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The Old Diddy Social/General/Q&A Thread

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Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
Grab release at the ledge if the snake doesn't know about it, dtilt at the ledge. Running shield a lot.

plus alot of grabs are great when snake has gernades (watch if he z drops/shield drops the gernades or not in case he grabs u O_o), punish snakes landing always when he recovers, he is very easily juggled, his airdodge is quite slow and predictible when baited correctly. and of course like said above save those smashes...and always side taunt when u kill =P


Smash Journeyman
Dec 22, 2008
Mississauga, Canada (Hobs crk)
Hi, people.

I seem to have a hard time implementing tilts into Diddy's game. I'm kinda OK with d-tilt. I try dash attack to u-tilt, but it never connects. Also, f-tilt just doesn't seem like a great move.

So, can someone tell me when's the best time to use these moves? How can I dash attack into u-tilt?

Is spamming grabs OK? I always grab after a thrown naner.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Hi :)

Dtilt- I like to use this out of jabs and to punish spot dodgers
Dash Attack>Utilt only works at low to middle percents depending on the character.
Ftilt- I really only use this when I know it will hit; a tripped opponent thats to far to smash, edgeguarding etc
I also use it to space agianst certain characters because of its awesome range.

As for grabbing, its good to get people offstage and keep pressure on them (the Falco MU especially) but you should learn to not do it on instinct. Learn to smash, tilt and dash attack out of trips too. Also, if you havent already, learn to double banana lock whenever you can.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 22, 2008
Mississauga, Canada (Hobs crk)

So...f-tilt has better range than the smashes? Did not know that.

Another thing, but not so much Diddy: I see a lot of times that people skip pummeling. Is it because they forget, or does making a quick throw really throw the opponent's DI off that much?


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Well, I had this problem before too (yes its a problem) it was, at least for me, mostly a problem of autopiloting. It makes you feel like youre playing faster since just hitting A is pretty easy. It doesnt really throw off peoples DI that much once they get used to it.

It is a lot better to pummel. You can add a lot of damage from just pummels if you do it once each time you grab. And that extra damage is really needed especially against the heavies who can live to extremely high percents with Diddys mediocre killing ability. I generally have a rule of one pummel for every ~35% since if you pummel to much, they can strugle out.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
It can throw people's DI off if they predict your throw. Sometimes it's good to pummel, sometimes it's not. If you're near the edge, your opponent's at 130%, and you're trying to kill them with an F-throw, it's better to not pummel and just immediately throw, instead of pummelling, letting the opponent realize, "Oh, he's probably going to F-throw" and letting him DI up into the corner.

Plus, sometimes you'll grab someone as they're trying to D-smash or D-tilt, and they'll already have bad DI from trying to do that.

However, if you're just trying to rack up damage, they're at mid percent, and they're at the middle of the stage, then pummeling is the way to go. Free %.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
If you have anyone able to do frame data - or if you have frame data for your pummel please let SuSa know in his thread as it will benefit your character:


SuSa is using a formula to find each % that you can safely add a pummel before throwing. This can allow you to guarentee extra damage without losing your throw. So help him help you.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
Hey guys, I have some questions about Diddy:

1) What, if anything, is his Nair good for? It looks pretty lame to me.

2) What characters does he have trouble with (except for Luigi, which I know about)?

3) What good stages does he have other than Final Destination?

4) Is FSmash or DSmash better for killing overall?


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
1) It combos. Learn to hit with it ! :V

2) Peach, Marth, MK, Olimar and Falco for me, but it depends on you (I'll get ***** by Thien for saying that in example lmao)

3) Diddy can be played anywhere really, as long as you can abuse bananas and/or gimp it's okay. Flat stages like BF, PS1/2, Lylat and smashville are obviously the obvious ones. Avoid stages with huge blastzones though. Diddy lacks killing power =/

4) Dsmash. Fsmash is escapable, and stales itself. Dsmash's a little less powerful in itself, but more reliable.

DFEAR, you're thinking of quitting ssbb for blazblue right ?
It won't come out in europe :(
We had a prewiew at the last tourney I went to, it looks great. I'm jealous :V


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
Why are you possibly quitting, DFEAR? D:.

If it's for BlazBlue, it's completely understandable. Anything else, no johns.

1) It pops people up and the hitbox is out for longer than his other aerials.

