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The Official "Should/Will Metaknight be banned?" Thread (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

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Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
So like.... why is he still here again?
Because Overswarm's ban criteria is not generally accepted by the community? Like, he just made up those rules and posted them here, what, this morning? I'm not saying it's a bad list, just that it's arbitrary and requires scrutiny. The existing, established criteria is something like "no other character stands a reasonable chance of winning", and this doesn't seem to be the case. As people like Azen are able to beat out some really good MKs with other characters.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
For number 4, I could get good with MK in about 4 days and just mop all my local tournies and a regional if they pop up, That would show you how he just dominates, if you want?
MK is just as hard to use as the rest of the cast. he just has more advantages. why cant this get people get this through their heads? if tahts true, they how come i havent seen an MK that consistently wins tourneys except for M2K and Dojo?

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Because Overswarm's ban criteria is not generally accepted by the community?
then why aren't we deciding wheter or not we AGREE with the criteria instead of bickering circles around it like children?
MK is just as hard to use as the rest of the cast. he just has more advantages. why cant this get people get this through their heads? if tahts true, they how come i havent seen an MK that consistently wins tourneys except for M2K and Dojo?
because they beat the other MKs :laugh:


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
All of you guys are saying things along the lines of:
"Based on this, MK should be banned. So why isn't he?"
Just because you guys agree with it isn't going to make it a widely accepted criteria.
Plus he made shaped around exactly Metaknight's current traits, so of course all of them would apply to MK.

Overswarm is pro-ban, so his "criteria" is going to be biased.

because its the closest thing we have to actually having one, and because people have been asking for a set criteria for ages
It has been the widely accepted criteria "for ages" that a character is to be banned when the game turns into "Play said character or lose".
I don't understand why you think no guidelines exist.

Is there any criteria you think I should add or change to that list? I think it might be important for you to do so if you wish to disagree.
Minus everything, Plus "When the game becomes Play MK or lose".


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
My question was. What would happen if a player choose random and got MK.

Answer was:

the same thing that would happen if you banned a neutral stage and got it on random, just restart.

but that brings up a funny idea, what if we let people play MK but ONLY if they got him on random. that would liven things up huh?

I personally think this would be hilarious.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
then why aren't we deciding wheter or not we AGREE with the criteria instead of bickering circles around it like children?
how about instead of agreeing to someones OPINION or not, we can go on my post, which i state with FACTS. good, simple, logic, 4 points on why MK shouldnt be banned. if you are to somehow prove me wrong. i will apologize for what ive done, and you win. if you dont, then stop being a scrub


Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2008
Those qualities are shaped around MK because EVERYTHING is shaped around MK. What else could he have said? Those are pretty much all the qualities of competitive play.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2008
Victoria, BC, Canada
Just a quick note to everyone saying the Wario CG only lasts to 30% - unless you checked the Wario boards in the last 20 mins (I haven't) and they know it doesn't work, let's leave it to them to do the testing b4 we spend half an hour doing it wrong and say "well guess that settles that!" It is supposed to be quite hard to do.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
here it is:

due to the amount of ignorance, im going to sum up ALL if my arguements in one psot. if you can refute all my points, and i cannot say anything, then i lose

1. the games metagame is NOT even close to being fully developed. a melee AT was discovered like a month ago. melees been out for...8 years? probably more. and yet still AT's are still to be discovered. and brawls physic engines are WAY different the melee, so no AT's were transferred. sure theres a larger community, but its 8 years >>>>>>>>>>>> half a year
2. If wario's CG works, then MK WILL have a bad matchup. NOBODY can argue that an one-mistake = 112% advantage can be good. and even if it doesnt work. most of his matchups at 60:40. thats very winnable.
3. somebody said something about no poor stages for MK. MK is a MELEE fighter. melee fighters generally dont have advantages/disadvantages on stages. MK's best stage is rainbow cruise because it focuses on aerial game, which is MK's bread on butter.
4. ahh, tourneys. MK dominates them. name one smasher that isnt M2K or Dojo that uses MK that consistently wins tourneys. if you cant, that means M2K and Dojo win the majority of MK wins, sprinkled with a minority of other MK players.

