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The Official "Should/Will Metaknight be banned?" Thread (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

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Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2007
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow


no weaknesses. no bad matchups. insta ban because he's uber... he's supposed to be. MK was not supposed to be but he is. I don't see why you can't get stuff like this:
through your thick skull but when you CANNOT expect to win unless you use a certain character, he is broken and should be banned.

the fact that you believe that a game in which everyone plays MK on different levels is okay makes me laugh, and weep.... but most of all, want to shove a grenade up your ***.
except not, you see Meta knight is beatable, just because we cant do it yet doesn't mean he is ban worthy, one MK big weaknesses is his range, people must be on acid if they think the range on his sword is anything great, so saying he's perfect is just lying.

"oh but against a good player blah blah BS"

then that means they're a good player and they deserve to own. if MK had some button that monkey could push and own m2k then i would see where your coming from. the fact that people can still get MK to high % but fail to finish is their own lack in skill, nothing from MK


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
summing up your logic. you simply HAVE to be MK, or else you will lose.

you epicly fail
Could you please stop spreading the absolute ignorance in this thread. You are absolutely failing at giving ANYTHING logical to this topic without sounding like a babbling, arrogant 4-year old with a stick up it's ***.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
aaaaaand he posted his "4-points of phail thesis" again.... if he does that one more time he's getting ignored. honestly. his arguments have been shot full of more holes than a pair of risque undies.
aaaaaaand look another scrub who CANNOT prove me wrong, and is insulting me to try and change the subject? i cant eventell what your objective is


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
look Down

Wow. Another F4g Who Insults Me But Fails On Logic. For The Love Of Freakin God Answer These
1. The Games Metagame Is Not Even Close To Being Fully Developed. A Melee At Was Discovered Like A Month Ago. Melees Been Out For...8 Years? Probably More. And Yet Still At's Are Still To Be Discovered. And Brawls Physic Engines Are Way Different The Melee, So No At's Were Transferred. Sure Theres A Larger Community, But Its 8 Years >>>>>>>>>>>> Half A Year
2. If Wario's Cg Works, Then Mk Will Have A Bad Matchup. Nobody Can Argue That An One-mistake = 112% Advantage Can Be Good. And Even If It Doesnt Work. Most Of His Matchups At 60:40. Thats Very Winnable.
3. Somebody Said Something About No Poor Stages For Mk. Mk Is A Melee Fighter. Melee Fighters Generally Dont Have Advantages/disadvantages On Stages. Mk's Best Stage Is Rainbow Cruise Because It Focuses On Aerial Game, Which Is Mk's Bread On Butter.
4. Ahh, Tourneys. Mk Dominates Them. Name One Smasher That Isnt M2k Or Dojo That Uses Mk That Consistently Wins Tourneys. If You Cant, That Means M2k And Dojo Win The Majority Of Mk Wins, Sprinkled With A Minority Of Other Mk Players.

Your Being Stupid. It Was At The Top Of Page 163 Did You Skip The Whole Page?

You Ignoring Arguments Doesn't Mean No One Refuted Them.



Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
guys...1. the games metagame is NOT even close to being fully developed. a melee AT was discovered like a month ago. melees been out for...8 years? probably more. and yet still AT's are still to be discovered. and brawls physic engines are WAY different the melee, so no AT's were transferred. sure theres a larger community, but its 8 years >>>>>>>>>>>> half a year
2. If wario's CG works, then MK WILL have a bad matchup. NOBODY can argue that an one-mistake = 112% advantage can be good. and even if it doesnt work. most of his matchups at 60:40. thats very winnable.
3. somebody said something about no poor stages for MK. MK is a MELEE fighter. melee fighters generally dont have advantages/disadvantages on stages. MK's best stage is rainbow cruise because it focuses on aerial game, which is MK's bread on butter.
4. ahh, tourneys. MK dominates them. name one smasher that isnt M2K or Dojo that uses MK that consistently wins tourneys. if you cant, that means M2K and Dojo win the majority of MK wins, sprinkled with a minority of other MK players.

