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The Official SBR-B Brawl Tier List v3.0

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da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Rainbow cruise is to Snake as Luigi is to diddy.

Its not that bad, It just forces you to play differently, which may be hard to do for certain players which can give the impression of a very hard match


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Seems I have a fan!
I abhore spitting into the micophone, and I've never really [read: never, too much blonde in my facial hair] had a moustache.

Snake doesn't have bad stages, he has disadvantaged match ups on certain stages; and well, that list gets smaller over time.
Only guy who seems to keep himself one up over Snake in those terms is D3. Snake does fine on all the '****' cps [for certain chars] like rainbow cruise, luigi's mansion and jungle japes.
In other words, for every stage, Snake has pretty great strengths on them, only some characters have better strengths on them in the match up.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Snake has no terrible counterpick stage, only counterpick stages that don't give him as much advantages as others.

Terios the Hedgehog

Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2006
Shenandoah, PA
Oh. Well then YOU'RE TOO SLOW!

Seriously. There was a 4 minute delay. I'm assuming you tab a bunch of things? I do that and sometimes don't respond to something till 30 minutes later.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Here is what you don't understand. Not only does it go both ways, but it is more in DK's favor. The second Dedede is offstage he is dead. You guys apparently haven't adopted East Coast rules which is the most fair/balanced and sophisticated rule set for this game. Dedede can have his infinite, against a player like Bum, he would lose guaranteed. You guys have no clue what it means to play his DK. If anyone of you decide to come over here money match him and ask to have infinite chain grabs on and I'll put side bets on Bum. The truth of the matter is Dedede CAN NOT! kill DK while DK can edge guard to death him or kill him at 90-100 with F-smash, Full charged to 9 windup punch, or Up-smash. You're a fool if you say he can uptilt him because that move is garbage against smart player who can avoid it and his Bair is not safe enough to go unpunished. DK is the Zangief of the game. Once he's in you're done.

Firstly, this discussion assumes SBR's ruleset, because it's discussing the SBR TIERLIST. It currently isn't banned under that ruleset, therefore, this discussion assumes it's not banned. DK's tier position in EC rules is a totally seperate discussion.

Secondly, in no way, shape, or form does DDD's infinite chaingrab overcentralize the metagame, it affects 1 character who's viable anyway (no, it doesn't affect Luigi, Samus, or Mario because they can mash out till kill percents, and Bowser's is not an infinite). It may be "fairer", but maximizing fairness to characters is not a valid reason for a ban.

Thirdly, if you assume non-standard, note that, simple equitte. Prevents a lot of misunderstandings. Most people will probably agree that it's not a horrible match-up for DK without the infinite and stepchaingrabs.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
So... Why would you (Dark.Pch) think DK and Pit are above Peach? Is it really that difficult to compare some of their basic characteristics? DK has assloads of killing power, way out of Peach's league. He's got great range. He's more mobile, like everyone else. ;/ Looks like you already did that though and, of course, made sure to point out Peach's own advantages as well. There's also match-ups to consider. At any rate, you can't just compare two mid-tier characters like that and easily determine which character is superior overall. Quite simply, more people value DK's set of characteristics higher than Peach's. You're also extremely biased and a little overly compassionate when it comes to arguing your character. :/
See this. Typical post I been hearing for over a year on why people think Peach is bad and w/e "She can't kill, dies quick, etc"
Man get over it already. You seriously think that's what it is all about. Look and understand the character fully And what she can do. I already explained about why Peach is better than DK, but since you don't wanna look back:

First off, the thing about Peach not being able to kill, enough already, seriously, enough. This does not exist anymore cause its just about in every excuse I hear. So scratch this out. Now for the real fight.

Peach is a quicker brawler up close. Wether taking it to ground floating, which brings her air game to the ground and brings more upclose combat to the ground. DK is not faster than Peach in fighting up close. And with all her fighting options when in ones face Makes her a solid fighter and not much to fear

Ok Has More range. Ok. Peach has range as well and faster at spacing than DK is. She Can be in someone and space the hell out of them and it be hard to get inside her cause Her spaced moves don't stay out for days. Also her air moves auto cancel. Ranges is not always the best choice for everything, for it can have its donwsides. Marth is a spacing God. But done right Marth can even have a hard time getting a clean shot on Peach. She has good range on her air attacks and speed with the spaceing.