if you can refute all of these and i cant say anything, you win

prove me wrong. oh and da K.I.D? as your sig says, have logic babies with me. PROVE ME THAT IM WRONG

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
how about instead of agreeing to someones OPINION or not, we can go on my post, which i state with FACTS. good, simple, logic, 4 points on why MK shouldnt be banned. if you are to somehow prove me wrong. i will apologize for what ive done, and you win. if you dont, then stop being a scrub
:laugh: you think you're hot **** huh? well come back when you can tell me why cold hard facts can't possibly say why MK should or should not be banned.

like honestly, nobody wants to see you C&P your self proclaimed "epic post" over and over.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
1. the games metagame is NOT even close to being fully developed. a melee AT was discovered like a month ago. melees been out for...8 years? probably more. and yet still AT's are still to be discovered. and brawls physic engines are WAY different the melee, so no AT's were transferred. sure theres a larger community, but its 8 years >>>>>>>>>>>> half a year
But there is also no imaginable AT that will give MK a problem, unless it's character specific. And the other characters aren't being used enough by the players who would be most likely to discover these things, because they're playing MK instead. Any general AT that gives others an edge will likely neutralize with MK being able to capitalize it just as well, unless it's something that relies on having a projectile (Which is again, pretty much character specific.)
2. If wario's CG works, then MK WILL have a bad matchup. NOBODY can argue that an one-mistake = 112% advantage can be good. and even if it doesnt work. most of his matchups at 60:40. thats very winnable.
If Wario's CG works, yes. If. Bring this one up once it's been proven to work. And being winnable is irrelevent when there's no reason to pick anyone but MK. The ease of many of his victories seem to indicate the matchups aren't actually 60:40, I suspect the charts are just inaccurate on this and most are tipped more heavily towards MK.
3. somebody said something about no poor stages for MK. MK is a MELEE fighter. melee fighters generally dont have advantages/disadvantages on stages. MK's best stage is rainbow cruise because it focuses on aerial game, which is MK's bread on butter.
Other characters have bad stages. What this means is you can't even counterpick a stage against MK to pick up an advantage, so there's no way to push any of the even close to neutral matchups to advantages to you. So you may as well play MK, because that's the best matchup you're going to get. How is it not a problem when people have to switch to MK to beat him at times, because there is no other option or stage they can pick instead to gain the same kind of edge?
4. ahh, tourneys. MK dominates them. name one smasher that isnt M2K or Dojo that uses MK that consistently wins tourneys. if you cant, that means M2K and Dojo win the majority of MK wins, sprinkled with a minority of other MK players.
I don't know enough high level players to do this, so someone else will have to pick that one up. I doubt M2K and Dojo have gone to enough tournies to have accumulated nearly as many wins for MK as he's got though. You didn't actually demonstrate that MK didn't dominate by saying a scattering of people are winning with him. In fact, that points to him being too effective because he's causing problems for other non-MK players who could otherwise win. It would be stronger for your argument if people could name just a few other really skilled players who are responsible for MK's wins, but the fact is people are picking him up and just thrashing others with him, causing those people to either switch or quit playing because they can't do a thing about it. That points to MK being too effective.

Now, my other points beyond responding to yours:
MK is driving players away from competitive smash. Why is the loss of players (Likely permanently, most people don't resume a hobby they've gotten bored of and found other things to do instead) not something to take action for?
How is banning a problem character such a terrible thing? If someone comes to a tournament and finds that their favorite stage that they always play on is banned, won't that make them quit? Why does this fact not matter, but addressing a character causing similar issues is a huge problem?
Why are you against even a temporary ban, to see if any other ATs that could allow people to combat Meta Knight emerge? If you're not against it, why haven't you mentioned it as an acceptable initial solution?


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
Seriously Brinboy....i feel your only defending your main.

I challenge you to go win a tourney with Link.

1. He sucks.
2. He is way harder to use than metaknight because he uses so many AT's.
3. Good luck, you'll need it.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
4. tournament winners
Dojo just won 1 tourney recently and M2K is only one guy so he cant possibly account for all 36 of MKs other tourney wins up to this point. if you want to know who has, please go look up DSF(DieSuperFly), Plank, and KingAce. is that satisfactory for ppl that are not M2K and dojo?