DONT post unless you can prove me wrong. otherwise, go on another thread. im tired of hearing the same BS over and over


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
guys...1. The Games Metagame Is Not Even Close To Being Fully Developed. A Melee At Was Discovered Like A Month Ago. Melees Been Out For...8 Years? Probably More. And Yet Still At's Are Still To Be Discovered. And Brawls Physic Engines Are Way Different The Melee, So No At's Were Transferred. Sure Theres A Larger Community, But Its 8 Years >>>>>>>>>>>> Half A Year
2. If Wario's Cg Works, Then Mk Will Have A Bad Matchup. Nobody Can Argue That An One-mistake = 112% Advantage Can Be Good. And Even If It Doesnt Work. Most Of His Matchups At 60:40. Thats Very Winnable.
3. Somebody Said Something About No Poor Stages For Mk. Mk Is A Melee Fighter. Melee Fighters Generally Dont Have Advantages/disadvantages On Stages. Mk's Best Stage Is Rainbow Cruise Because It Focuses On Aerial Game, Which Is Mk's Bread On Butter.
4. Ahh, Tourneys. Mk Dominates Them. Name One Smasher That Isnt M2k Or Dojo That Uses Mk That Consistently Wins Tourneys. If You Cant, That Means M2k And Dojo Win The Majority Of Mk Wins, Sprinkled With A Minority Of Other Mk Players.

Dont Post Unless You Can Prove Me Wrong. Otherwise, Go On Another Thread. Im Tired Of Hearing The Same Bs Over And Over
its Been Prooven Wrong Stop Skipping Pages.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
Vidjo wins tourneys
Infernomni wins tourneys
Plank wins tourneys
Forte wins tourneys
DSF wins tourneys
Overswarm wins tourneys
and hylian started playing MK in tourneys a little while ago, just another one on the list that is switching to MK
Stilts wins tourneys
Lee wins tourneys
Dojo won ONE tourney

and they ALLLLLL play metaknight... stop saying theres only two people
Lol I've won more than one tourney thanks....
It was just that tourney that I got hyped so much because I ***** everyone there.

Hylian has not switched to MK. He didn't even play him at Hobo besides a few friendlies. He simply played him at that SA tourney to try and put more easy MK placings up to help get him banned....


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
aaaaaand he posted his "4-points of phail thesis" again.... if he does that one more time he's getting ignored. honestly. his arguments have been shot full of more holes than a pair of risque undies.

Your Being Stupid. It Was At The Top Of Page 163 Did You Skip The Whole Page?

You Ignoring Arguments Doesn't Mean No One Refuted Them.

stop talking to me in huge font its disturbing. and point 3 has to do with stages....stages...melee...i don get it. what arguements am i ignoring? how come EVERYBODY is insulting and blah blah blah but NO freakin COLD HARD LOGIC? -sigh-

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
except not, you see Meta knight is beatable, just because we cant do it yet doesn't mean he is ban worthy, one MK big weaknesses is his range, people must be on acid if they think the range on his sword is anything great, so saying he's perfect is just lying.

"oh but against a good player blah blah BS"

then that means they're a good player and they deserve to own. if MK had some button that monkey could push and own m2k then i would see where your coming from. the fact that people can still get MK to high % but fail to finish is their own lack in skill, nothing from MK
I was going to pick this post apart line by line... but this was such epic fail that I just had to not even bother.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
stop Talking To Me In Huge Font Its Disturbing. And Point 3 Has To Do With Stages....stages...melee...i Don Get It. What Arguements Am I Ignoring? How Come Everybody Is Insulting And Blah Blah Blah But No Freakin Cold Hard Logic? -sigh-
the Top Of Page 163 How Can It Not Be Clearer. I'm Talking In Huge Font Because I Think You Might Be Blind.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2007

I don't think you can make it more obvious that you have absolutely no idea about how the competitive scene of this video game series works. Fox was not banned because he did not completely obliterate the metagame. He had counters that could stand a chance against him. He had advantageous, disadvantageous, AND even match-ups.
Meta-Knight destroys people. He destroys the metagame by simply EXISTING as a viable character. I can't put this any more simply.