Oh and don't get me started on her ground spacing which is a mixture of evasion. And her Dtilt slide is a good toll for that. Dtilt somone and if they sheild it you can pull away to a Fsmash or Ftilt or jab if they wanna try and counter attack. If not get your space from the slide and get a turnip. Safe hit and run with a barrier or an extra toll you get (which is a turnip when moving back.

Peach has better evasion than DK, He is a Big as monkey who is not hard to hit. Even with that air speed he has. Her quick spacing makes it hard to hit (If the Peach player is great at spacing) So you can retreat and space to get space and not take a hit. Platforms help increase her evasion as well. This is why I love battlefield against Hard match ups. Cause you will need to evade alot.

Peach has alot of Approaches and good ones. More than DK. And of course with spacing, hard to punish or get baited into the approaches and take a hit.

- Fair
- FC>Fair
- Dair
- FC>Dair
- FC>Nair
- Turnip>Fair
- FC>Turnip>Fair
- Bair
- Glide tossing
- Nair

Advance approaches:

- Glide toss> FC>Nair
- Glide toss>reverse Bair
- Glide toss>Nair
- Glide toss>Grab
- Reverse Glide toss> Dsmash or Fsmash
- Reverse Glide toss> Bair

She is one of the best characters in the game when it comes to approaching.

Turnips. Turnips are not a weapon for damage. You just don't get one and toss them hoping to hit one. Turnips are a damm mindgame. Just by holding a turnip in your hand. You are already toying with your opponents head. When you get one, it buts your opponent on the defense cause they do not wanna get hit. You did not have to do anything to them to screw with them. Turnips are a tool to mess with the mind and THEN get your damage off.

"pluck turnip"
"toss it"

NO!^ There is about maybe 6 steps before you toss it. Also Peach can fight with items in her hand via floating. And she can bring that Floating to the ground for more of a confusing. Your opponent won't be able to tell when you will toss the damm turnip. She is like the drunken master. Maybe His wife, w/e. Just holding that thing in your hand can lead to so much confusing. Hell, might even confuse the hell out of you. Yes it is that serious.

Peach has More recovery Option Than DK. All he has is Up-B. Peach has:

Up-B (obviously)

"But his Up-B Has super Armor and hard to edge guard"

Good things always have a downside to it. Done right you are able to force the player to a point where he has to aim for the edge or the stage. And when going to the stage, you can chase DK and punish upon his landing. And He can't turn the other way to escape. The momentum change is so slow.

"But Peach is a sitting duck when she up-B. She is a goner"

Bad things always have an upside to it.

Done right. You can recover to the stage without ever having to up-B. I don't ever burn my jump unless I have too. Even when it looks like I should, I don't and I can make it back. Also when Peach gets the chance, she should ALWAYS recover High. F-B and toad help with this. Oh and guess what. From this you still have 2 recovery options left. Second Jump and up-B.

Also with her Up-B you can open and close it really quick and do quick momentum changes. Do that trick Excel spoke about with the C-stick. Also U can use toad to air stall to slightly increase evasion and land safe to the ground.

Now a Few words from my squad Member when we had day 2 of boot camp. Mikey Lenetia, speak them words:

One thing to use an aggressive style is to know EXACTLY when moves will work and when they won't, and not limiting yourself to only a few moves because of them not doing a lot of damage.

Jabs, dair, turnips, dash attack, grabs, everything HAS to be used so that when you finally get around to the higher percents, they'll do a heck of a lot more. Don't worry about using powerful moves, but... don't abuse them. What I mean by what I say is that you have to have a mix of the weaker attacks that don't send far(including down smash, I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH, it's useful!) with the ones that do.

That way, even though you're aggressive and moving in and out of range, they really won't know what's going to come out. Also, the most important point that goes for Peach, in my opinion, across the board. Just because they're at percents that things like fair and usmash will kill doesn't mean it's then time to break out the killers. One, to keep them guessing even more and making it actually easier to land a fresh killer. Two, you also build enough damage so something they don't expect, like say uair, will kill.

This is why this man is ****.

DK, better than Peach? Hell no. Nerfed or not, no way Kids. Peach deserves her right in her PROPER throne. People need to get their heads out the bias and into the truth that people just don't wanna try and believe.