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
The problem with waiting for the top 5 of every tournament to be all MK is that some of the best players have favorite characters, and they will stick to it until it's proven to be completely broken (in a bad way).

I don't think placing top 3 consistently should be grounds for banning, at all. It shows the character is good, not necessarily broken. Honestly, the only criteria that actually should matter in OS's list is the last one.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2007
due to the amount of ignorance, im going to sum up ALL if my arguements in one psot. if you can refute all my points, and i cannot say anything, then i lose

1. the games metagame is NOT even close to being fully developed. a melee AT was discovered like a month ago. melees been out for...8 years? probably more. and yet still AT's are still to be discovered. and brawls physic engines are WAY different the melee, so no AT's were transferred. sure theres a larger community, but its 8 years >>>>>>>>>>>> half a year
2. If wario's CG works, then MK WILL have a bad matchup. NOBODY can argue that an one-mistake = 112% advantage can be good. and even if it doesnt work. most of his matchups at 60:40. thats very winnable.
3. somebody said something about no poor stages for MK. MK is a MELEE fighter. melee fighters generally dont have advantages/disadvantages on stages. MK's best stage is rainbow cruise because it focuses on aerial game, which is MK's bread on butter.
4. ahh, tourneys. MK dominates them. name one smasher that isnt M2K or Dojo that uses MK that consistently wins tourneys. if you cant, that means M2K and Dojo win the majority of MK wins, sprinkled with a minority of other MK players.

if you can refute all of these and i cant say anything, you win
1.There are tons of people looking for stuff in Brawl. Metagame has progressed farther than you think.
2.I doubt it. If it were anything amazing, it'd probably be more well-known by now.
3."Melee fighter" as opposed to "ranged"? Very, very few players can depend well on projectiles (Samus comes to mind), so in your definition, then, almost all characters would be "Melee", but they still have bad stages: Your logic is flawed.
4.M2K and Dojo are merely the most fameous. MK would not be so far considered for a ban if it were just two people. MK has won far more tournaments than any other character.


Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2008
It's so obvious that he should be banned. Besides weight, he has no disadvantages, no counterpicks, no nothing. Most of him match-ups are **** and he has no bad match-ups whatsoever, not even a neutral that's widely agreed on. Metaknight is destroying competitive Smash and leaving him in the scene will end Brawl completely. Nobody here wants that.

Also, brinboy, you're getting nowhere right now. Please stop owning yourself.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
But there is also no imaginable AT that will give MK a problem, unless it's character specific. And the other characters aren't being used enough by the players who would be most likely to discover these things, because they're playing MK instead. Any general AT that gives others an edge will likely neutralize with MK being able to capitalize it just as well, unless it's something that relies on having a projectile (Which is again, pretty much character specific.)that is why we have to let the game mature, FIND new AT's so the metagame will develop.

If Wario's CG works, yes. If. Bring this one up once it's been proven to work. And being winnable is irrelevent when there's no reason to pick anyone but MK. The ease of many of his victories seem to indicate the matchups aren't actually 60:40, I suspect the charts are just inaccurate on this and most are tipped more heavily towards MK.i said IF. the charts are the new updated frequently version, not the outdated one. and i really dont care if you suspect that theyre innacurate? theyre what people generally believe on. and yes, his matchups are mostly 60:40. with the occasional 70:30, and the even more occasional neutral.

Other characters have bad stages. What this means is you can't even counterpick a stage against MK to pick up an advantage, so there's no way to push any of the even close to neutral matchups to advantages to you. So you may as well play MK, because that's the best matchup you're going to get. How is it not a problem when people have to switch to MK to beat him at times, because there is no other option or stage they can pick instead to gain the same kind of edge?example please. i cant think of any character that actually has an advantage on a stage that is a melee fighter.