Were you adding on to my point or disagreeing with it?!
So does MK, except people just fail at it. so MK's Learning curve is 7 months while yoshi's might be 7 years, that's not ban worthy.

and no Meta does not destroy people. nothing is guranteed to hit in this game, so if someone keeps getting gimped by MK then they aren't predicting or airdodging or recovering corectly


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
due to the amount of ignorance, im going to sum up ALL if my arguements in one psot. if you can refute all my points, and i cannot say anything, then i lose

1. the games metagame is NOT even close to being fully developed. a melee AT was discovered like a month ago. melees been out for...8 years? probably more. and yet still AT's are still to be discovered. and brawls physic engines are WAY different the melee, so no AT's were transferred. sure theres a larger community, but its 8 years >>>>>>>>>>>> half a year
2. If wario's CG works, then MK WILL have a bad matchup. NOBODY can argue that an one-mistake = 112% advantage can be good. and even if it doesnt work. most of his matchups at 60:40. thats very winnable.
3. somebody said something about no poor stages for MK. MK is a MELEE fighter. melee fighters generally dont have advantages/disadvantages on stages. MK's best stage is rainbow cruise because it focuses on aerial game, which is MK's bread on butter.
4. ahh, tourneys. MK dominates them. name one smasher that isnt M2K or Dojo that uses MK that consistently wins tourneys. if you cant, that means M2K and Dojo win the majority of MK wins, sprinkled with a minority of other MK players.

if you can refute all of these and i cant say anything, you win
1. I'll hold off on this until you link me to this said Melee AT. Depending on the nature of it, it may gain... or lose weight in your argument.
2. I'll hold off on this until there's more confirmation. But to keep you busy until then, ponder on why Falcon's infinite on Wario doesn't change his matchup disadvantage into a sudden neutral (not even pushing for advantage here).
3. There are melee characters with various problems concerning some moving stages because of their jumping ability and/or, Ike, DK, and Ganondorf in mind. Sonic has problems with people who can camp under platforms effectively (Sheik chain comes to mind >_>). MK also has some noticeable 'exploits' on levels like Luigi's Mansion, with the columns to increase his D-smash's length and low ceiling to either tech from or set opponents up for semijablock>dsmash, or Battlefield, being able to keep people above him with his high priority moves. Ganondorf can counterpick lava levels to do "Ganoncides" that don't... kill Ganondorf.

I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with this point anyway.
But generally, there are levels that you think "Oh, ______ doesn't do so well on this level" against characters, and those will generally be your counterpicks. People counterpick BF on my Sonic pretty often, because the general consensus is that Sonic is more limited with platforms under him. Enlighten me, what stages are MK bad on? I just checked a thread in the MK boards and people said Yoshi's Island [reason cited: "but everyone sucks there"], and... Final Destination. FD doesn't even give him any disadvantages. It just makes it better for characters who can projectile spam.
4. DSF, KingAce come to mind.


Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2008
1. MK's advantages are so spread out that no AT that isn't character specific, which will be discovered more often if he is temporarily banned, can shut him down.

2. If.

3. MK has no bad stages, period. Everyone does, and you act as if MK is the only close range fighter. Sure, there are many campers, but MK is not the only melee fighter.

4. Need I say more?


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
Lol I've won more than one tourney thanks....
It was just that tourney that I got hyped so much because I ***** everyone there.