And I can go the same way for Pit. People keep going on about his camping when it is not that serious. Unless you are a Fat azz character and slow as hell, don't treat his camping like it is something god like, cause it isnt. if that is the case, why is his tournament records not all that right now huh? His camping is so legit, so whats up with that? I'ts not all that and not what Pit is about. And if you all think and say he is all about camping, even Pit mains, then Pit is really nothing andwas Bias to be that high on the list.

Dark Peach:

Bringing up an inherent weakness for a character, that isn't completely overcome, is not just a thing you can disregard...
A character such as Wario has to worry about... a grab... For most this means just a 20% damage or a kill at kill percentages. And the Wario's have fought hard to learn to not get grabbed... so to speak, by taking Wario to a higher level.
Whilst you can say that Peach has 'ways' around the bad air dodge, and you seemed to disregard it indefinitely, in my opinion, it's utterly worse than Wario's grab issue. It's the fact that she does have OPTIONS over it that means she isn't LOW TIER; Marth's weaknesses should make him low tier, but his innate qualities overcome this in MOST match ups. Marth still has counter, dolphin slash, fair and GOOD aerial mobility, qualities that help him overcome his weaknesses more COMPETITIVELY than Peach can.
Peach gets hit off an 'air dodge time to the ground' distance, and she will experience more damage, perhaps DEATH, than Wario or Marth would due to their weaknesses, because THEY have better options for their weaknesses, PLUS Peach's air dodge is a WORSE weakness than Marths and Warios.

When I looked at this tier list, I thought to myself, well, besides S tier/A tier, SBR's mid and lowish areas were pretty solid. I say B tier is mid. Donkey Kong would be a humongous menace in the game if it wasn't for Wario and Dedede hard countering him. Donkey Kong goes even or beats just about everyone who doesn't cg him to death.
Pit is a solid character, with weaknesses mostly being his QUALITIES not being exagerated like the Top Tiers. Good but not great range, good but not great recovery, good but not great ... well everything.

You mention match ups.
Just about everyone who isn't low/bottom tier with some exceptions aren't really hard countered by anyone (as most boards like to claim... at least). They all have 50:50s some 40:60s, and EVEN some advantages on *BIG HINT* low/mid tier characters.
Donkey Kong already shows that those who don't 'gay' him, he actually WINS (plus he gays ness and lucas! YES!)
Pit, like Toon Link, have the over all stronger options as characters, even if their match up spread is ever so similar to Peach's, the difference comes from representation, innate qualities, and over all weaknesses. And when IT COMESE TO Pit and Toon Link, their weaknesses are mostly "we just don't have our good **** being excellent ****".
Peach has structural weaknesses that can be abused, that haven't been competitively over come (you can't argue this Dark Peach). If Peach were to be the "I don't really have weaknesses, I just don't have those great strengths" character as well (taking into account her combo ability and other things) she would be higher up, but you're playing at "possibilities".

I know I'm not SBR, but I tend to believe I have a general understanding of this game to a high enough point to debate it effectively.
You go on about my characters weakness (Same with everyone else from the post I seen in here. But how would you know she can't deal with it. how you know she can't make up for it. When was the last time you seen a Peach Protect them to play solid and pull a win off? What do you know about Peach to say she really gets her azz handed to her and nothing she can do about it.

I played M2K a while back Peach Vs Meta. We played about 4 games. Last 2 games I nearly beat M2K twice. Now to go nearly even with M2K and his Meta is freaking serious. Match up is not in my favor and all. yet with all that against me, I know how to handle my character against Meta And protect my flaws and use the good stuff about my character to have a fighting chance and nearly win. Talk to this meta player named judge from the midwest. I played this dude in pools and nearly beat him. I also nearly beat teh spammer in pools at COT4 against his meta as well.

Oh but wait. how could a peach with all these flaws and weakness that people tend to go on about so much do such a thing. Then must have not known the match up right. or were not playing thier best? Is that the typical excuse I will get from people? I'll tell you why, cause I am not stupid when it comes to handling and knowing my stuff with my character. I know Peach like the back of my hand. In and out. I been gayed, cheated, you name it when it comes to a high tier. From nooobs to pros. I been there and seen it all. This is not some Peach fan boy stuff I am getting at here. This is real talk with my character and being serious with facts dude. I don't play around with my main when it comes to knowing my stuff.

