Hey guys.. if I said.. "what game do you think of if I said Mario", is there anyone here that would say Super Mario RPG?
Theres nothing wrong with that if you do, I mean this is practically a Super Mario RPG support thread, but that isn't the point. There have been so many different games that Mario has been in, its difficult to choose just one. I'd be willing to bet that most older gamers would say "Super Mario Bros 1-3 of course", those that grew up in the 90s would probably be more inclined to say "Super Mario World, Mario Kart (64), Super Mario 64 etc.." I think you get the point. Mario doesn't belong to just one game and its difficult to say what makes him different throughout his games. Ok, so he gets FLUDD in certain games, I understand that much (or any other special tool for that matter but Mario will always have the same basic manuevers or moves for the most part).
But if I said.. "what game do you think of when I say Geno", almost everyone would say Super Mario RPG. The obvious reason being, thats the biggest role in a game he's ever had. The other one being is that Geno represents Super Mario RPG better than Mario himself. Geno is a clear distinction of what Super Mario RPG is. There is no mistaking him (if you've played Super Mario RPG, of course) but when it comes to Mario there are so many different things you could say.
I believe that Geno could represent Super Mario RPG very well in Brawl. I understand that Super Mario World was a HUGE game for the SNES, no question about it.. and its represented in Brawl. What about Super Mario RPG? Essentially, its the closet game to Super Mario World if you think about it. It probably has something to do with the fact that World was the first Mario game on SNES and SMRPG was the last Mario game on the SNES.
Just something to think about..