Hylian has not switched to MK. He didn't even play him at Hobo besides a few friendlies. He simply played him at that SA tourney to try and put more easy MK placings up to help get him banned....
OK dont gimme BS. sure those are amazing MK players. so? and im not talking about local tourneys here. im takling about big tourneys. all i know of is M2K and Dojo

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
thats it, im done, hes not listening to reason or logic, and nobody is backing him, i assume this is his point though, just keep saying the same thing over and over again until we all get tired and leave, well if that was your plan, that makes you a stubborn fool and i will be having no more of this


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
vidjo Wins Tourneys
Infernomni Wins Tourneys
Plank Wins Tourneys
Forte Wins Tourneys
Dsf Wins Tourneys
Overswarm Wins Tourneys
And Hylian Started Playing Mk In Tourneys A Little While Ago, Just Another One On The List That Is Switching To Mk
Stilts Wins Tourneys
Lee Wins Tourneys
Dojo Won One Tourney

And They Allllll Play Metaknight... Stop Saying Theres Only Two People

brin, Stop Ignoring This

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
stop talking to me in huge font its disturbing. and point 3 has to do with stages....stages...melee...i don get it. what arguements am i ignoring? how come EVERYBODY is insulting and blah blah blah but NO freakin COLD HARD LOGIC? -sigh-
logic.... your argument has been shot down... you have lost... you keep arguing... you hole is getting deeper. pretty soon you'll lose all credibility. You'll have to bide your time for at least a few months before you are taken seriously again... or maybe close this account and make a new one.

seriously though. I'm done with you. NEXT!


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
So does MK, except people just fail at it. so MK's Learning curve is 7 months while yoshi's might be 7 years, that's not ban worthy.

and no Meta does not destroy people. nothing is guranteed to hit in this game, so if someone keeps getting gimped by MK then they aren't predicting or airdodging or recovering corectly
so people should develop physic abilities in order to deal with MK? Hey guys he has the answer we just have to evolve to where we can read our opponents mind MK isn't broken after all.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Rockville, MD
Objectively, there's no reason to pick another character than Metaknight. Matchups eeet ceteraaaa.

Objectively, there's no reason not to play Fox. Freaking everybody at least subbed Fox, because he was that good once you got to a competitive level, and if you were "that kind of good" and actually mattered when you showed up at a tournament, there wasn't a match in the game where, assuming you knew what to do and what not to get hit with in that match, you couldn't ruhruhrape everybody. Did you have exploitable weaknesses? Yeah. Were they any worse than anybody else's in the game or stopping you from cleaning up anybody using somebody else, looking at things holistically? Not really.

Which characters, who are otherwise competitively viable, are countered hard, and I mean worse than just "disadvantaged" at 40:60 vs Metaknight, thereby breaking whatever chance they have to counter anybody else? Not most of top tier or most of high.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
Here we go, attempt #2 directly at your points:
1. the games metagame is NOT even close to being fully developed. a melee AT was discovered like a month ago. melees been out for...8 years? probably more. and yet still AT's are still to be discovered. and brawls physic engines are WAY different the melee, so no AT's were transferred. sure theres a larger community, but its 8 years >>>>>>>>>>>> half a year
Fact: There is no realistic, general AT that can give the rest of the cast an advantage against MetaKnight. This means if an AT is to be discovered that will work against him it must be character specific. Fact: The chances of discovering a character specific AT drops dramatically the less skilled players are playing as them and the less variety of situations they are used in, and with the best going to MK and most matchups being against MK there is very little chance of these ATs being discovered before MK ruins the game. You can say 8 years all you want, but given current trends there is no indication that the competitive Brawl scene will remain popular for even 2 if MK is left unchecked. Most likely in fact is that future ATs will benefit MK more than everyone else, because they'll be likely to help him get around projectiles or combo people better, something like that.
2. If wario's CG works, then MK WILL have a bad matchup. NOBODY can argue that an one-mistake = 112% advantage can be good. and even if it doesnt work. most of his matchups at 60:40. thats very winnable.
So? First, the Wario CG hasn't been duplicated by anyone except the initial poster currently. It's not looking good. Second, the fact that many of MKs matchups are 60:40 is known already and doesn't impact things -- if you choose MK or face a 40:60 uphill battle, you'll be picking MK. Why is this an acceptable situation?
3. somebody said something about no poor stages for MK. MK is a MELEE fighter. melee fighters generally dont have advantages/disadvantages on stages. MK's best stage is rainbow cruise because it focuses on aerial game, which is MK's bread on butter.
Melee fighters have disadvantaged or advantaged stages based on their throw games, their edge guarding capability, their recoveries, etc. Meta Knight has no stages that tip any of the matches against him, which makes the previous point of having to switch to him or face an uphill battle even more significant because there's no stage you can pick to provide yourself an edge.