Stop this weakness talk already. others have them as well and deal with it to do fine. Stop thinking Peach can't. I swear she is one of the most bias characters in tournament play and the SBR. And thats how I feel, my opinion, just like everyone else want's to give thiers on a character they don't know 100%. I'm the one that goes to tournaments and does not counterpick no matter what character, player or stage. I stage Peach. I know the experience as her in these hard times. I see it over and over again. And I learn what I can and can't do, and get better. This is how I know things, this is how I find out things that work (that people don't even dare wanna reason with cause of bias crap)

I don't care if i am not some hot shot like Edresse or Kos-Mos that people go oh la-la for. I take my time to go DEEP into match ups and DEEP into my character that I play. I freaking go all Peach in tournament. You know how freaking hard that is? So for that, I have to learn as much as possible. Thats why I don't play around with advice and debates. And yes I am talking about high levels of play. Not average play or wifi stuff. The real deal.

Ha ha ha, I'll get into a debate with anyone on my character. This is too fun and I have no problem smacking the light on a charater I have the mind of a SAT text book about Peach.

Peach is one of the characters that doesn't do that well versus a Pit that is camping.
Tthats what you think. Learned the match up and learn iut fully before saying something like this. This is the stuff I hear everyday. Typical statement.So it;'s the camping huh/ ok, i stop and deal with it no problem, now what? Pit much suck now then right? Is Peach now godly cause she can deal with his camping like it is really nothing?

I argue otherwise.

I believe wholeheartedly that if I simply slip in a few quick aerials while simply avoiding Peach (air camping isn't really the best term to use here), Peach is almost useless, because she can't catch me due to the huge gap in horizontal aerial movement. Her projectile is generally bad, because of its terrible range and slow movement. Her bad jump allows me to simply jump over her if need be, and Squirtle has some silly rolling dodges.

If you have the tools to outplay someone, it doesn't matter nearly as much how weak you are. Squirtle can stall and camp better than most characters once he has a decent percent lead.

Ok, you say her turnips is bad? I am now gonna assume from saying this, that you know lil to nothing about Peach turnips at all.

Turnips are not a weapon for damage. You just don't get one and toss them hoping to hit one. Turnips are a damm mindgame. Just by holding a turnip in your hand. You are already toying with your opponents head. When you get one, it buts your opponent on the defense cause they do not wanna get hit. You did not have to do anything to them to screw with them. Turnips are a tool to mess with the mind and THEN get your damage off.

"pluck turnip"
"toss it"

NO!^ There is about maybe 6 steps before you toss it. Also Peach can fight with items in her hand via floating. And she can bring that Floating to the ground for more of a confusing. Your opponent won't be able to tell when you will toss the damm turnip. She is like the drunken master. Maybe His wife, w/e. Just holding that thing in your hand can lead to so much confusing. Hell, might even confuse the hell out of you. Yes it is that serious.

And again, cause of something bad about a character, you think it is all good. No. Like what you said about her jumps. There is so many ways I can get at you, with or without her jump.

Turnip>you react>I take it from there
Go to you and space a move or evade your THEN throw a punch
Glide toss upward>uptilt.
Nair (2 frame move with invicibility frames. 3 in the front, 2 in the back. I beat none of you in the SBR room know this, or lots in general. Things people don't know about Peach and the bias she gets).
Go near you>you do what you been saying here>I then
Evasion>hit. I can go for ever.

Stop thinking there is no answer to it already with Peach. How do people expect to learn things fully if you trully think nothing can be done about it?

How about this, How much do you really know about my character to be so sure of yourself? Same with anyone else who talks about Peach like they been doing. I wanna know. Just how much do you know about Peach? know her good enough for legit placement? know her good enough to be so sure that you know where she really belongs and not just just vote her in a spot with lil to no brains on her? know her to a point where she can't do a darn thing and gets owned by stuff like what you said with squirtle? Tell me, I wanna know. Lets hear how legit this is.

Aug 6, 2008
*claps for Dark Peach* That post must have taken a time to type.

