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Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Welcome to the MONSTER SMASH.


The spookiest, scariest, most horrifying Smashboard Creates topic yet! Hopefully it will be a graveyard bash.

Together we will gather up an assortment of ghouls, monsters, maniacs, and madmen to assemble our ultimate roster for a Scary Smash Bros. Don't think you just have to include the bad guys or the hideously deformed though, there's room for the heroes of horror as well. I'm not going to argue what counts as spooky, scary, or horror either. I'm sure everyone has their own limits as to what counts, if you think it's somewhat appropriate, feel free to nominate it.

We're going to go with a playable roster of 66 character, 6 non-playabe bosses, and 13 assists. (See what I did there?)
Gameplay will be basic Smash Bros style, with possibly some modification as the topic goes on.
And because it's MY topic and I know they're going to get nominated anyway, I'll start us out with the first two slots already filled by Dracula and Freddy.

If you're anything like me, sometimes you come back into a topic and have to scroll around to see what the active job is. In order to make it more apparent, active topics for nomination will be marked with this snazzy little image.

(Image size may vary.)

dracula scary.jpg
Freddy silent.jpg
Freddy Krueger
Jack O'Lantern
Custom Zombie.jpg
Customizable Zombie
Pyramid Head
Frankensteins monster.jpg

Freddy Krueger
Jack O'Lantern
Pyramid Head

Bruce the Shark (JAWS)


Given the nature of our topic, I want to remind everyone what the rating of this forum is. If you're not sure how far you can take that, try not to post anything more disturbing that you might find in the Halloween section of your local Wal-mart. Real people will NOT be allowed in this topic... unless specifically stated for a particular task. Due to responses (and in some cases, lack-there-of) we will only be focusing on the characters for this topic.

With that said,
I bid you welcome to our new world of Gods and Monsters.
Enter Freely and of your own will.

TASK 1: Nominate a playable character. Anyone you want.

TASK II: Nominate anything you'd like to see us vote on.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
TASK 1: Nominate a playable character. Anyone you want.

TASK 2: Nominate anything you'd like to see us vote on.
Task the First:
Character Name: The Thing from Another World
Character Origin: The Thing (1982)

So, yeah. My submission goes to another horror character from a movie from the 80s, which might feel redundant, but I think that the Thing from Another World would be a really fitting, and terrifying, presence to deal with in terms of gameplay - whilst not falling to the same "slow but heavy hitting" trapping often seen with other horror-based characters and having a lot of moveset potential.

Now, I know what you're thinking - "BUT KNEE, YOU COMPLETE AND UTTER HEAD-SHAPED IDIOT, THE THING IS LITERALLY KNOWN FOR HORRIFIC IMAGERY OF BODY HORROR" - yes, I get that, and given what was mentioned about making sure this would be something you'd see in your local Walmart, I have a workaround that'd be quite fitting. Despite not appearing directly in that way in the film itself, I'm thinking that the Thing would appear similarly to as seen on the famous poster for the film - wrapped in the Antarctic gear of the various members of the crew who dug it up, and with a face always obscured in shadow.

In terms of gameplay, I wanted to sort of give the Thing that same feeling of oppressive distrust as the original film, with a lot of its attacks having unusual hitboxes as it shifts and morphs its body in unique and interesting ways. Whilst we might not be able to use body horror as seen in the original movie, aspects of it - such as sprouting fleshy spider-like legs when running, for instance - would be a good way to showcase this. Also, you could in theory have it have an ability similarly to Kirby where it "absorbs" opponents and shifts appearance to be similar to them - a little like a combination of Kirby and Twelve from Street Fighter 3!

Whilst this might not be the most infamous of movie villains, or even the most recognisable, I think that the sheer moveset potential for a monster that can take on almost any form allows for a lot of potential - as well as plenty of weirdness in animations that border on, but don't cross the line into, utter grotesqueness. I think it'd be cool to see - after all, it'd even be able to bring things like the research facility as a stage (which would be really unique in my opinion with a stark contrast to the mostly darker tones of other horror-based stages) and the uniquely themed synthesiser music common to Carpenter's work.

