EDIT:Also I was pretty rusty and hadn't played in a couple of weeks before playing this. ;-;
DOUBLE EDIT: I also realize that I do alot of things that the conventional/campy Snake should do, but that's just the way that I use him and feel comfortable with him. o-o
In general:
It appears that you are still learning Snake. Some key things I saw that were missing in both your vids:
1) B-reverse - You could've avoided a lot of throws from Rob reading your landing. Snake has poor aerial mobility, so try practicing utilizing those B-reverse to mix up your landing options.
2) Grabs/D-throw tech chases - I don't think I saw a single grab although it looks like you had a couple chances to grab. Dthrows have the option to lead to big damage. If you can predict whether the opponent will roll left, right, get up attack, get up, or just sit there, you have a plethora of options left at your disposal. Even if you don't get a regrab or a tilt, the dthrow will pressure the opponent and leave options open.
3) It looks like you try fighting Rob in the air. Snakes aerial game isn't good. You'll most likely get outspaced and take damage. Keep on the ground and make sure you space your tilts.
4) Roll less. This isn't to say never roll, but just not all the time. If you need to run away or reset space, you can shield dash, just run away and tap your shield. Some opponents will still chase you, but it's better than rolling, which can be reacted to.
First Video:
0:16 - You pull a nade and roll into Rob's bair which the hitbox is almost (?) his whole body. A better option in this case would just be to shield drop.
0:18 - another roll into Rob's bari.
0:21 - a roll into a laser.
1:06 - How did you SD? I'm guessing it was just practicing a B-reverse? Whenever I pull a Nikita, it's 98% of the time a failed reverse.
1:48 - Nice mixup Bair for the kill.
3:40 - 3:45 -> Yea Rob taste your own Gyro haha. 26% damage using that gyro haha.
3:49 - 4:02 - practice teching so you don't get combo'd off walls.
4:53 - Nice ledge drop > regrab edge + using your nade to help you get back on stage.
Vid 1 General Notes: I feel like what hurt you the most is rolling and no b-reverses. If you B-reversed, you would've had a much easier time getting back on the ground and not eat bairs, fairs, nairs, and grabs. As for rolling, it was just rolling into aerial attacks and random lasers. Other things to work on is powershielding those lasers from afar. I'm not one to talk though cause I eat falco's lasers for breakfeast lunch and dinner. On the other hand, I gotta say you have a great C4 game. I didn't feel like listing all the times you hit Rob with your C4, but you got C4 damage off numerous times. Good job on that. Your DI + momentum cancel is right on target too. As for not camping rob, I >think< we get outcamped by rob anyway. Not 100% sure though.
Second Vid:
0:10 - 0:15 -> Ouch, that wall of pain. That could've been avoided if you waited on your second jump and sweet spotted that ledge grab. Not gonna lie though, I know I would've done the same. At least you didn't die.
0:21 - You could've cyphered. You were hit with utilt and even though you chucked a nade, I'm sure there's enough time to get that cypher going. Maybe just a button mess up? Stuff happens.
1:02 - 1:05 -> You SD. If you gonna cypher, cypher high. Again, **** happens.
1:46 - haha, fair spike into nade. Nice.
2:13 - ugh, if only Rob got hit by the C4 after the footstool. So close haha.
I don't really know what to say about the second vid. Clearly you just SD twice and gave rob the 3rd stock. The rolling is less prevalent in this vid compared to the 1st one. Overall, just keep using Snake, get the feel for him, get those B-reverses down, grab more, and try to kill bad habits.
Good job man, keep up that C4 game. Also, I enjoyed the music in those vids. It made me wanna shuffle.
First Vid:
1:16 - yea fair spike attempt!
3:16 - Haha, 3rd fair. That made me smile haha.
I don't know what to say about this first vid. I didn't see any blatant bad habits. I just saw the mayhem that Snake dittos are.
Second Vid:
0:44 - Whew, talk about knowing attack ranges. You sho' know the hitbox of C4..
1:17 - I would've recovered higher and use cypher right after the jump. It's not like D3 was chasing you off the edge. He has time to react when you recovered low. Even if you made it to the ledge, it would still be a disadvantageous position.
1:30 + 1:40 - I'm not sure why you full hop naired. It wasn't autocancelled, so there's lag that the D3 should've capitalized on.
2:03 - this makes more sense to nair when D3 is at the ledge, so at least you can push him off to prevent a punish.
2:08 - nice haha. He tried to inhale you and sucked in your utilt instead.
the end - nice C4 kill
It's interesting the way you handled this MU. I personally camp a lot more. The D3 I used to play would space his bairs, grabs, and ftilt. If I dacus at him, he could consistently grab me out of it and would have a near perfect or perfect CG me to the edge. Well, it worked against this opponent though.
0:36 - I think you may have been able to space it just right so you wouldn't get hit by that fsmash, but MKs range is longer than it seems... so I'm probably wrong haha.
0:59 - you could've footstooled the nado instead of trying to airdodge through it. Bair or uair could've hit through it too, since it's the direct top of the nado.
In general, be careful when you pull your nades. That MK should've been capitalizing on that more. Pull nade to close and you'll get grabbed. It seemed like you spaced less and dacus a lot in this vid. I dunno what to say, Mk is just tough. I see more missed opportunities to punish from Mk than from you. Towards the end, Mk would nado when he could've took the stock with a dsmash or even a utilt. I don't see any blatant habits. Keep in mind though, I'm not that great in the MK MU though. Etecoon wrecked my Snake. He showed me to be careful when plucking nades, cause Mk's fast enough in the ground to punish it.