I still hate rainbow cruise, but i have seen some pretty good snake players do well on cruise.
It's a mostly a matter of adopting a different playing style is all. The stage has potiential to mess him up than any other stage does. A lot of the key features that Snake has on the stage are messed up. Mine and C4 placement is one, but hardly anyone really ever gets the chance to set up a mine in the first place, and C4 placement is easy, just explode it as soon as you place it. Grenade camping is no longer really viable, but they can still be placed to limit options and take up platform space. The other thing that would mess Snake up is that a lot of the time would be spent having to move putting Snake into the air which is bad for him because he is valurble there. Tech Chasing is pretty much nonexistant because everyone is moving around so much you never really get the chance to grab.

But despite that Snake can adapt to the stage and win.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Well, the fact that you have to fight Peach differently (and the fact that quite a few people have little experience against Peaches in general) is definitely a plus, but even if the opponent knows what to expect, Peach is still a fairly solid fighter. Sure, she may not have truckloads of killing power like DK, or projectile reflectors like Pit, but she does have a number of great strengths. She has good combos ability, floating, turnips, mind games, and high priority. I wouldn't really call her gimmicky, save for maybe her FSmash.

And as much as I hate it, I have to agree that her airdodge is terrible. Why does she get 10 frames less invincibility than everyone else? Some people claim that they made a typo when they were programming it, which would make sense, because I don't get why they'd make such a horrible air dodge deliberately (as if she wasn't already easy enough to juggle).
she has a lot of strengths once you get past the gimmicks? Yeah, but so do a lot of people below her.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
*claps for Dark Peach* That post must have taken a time to type.
Some what. But my mind is always running so it was not that long.

When it comes to giving advice or debates with Peach I don't play around. I gets it in. And really if it is about something I feel is wrong, I will bring a fight. I do this all the time. I can keep going for days with info, facts, etc with my main.
Aug 6, 2008
Some what. But my mind is always running so it was not that long.

When it comes to giving advice or debates with Peach I don't play around. I gets it in. And really if it is about something I feel is wrong, I will bring a fight. I do this all the time. I can keep going for days with info, facts, etc with my main.
My mind runs too, it just takes time deciphering it into words others will understand xD

Nice to know that dedicated people exist for the mains. I think I've really only met 2 people now that do that, but I dont' get out of the boards to often xD SuSa pretty much would be at the end of all the Snake Boards, and now I know about you with Peach. When we go up with the Peach dicussion we will have to ask you to show up xD


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Tthats what you think. Learned the match up and learn iut fully before saying something like this. This is the stuff I hear everyday. Typical statement.So it;'s the camping huh/ ok, i stop and deal with it no problem, now what? Pit much suck now then right? Is Peach now godly cause she can deal with his camping like it is really nothing?
Sorry to pick and choose on your argument Dark.Pch, since I agree with most of what you say, but statements like this certainly don't help your cause. If you truly believe that Peach wins against Pit, restate it and make it known here. Posts like "OMFG LEARN TO PLAY THIS" certainly don't make me realize that Peach can beat a Pit. Because of your statement, it took me an extra 10 minutes to search through your match-up thread and realize that the general consensus states that Peach has a slight, slight advantage over Pit (55:45) for the reasons that:

1) Pit has no approach options on a defensive Peach, supposedly.
2)Turnips gimp Pit's Recovery.
3) DAir and Jab Combos "****" him.

Again, this is what your own thread says. If you truly wanted to prove somebody wrong, don't just say "NOPE, go learn it, fool", try explaining it to them.

But I agree, Peach is a priority machine that is difficult to fight.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing with you, but match-ups are such a touchy subject that it's better to be overly detailed than not detailed at all.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
My mind runs too, it just takes time deciphering it into words others will understand xD

Nice to know that dedicated people exist for the mains. I think I've really only met 2 people now that do that, but I dont' get out of the boards to often xD SuSa pretty much would be at the end of all the Snake Boards, and now I know about you with Peach. When we go up with the Peach dicussion we will have to ask you to show up xD
You got my number *thumps up and cheesey smile*

I think there should a master debatrt for each character board. So facts and all that is to be known when dealing with the character is more facts then opinions due to people not knowing much about them.