Task the Second:
Maybe stages? One idea I've just had could be for a Mii-like character who you could design, with the concept that they take inspiration from Halloween costumes and could have various costumes of characters not represented in the game's roster itself, as well as heroes and the like. (For example, a costume representing Jill Valentine in addition to Nemesis as suggested above, if she didn't get in for whatever reason.) I think you could have a lot of fun with that sort of cheesy Halloween costume look - plus it'd be a fun way to represent another side of horror!
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Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Oooooooh, spooky. This should be fun.

Task 1:

The Jack O'Lantern (Halloween as in the holiday)


While not scary at all to me, we should have a generic character to represent the Halloween season. Look no further than the oddball character, the Jack O'Lantern. Throw in a moveset based on carving and faces and the fire inside a jack o'lantern. A crazy way to kick off the roster!

Task II:

As KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 said, stages are a good thing to vote on first to set the tone for how we should do stages.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Well, well, well...

Task 1: Sadako Yamamura aka The Ring girl.


Intro animation sorted in the above picture(or alternatively coming out of the well she was killed in), but Sadako is probably one of the most famous movie monsters of modern times. Arriving in 1998 and scaring the absolute tar out of Japanese viewers, Sadako has become a pop culture icon in her own right, parodied to hell and back.

This telekinetic powerhouse is able to manipulate images and burn them into people's brains, create video tapes, hand over those tapes to people to watch...(actually she should probably change to streaming at this point) and even manipulate DNA and the human body with her Nensha ability that allows her to create heart attacks and viruses.

I imagine she'd be able to move herself around the battlefield using TV screens she creates to travel. Probably creating them with her own powers to avoid a certain death allowing her to crawl between them...of course there's nothing stopping her opponent throwing the TV off the other side of the stage...

Task 2: Mechanics
I think it's worth voting on exactly what will be the defining mechanics of Monster Smash. What do our ghosts and ghouls bring to the platform fighter gameplay that other games aren't? What's our 'Killer' mechanic so to speak?
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Deleted member

Love me some horror so I'm hyped for this thread. Gonna start with some a bit obvious though.


Pennywise / IT
I think it's pretty obvious we need a Steven King character. He's arguably the most iconic horror writer of the modern era, possibly ever. The big issue is that most of his characters are human antagonists or unseen forces. With one obvious exception.

The evil child eating terror of Derry. He'd be in the Pennywise form but IT's shapeshifting would make up a big part of the moveset. I used the reboot version but you'd have alts for the curry version too.

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Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Oooo this is a really fun concept! I know just who to pitch for this!

Seymour Krelborn and Audrey II (Little Shop of Horrors)

In hopes of helping out a struggling flower shop, employee Seymour Krelborn purchases an exotic plant to attract more customers. Affectionatelly named Audrey II after Seymour's co-worker and love interest, the plant is an instant crowd-pleaser and was exactly the boost in the arm the store needed. Unfortunately for Seymour, it turns out that the Audrey II's diet consists soley of human blood, and its appetite only grows more and more until Audrey gains the ability to talk and pressures Seymour into commiting murder to satiate his neverending appetite.