2) Honeslty, Diddy's hardest matchups are debatable against Diddy mains. He does have some slight disadvantages (Snake, Wario, possibly Marth) although the only flat out disadvantages I can think of are Peach and Luigi. Really only Luigi, because I have no clue why Peach is a tough match-up. Everyone's saying it, and KOS-MOS and other Peaches have been ****** Diddys later, but I know next to nothing about the match-up.

3) Diddy's good on every stage except like Brinstar and maybe Frigate Orpheon. Even RC is good for some match-ups. Diddy can maneuver well on platforms if their within short-hop z-catching height. He can be really gay on Norfair and Luigi's Mansion. Brinstar's non-even ground makes it odd for bananas (even though he has some random tricks like dropping a banana on the mesh that keeps the stage up), and the second transformation of Frigate Orpheon has odd slopes that make banana control a tad harder.

4) D-smash in general. F-smash can be used to kill but kills later. It's easier to DI because it hits the middle of their body and there's two hits to the attack, and Marth can be really stupid and up-B out of it. If you can space it to where only the last hit of F-smash hits, it's good, but generally that doesn't happen much. D-smash is in general harder to DI, and the only reason it shouldn't be used is against some characters with odd trip animations that go over it. DK goes slightly in the air when you trip him, so if you try for trip to D-smash, he'll avoid it.


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
[quote="AvaricePanda]D-smash is in general harder to DI, and the only reason it shouldn't be used is against some characters with odd trip animations that go over it. DK goes slightly in the air when you trip him, so if you try for trip to D-smash, he'll avoid it.[/quote]
You liar :V
It can be charged :p


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
well mostly. i just dont like the gay stuff in brawl is all...not the adaptable gay stuff like weird hitboxes or disjointed attacks or matchups but the stuff that neither player can control such as tripping (died 4 times in tourney due to it :\ and lost cuz of it) it made me really pist. and watching a falco vs pickachu match was the most boring match i have ever seen. a match between Underground and ESAM, both phenominal players of course but they just 0-deathd each other whole time :\ only skill involved i saw in those matches were the players abilities to avoid the grabs in the first place. but i wont quit unless i somehow get past it mentally next tourney.

i really like diddy as a character and i love brawl...i just dont like the gayness : < it makes meh angreh!


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
well mostly. i just dont like the gay stuff in brawl is all...not the adaptable gay stuff like weird hitboxes or disjointed attacks or matchups but the stuff that neither player can control such as tripping (died 4 times in tourney due to it :\ and lost cuz of it) it made me really pist. and watching a falco vs pickachu match was the most boring match i have ever seen. a match between Underground and ESAM, both phenominal players of course but they just 0-deathd each other whole time :\ only skill involved i saw in those matches were the players abilities to avoid the grabs in the first place. but i wont quit unless i somehow get past it mentally next tourney.

i really like diddy as a character and i love brawl...i just dont like the gayness : < it makes meh angreh!
I actually agree completely... And quitting Brawl would be good for my health, honestly. But Diddy's just so fun to play as :(

EDIT: You can't quit when you're a post away from four digits of posts!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2009
My question is 'How do u deal with heavy characters playing as Diddy?'

In particular how do u handle King Dedede? As i played I noticed his wadle-dees are a buffer to slow down the glide toss approach and also 3D has a good spot dodge. In addition, i adjusted to this challenge by approaching from above with the nanerz, which worked quite well until the wadle-dees slowed that approach also.

But regardless it was hard to kill him(seeing as he is heavy as hell). So I'm gonna try keeping him on the edge of the stage more that way when i glide toss-->dsmash, he'll more than likely die before he can attempt to recover. of couse this just one solution i came up with to get rid of this heavy wait faster.

Any other advice on how to handle this match-up?:confused:


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
My question is 'How do u deal with heavy characters playing as Diddy?'

In particular how do u handle King Dedede? As i played I noticed his wadle-dees are a buffer to slow down the glide toss approach and also 3D has a good spot dodge. In addition, i adjusted to this challenge by approaching from above with the nanerz, which worked quite well until the wadle-dees slowed that approach also.

But regardless it was hard to kill him(seeing as he is heavy as hell). So I'm gonna try keeping him on the edge of the stage more that way when i glide toss-->dsmash, he'll more than likely die before he can attempt to recover. of couse this just one solution i came up with to get rid of this heavy wait faster.

