Stat Sheets, part 2.
wow behr, you're 15? I'm 18 and . . you look older than me. . . wtf?
or are you really 22?
troll ability + 3
New section: Trolling ability
Zio - 9
Behr - 5
Crystalnite - 6.5
TJInfinat - 2.5
Bl@ckChris - Ganon (6)
Twitch - 4
AAAAAAAAAND, here we go!!!
Age: 15
Hobbies: Smash, Watchin disney movies such as Alice in wonderland (pro pic), making naively sarcastic jokes, being a bro
Character: Bowser, Luigi, Falco?
Playstyle: Tricky Defensive ; at the height of his potential he'll go for bait and switch. Like an angler fish, he will show lie in wait and dangle obvious holes in his defense in front of you, then when you seek to capitalize, he will counter.
Logic Style: Lurking Comedic; see behr
Troll Factor: 6. he's a pretty laid back guy, so trolling him is harder than most
Trolling ability: 5
DR Neo
Age: 18?
Hobbies: Smash, Operations, Noting fairytale creatures from movies (like trolls on the Bridge to terabithia
Character: Dr. Mario
Playstyle: Probably a Aggressive Defensive; Mario types (Mario, Doc, Luigi) usually have to put aggresive movements into their play, waiting for chances to take an opponents slip up and make them pay. Dr. Mario tends to end things quickly with powerful attacks that get opponents off the stage and relying on capes and bairs to seal their fate
Logic Style: Funny Offensive; Other posters with this style: CJ Love
Troll Factor: 7. Either knows people too well or not well enough to have their trolling make a difference.
Trolling ability: 5.5
Boss Hog
Age: 20?
Hobbies: Smash, Leading from the shadows, STACKING IT UP!!!!!!!!
Character: Shiek (from PRs)
Playstyle: Sagely Neutral; will size you up and then switch to a playing style that will provide a challenge. Prefers quick kills over assured murder
Logic Style: Specialized; anything that BH says is probably thought out and contains an iron shell. Can sometimes end arguments with the power that Dr PP would envy.
Troll Factor: 10. To this day, I've never seen BH get trolled
Trolling ability: 4.5 Potentially more, but I'm new here.
"Who the **** is P*L*U*R?"
Age: 19
Hobbies: Smash, doing things with his girl (and sometimes letting PP watch), Being funny as hell, Cheesecake, Being Black
Character: Peach, ICs, Mario (Blue version)
Playstyle: Combo Aggressive; plays characters who are disadvantaged unless you know what you're doing, and most times knows what he's doing. Characterized by combo abilities, using his characters' strengths. Sometimes he doesnt have time to cover the weaknesses.
Logic Style: Warm Comedic; Uses comedy for the good. The opposite of cam who uses comedy to troll
Troll Factor: 8. Never seen him get trolled
Trolling ability: potentially a 9, but a demonstrated 3.
Edit: Hope you enjoyed the new stats. I can do more if you'd like. . .
Coming next time on Stat List Z!