Banned via Warnings
And I take it that's why Megaman and Sonic were the most requested characters overall... huh... Funny how that works...1. Um, Slime? You know, that character who is from the most popular third party video game series ever created in Japan? The mascot of said series? Yeah, that's tough competition - Slime, a very well-known character. Geno, a character who has been of no relevance for years. And why in the world does Geno represent SE? The fact that he's associated with Nintendo as much as he is makes him an even WORSE representative.
You basically shoot yourself in the foot for suggesting Slime to a playable character considering he stars in spinoffs of the Dragon Quest games and is a minor character in the actual canon games. There's also the fact that he's anatomically ill suited for a game like Brawl. (Grabbing and throwing, anyone?) You also keep ignoring how people have said time and time again that Geno would enter the ranks as a Mario character and not represent Square Enix as a whole.
2. And? Just because they could doesn't mean that SE would want their rep to be a retired, irrelevant puppet. Konami's character wasn't included to please Nintendo fans, Sega's wasn't, so why does SE's have to?
*slams face on keyboard* This is a terrible arguement all in itself... First off, please read what I said in the third sentence of the first comment. Second, how is Sonic's inclusion in any shape or form "displeasing" to Nintendo fans? He was the most requested overall according to Miyamoto and Sakurai and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games was solely created TO PLEASE BOTH SEGA AND NINTENDO FANS BECAUSE OF THE HIGH DEMAND FOR BOTH OF THEM TO BE IN A GAME TOGETHER. Also, the Metal Gear franchise is highly acclaimed and Snake's inclusion confirmed that other third party characters would surely make the cut so I don't see how that's radically displeasing either. You've got to stop making assumptions about so many things...
3. Read the above copyright Nintendo holds. "All rights, including copyrights of Game, Scenario, Music, and Program reserved by Nintendo." Following that, it says: "Regardless of the above-mentioned, the copyright of Character "Geno", reserved by Square Enix Co., Ltd." They say the same thing about Geno and Square as they do about the entire game sans Geno and themselves. Which means that SE owns Geno as much as Nintendo owns the music made for M&L.
Do you even read your opponents' rebuttals? Why must I repeat myself? Regarding what you said above, that lists what Nintendo has control of when it comes to all Mario titles. Because of Nintendo owning the scenarios to the games, original characters in said games cannot be used in other games without Nintendo's involvement. Square Enix may own Geno but because of this, he's basically useless to them.
4. And? Are you implying that Sakurai holds no respect for any input from Konami, Sega, or SE on who is in and who isn't, as well as how the character looks or acts? I doubt Sakurai's going to burn bridges by ignoring their input.
As he is the person that gives the thumbs up or down in the end, their input isn't even a factor unless Sakurai contacts them and makes a pact concerning a third party character. It's like going to a grocery store: you only have to buy certain products if you want to and if you decide to, you end up paying for the products. What I just said basically debunks your theory about third parties making demands at Sakurai even before he contacts them.
5. A free poll on a Nintendo site! Guess who frequents those? Hint: Not SE fans. There had never been any indication of third parties in Brawl, and the fanbase pretty much everywhere agreed that third parties wouldn't be included. Nintendo fans on a Nintendo fansite are a wee bit more likely to vote for a Nintendo-linked character than someone who is not.
My responses in red.