Actually 64 wasn't. At least not for Luigi's standard role at the time. Geno could easily have been put in as playable in those games, but he wasn't. Heck, they picked Waluigi over him.
And I don't care who you like and who you want. I just talk about the real chances a character has, and try to clarify if something is wrong. There have been no "hints" towards Geno though. There have been some people requesting him, and then that's it.
Can you provide us with any factual information regarding Brawl that hinders Geno's chances?
(By the way, where was Crono? He is certainly more popular than Geno could ever dream of being and yet he wasn't in those titles you were referring to either)
If you don't care who I like and who I want then you wouldn't be in the Geno thread trying to debate with everyone. You don't talk about his chances in Brawl, you're over here talking about some DS games that have absolutely no relevance to Brawl (to our knowledge). You can't provide any factual information AGAINST Geno's inclusion on the playable roster list.
For the record there have been hints other than people requesting him and they've been mentioned plenty of times in this thread before.
1) Sakurai has acknowledged Geno's existence and has even recorded some of the requests for Geno in his journal. Hmm.. not too many characters have been recorded and publically displayed in that journal to the same degree Geno has.. by the way who is Sakurai again? Whoever he is, I'm sure he has absolutely nothing to do with Brawl..
2) Yoko Shimomura's participation in Brawl as a composer. Her work is listed as Kingdom Hearts, but why would Sakurai diliberately leak a Kingdom Hearts character in that way? You don't hire someone like Yoko to do some petty music like the title screen.. its been assigned to someone else. Considering she basically created the entire Super Mario RPG soundtrack among many other Square Enix titles, its safe to assume that this COULD be a hint at Geno. For example, long before Sonic the Hedgehog was confirmed there was absolutely nothing that could support his cause in Brawl other than web rumors. However, on the composers list there was somebody who was famous for working on the music for NiGHTS. That pretty much guaranteed that SEGA was involved with Brawl in some way, shape or form. I hope you understand what I posted..
3) With Super Mario RPG being one of the most requested games to appear on the Wii VC and with a game that portrays Nintendo's massive history in the making, that only boosts Geno's chances. Sakurai once claimed that Kid Icarus appeared on the Wii VC and he was certainly promoting it, perhaps the same could be applied to Super Mario RPG? It saddens me to see so many people underestimate the importance of Super Mario RPG and Geno's importance to the plot of the game. Super Mario RPG was a huge title for Nintendo because of how much it boasted. Geno was certainly eye candy and basically was a staple in the plot. If you took Geno out of the game right now and tried to complete the story, you couldn't. He is meant to recover the star pieces and repair the Star Road.
4) Geno is Square Enix's Mario character.. I will never come to understand why so many people just crash and burn on this point. Not only is Geno highly requested (those smart people that actually made the connection that Brawl should have heavy Nintendo bias) but he's also a third party Mario character (which makes him 2 1/2 party). Why is he a bad candidate other than people don't know who he is? My theory is that he's the same as any Square Enix representative prior to Final Fantasy X-2. One game, one role, one shot, good bye have a nice retirement. As I always say.. there is no Final Fantasy 2 part 2 for example. The whole "lets come out of retirement" idea is new.
5) Sakurai and his engineers wouldn't need to develop moves for Geno. Geno is pretty much set, they would just have to design and program the moves. Geno has potential to be a unique character.
Lets not forget that Sakurai wanted to make it absolutely clear in an update that you can charge your shots.. "Hold Y for power!"
I just don't see why you want us all to fail. What did we do to you? Instead of coming here and trying to humiliate us, if you actually started reading our points instead of being bull headed and shooting down everything we say, we might actually value your opinions more. We get this crap all the time and I'm one who is getting sick of it. Its the same stupid counter argument, reworded with no proof or evidence but rather twisted and distorted meanings. Oh, but we do that too right? Not exactly. We may blow things out of proportion and be completely inaccurate but our points are basically intertwined with Brawl as opposed to "unpopular, out" or "one game. out"