heavily damaging early combos on Wario, can make it difficult for him to get inside your comfort zone, your nair and uptilt **** him (be careful though, they have little range, and thus are easily/safely baitable, and they can be SDId), and your purple upsmash > Wario (as well as any yellow aerial pretty much. You want to stay grounded, but at the same time you can't rely entirely on your grabs, as, since you're Olimars, that's what we're expecting, and you won't get even a fraction of the grabs you're accustomed to. PICK A HUGE *** PLATFORM STAGE THAT YOU CAN STAND UNDER (not really YI, the plat slants and gives Wario more room to maneuver), and you can make life hell for Wario. Just, if you see him getting past your grab/aerial defenses, RUN, if you stay stationary you will get bitten, and that's horrible as it will set you up for a massive ****** pretty much, lol.

I know it looks from the way I posted that Wario has many more things going for him, but this isn't the case, Oli's damage racking is absolutely ridiculous, and he can actually kill Wario at a decent percentage. I do believe Wario has advantage over Oli, but I wouldn't put it higher than 60:40. I will update my opinion as I play more/different Olis (should I ever, lol).

P.S. Wario can pop a wheelie and you can no longer grab him off the bike when he does so. You can risk it and go for an upsmash, but it's safer to just shield and let him ride past you.
actually you can grab wario off his bike while he's doing a wheelie, it actually puts wario closer to the ground and easier to grab, as for stage picks, olimar does very well on battlefield, as for a wario counterpick, if you want to mess up olimar bad, pick norfair ( i think its norfair, the metroid level from ssbm) for obvious reasons, crazy terrain, lava, and olimar can't even grab while hes standing on or behind the breakable floor, it really messes olimar up.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Brinstar is the one you're talking about, we play that stage against everyone :p

And I wasn't too sure about the wheelie thing, I know it prevents everyone else's grabs, and I think Fiction at some point told me it avoid Olis too. I'll have to test it out next chance I get. Even if you couldn't, you could still up b through the bike and hit us.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
uptilt beats your dair, so as long as we don't fall for a bait we should have decent protection from that


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Uhm... ****, I completely forgot this was still here...

Uhm... I guess there really is nothing to talk about since this was already done on our board, and yet people are still confused on wather it's more neutral or one of Sonic's worst matchups...

Uh... I guess if anybody has doubts, you can just say something here, and one of us should be able to respond.

Regadless, it's your board, and we can piss & moan all we want, but your 2cents for Sonic is authority here.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Ok, I just tested this, and you CANNOT grab Wario off his bike if he pivots. You can still up b.

Oh, and it's easy to say "don't take the bait" when Wario has so many different ways to bait you, and if you stay in your shield or something he'll just bite you. You have to be stationary to uptilt after all, lol.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
Ok, I just tested this, and you CANNOT grab Wario off his bike if he pivots. You can still up b.

Oh, and it's easy to say "don't take the bait" when Wario has so many different ways to bait you, and if you stay in your shield or something he'll just bite you. You have to be stationary to uptilt after all, lol.
buffer system ftw? ha

well yeah but this is all theorycraft so i can say what i want :p


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2008
right over there
Just wanted you to know that I, for one, have been reading this thread and that you aren't going to all this trouble for nothing. In fact, it's much appreciated! I don't have that much competition around here. Nothing's harder than not knowing a matchup.



Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
Any and all advice for playing against MK would be most appreciated (the type of MK who knows how to stay in the air and spam tornado intelligently).

And... go!


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
i can't explain how i do well vs them, especially after i tell them exactly what to do D:
see: BoA, TKD lol

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
this is all pretty generally known knowledge... but you said anything ;D

Pivot Grabs are amazing in this matchup. Beats out Neutral and Side Specials, most approaches, and just generally outranges everything mk has. General Knowledge.

Downthrow -> FSmash -> ReGrab -> Downthrow -> USmash -> UAir/FAir works on MK at 0%. Extremely easy to perform if the second pikmin in line is yellow, or the third is white. If the second pikmin is purple, replace FSmash with Pikmin throw, although it's a little more difficult to time. I've also found this to work if the second pikmin is white, as the MK's attention will usually be drawn towards the white pikmin attatched to him and will be open for a regrag.