Sorry to pick and choose on your argument Dark.Pch, since I agree with most of what you say, but statements like this certainly don't help your cause. If you truly believe that Peach wins against Pit, restate it and make it known here. Posts like "OMFG LEARN TO PLAY THIS" certainly don't make me realize that Peach can beat a Pit. Because of your statement, it took me an extra 10 minutes to search through your match-up thread and realize that the general consensus states that Peach has a slight, slight advantage over Pit (55:45) for the reasons that:

1) Pit has no approach options on a defensive Peach, supposedly.
2)Turnips gimp Pit's Recovery.
3) DAir and Jab Combos "****" him.

Again, this is what your own thread says. If you truly wanted to prove somebody wrong, don't just say "NOPE, go learn it, fool", try explaining it to them.

But I agree, Peach is a priority machine that is difficult to fight.
Ok the reason I said that was because I already explained what peach can do. I beat too many campy pits, from noobs to good players as Peach. But if I must I will explain it again.

Pit wants to camp me? ok lets go. He spams arrows. Shield, run in and repeat till you get close/

Once I get close to pit, he has to stop unless he wants to eat a free hit. Pit stop camping. So what happens next? The Match up of Peach vs Pit actually begins. And if he goes back to camping, Just follow step one. A camping Pit is not stopping Peach or shuting her down at all.

You really wanna know how it would trully stop her? If the player is annoyed by the camping and just rushes in and not thinking. The shield is trully underratted in this game. Like when meta tornados you. Some People don't aim the shield at all. they leave it still and get shield stabbed. When meta does this crap to me I don't get shield stabbed at all unless i let go to early thinking the move is done. I always move my shield in the direction meta tornado's is. And its east to powershield in this game too? oh man.....


Smash Champion
Jun 6, 2006
Houston (Clear Lake)
Dark Pch., you are an idiot.

Someone brought up a point for argument, and you said "no"

oh great, now Peach can kill at low percents, cause Dark Pch. said "no"

and that mess about you nearly beating all those Meta's....

the matchup against Meta isn't that bad.
it's a soft advantage for him.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Dark Pch., you are an idiot.

Someone brought up a point for argument, and you said "no"

oh great, now Peach can kill at low percents, cause Dark Pch. said "no"

and that mess about you nearly beating all those Meta's....

the matchup against Meta isn't that bad.
it's a soft advantage for him.
Bad troll is bad.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
Dark Pch., as good as your arguments are (though I'm sure you've already used that Peach vs DK argument before when I said DK > Peach), there's something I can't help but wonder. Why do you always write in red? :confused:

Oh, and BTW, whoever said Peach's turnips are bad is wrong. Dark Pch explained why better than I could.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Dark Pch., as good as your arguments are (though I'm sure you've already used that Peach vs DK argument before when I said DK > Peach), there's something I can't help but wonder. Why do you always write in red? :confused:

Oh, and BTW, whoever said Peach's turnips are bad is wrong. Dark Pch explained why better than I could.
I type depending on my Avatar. And the avatar reflects my mood. Though this avatar is used when I am mad or annoyed, I'm in a fine mood. But I love this character so just don't wanna change it yet.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA

Ok, you say her turnips is bad? I am now gonna assume from saying this, that you know lil to nothing about Peach turnips at all.
As of now, I am done talking to you.

I hope I meet you at a tournament in the future; I'd be happy to play you for as much as you would agree to money match.
Aug 6, 2008
I type depending on my Avatar. And the avatar reflects my mood. Though this avatar is used when I am mad or annoyed, I'm in a fine mood. But I love this character so just don't wanna change it yet.
Emil is always pissed xD Good choice for an annoyed mood.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Truth be told, I don't see much in store for Kirby's future; he's a solid character that's held back by fairly-bad movement and a general playstyle that can't vary too much.

What does everyone else think about Kirby?


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2008
London, Ontario
Truth be told, I don't see much in store for Kirby's future; he's a solid character that's held back by fairly-bad movement and a general playstyle that can't vary too much.

What does everyone else think about Kirby?

I agree with your statement. Brawl is a game of options, and Kirby doesn't seem to have many possible options for typical situations. I think Kirby is alot like Ike. They have innate strengths, but they can't really deviate their playstyle.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
Austin, TX
People use Kirby to the best of his ability already, I believe. I mean, I could stand to see more nairs, but whatever. Oh, also, people need to steal powers more.

Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
I haven't been seeing anything very impressing out of Kirby lately. Judging by current trends, he's staying where he is. But who knows, 6 months is a lot of time.
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