Aside from me being a die-hard Little Shop of Horrors stan, I think Seymour and Audrey would make for a really cool puppet fighter/duo fighter conceptually. The idea of a normal guy being the unwitting accomplice to a carnivorous plant monster seems like a fun idea for this kind of game. I can just imagine there being a few attacks where Seymour tries to avoid being eaten or otherwise killed by Audrey, only for him to hit the opposing fighter instead.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Xenomorph (Alien)

The Xenomorph XX121, better known just as Xenomorph or the "Alien", is an extraterrestrial hive-based endoparasatoid species with a multi-staged life cycle, possibly originating from the planet Xenomorph Prime.
He comes from Sci-Fi Horror series "Alien", which was made by Fox and 20th Century Studios.
One of the deadliest of all known alien species, these creatures require a host organism in order to reproduce. The appearance of the Xenomorph can vary depending on the host in which the embryo is implanted. The Human phenotype is generally around 7–9 feet (~ 2.13 - 2.74 meters) in height and roughly 181.43 to 272.15 kilograms (400-600 pounds) in weight, with a long, muscular tail and large, curved, oblong head. The Queen of this species is generally twice as large (although some Queens have been shown to grow even larger, some surpassing 30 meters in height if given time) and possesses superior speed, strength and intelligence compared to her common offspring.
He is one of horror Movie icons and he is one of popular aliens in Pop-Culture media, so he counts as no-brainer pick.

He could play like Ridley (No joke intended), since he could use his tail to puncture into opponent as attack or he could use other alien species as attacks like he could use Chestburster attack on someone or even throw a facehugger on opponent, which is clever move for Deadly alien like Xenomorph.

I feel that Xenomorph deserves to be in game as playable, since he is no stranger to crossovers like he appeared in Fortnite. Also having a brutal character makes sense for fighting game to be honest.
Also Alien character in this game would be cool idea.
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Deleted member

For second thing, I would like to see an Arcade mode. Since it's a fighting game, we need to implement an Arcade mode where you fight different opponents and random bosses.
It would be an obvious choice for a 1P mode in this game.
The promntis about job ideas. Not modes. Though a job for an arcade / classic mode / basic ip mode is a good idea


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
We got some gruesomely good starters here.

This is just the first round though, don't feel bad if you character doesn't make the cut this time.

Our contenders are ...
Nemesis ( Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule )
The Thing from Another World ( KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 )
The Jack O'Lantern ( AlteredBeast AlteredBeast )
Sadako Yamamura aka The Ring girl ( YoshiandToad YoshiandToad )
Pennywise the Dancing Clown (from IT) (Darkonedagger)
Gengar ( Torgo the Bear Torgo the Bear )
Jason Voorhees ( DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
Seymour and Audrey II from the Little Shop of Horrors ( OrpheusTelos OrpheusTelos )
Xenomorph (Aliens) Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds
Godzilla ( Northsouthmap Northsouthmap )
Freddy Fazbear ( Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario )
Headless Horseman ( Janx_uwu Janx_uwu )

If you've participated in any of the other topis around here you probably know how the voting goes.

Give me your top three choices, your own nomination can't be in first place, but it can be second or third.

... and while you're doing that ...


Task I: Nominate a default look for Count Dracula and up to 7 alternate costumes or color schemes.

Task II: Nominate a Stage. Any kind of stage.

Task III! If there any changes in game play, mechanics, or gimmicks you would like to see that separate this game from Smash, feel free to discuss them. Or if you're just fine with this being Smash except scarier, let me know that as well.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
Sadako Amamura

Stage: Halloween Town

Would be Monster Smash's equivalent of Final Destination, but instead of going throuhg space and what have you, it's basically just flying through the intro of Nightmare Before Christmas! This stage technically has no hazards, but if set to Hazards Off it will just rest in front of the iconic spiral cliff to be easier on the eyes.

I have some cool gameplay ideas so I shall return soon (gotta sleep first tho)


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2012
1. The Thing
2. The Headless Horseman
3. Jason Voorhees

Honorable mention to the Pumpkin and many of the others.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
We got some gruesomely good starters here.

This is just the first round though, don't feel bad if you character doesn't make the cut this time.

