Well, if Square Enix doesn't care about Geno then why the hell would they care if Sakurai wanted to add Geno to Brawl? Your argument is a giant contradiction with partial facts and barely any evidence to back it up. You aren't Sakurai and I doubt you're even acquainted to him. "Sakurai would do this for sure! Why would Sakurai say that, he definitely wouldn't! Look at me guys, Sakurai and I are buddies! I know everything!"
Whats wrong with the fans wanting Geno? Hmm? If any other Square Enix character was requested NEARLY as much as Geno and received NEARLY as much recognition from Sakurai, your argument might hold up a bit more than it does.. I mean doesn't.. If Geno is highly requested and Sakurai notes that, then what do you want us to do about it? You can't blame the fans for wanting a character.. you'd be a hypocrite. Smash Bros isn't about who is super popular and who has the most games and who has the largest fan bases.. my god.. I didn't even know who the Ice Climbers, Pit, Mr. Game and Watch, Lucas, Roy and Marth were until I played Melee and started watching updates on the Smash Bros Dojo.
1) You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Do you know who Rareware is? Did you know that for years they developed most of the Donkey Kong content you see today? Guess what! Nintendo didn't create it! Rareware did! Oh, but Nintendo owns the rights to Donkey Kong and everything affiliated to it.. I'm so STUPID... oh man, wow.. I can't believe it.. wait.. whats that? In the Melee instruction manual there is credit given to Rareware for the material they created that was used for Melee?! No way! Nintendo paid Rareware!? Oh yeah, I forgot, they didn't.. they just gave credit to Rareware who is a fourth party company now. Don't think for one moment that it would be any different in Brawl. Rareware holds most of the intellectual property to Donkey Kong's content and Nintendo MUST credit Rareware for the material they created even if they don't own half of a fraction of Donkey Kong. Thats the way it is. Geno is most likely in the same situation.
2) So.. next time you and Sakurai are hanging out, why don't you confirm Geno's status for us?
3) I don't have a clue how that has any relevance to Geno's inclusion in Brawl...
1. Because *gasp* if they're gonna be in, they want to use someone they care about! Not some random character they made ten years ago. God forbid they want to use someone from one of THEIR franchises, and I doubt SE really cares about pleasing Nintendo fanboys.
2. Ugh. This is probably the stupidest argument for Geno - "just because he's not a major character doesn't exclude him - look at Ice Climbers!" Geno would be the Square Enix representative, which means that he'd be representing one of the biggest Japanese third party companies
ever. Ice Climbers get in because there's more open spots for Nintendo characters than third parties - as well as being an NES launch game and a unique character. Lucas is the star of the latest Mother game, a series which Sakurai enjoys, and a series with a director that he is friends with. Game & Watch is one of Nintendo's earliest characters, before even Mario, and the mascot of all G&W systems and games. Pit is the star of an early and well-received game, and a game which Sakurai likes. On top of that, he was widely requested in the SSBM poll (and let me guess, you'll complain about me using a Nintendo character's poll placing while denouncing your use of a third party character's poll placing over other third parties). Roy was put in for advertising purposes, and because Sakurai was cloning Marth anyway. And Marth, he's the mascot of a fairly big franchise in Japan, appearing in two games and in an upcoming third game. They didn't pick obscure characters "just because". They picked them because they had importance to Nintendo history. Geno has no importance to either Nintendo history or Square Enix history - a foot note at best.
3. They weren't as widely requested because the idea of playable third parties wasn't even in consideration by the people answering the poll! And on top of that, it's Nintendo fans on a Nintendo web site which caters to them answering a poll, not knowing that third parties would be in Brawl! That's like polling Al-Qaeda on Women's Rights, and then arguing that people generally detest them. It's a rigged deck - fans of Square Enix games weren't polled, only Nintendo fans. And even if they were, they were not led to believe that a character with no Nintendo connection could be in. How is it logical to say that Geno beat all the Square Enix characters on a poll they weren't even in?
4. Um, dude? It doesn't say that Geno's design is credited to SE. It specifically states that GENO is COPYRIGHT SQUARE ENIX. In simpler terms, they own Geno. Rare is credited for creating Donkey Kong's design, but at no point do they own the copyright for the design. Square Enix, however, DOES own the copyright for Geno. Nintendo owns every piece of content Rare created for DKC.
5. Sure. And next time you're hanging out with him, ask him how his Geno crusade is going? Since you all seem so certain that Sakurai cares a great deal about him being in Brawl, so much as to threaten SE with exclusion from the game if they don't have this irrelevant character represent them.
Snake and Sonic aren't on the poll, because they're third party characters. Since there are no other 3rd Party characters, oher than the complicated situation of Geno, we can only assume that Geno is 2nd Party.
The whole ARGUMENT about this poll was that because Geno beat every SE character, he's the best choice. Now you're saying that third parties weren't even included? Please, please stop flip flopping with this pathetic argument.
Also, I didn't know that Nintendo stating that Geno was not theirs, specifically stating that they didn't own Geno and that SE did, qualified him as 2nd party.
Your entire arguement is based solely on what you think they should do based on your own bias or assuming everything is based on advertising, which if they developers really cared enough about they would have approached Sakurai. Geno is not fully 3rd party and counts as a Mario representative character
I never once said they cared enough to approach them. If they were approached, they would want someone they care about. Why would Geno get in over someone that's actually significant and well-known to a massive group of people?
I find itfunny that Nintendo All stars means you mst have been on a Nintendo Game
Cause Roy who got his game released after Melee was considered a All Star! .../sarcasm
Geno 4 Brawl!
Roy was put in months before with the intent of advertising an upcoming game.
Why would Geno be in? He's not retro, he's not current, he's not an All Star, he doesn't have a large library of games that he's been in, he doesn't have a library of games he's been in, he has like 1/16 of a bookshelf of the games he's been in. The only reasoning provided for Geno being in is "he was on the poll!"