Fair I guess could gimp, but it shouldn't ever be outright killing you. O,o
Also, Dsmash, Usmash, and Double Team are rarely used by the common, household Lucario. It's generally believed to be way too slow for a counter, as well as giving most opponents enough time to shield the hit. I'm not sure if Yoshi's slower shield is able to dodge the hit, though. Someone should check. <<
fair can kill at high percents actually, and is pretty good too T_T
also the lucario i talked to last night (Milln) said that U-smash was an excellent move vs yoshi (he has quite a bit of yoshi exp.)
yoshi's shield dosen't come out any slower, its the ending lag that makes it slow, and the roll.
If Yoshi is in range to connect with his tilts, the Lucario screwed up.
by you saying that yoshi should never be in range with tilts then that means lucario is NEVER going to be close enough to fsmash,tilt,or do anything, so is this a magic flying lucario of aura spheres?
Any aerial approaches can and will be stopped by an angled Ftilt or Fsmash, and any ground approaches don't fare much better. Yoshi's "speed" doesn't matter if Lucario can just start his move early and plow right through you.I'm not sure though what Yoshi could possibly do to a grounded Lucario approaching with ftilts and/or Fsmashes combined with the occasional partially charged or fully charged AS, though. It probably wouldn't be pretty, though. >>
saying a lucario that times his fsmash right isn't a very good argument.
you're talking in theories and theories rarely come to fruition during a match.
-Example: Mew2King says that shiek is the best character in melee, because in theory shiek can f-tilt,f-tilt,f-tilt-ftilt-u-tilt, and fair, and NO character will be able to recover if shiek edgeguards with a bair (out ranges marth). is this true? in theory yes, but people aren't out there doing it because it's not very practical.
I think it's the general consensus that in this match yoshi should stay away from the air here. however yoshi's bair if spaced right and given yoshi's fast air movement (fastest in the game, yes better than wario and jiggs) can bair when you f-smash and hit you on your ending lag.
Lucarios fsmash is good but doesn't seem very safe it has startup lag (everything yoshi has up close beats it), and a few frames of ending lag. I actually tested it out how to approach it by having someone spam fsmash (with a 100% damaged lucario not sure if it increased in range or not but wanted to be safe, also we tried both up angled and normal) while i tried to approach and heres what i found.
-bair actually works quite well to approach, because lucario has startup lag you can time yoshi's bair to hit lucario when the attack ends (and yes I used this in game too.)
-and Eggroll is actually pretty good at approaching f-smash and f-tilt (eggroll wtf!?)
- On fsmash eggroll beats the start-up frames and ending frames obviously, when the attack is out (before and after the blue aura is out) it cancels. when the aura is out it out prioritizes the eggroll. however in the time it takes to cross FD in the egg and the time it takes for lucarios fsmash to come out (we tried this too) the roll usually cancels. the lucario player needs to time it just right considering you're in a bad spot if you cancel the attack, yoshi is pretty much lagless and can punish you sense everything he has up close is once again faster.
- Ftilt ALWAYS cancels the roll unless the lucario catches yoshi when he begins the move or starts turning (priority is based on momentum.)
I'd imagine a defensive Yoshi would probably fare better due to his ftilt outprioritizing our safest approach, the Fair combo, as well as being able to abuse the pivot grab. (According to you, at least. I'm too lazy to check.)
that's true, and in this matchup most yoshi's will be playing defensively.
about AS spam:
- ftilt and jabs and bairs and the roll cancel it at low percents
- The roll cancels it at medium percents
and at high percents yoshi is just going to have to shield.
also I'd like to note the lucario i play (rocket trainer) is by no means bad, we play a LOT together and our matches go pretty even, if not in my favor. He is NOT bad he even placed 5th at HOBO 7 here in houston.
honestly though me and Milln agreed on a lot of the same things, he said he doesn't assign ratios to matchups, be he did acknowledge that It's not a TERRIBLE matchup for yoshi but lucario certainly has the upper hand, and we all agree (me, rocket trainer, and KO kingpin (yoshi that consistently plays with milln) that 6:4 sounds about right.
also not to be rude Kitamerby but what yoshi's do you usually play with? I'd be nice to know everyones credibility when they have input for these things, because you could be some lucario fanboy who wants to skull-**** yoshi
Edit: Also did anyone read this?
my final conclusion is 4:6 lucarios favor,
I also heard from KO kingpin (the yoshi in the vids Milln contacted him) heres his thoughts
[22:30] <TehMilln> KO says it's 6-4
[22:30] <TehMilln> He says it can go even, but Lucario's a *****. especially with Dair.
[22:30] <TehMilln> But yeah
[22:31] <TehMilln> We're both in agreement that Lucario is too beast for Yoshi. >3
is this something we can all agree on?