Yellow pikmin are amazing in this matchup as you can generally outrange MK's FAir with it's hitbox, making returning to the stage easier.

Trying to sheild grab anything MK does is wrong. General Knowledge. DTilt comes out almost immedietly. A better idea is to dash away out of sheild and go for a pivot grab. Most MKs will DTilt/DSmash/Grab after you sheild so they'll usually be left open to an extent if you space right.

Tornado isnt a problem. Sheild it. MK is easily punishable afterwards with DSmash. If you get caught in it? DI up and NAir him at the top. Olimar's Tornado beats Meta Knight's Tornado. Yellow Pikmin FSmash also beats tornado if you hit it at the bottom. Even uncharged i think.

If MK misses Shuttle Loop, or if you whistle it, USmash is extremely easy to pull off. That's actually how I get the majority of my kills on MK.

Stages: I like Lylat but only for the increase in yellows. Also DThrow -> FSmash/Latch ->Regrab works extremely well here with the tilting of the ship, if you do it upwards of the slant. I also really like Luigi's Mansion against MK for some reason... i dont think it's as bad as everyone makes it out to be... but it probably is xD. OS always bans FD against everyone, so i dont have as much MK experience here.

again, this is all pretty general knowledge for the matchup. i just wanted to contribute for once ;D
this is just what i've learned from facing os


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
this is all pretty generally known knowledge... but you said anything ;D

Pivot Grabs are amazing in this matchup. Beats out Neutral and Side Specials, most approaches, and just generally outranges everything mk has. General Knowledge.

Downthrow -> FSmash -> ReGrab -> Downthrow -> USmash -> UAir/FAir works on MK at 0%. Extremely easy to perform if the second pikmin in line is yellow, or the third is white. If the second pikmin is purple, replace FSmash with Pikmin throw, although it's a little more difficult to time. I've also found this to work if the second pikmin is white, as the MK's attention will usually be drawn towards the white pikmin attatched to him and will be open for a regrag.

Yellow pikmin are amazing in this matchup as you can generally outrange MK's FAir with it's hitbox, making returning to the stage easier.

Trying to sheild grab anything MK does is wrong. General Knowledge. DTilt comes out almost immedietly. A better idea is to dash away out of sheild and go for a pivot grab. Most MKs will DTilt/DSmash/Grab after you sheild so they'll usually be left open to an extent if you space right.

Tornado isnt a problem. Sheild it. MK is easily punishable afterwards with DSmash. If you get caught in it? DI up and NAir him at the top. Olimar's Tornado beats Meta Knight's Tornado. Yellow Pikmin FSmash also beats tornado if you hit it at the bottom. Even uncharged i think.

If MK misses Shuttle Loop, or if you whistle it, USmash is extremely easy to pull off. That's actually how I get the majority of my kills on MK.

Stages: I like Lylat but only for the increase in yellows. Also DThrow -> FSmash/Latch ->Regrab works extremely well here with the tilting of the ship, if you do it upwards of the slant. I also really like Luigi's Mansion against MK for some reason... i dont think it's as bad as everyone makes it out to be... but it probably is xD. OS always bans FD against everyone, so i dont have as much MK experience here.

again, this is all pretty general knowledge for the matchup. i just wanted to contribute for once ;D
this is just what i've learned from facing os
I pivot grab a lot, but MKs I play against (read: Domo) back off as soon as they see me start to run away, because they know it's coming (or they just get in the air). Also, can't MK rise with tornado to avoid grabs, and then retreat out of range for you to punish? It seems like they do that, but maybe I'm just not getting to them quick enough? I dunno. That's really good to know about yellow f-smash beating tornado, I'll have to try that out. Oh, and if you get caught in tornado can you SDI out the top if MK rises? If I use both sticks to SDI then I can get out, but then I end up up-airing, while if I only use the control stick I can't get out. What method do you use?