Our contenders are ...
Nemesis ( Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule )
The Thing from Another World ( KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 )
The Jack O'Lantern ( AlteredBeast AlteredBeast )
Sadako Yamamura aka The Ring girl ( YoshiandToad YoshiandToad )
Pennywise the Dancing Clown (from IT) (Darkonedagger)
Gengar ( Torgo the Bear Torgo the Bear )
Jason Voorhees ( DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
Seymour and Audrey II from the Little Shop of Horrors ( OrpheusTelos OrpheusTelos )
Xenomorph (Aliens) Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds
Godzilla ( Northsouthmap Northsouthmap )
Freddy Fazbear ( Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario )
Headless Horseman ( Janx_uwu Janx_uwu )

If you've participated in any of the other topis around here you probably know how the voting goes.

Give me your top three choices, your own nomination can't be in first place, but it can be second or third.

... and while you're doing that ...

View attachment 358947

Task I: Nominate a default look for Count Dracula and up to 7 alternate costumes or color schemes.

Task II: Nominate a Stage. Any kind of stage.

Task III! If there any changes in game play, mechanics, or gimmicks you would like to see that separate this game from Smash, feel free to discuss them. Or if you're just fine with this being Smash except scarier, let me know that as well.
1. Jack 'O' Lantern. (Really fun and unique concept that you could do a ton with. Honestly, I would never have come up with something like that - I love it!)
2. Lord Frederick Fazbearington III of the State of Utah. (An obvious, but still interesting, horror rep that you'd... probably not see in a game like this. Interesting.)
3. Seymour and Audrey II. (Honestly, they just feel like a really natural, but hilarious, pick to see in a game like this. Brilliant.)

Task the Third:
Dracula is notable in that there have been a vast number of adaptations of the classic tale throughout the years, a "problem" only compounded by him lapsing into the public domain and fighting Sherlock Holmes several times - but I digress. In order to represent the poster child of horror effectively, I'm going to suggest a look based on something that utterly changed the game in terms of horror as a genre.

Yes, this is Dracula's appearance as seen in the 1931 movie Dracula, starring Bela Lugosi - an icon of early horror movies - and from a film that essentially wrote the book on horror, being one of Universal's earliest forays into the Universal Monsters universe (only really preceded by Frankenstein), as well as the piece of media that fundamentally informs the way that the character of "Count Dracula" is seen to this very day - the presence of a living corpse, the flowing black clothes and cloaks, the peaked collar and a generally formal and yet quietly terrifying aura, it's all there, and it all got kicked off here.

In terms of alts, though, I'm not sure where to take it. The greenish tone shown on the primary promotional poster would be nice to see as the "normal" alt, and a pure black-and-white alt based on the original film's appearance would be very fitting too - as would a red-toned costume for obvious reasons. However, I'm not exactly sure where else to take his costumes - though it would be fun for at least one of them to represent his appearance in Abbott and Costello Meet Dracula, the only other Universal movie to feature Lugosi in the role of the eponymous Count.

Task the Fourth:
Horror media of any form can very easily fall into the classic trapping of "Oh, it's all so dark, so dimly lit, so atmospheric..." I think that would give a somewhat... not boring, but samey vibe to a lot of our stages if we were to do the same, so I wanted to suggest a horror-based stage that could, perhaps, be somewhat more colourful. So, whilst it might not directly be from "a horror film", it's a classic movie with a great beast to be bested, and a great deal of fear.

Stage Name: The Orca
Stage Origin: Jaws (1975)

This stage, in terms of gameplay, pretty much writes itself - fighters are able to move across the boat with the water being a blast zone, similarly to The Great Sea over in Smash. Unlike with Smash, however, there's a stage hazard in the form of Bruce - who'll sometimes leap onto the boat and bite viciously at fighters who happen to get in his way. Various characters from the film appear too - most prominently Quint, Hooper and Brody - are present, but I think it would be cool to be able to see Amity Island in the distance too.

Task the Fifth:
As much as I think something like "Scare Factor!" could be a fun mechanic, I feel like adding too much weirdness to the game would kind of just... bloat it? I mean, that's just me, but...
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Nostromo (Alien)
View attachment 357779
Nostromo is a fictional spaceship from Alien franchise made by Fox and it's used by humans to travel through space (from planet to planet).
It was featured in earlier Alien movies until it got destroyed in 2112.

