If I go, it'd be with argent. Not 100% sure if I'm up for it now atm
My biggest issue is the last three tournies I've gone to, I've had no money. This time will be no different...but friendlies almost COMPLETELY stop when tournies start. ALL sets are used, and not even a single set for 1 or 2 of the games are left to do friendlies on. Basically means I get to sit there n watch fights for 8-12 hours...You can only watch so much before you'd rather play...and when a game or games do free up, it's usually Brawl first for quite some time THEN other games :< I'd bring my 360/wii, but I'm honestly tired of hooking/re-hooking crap up, and I've just gotten my 360 hooked back up n my Wii is waiting to be hooked in, but most of the time my set ups aren't even used so I won't even bother.
(Also I DO NOT have the venue fee $. Sorry, we're really hurting for money with bills n what not atm :/)
EDIT: I'd complain bout the potential of briiiight light and/or heat, but it's indoors, I suspect there's AC, and it's not that big a deal
. It's more the money and I never really seem to be able to play much before/during/after tournies start issues that are holding me back...