Here is my stage for Geno! ^-^
Welcome to Star Road!
The one place in the Mario Universe where wishes come true. Also the one place Geno originally came from. Duh!
Like Star Fox's stage and Delfino Plaza, the platforms can move all around Star Road getting some glances of what it looks like in Space.
The top platform is a cloud. This cloud can disappear whenever someone stands on it for too long or if the stage threats hit it like the Yoshi Story stage in SSB64.
Stage Threats:
5 Meteors come falling down from the sky crashing on the platforms. These don't always happen though, it could happen after every 50 seconds or so.
His threat would be hard to dodge. He comes crshing down through the stage inflicting Damage if you got hit. Here's the cool part. He literally breaks the stage in half and sends the platforms scattering (except the cloud, the cloud disapears when hit by Exor but comes back 20 seconds later).
Rainbow Road from Mario Kart 64 because that was thebest version of Rainbow Road ever. >=\ The F-Zero one had guitar in it though......
Comments? Criticism?
Don't laugh. D=
(Credit goes to AbyssWolf from dA for the sprites)