By the way, for everyone trying to respond to this point, when he says "Melee" he means "Melee ranged", ie no projectile. He doesn't mean Smash Melee. Yes, he fails at communicating.
4. ahh, tourneys. MK dominates them. name one smasher that isnt M2K or Dojo that uses MK that consistently wins tourneys. if you cant, that means M2K and Dojo win the majority of MK wins, sprinkled with a minority of other MK players.
Per Da K.I.D.:
Vidjo wins tourneys
Infernomni wins tourneys
Plank wins tourneys
Forte wins tourneys
DSF wins tourneys
Overswarm wins tourneys
Stilts wins tourneys
Lee wins tourneys

I'm done.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Lol I've won more than one tourney thanks....
It was just that tourney that I got hyped so much because I ***** everyone there.

Hylian has not switched to MK. He didn't even play him at Hobo besides a few friendlies. He simply played him at that SA tourney to try and put more easy MK placings up to help get him banned....
1st Part:
Correction - You ***** everyone you played, not everyone there...

I really wanted to play you and Santi... ;_;

2nd Part:
Which again brings up the question:
If everyone is so intent on trying to ban him in that manner, then why not just ban him now? Many people would play MK just to get him banned.

I choose not to, because I think it's lame to even consider playing as the guy.
That, and as I told Yuna, I despise Meta Knight's character (even before Brawl) as a whole.
Except for that 'Zorro-esque' accent he had from 4kids. That was awesome.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
OK dont gimme BS. sure those are amazing MK players. so? and im not talking about local tourneys here. im takling about big tourneys. all i know of is M2K and Dojo

What's your criteria on big?

All of the BIG tournies have had m2k, azen, and others who win them. If m2k and azen are the best brawlers, how do you expect someone else to win?


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
1. I'll hold off on this until you link me to this said Melee AT. Depending on the nature of it, it may gain... or lose weight in your argument.
2. I'll hold off on this until there's more confirmation. But to keep you busy until then, ponder on why Falcon's infinite on Wario doesn't change his matchup disadvantage into a sudden neutral (not even pushing for advantage here).
3. There are melee characters with various problems concerning some moving stages because of their jumping ability and/or, Ike, DK, and Ganondorf in mind. Sonic has problems with people who can camp under platforms effectively (Sheik chain comes to mind >_>). MK also has some noticeable 'exploits' on levels like Luigi's Mansion, with the columns to increase his D-smash's length and low ceiling to either tech from or set opponents up for semijablock>dsmash, or Battlefield, being able to keep people above him with his high priority moves. Ganondorf can counterpick lava levels to do "Ganoncides" that don't... kill Ganondorf. i really dont think the stage matters...but from what i hear, OK. you guys win for point 3. what about point 1 2 and 4?

