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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! (Updated 2/11/10!)

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Smash Champion
Feb 1, 2006
Johnson City Tennessee
You can't say that I'm wrong. Its just true for both instances. Just cause a girl has sex with another girl doesn't necessarily mean shes a lesbian. She could be bi.

TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
You can't say that I'm wrong. Its just true for both instances. Just cause a girl has sex with another girl doesn't necessarily mean shes a lesbian. She could be bi.
nah, she could just be doing it for the
1. lulz
2. money
3. hotness: girl + bi/lesbian > girl + strictly dickly? *which is false in my opinion, buuuuuuut, some guys like that.
4. logic, cause we all know women are good at logic.

a good personality trait to have, to master your sexuality for a greater purpose.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
i like Zio... -_-;;

i work so hard to achieve what he does without trying. mad respect.

TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
^ that right there

Defensive style Logic: Usually someone tries to prove what an offensive person says as wrong. Almost never attacks another person on a board. Usually answers with questions.
Point: Smith is older than twitch
Offensive answer: I disagree, for Twitch's birthday clearly comes before Sniths. *link to birthcertificates*
Defensive answer: What makes you say that? I'm gonna need to see some birth certificates.

Defensives are easier to troll than other logic types, but that doesnt make your type. I've seen offensives get trolled harder than anyone.

dont worry if you dont get this.
I just made it up when I made that post about Zio.
. . and I'm still making it up as I go along.

Don't mind me.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
. . .who is this Zio guy, really?
here's what I know.
1. Age: 23
2. Hobbies: Smash*past*, Trolling
3. Font Color: Purple
4. Homestate: NY?
5. Logic Style: Offensive (specializes in Links/copy paste/reverse psych)
This is fearsomely accurate. I want to see a stat list like we do in RPGs, then, if you were that on point!

Do it for sloppy chops.;)


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
lol TJ with that inui (prince of tennis) data.

if he could do the same thing with playstyles, he'd be able to own us.

Character: Peach
Style: offensive
Weakness: Edgeguarding, Guys named Chris who play Ganondorf
Strengths: Turnip usage, awkward movement style (such as random upB's)

Now if you could do that accurately...thatd be cool.

TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
lol TJ with that inui (prince of tennis) data.

if he could do the same thing with playstyles, he'd be able to own us.

Character: Peach
Style: offensive
Weakness: Edgeguarding, Guys named Chris who play Ganondorf
Strengths: Turnip usage, awkward movement style (such as random upB's)

Now if you could do that accurately...thatd be cool.
I can try. . .revised stats coming whenever I feel like it.

Funny, though, Cam has been telling me that
1. I'm really good at edge guarding.
2. What I'm missing is the instinct to combo *which I'm slowly picking up*

and to answer your question, twitch. Here's a list of my characters.
Most comfortable: Mario
Most Dangerous: Dr. Mario
Most Potential: Peach
Highest Tier: Shiek
Favorite: DK.

anyways, I'll come up with stats now that I have nothing better to do.

TJ Infinat

Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2009
raeford or chapel hill depends on the time of year
All stats are based on what I know and/or think based on what I see. If I'm wrong, correct me

Age: *Guess* 19
Hobbies: Smash, Pokemon
Character: Fox, Pikachu
Playstyle: gimpy defensive, typical pikachu style with poke out fsmashes and attempts to gimp with spiking upB and/or uair spikes. Fox plays like it hangs out with pikachu all the time
Weed Effect Type: Creativity up, Survival Skill down
Logic Style: Lurking Comedic. Rarely has to argue a point, usually argues for the laughs. equal amounts of offense and defense.
Strength goes down in the face of hunger
Troll Factor: (1 is really easy to troll 10 is really hard) 7.5

CrystalNite - Theo
Age: *Guess = older than me younger than PP* 19
Hobbies: Smash, Anime, Flute, Watching DK MMs
Character: MARTH, Shiek, Luigi?
Playstyle: Technical Offensive; plays like he knows what you're gonna do before you do it, which could mean problems for him if you do like Zio and reverse psych. Knows Marth and uses that to his advantage.
Logic Style: Serious Neutral; You know when theo is serious about a subject, he has scholar like techniques, characterized by long write ups complete with technical terms.
Troll Factor: 6

Age: 18
Hobbies: Smash, guitar, yoyo
Character: Mario, Peach, DK?
Playstyle: Agressive Trickster; characterized by random *** and quick movements that try to draw you in and counter when you arent expecting it. watch out for his signature "where the **** did that upB just come from?" attacks. Tries build damage and get you off the edge for a edgeguarding.
Logic Style: Lurking Neutral; Tend to mind their own business, throwing in a joke here or there and will put in two cents if asked or if its something they feel strongly about. Rarely Argues
Troll Factor: 8

Age: Ganon
Hobbies: Ganon, Ganon, Ganon
Character: Ganondorf, Ganon
Plays. . . .

Seriously though. . . .
Age: 18
Hobbies: Smash, Piano, Soccer
Characters: Ganon, Mario?
Playstyle: Aggressive offensive. Ganon leaves no room for attack, no room for counter. He will simply face you head on, with his superior hitboxes and intense movement. Be careful, one pixel can be the difference between you landing on the ground and you floating back to stage on a recovery platform. . . .
Logic Style: Lurking Offensive; tweaked a bit to the comedic side. Posted arguments are offensive, doesnt say things he'll regret later in an arguement
Troll Factor: 8.5. Lurkers are characteristically hard to troll.

Twitch aka Lil PP
Age: 14?
Hobbies: Smash, Arguing with Smith/Stingers, being PPs bro
Character: Fox
Playstyle: Technical Neutral; Neutral is characterized by trying not to be identified as either offensive or defensive. Twitch has a very technical playstyle, aiming attacks with intent and calculations for the next 3 moves.
Logic Style: Neutral Defensive
Troll Factor: 3. Defensives are most times easier to troll


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
I'm older than behr? lol.

TJ do one for me. these are awesome.
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