Also, if I'm coming back to the stage and MK is in position to shuttle loop me I'm in trouble: Domo will either wait for me to whistle in anticipation of the shuttle loop, then jump up and n-air me, or just shuttle loop me if he sees that I don't whistle. Is there anything I can do at this point (I don't think I can whistle again in time, but maybe I can)? Anyway, I'll definitely try Lylat out; I would go Corneria, but that always gets banned.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Oh! Yeah, I saw Domo at MWCC. MK is able to pretty much just hover over Olimar's pivot grabs, using SH DAirs to space. Quite annoying >.>

If MK rises the tornado above the grab you'll have enough time to sheild. If the tornado starts when he's at the tip of your grab range, and he actually makes it to you, he wont have enough time to retreat the tornado far enough for you to punish.

I Double Stick SDI the tornado. UAir doesnt last long, so if I happen to do it on accident, i'll be able to come back down with a NAir whether MK is in tornado or not.

I would imagine returning to the stage against Domo would be annoying lol. os is the same way with faking out my WAC. As I said earlier, most MKs expect olimar to be defensive when coming back (Air Dodge, Whistle). Try mixing it up. FAir really isnt that bad, especially with Yellow (i love yellows ^.^). FF FAir is usually unexpected if the MK tries to bait a whistle. I switch between defensively and offensively returning to the stage. Just dont be predictable. I'm not exactly sure how Olimar's FAir (yellow) works against Meta's Nair. I would imagine it would beat it out though. But i'm about half asleep so what i'm saying may not make any sense >.<


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
Oh! Yeah, I saw Domo at MWCC. MK is able to pretty much just hover over Olimar's pivot grabs, using SH DAirs to space. Quite annoying >.>

If MK rises the tornado above the grab you'll have enough time to sheild the grab. If the tornado starts when he's at the tip of your grab range, and he actually makes it to you, he wont have enough time to retreat the tornado far enough for you to punish.

I Double Stick SDI the tornado. UAir doesnt last long, so if I happen to do it on accident, i'll be able to come back down with a NAir whether MK is in tornado or not.

I would imagine returning to the stage against Domo would be annoying lol. As I said earlier, most MKs expect olimar to be defensive when coming back (Air Dodge, Whistle). Try mixing it up. FAir really isnt that bad, especially with Yellow (i love yellows ^.^). FF FAir is usually unexpected if the MK tries to bait a whistle. I switch between defensively and offensively returning to the stage. Just dont be predictable. I'm not exactly sure how Olimar's FAir (yellow) works against Meta's Nair. I would imagine it would beat it out though.
Alright, thanks for the advice. Anyone else have any tips?


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2008
Barcelona, EU
distant planet is another good counterpick against mk, and it's really unexpected, i've choosed it randomly because corneria and norfair were banned and i 3 stocked o.O

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
distant planet is another good counterpick against mk, and it's really unexpected, i've choosed it randomly because corneria and norfair were banned and i 3 stocked o.O
...norfair is an amazing mk stage >.>

Only RandomIkeGuy is brave enough to cp that against a meta knight :D

And unless you go to a tournament run by os, Distant Planet's gonna be banned ;D


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2008
Barcelona, EU
...norfair is an amazing mk stage >.>

Only RandomIkeGuy is brave enough to cp that against a meta knight :D

And unless you go to a tournament run by os, Distant Planet's gonna be banned ;D
norfair is good for MK? O_O i didnt know that, ive always counterpicked it against MKs except if i could counterpick corneria xD thanks for the advise, i wont cp it again.

it was a ladder match on AiB, and im european so it's difficult to me to go to a tourney hosted by os :S


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
...norfair is an amazing mk stage >.>

Only RandomIkeGuy is brave enough to cp that against a meta knight :D

And unless you go to a tournament run by os, Distant Planet's gonna be banned ;D
Distant Planet is CP at my tournaments! :laugh:


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2008
New York
Preceding Weeks :
:link2:Week #1 : Link(pg 1 and 52-57)
Behaviour : Link has some good projectiles. He’ll be trying to use his boomerang and his arrows to camp from afar until he realizes that he is the one who has to approach. Normally, he has a great spacing attack in zair, but Olimar is short and so it can be difficult for Links to use it well. He's got some good killing options in dair, fsmash, and dsmash.