I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with this point anyway.
But generally, there are levels that you think "Oh, ______ doesn't do so well on this level" against characters, and those will generally be your counterpicks. People counterpick BF on my Sonic pretty often, because the general consensus is that Sonic is more limited with platforms under him. Enlighten me, what stages are MK bad on? I just checked a thread in the MK boards and people said Yoshi's Island [reason cited: "but everyone sucks there"], and... Final Destination. FD doesn't even give him any disadvantages. It just makes it better for characters who can projectile spam.
4. DSF, KingAce come to mind.
1. MK's advantages are so spread out that no AT that isn't character specific, which will be discovered more often if he is temporarily banned, can shut him down.-sigh- i know hes broken. im just sayiing to give it a little more time until he should get banned

2. If.yup. most of his matchups are 60:40 anyway

3. MK has no bad stages, period. Everyone does, and you act as if MK is the only close range fighter. Sure, there are many campers, but MK is not the only melee fighter.point 3 you guys won
4. Need I say more?yes. all i got is a couple of noticeable MK players. im saying whoever WINS TOURNEYS CONSISTENTLY, not is a good MK player
replies in red


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
What's your criteria on big?uhhh you mean ban?

All of the BIG tournies have had m2k, azen, and others who win them. If m2k and azen are the best brawlers, how do you expect someone else to win?well, what can i say. its about them and MK. they use him, so yea. theyre the best, and they chose him. what else can i say?
replies in red


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
OK dont gimme BS. sure those are amazing MK players. so? and im not talking about local tourneys here. im takling about big tourneys. all i know of is M2K and Dojo
Lol you just realized that the one you stated winning tournies is the one you're BSing in the quote? LOOOOL owned.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
OK dont gimme BS. sure those are amazing MK players. so? and im not talking about local tourneys here. im takling about big tourneys. all i know of is M2K and Dojo
M2K is an amazing player. If you're talking about big tournaments where he is present, then he'll most likely come up top 10, if not, top 4.

Why discard local tourneys? Heh, there'd be alot more MK wins and such if you took in local tourneys, because don't they factor into tournament rankings as well?

PS, someone link me to this Melee AT that got discovered after 8 years.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
don't even both brinboy is just going to ignore this like he ignored the 1st post on page 163 and keep saying no one has disproved him. If he missed the 1st post in a page he won't see this one.

edit: both was supposed to be bother lol
show me it then. if there was one then i missed it because of all the constant replies

All the mk's mentioned DO win tournies....
BIG, MAJOR tourneys. not talking about local tourneys


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
M2K is an amazing player. If you're talking about big tournaments where he is present, then he'll most likely come up top 10, if not, top 4.

Why discard local tourneys? Heh, there'd be alot more MK wins and such if you took in local tourneys, because don't they factor into tournament rankings as well?
Because if you discard local tournies then he can keep on saying there aren't many MK mains that win tournaments.

Its extremly stupid too because people travel to big tournaments especially the ones winning so if the 40 best MKs show up at the tournament only 1 will win


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
BIG, MAJOR tourneys. not talking about local tourneys

Once again, "All of the BIG tournies have had m2k, azen, and others who win them. If m2k and azen are the best brawlers, how do you expect someone else to win?"

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
1. MK's advantages are so spread out that no AT that isn't character specific, which will be discovered more often if he is temporarily banned, can shut him down.

2. If.

3. MK has no bad stages, period. Everyone does, and you act as if MK is the only close range fighter. Sure, there are many campers, but MK is not the only melee fighter.

4. Need I say more?

1. I'll hold off on this until you link me to this said Melee AT. Depending on the nature of it, it may gain... or lose weight in your argument.
2. I'll hold off on this until there's more confirmation. But to keep you busy until then, ponder on why Falcon's infinite on Wario doesn't change his matchup disadvantage into a sudden neutral (not even pushing for advantage here).
3. There are melee characters with various problems concerning some moving stages because of their jumping ability and/or, Ike, DK, and Ganondorf in mind. Sonic has problems with people who can camp under platforms effectively (Sheik chain comes to mind >_>). MK also has some noticeable 'exploits' on levels like Luigi's Mansion, with the columns to increase his D-smash's length and low ceiling to either tech from or set opponents up for semijablock>dsmash, or Battlefield, being able to keep people above him with his high priority moves. Ganondorf can counterpick lava levels to do "Ganoncides" that don't... kill Ganondorf.