Any other advice on how to handle this match-up?:confused:
Keep a Banana behind you at all times

Shield the Waddle Dees and simply walk past them to throw Bananas

Juggle him like crazy; he can be hit by moves like U-Tilt many times (as many as 3, I think) which then combo into an U-Smash.

Some say to Up-B into him as he's falling on top of you with a non-canceled Up-B

I don't play this much, but it's not terrible. Just remember he's big; you can use jump-thrown Bananas from nearly the same distance you would use a Glide Toss and still hit him, all the while avoiding his Waddle Dee rush. And KEEP A BANANA BEHIND YOU. Being off-stage as Diddy is never a good thing.


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
well mostly. i just dont like the gay stuff in brawl is all...not the adaptable gay stuff like weird hitboxes or disjointed attacks or matchups but the stuff that neither player can control such as tripping (died 4 times in tourney due to it :\ and lost cuz of it) it made me really pist. and watching a falco vs pickachu match was the most boring match i have ever seen. a match between Underground and ESAM, both phenominal players of course but they just 0-deathd each other whole time :\ only skill involved i saw in those matches were the players abilities to avoid the grabs in the first place. but i wont quit unless i somehow get past it mentally next tourney.

i really like diddy as a character and i love brawl...i just dont like the gayness : < it makes meh angreh!
lmao, I soo agree with you =]
That's why I support bbrawl \o/

Oh, and Ingulit's advices are legit.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
1k post.

and sighs wished brawl was more balanced :\ thats all i really want in a perfect competitive game. too bad this is reality xD.

im not quiting. im gonna just cope with the gayness and learn to get past it :\ even if i pop a blood vessel in my eyes lol


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
So the main person I play against is now using Marth, and I'm having a hard time with the match up. Marth's dtilt and fair are ruining my approaches, and it's incredibly hard to punish, or even retaliate, either of those moves. The worst part is that he catches maybe 70% of my bananas, regardless of how I throw them. I've tried dribbling mindgames, all kinds of stuff. He just ends up catching them all somehow. Be it with a fair, air dodge, or some random other BS that I can't even see.

How do I handle this match up?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2009
So the main person I play against is now using Marth, and I'm having a hard time with the match up. Marth's dtilt and fair are ruining my approaches, and it's incredible hard to punish, or even retaliate, either of those moves. The worst part is that he catches maybe 70% of my bananas, regardless of how I throw them. I've tried dribbling mindgames, all kinds of stuff. He just ends up catching them all somehow. Be it with a fair, air dodge, or some random other BS that I can't even see.

How do I handle this match up?
The key here is to remain patient and to catch Marth on his landing. Throw ur naner as soon as he'z about to land and then continue the process if he continues to fair against you. Also be cautious of his dancing blade, which is another reason to keep ur distance. Make him come to you and have a naner behind you ready to punish. You kno Marth is a tipper so their also gonna try and space it perfectly; so close this by distance walk and shielding instead of dashing, that way you have more control.

Hope this helpz.:)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
How are you supposed to DI shiek's ftilt spam? I got messed up pretty hard by this move at genesis.


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
DI up and to her face. You'll uair her with good reflexes, but if the sheik has good reflexes too she could SH nair you.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Good job to all the Diddys at Genesis. Way to represent ADHD :)
Question: Can Diddy force an air release on any characters without being over the edge? I did some testing on most of the small characters but I wasnt sure if there were some exceptions/weird cases (ie. a character puts his legs in the air when grabbed making him shorter or something like that)


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
Good job to all the Diddys at Genesis. Way to represent ADHD :)
Question: Can Diddy force an air release on any characters without being over the edge? I did some testing on most of the small characters but I wasnt sure if there were some exceptions/weird cases (ie. a character puts his legs in the air when grabbed making him shorter or something like that)
No, only over the ledge. Diddy isn't a "tall" character. It would be nice if he were.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 22, 2008
Mississauga, Canada (Hobs crk)
Hey guys, I have another question.

Do any of you have trouble with Olimar? If not, tell me what you do.

Bananas don't help very much and it's never very fluid because of his darned pikmin, so I lose my game and get boggled. Plus whenever I approach, he just can just get a free smash on me. Then I try to go aerial on him, and he u-airs, u-smashes, or shield and grabs...