The stage would take place inside the ship. The cameos are characters from the movie.

This stage could fit Xenomorph, since he invaded this ship in movies while fighting people.


Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
1. The Thing
2. Jack O’Lantern
3. Jason Voorhees

I feel for gameplay, it should be a bit more darker and maybe even a slasher themed gimmick for supers would be the best way to go about it. It would be darker than most platfighters to be honest.

Deleted member

1. Jason
2. Sadako
3. Xenomorph


Boiler Room (Nightmare on Elm Street)
Where Freddy does a lot of his kills. It's a pretty simple stage with some pipes that can be used as platforms. Hooks hang down and there is a boiler in the middle, both of which can be used to deal damage


Classic (Default)






1993 (Old)





Castlevaina (Show)


Castlevaina (Game)

Really considered putting the Hotel Transylvania Drac but I figured it wasn't a good fit. Default wpuld have normal and B+W options. If that takes up a slot then I'll cut the Untold or Marvel version.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
Gameplay changes:

  • The game has a dedicated Strafe button like NASB
  • Attacking an opponent from behind deals 1.2X more damage
  • Back Smashes and Back Tilts are now a thing (can only be activated if holding the Strafe button, same goes for back airs)
  • A Trick Or Treat meter. This can be used to make parries and dodges faster and easier (treats), or saved up for 2 levels of a super attack (tricks) (level 1 is fairly strong and takes up half a meter, 2 is basically a Final Smash and has a cooler animation/is much stronger but requires full meter). Dunno what the super attacks should be called yet though (Slash Attacks is a good one maybe, but not all of our characters are coming from slasher flicks so idk)
  • When an opponent is hanging on the ledge, you can grab onto their leg, decreasing their invulnerability timer and allowing yourself to get onto the stage yourself (admittedly a bit slower than if you were to grab onto the ledge itself). You can also press the attack button to try pulilng them down with you. Only consequence to doing this is if your opponent gets off the ledge before you do, then you become airborne again and don't have ledge invulnerability, in a much worse position than the player with stage control at the moment. Shoutouts to Baysha Baysha for this really cool idea, I don't think they intended it but this is a perfect fit for a horror/Halloween platfighter.
  • Movement across the board feels a bit heavier compared to Smash Ultimate.
I'll wait until the first character(s) are announced before I start talking about tone and aesthetic (which I think is really important to nail down early on for a game focused on horror content)
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Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Allow me to introduce our first New Character

The Jack O'Lantern

YAY! Thank you AlteredBeast AlteredBeast .

Now let's look at some stages.
Sadako Amamura

Stage: Halloween Town

Would be Monster Smash's equivalent of Final Destination, but instead of going throuhg space and what have you, it's basically just flying through the intro of Nightmare Before Christmas! This stage technically has no hazards, but if set to Hazards Off it will just rest in front of the iconic spiral cliff to be easier on the eyes.
Stage Name: The Orca
Stage Origin: Jaws (1975)

Nostromo (Alien)
View attachment 357779
Nostromo is a fictional spaceship from Alien franchise made by Fox and it's used by humans to travel through space (from planet to planet).
It was featured in earlier Alien movies until it got destroyed in 2112.

The stage would take place inside the ship. The cameos are characters from the movie.

This stage could fit Xenomorph, since he invaded this ship in movies while fighting people.
View attachment 358980
Boiler Room (Nightmare on Elm Street)
Where Freddy does a lot of his kills. It's a pretty simple stage with some pipes that can be used as platforms. Hooks hang down and there is a boiler in the middle, both of which can be used to deal damage
Please Vote

For Dracula's Costumes we Have Two Options
Dracula is notable in that there have been a vast number of adaptations of the classic tale throughout the years, a "problem" only compounded by him lapsing into the public domain and fighting Sherlock Holmes several times - but I digress. In order to represent the poster child of horror effectively, I'm going to suggest a look based on something that utterly changed the game in terms of horror as a genre.