I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with this point anyway.
But generally, there are levels that you think "Oh, ______ doesn't do so well on this level" against characters, and those will generally be your counterpicks. People counterpick BF on my Sonic pretty often, because the general consensus is that Sonic is more limited with platforms under him. Enlighten me, what stages are MK bad on? I just checked a thread in the MK boards and people said Yoshi's Island [reason cited: "but everyone sucks there"], and... Final Destination. FD doesn't even give him any disadvantages. It just makes it better for characters who can projectile spam.
4. DSF, KingAce come to mind.
1. the games metagame is NOT even close to being fully developed. a melee AT was discovered like a month ago. melees been out for...8 years? probably more. and yet still AT's are still to be discovered. and brawls physic engines are WAY different the melee, so no AT's were transferred. sure theres a larger community, but its 8 years >>>>>>>>>>>> half a year

So your telling us to wait 8 years and then ban MK? but wait in 8 years melee will have 16 so we better wait 16 but wait in 16 years melee will have 24 we better wait 24 32 40 48 56? how about just wait 8000 years I'm sure we will have figured out brawl completely by then.
What happens if nothing new comes out in 8 years? What if we have completed the metagame huh? We're just going to keep on holding onto the hope of some AT that MK can't use to beat him?
If we where to find said AT then he would become unbroken and we should unban him then not the other way around.

2. If wario's CG works, then MK WILL have a bad matchup. NOBODY can argue that an one-mistake = 112% advantage can be good. and even if it doesnt work. most of his matchups at 60:40. thats very winnable.

Seriously stupid go back and read its been said that it only works to 32% warrio can string that easily CG doesn't change anything

3. somebody said something about no poor stages for MK. MK is a MELEE fighter. melee fighters generally dont have advantages/disadvantages on stages. MK's best stage is
rainbow cruise because it focuses on aerial game, which is MK's bread on butter.

This is your reason for not banning MK?
4. ahh, tourneys. MK dominates them. name one smasher that isnt M2K or Dojo that uses MK that consistently wins tourneys. if you cant, that means M2K and Dojo win the majority of MK wins, sprinkled with a minority of other MK players.

God you moron go look at tournament results dojo got 9th at hobo 11 your talking about him like he is 1 of 2 while there are a lot more.

1: M2K (meta)
2: Azen (lucario/meta)
3: Lee (meta)
4: DMG (wario
5: DSF (snake/meta)
5: Roy_R (marth)
7: Edrees (peach)
7: Hylian (GW/meta?)
9: Chuck (meta/pkmn)
9: Ky (pit)
9: Dojo (meta)
9: Magik (meta/pkmn)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2007
Objectively, there's no reason to pick another character than Metaknight. Matchups eeet ceteraaaa.

Objectively, there's no reason not to play Fox. Freaking everybody at least subbed Fox, because he was that good once you got to a competitive level, and if you were "that kind of good" and actually mattered when you showed up at a tournament, there wasn't a match in the game where, assuming you knew what to do and what not to get hit with in that match, you couldn't ruhruhrape everybody. Did you have exploitable weaknesses? Yeah. Were they any worse than anybody else's in the game or stopping you from cleaning up anybody using somebody else, looking at things holistically? Not really.

Which characters, who are otherwise competitively viable, are countered hard, and I mean worse than just "disadvantaged" at 40:60 vs Metaknight, thereby breaking whatever chance they have to counter anybody else? Not most of top tier or most of high.

epic win this is why MK should not be banned. we just haven't executed well enough to beat him consistently yet. I know this isn't melee, but the fox example mirrors rather well the stigma you are attempting to level on MK.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
Guys, we should be happy that brinboy is here; he's making this discussion soooooooo easy on us.
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