I don't know enough high level players to do this, so someone else will have to pick that one up. I doubt M2K and Dojo have gone to enough tournies to have accumulated nearly as many wins for MK as he's got though. You didn't actually demonstrate that MK didn't dominate by saying a scattering of people are winning with him. In fact, that points to him being too effective because he's causing problems for other non-MK players who could otherwise win. It would be stronger for your argument if people could name just a few other really skilled players who are responsible for MK's wins, but the fact is people are picking him up and just thrashing others with him, causing those people to either switch or quit playing because they can't do a thing about it. That points to MK being too effective.well then who else is? i watch brawl videos (sometimes. theyre too boring) and its mostly Dojo and M2k winning tourneys and whatnot. i really havent seen much otehr players winning tourneys. yes i know hes effective. but that doesnt have to do with anything related to this point. all i see winning tourneys consistently is m2k and dojo.

Now, my other points beyond responding to yours:
MK is driving players away from competitive smash. Why is the loss of players (Likely permanently, most people don't resume a hobby they've gotten bored of and found other things to do instead) not something to take action for?give me solid evidence. whos quitting smash because of MK? and if somebody actually is, then they are either lazy, is a quitter, or just cannot learn to counter one character.
How is banning a problem character such a terrible thing? If someone comes to a tournament and finds that their favorite stage that they always play on is banned, won't that make them quit? Why does this fact not matter, but addressing a character causing similar issues is a huge problem?because it is the last resort to ban a character.
Why are you against even a temporary ban, to see if any other ATs that could allow people to combat Meta Knight emerge? If you're not against it, why haven't you mentioned it as an acceptable initial solution?because, the game has been out for only a few months. seriously, how is that enough for a ban? even a temporary ban. and if MK was banned temporarily, HOW would AT's revolving around MK evolve if he cant be used in the first place???
replies in red


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Rockville, MD
Who does Metaknight completely, unequivocally, hopelessly shut out that DDD, GW, Snake, whoever else don't already? Which of his matchups are abnormally destructive to everbody else, to the point where he is not just at a slight advantage but majorly destroying the rest of the already "viable" characters? So long as even one guy is good enough to consistently beat Metaknight with loldittoing him, why can't the rest of us just step it up?

Aen's MK plays pretty average considering he's Azen.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
1.There are tons of people looking for stuff in Brawl. Metagame has progressed farther than you think..as in...how? the games been out for only a couple of months
2.I doubt it. If it were anything amazing, it'd probably be more well-known by now.i care if you doubt it? search it up for all i care. it exists. and even if it doesnt work, 60:40, most of his matchups, is winnable.
3."Melee fighter" as opposed to "ranged"? Very, very few players can depend well on projectiles (Samus comes to mind), so in your definition, then, almost all characters would be "Melee", but they still have bad stages: Your logic is flawed.melee fighter as in no projectiles. zait doesnt count
4.M2K and Dojo are merely the most fameous. MK would not be so far considered for a ban if it were just two people. MK has won far more tournaments than any other character.then NAME them. NAME smashers that main MK that consistently win tourneys with him
It's so obvious that he should be banned. Besides weight, he has no disadvantages, no counterpicks, no nothing. Most of him match-ups are **** and he has no bad match-ups whatsoever, not even a neutral that's widely agreed on. Metaknight is destroying competitive Smash and leaving him in the scene will end Brawl completely. Nobody here wants that.

Also, brinboy, you're getting nowhere right now. Please stop owning yourself.
@ delta: if your gonna say something, back it up with facts, not insults please. it doesnt help anything.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2007
The only acceptable critieria for a ban is:

Having a tech, glitch, or ability that gives the opponent No chance to win. Not a hard chance, no chance. people still fight with MK, he doesn't just have some combo that kills everyone, so what he has alot of good matchups and stages, so what that doesn't mean you should ban him, it means you should get over it and learn to beat him, no its not impossible, you're just not good enough


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
Who does Metaknight completely, unequivocally, hopelessly shut out that DDD, GW, Snake, whoever else don't already? Which of his matchups are abnormally destructive to everbody else, to the point where he is not just at a slight advantage but majorly destroying the rest of the already "viable" characters? So long as even one guy is good enough to consistently beat Metaknight with loldittoing him, why can't the rest of us just step it up?

