My List
1st - Shugo - All he does is win win win no matter what.
2nd - Kel - He really just loses to Shugo for the most part.
3rd - Blue Rogue - I really have him tied with Y.b.M at this point. People are learning how to fight this monster.
4th - Y.b.M - Same as last time, really just loses to the players above (and Infern...)
5th - Fizzle - He has taken down just about everyone on this list and places very high, but not enough attendance to bring him to 4th.
6th - AlphaZealot - Pretty much same as last time due to fizzle drastically stepping his game up. Would be 5th otherwise
7th - Infern - Consistent like AZ. The tournes he does place top in, usually only have about 4-5 PR players total. Otherwise I would have him higher.
8th - Fonz - Beating Blue Rouge is what finally seperates him from Z, KB, DJ. Something those 3 have not done yet.
9th - DJ Iskaskribble - Consistently well.... here.
10th - Z - This player is way too good to not be on here. BUT due to his lack of attendance, he loses matchups he shouldn't... yet wins others he shouldn't.
KB - I had to knock him down due to him not consistently keeping up with the other 10. Maybe after his "rebirth"
Lou - Very Very Solid Player. He is only beaten by follow smashfielders or by the people above this list.
Links24 - Consistent HM player
Sil - See above
Tako - See above
My Criteria
I personally read this as : "Who are the top 15 players in Ohio?"
Tournament attendance is great and all, but we all know that most of Smashfield, Quivo, OS, Z, and Smash64 are still powerhouses compared to some of these newer HMs.
I personally do this:
1) Is the player active (by our active rule)?
2) Has this player beaten anyone on the current PR lists (as in across states)?
3) How often has the player beaten the PR player on the list?
4) How often IN THIS PERIOD has the player beaten the PR player on the list?
5) Tournament Placements this period.
6) How often has this player lost to players NOT on this list?
Simply put.... I look at: "What would the results be in a 15 man pool? Does this list reflect their tournament performances?"
My problem with using results as the main argument is that some tournaments aren't seeded consistently. I don't just mean skill wise, but region wise too.
You all know much more than me that it's a MUCH different ball game when a game comes down to two players that consistently practice each other. Sometimes, that can be for like 13th or lower.
Plus sometimes HUGE upsets/DQs can screw with placements as well. (Like an early Ally/Shugo in losers)
My Tournaments for this period
Ni-Kakuto Geemu
Test Your Might X
Nope's Monthly
Please add as much as you can.
Any questions" PM me, Text me (614-327-0584), or email me at
Good luck all!