Yes, this is Dracula's appearance as seen in the 1931 movie Dracula, starring Bela Lugosi - an icon of early horror movies - and from a film that essentially wrote the book on horror, being one of Universal's earliest forays into the Universal Monsters universe (only really preceded by Frankenstein), as well as the piece of media that fundamentally informs the way that the character of "Count Dracula" is seen to this very day - the presence of a living corpse, the flowing black clothes and cloaks, the peaked collar and a generally formal and yet quietly terrifying aura, it's all there, and it all got kicked off here.

In terms of alts, though, I'm not sure where to take it. The greenish tone shown on the primary promotional poster would be nice to see as the "normal" alt, and a pure black-and-white alt based on the original film's appearance would be very fitting too - as would a red-toned costume for obvious reasons. However, I'm not exactly sure where else to take his costumes - though it would be fun for at least one of them to represent his appearance in Abbott and Costello Meet Dracula, the only other Universal movie to feature Lugosi in the role of the eponymous Count.

Really considered putting the Hotel Transylvania Drac but I figured it wasn't a good fit. Default wpuld have normal and B+W options. If that takes up a slot then I'll cut the Untold or Marvel version.
Vote on a Draculas!

Task III we'll address later.



Task 1: Submit MUSIC for Jack O'Lantern
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Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Sorry. I perhaps should have been more specific. I'm mainly looking for home stage music, but victory fanfare or introduction music or anything like that would be welcome as well.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
Game Mode: Haunt or be Haunted
Three survivors, one haunter. Huge sprawling map (like imagine a stage a few dozen times the size of Palutena's temple) with the majority filled with general Halloween theming and specific sections focused on Halloween or horror-ish locations from media. The haunter has normal stamina of 100HP, and the survivors can only take a mere three attacks. Haunters only have access to grabs, basic movement and Smash attacks, but the other fighters have their full movesets at their disposal. Survivors must stay alive for a designated amount of time to win, or take down hunter (very very difficult). The haunter must take out all of the survivors to win.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
Task 1:
Monster Mash (Bobby Pickett)
Thriller (Micheal Jackson)
I Want Candy (Bow Wow Wow)
I'm in Love With a Monster (Fifth Harmony)

I tried to find songs that were related to Halloween and not other franchises like Ghostbusters or Nightmare Before Christmas.
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Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Not a lot of love for those last jobs. Alright. Fair enough. I learned some lessons from that.

Based on the results of the polls, The Halloween Town Stage AND Freddy's Boiler Room tied.

Since one of the next Tasks was going to be nominate a Homestage from Freddy anyway, we'll use them both. Big thanks to
Janx_uwu Janx_uwu and Darkonedagger.

Northsouthmap Northsouthmap was the only one to submit music for the Jack O'Lantern, so we'll use that list.
And we'll use Darkonedagger's Draculas.

Moving on ...

Task 1: Nominate a character from a videogame.

Task 2: Nominate a non-playable boss character.

Task 3: ... This one is open for discussion. Miis. How do you want your miis? Do we not want them? Should we just have the same classes as Smash? Different classes? Do we want something like miis but different?

Deleted member


Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)
I know people often bring up reasons why he shouldn't be in Smash. But consdering he's already in Dead by Daylight I don't think jt matters much here. Especially when we consider the type of dark characters we're gonna tap into.

Resi was the obvious option here so I wanted to do something different

I think we really should have something from HP Lovecraft in this lineup. But if we wanna do Cthulhu right then it doesn't actually really make a lot of sense for him to be a fighter. He'd be huge, and would have all sorts of crazy powers.

I don't think we should have Mii's. But I'd be open to some other kind of customizable character
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