Aen's MK plays pretty average considering he's Azen.
most of the *low* tier characters are doomed with him. same with all the high tiers.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
The only acceptable critieria for a ban is:

Having a tech, glitch, or ability that gives the opponent No chance to win. Not a hard chance, no chance. people still fight with MK, he doesn't just have some combo that kills everyone, so what he has alot of good matchups and stages, so what that doesn't mean you should ban him, it means you should get over it and learn to beat him, no its not impossible, you're just not good enough

sorry for maybe double post


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
all of these criteria must be met

The criteria by itself does nothing. It is the combination.
I'm aware of that but you might aswell add a last point: "Said character has wings". I could then argue against it and you'd bring up the fact that each criteria means nothing by itself. :p

Though I do understand where you're getting at, there must be a better way to formulate it. And 3->6 are pretty redundant.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
due to the amount of ignorance, im going to sum up ALL if my arguements in one psot. if you can refute all my points, and i cannot say anything, then i lose

1. the games metagame is NOT even close to being fully developed. a melee AT was discovered like a month ago. melees been out for...8 years? probably more. and yet still AT's are still to be discovered. and brawls physic engines are WAY different the melee, so no AT's were transferred. sure theres a larger community, but its 8 years >>>>>>>>>>>> half a year.
This point is wrong. Why? because one of MK's biggest strengths is that he has NO punishable weakness. Absolutely nothing to exploit. his ONLY downsides are his lack of a projectile and his light weight. but they aren't exploitable weaknesses because he covers them up with his advantages. and there is no way around those advantages. he has speed, priority, range and a SICKENING lack of lag. hell he's essentially immune to ALL OoS options, something no other charcter can claim. Quite simply, no AT could conceivably counteract this. no form of movement, nothing. you can't , you just can't exploit his weaknesses.

Also, Brawl's metagame is progressing at a rate ASTONISHINGLY faster than melee INCLUDING the discovery of ATs. it's been long enough for a GLIMMER of hope to appear.
2. If wario's CG works, then MK WILL have a bad matchup. NOBODY can argue that an one-mistake = 112% advantage can be good. and even if it doesnt work. most of his matchups at 60:40. thats very winnable.
a) logic fail. ZSS can chain throw... or maybe it was an infinite against wario... I can't recall... but he's still a bad matchup for her. the throwing consideration is almost nothing because it's so hard to apply.... and the wario thing is wrong anyway so :bee:

3. somebody said something about no poor stages for MK. MK is a MELEE fighter. melee fighters generally dont have advantages/disadvantages on stages. MK's best stage is rainbow cruise because it focuses on aerial game, which is MK's bread on butter.
right.... melee figthers don't have any bad stages.... right... do I even have to respond to this one with a specific example? if so please wait until I can find ALL the melee fighters with truly AWFUL stages so I can completely ream this. regardless. it's SOOOOOO far from being true it's not funny.
4. ahh, tourneys. MK dominates them. name one smasher that isnt M2K or Dojo that uses MK that consistently wins tourneys. if you cant, that means M2K and Dojo win the majority of MK wins, sprinkled with a minority of other MK players.
oh... so we don't expect the best MK's to win now?

if you can refute all of these and i cant say anything, you win
okay... I think I win now. does that mean you become a good little August 2008 n00b and listen to others with more reasonable arguments?


Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2008
Who does Metaknight completely, unequivocally, hopelessly shut out that DDD, GW, Snake, whoever else don't already? Which of his matchups are abnormally destructive to everbody else, to the point where he is not just at a slight advantage but majorly destroying the rest of the already "viable" characters? So long as even one guy is good enough to consistently beat Metaknight with loldittoing him, why can't the rest of us just step it up?

Aen's MK plays pretty average considering he's Azen.
This argument is one I love. We can't possibly be expected to adapt to the brick wall that is Metaknight. I play Luigi, primarily. Luigi is utterly ***** by Metaknight. "Oh yeah get better and don't get hit" yeah good ****ing luck doing that when it's Metaknight you're fighting. Other members of the "Sacred 7" of competitive play have counters. But characters who rely on aerial combat might as well jump off the ledge once the match starts against Metaknight, as the game will end that quickly anyway. Why should we even be forced to adapt to such radical conditions? Other fighting games get along just fine with their rosters. Brawl should too.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
due to the amount of ignorance, im going to sum up ALL if my arguements in one psot. if you can refute all my points, and i cannot say anything, then i lose