His scaring moves :
-Fsmash: It has good range, great power, and low start-up lag, but enough after-lag to keep its use at a minimum. There's not much to talk about...

- Upsmash : Link's DACUS (dash attack canceled upsmash) moves him farther than average. It can be a good killing move at high percents, but it's very punishable upon block and doesn't have a lot of setups, and so Link players use it very situationally. It might be used just after a hit zair, or maybe an uptilt at low percents. It has three hits, so just shield all three and punish with your best option.

- Bombs: Just learn what all he can do with the bombs. Link can attack with his bombs in his hand and he has some pretty tricky moves he can use. Here’s a link to a video showing some of his techs: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=V0u3sUOShcI At 5:42 it shows some of his bomb tricks. I recommend watching the whole video. When you latch a pikmin onto Link when he's a got a bomb in hand, he can't throw it or he'll explode. The pikmin will die if it's not red, but Link will get hurt.

- Arrows: Pikmin throw will collide with them and stop them. Just before link lands, he can fire an arrow that won't have it's normal lag frames. It speeds up the animation to his Hero’s bow, similar to Falco's lagless landing lasers. They might use it try and gimp your recover, so if he's not edgeguarding with the boomerang or bombs, expect some arrows.

-Dair: It's a powerful killing option, but it's very hard to land on an Olimar that watches out for it. Your upair will beat it out and it's not very difficult to avoid. I've seen it used a couple times to punish staying on the ledge for too long. It has considerable lag though, so if he uses it and misses, throw a couple pikmin at him before you punish. The extra damage helps.

-Zair: (aerial chain) It's completely lagless. It will be used to start combos and such. Just shield it. If he begins to grab you just after using the zair, just spotdodge or roll behind him next time.

-Jab: Link has a slow 7 frame jab (as opposed to Olimar's 4 frame jab) with great range and lock properties.If you don't tech your falls, he may jab lock you to the edge and finish with any attack of his choosing. His jab is his life saver in most matchups. It's not uncommon to see this as his most used attack.

How to win ?

  • Be patient. Spam your pikmin until he approaches. You DO outcamp Link, so if you can't seem to do it, then you just need to either practice or rethink your pikmin throwing strategy.
  • Be sure to capitalize on some of his slower moves. Shield through them and punish accordingly.
  • Link has a tether grab-it's quick for how much range it has, but the afterlag is awful. For this reason, Link players don't grab very often. Try shielding more in the matchup, but don't depend on it. If they think you'll shield an attack, they'll grab instead.
  • Link doesn't have very many safe options for defending his backside. Add this with his very short duration spotdodge and below average OoS options and you've got yourself a character that needs rolling and spotdodging more than most. Prediect his spotdodges and either charge an attack, or just shield and wait for him to do something.
  • Gimping Link- His recovery is bad. IMO, it's worse than Olimar's. It doesn't go very high, he falls fast, and his upb isn't very fast. The only thing he has going for him is good DI and some projectiles to help keep opponents from edgehogging. With good DI he can live up through the 180's if you don't kill him efficiently. Throwing your purples at him is a fantastic edgeguard as well as fsmashes off the side of the stage. If he's far enough from the stage that he'll have to use his upb to recover, then upb to the ledge and just hang there. When he throws a bomb or boomerang, just press up and go back to the ledge. When he's just about to use his upb, immediately press back->upb->up to regain your invincibility frames and continue to edgehog him.
  • Also! Keep in mind that with Link's bad recovery and your dsmash's horizontal trajectory, it can be a great setup for edgeguards and gimps.

Match-Up 70-30: (easier)
Recommended stages:
-Your normal counterpicks should do well versus Link. Just choose a stage you are comfortable at.​

Hey, don't mean to interrupt the current discussion, but is this up to date? I'm just curious, because although most of it looks correct, there's a few things I'm questioning.

EDIT: Sorry, I just had to bring this up lol

...norfair is an amazing mk stage >.>

Only RandomIkeGuy is brave enough to cp that against a meta knight :D
Search Deva.​


Apr 10, 2008
It probably isn't up-to-date. What part/s do you disagree with?

We should move on to a different character. Olimar-Sonic 60-40 our favor?
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