Well actually, this is how it is:
He jumps and throws pikmin at me. I try to back off, but he gets a little closer. Eventually I run out of room, so I decide to charge. Usually with a banana, I try to trip him up, but a pikmin stops it. So no naner, he's still standing. If I try to get that naner he grabs or shield-grab when Ido the dash attack, and if I try to back off to get the other he gets free pikmin throws, and we're back to the same thing (except no more naner).
That leaves me with...
approaching with no naner >smashed in the face/shield-grabbed
jumping >I get u-smashed/u-aired/roll, grabbed

Now, I'm exaggerating things. Sometimes I get my momentum, but lots of times Olimar can reduce my momentum to nothing. Help?


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
Hey guys, I have another question.

Do any of you have trouble with Olimar? If not, tell me what you do.

Bananas don't help very much and it's never very fluid because of his darned pikmin, so I lose my game and get boggled. Plus whenever I approach, he just can just get a free smash on me. Then I try to go aerial on him, and he u-airs, u-smashes, or shield and grabs...

Well actually, this is how it is:
He jumps and throws pikmin at me. I try to back off, but he gets a little closer. Eventually I run out of room, so I decide to charge. Usually with a banana, I try to trip him up, but a pikmin stops it. So no naner, he's still standing. If I try to get that naner he grabs or shield-grab when Ido the dash attack, and if I try to back off to get the other he gets free pikmin throws, and we're back to the same thing (except no more naner).
That leaves me with...
approaching with no naner >smashed in the face/shield-grabbed
jumping >I get u-smashed/u-aired/roll, grabbed

Now, I'm exaggerating things. Sometimes I get my momentum, but lots of times Olimar can reduce my momentum to nothing. Help?
Olimar Thread:

:3 a bunch of walls of text that can be read and be implemented into ur gameplay that could drastically help with ur difficulty of this matchup. it should help u.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Yeah, its a real headace to fight Olimar. It really boils down to getting the trip. Once you get that essential trip, you be a little bit more aggresive and try to hold on to that momentum.

Im pretty sure we had discussed this already in a thread but Im not sure where the thread is since we changed all the stickies.

EDIT: Never mind, looks like we already rediscussed it. Check the MU index for any other MU help you need in the future :)


// s o n d e r
Jul 15, 2009
I'd try to spam the popgun out of range from his pikmin and when he approaches cancel it with L and glide toss the banana at him. And when he is spammy with Fsmash and Usmash hit him during the lag period.His aerial game (should) be better than yours so stay out of the air unless you are comboing, approaching or when ground game just isn't working.
This is from experiance with my friend it works with me which means it might not work with you.
And if worst comes to worst kill him with Metaknight or Marth :)
But the Match-up thead should help you a lot.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2008
Wishing Apex 2012 happened again.
Hais. I'm going to a tourney and teamming with a Diddy Kong main, and I'd like to know how well does Luigi team with Diddy kong and Snake team well with, with Diddy kong. Also some REAL INPUT, not some short crappy *** input. Thanks alot, really wanna do good in dubz.


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
Yeah, this Marth I play is still catching every banana I throw, haha. He does practice Diddy a bit, so he is pretty good with bananas, but I mean... he's catching everything. And not just catching, he will instant throw them back at me. I've gotten very careful about how I throw at him, but... he's just really good with bananas, haha.

Any tips?
Also, Marth's fair is ridiculous.

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
Yeah, this Marth I play is still catching every banana I throw, haha. He does practice Diddy a bit, so he is pretty good with bananas, but I mean... he's catching everything. And not just catching, he will instant throw them back at me. I've gotten very careful about how I throw at him, but... he's just really good with bananas, haha.

Any tips?
Also, Marth's fair is ridiculous.
Catch them back and throw them back again XD


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
Catch them back and throw them back again XD
He usually doesn't throw them at me. He'll throw them away or up. Then he gets all aggressive, I have to find time to pull bananas, and the process starts over again. And it's hard as hell to get around Marth's fair, dtilt, and whatnot. So bananas are ridiculously hard to use efficiently, and with no bananas... it's still really hard, haha. I've found most of my success in juggling him, provided I get the chance.

I'm not even really losing them all, it's about 60:40 me (in wins), but it gets extremely frustrating.

I'm trying not to worry about it too much, I've never had this problem with any other Marth players. He's just especially good with bananas.


// s o n d e r
Jul 15, 2009
I have a question.
I glide toss my naners at the opponent near the ledge, grab them at the ledge, pummel as much as i can they break out and i spam Dtilt (Unless their recovery can hit me)
Is there a better alternative? I get a lot of damage in but sometimes I wonder what else I could have done....
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