1. the games metagame is NOT even close to being fully developed. a melee AT was discovered like a month ago. melees been out for...8 years? probably more. and yet still AT's are still to be discovered. and brawls physic engines are WAY different the melee, so no AT's were transferred. sure theres a larger community, but its 8 years >>>>>>>>>>>> half a year
So your telling us to wait 8 years and then ban MK? but wait in 8 years melee will have 16 so we better wait 16 but wait in 16 years melee will have 24 we better wait 24 32 40 48 56? how about just wait 8000 years I'm sure we will have figured out brawl completely by then.

What happens if nothing new comes out in 8 years? What if we have completed the metagame huh? We're just going to keep on holding onto the hope of some AT that MK can't use to beat him?

If we where to find said AT then he would become unbroken and we should unban him then not the other way around.

2. If wario's CG works, then MK WILL have a bad matchup. NOBODY can argue that an one-mistake = 112% advantage can be good. and even if it doesnt work. most of his matchups at 60:40. thats very winnable.
Seriously stupid go back and read its been said that it only works to 32% warrio can string that easily CG doesn't change anything
3. somebody said something about no poor stages for MK. MK is a MELEE fighter. melee fighters generally dont have advantages/disadvantages on stages. MK's best stage is rainbow cruise because it focuses on aerial game, which is MK's bread on butter.
This is your reason for not banning MK?
4. ahh, tourneys. MK dominates them. name one smasher that isnt M2K or Dojo that uses MK that consistently wins tourneys. if you cant, that means M2K and Dojo win the majority of MK wins, sprinkled with a minority of other MK players.

if you can refute all of these and i cant say anything, you win
God you moron go look at tournament results dojo got 9th at hobo 11 your talking about him like he is 1 of 2 while there are a lot more.

1: M2K (meta)
2: Azen (lucario/meta)
3: Lee (meta)
4: DMG (wario
5: DSF (snake/meta)
5: Roy_R (marth)
7: Edrees (peach)
7: Hylian (GW/meta?)
9: Chuck (meta/pkmn)
9: Ky (pit)
9: Dojo (meta)
9: Magik (meta/pkmn)

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
melee character that has a stage advantage:

D3 on green greens, delphino, and PS1 (grabs are a melee move

also, part of your post is like telling me to see the wind, you cant see the invisible, just as you cant counter the uncounterable, but you can still see the effects of it

and again, dojo only won ONE tourney, Plank, DSF (your boi,) and KingAce have all won more than dojo


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
Azen was forced to play MK or lose at HOBO in losers finals.

Objective achieved, ban please.
Once against one person.

By "Play MK or lose", I mean, really, play MK or lose.
If you go against a high level MK without being MK yourself, then you stand absolutely ZERO chance at winning. Azen beat plenty of other MKs with Lucario.
The game has NOT devolved to that point yet.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
The only acceptable critieria for a ban is:

Having a tech, glitch, or ability that gives the opponent No chance to win. Not a hard chance, no chance. people still fight with MK, he doesn't just have some combo that kills everyone, so what he has alot of good matchups and stages, so what that doesn't mean you should ban him, it means you should get over it and learn to beat him, no its not impossible, you're just not good enough

when the metagame devolves to: If you do not use this charcter, you will not stand a reasonable chance of winning tournaments with peers on a professional level.

THAT is the criteria for a ban... but it's an immesurable criteria. Overswarms are measurable and capture the essence of why that is the case


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Once against one person.

By "Play MK or lose", I mean, really, play MK or lose.
If you go against a high level MK without being MK yourself, then you stand absolutely ZERO chance at winning. Azen beat plenty of other MKs with Lucario.
The game has NOT devolved to that point yet.
Plenty of other MKs doesn't count because we don't know there skill. We know the skill of this MK was at the top and azen was forced to play MK or loose.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
Azen was forced to play MK or lose at HOBO in losers finals.

Objective achieved, ban please.
Azen only dittoed Lee's MK because his MK was easier to ditto with than some of the better MKs like M2K/Forte/Omni/etc.

Azen went MK vs M2K because M2K asked him to do so (at least according to what Azen said anyway).


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Rockville, MD
This argument is one I love. We can't possibly be expected to adapt to the brick wall that is Metaknight. I play Luigi, primarily. Luigi is utterly ***** by Metaknight. "Oh yeah get better and don't get hit" yeah good ****ing luck doing that when it's Metaknight you're fighting. Other members of the "Sacred 7" of competitive play have counters. But characters who rely on aerial combat might as well jump off the ledge once the match starts against Metaknight, as the game will end that quickly anyway. Why should we even be forced to adapt to such radical conditions? Other fighting games get along just fine with their rosters. Brawl should too.
GW shuts Luigi the crap down too. DDD unfunite. Luigi's already screwed hard in a meta-less world.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
Once against one person.

By "Play MK or lose", I mean, really, play MK or lose.
If you go against a high level MK without being MK yourself, then you stand absolutely ZERO chance at winning. Azen beat plenty of other MKs with Lucario.
The game has NOT devolved to that point yet.
Didn't azens Lucario get smacked up by lee's mk, which made azen go mk and destroy him?


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
replies in red
That makes it irritatingly hard to respond to you.

that is why we have to let the game mature, FIND new AT's so the metagame will develop.
Give me an example of a general AT (not character specific) that you can think up (That won't work, obviously. But can you even think of something that could be done?) that will help others but not MK as much. Explain how the character specific ATs will be located in a reasonable timeframe (If ever) if the majority of players are all spending their time practicing as Meta Knight.

i said IF. the charts are the new updated frequently version, not the outdated one. and i really dont care if you suspect that theyre innacurate? theyre what people generally believe on. and yes, his matchups are mostly 60:40. with the occasional 70:30, and the even more occasional neutral.
Very good, you said if. So you should have no problem not counting this as a point in your favor yet. And assuming it is accurate, 60:40 is obviously still enough that people are using MK to fight MK rather than intentionally gimping themselves with a 40:60 matchup.

example please. i cant think of any character that actually has an advantage on a stage that is a melee fighter.
It's not having an advantage, it's having a disadvantage. There are stages that some characters, due to their movesets/recoveries/whatever actually perform worse on. Meta Knight does not suffer from this, so not only does he have advantaged matchups on stages that are neutral to both him and his opponent, there is no stage that gives him a disadvantage that his opponent could try to pick either. It just makes the problem of very few even matchups and the rest advantages even more significant. The character boards have discussions about which stages favor their characters, and which you want to avoid trying to counterpick people on. This is a known phenomenon, I'm not just making it up to somehow disprove you with a fake point.

well then who else is? i watch brawl videos (sometimes. theyre too boring) and its mostly Dojo and M2k winning tourneys and whatnot. i really havent seen much otehr players winning tourneys. yes i know hes effective. but that doesnt have to do with anything related to this point. all i see winning tourneys consistently is m2k and dojo.
A number of other people have addressed this point and given names. Read and respond to theirs.

give me solid evidence. whos quitting smash because of MK? and if somebody actually is, then they are either lazy, is a quitter, or just cannot learn to counter one character.
There are a number of reports from various people in this thread, including TOs, of less attendance and people citing MK as why they didn't show. If you want to call them liars, feel free -- but that's what you're doing if you don't acknowledge their statements.

because it is the last resort to ban a character.
This is not a fact, it is an opinion.

because, the game has been out for only a few months. seriously, how is that enough for a ban? even a temporary ban. and if MK was banned temporarily, HOW would AT's revolving around MK evolve if he cant be used in the first place???
The ATs wouldn't be revolving around MK. It's stupid to put the entire focus of the game's metagame development on "How do we find ATs that are only useful against MK". What would happen would be other characters would be picked up by the best players, the ones most likely to find things, as well as simply more people playing them all, ATs would be found that would make those characters more effective, and then after this extra playtime has helped develop non-MK characters enough he could be introduced again to competitive play and checked for what the new tactics do against him. Of course, since he'd still be used some in practice and at tournaments that chose to not follow the ban, you'd get to see the ATs in use on the fly anyway and probably wouldn't need to bother testing a ban lift to see -- but the option would certainly be present.
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