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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Task 1:Big Daddy (Bioshock)

images (1).jpeg

Big Daddy is an enemy character from Bioshock,the big daddies are genetically enhanced human beings who had their skins and organs grafted into an armored diving suit and they are little sisters' protectors (little sisters are young girls who have been genetically altered and mentally cobdictioned to reclaim ADAM). There are five types os big daddies:bouncers,rosies,rumblers,lancers and alpha series.

Big daddy is in a PlayStation platform fighter called PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale,why not he being playable character on Monster Smash?
The default Big Daddy is the Big Daddy bouncer.

Task 2:Annabelle

images (2).jpeg

Annabelle is an cursed doll based on a real story. as a boss,Annabelle doesn't move to attack,but some objects are throwed to the playable character as a attack.


Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Task 1

Not sure if this is allowed but..

Space Invaders


Space Invaders has been cited as a precursor to horror games. Therefore, why not add the aliens that supposedly kickstarted the genre? The game Space Invaders involved a survival scenario where an alien invasion slowly descends and increasingly destroys the landscape while menacing sound effects gradually speed up, which created a sense of panic in players when it first released. Therefore, they feel appropriate to represent the start of horror games for the Monster Smash.

Task 2

Jack the Reaper (Spirit Halloween)


The mascot of Spirit Halloween makes sense here as a playable boss. He will fight by summoning various creatures of Halloween including ghosts, skeletons, explosive Halloween candy, etc. He will even fight with a scythe. This is the best way to represent the store Spirit Halloween in this game.

Task 3

I am with @Darkonedagger that we should not have Miis. Maybe a customizable character based off of the Survivals and Killers from Dead by Daylight.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
Task 1: Nominate a character from a videogame.

Task 2: Nominate a non-playable boss character.

Task 3: ... This one is open for discussion. Miis. How do you want your miis? Do we not want them? Should we just have the same classes as Smash? Different classes? Do we want something like miis but different?
Task One: I think that if we're to try and represent "horror" from videogames as a whole, limiting ourselves purely to the traditional "horror genre" would be a little pointless. As such, I'm thinking of someone still very scary, but with a layer of interest!

Character Name: Psycho Mantis
Character Origin: Metal Gear Solid (1998)

Do you like... SUIKODEN? Okay, so it may seem a little odd to submit a Metal Gear Solid character for a horror prompt, but Psycho Mantis is notable for their use of a lot of horror tropes and the like - including one of the earliest prominent 4th-wall-breaks in video games, and having a quite creepy design and concept - being a powerful psychic who wears a gas mask to hide themselves from the world. Psycho Mantis is a character defined by fear as much as any other horror villain, and I think they'd be cool to see.

Task Two:
Keeping with the theming of video-games...

Boss Name: Carrion
Boss Origin: Carrion (2020)

A writhing mess of blood-red flesh, mouths agape and tendrils fresh... Carrion is an unusual experience as a game in that you actually play as the monster, so this game would somewhat reverse the roles by having this creature be a boss to fight. With classic trappings such as high levels of defensive power, as well as shockingly high levels of manouverability due to its form, Carrion would be a very scary - but interesting - creature to do battle with.

Task Three:
Whilst I think the concept of a "custom character" would be brilliant to see, I don't think they should follow the designs seen with the Miis, because they just... wouldn't really fit with other characters here. I do like AlteredBeast AlteredBeast 's concept of using designs similar to the Survivors and Killers from Dead by Daylight, though! As for movesets, I suppose this depends on how we'd want the costumes to be - though I would suggest that there should be more than just three attacks for each special move.
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Deleted member

For a custom character, how about a generic zombie? We could have parts based on all the iconic zombie franchises
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Video game character:
Magician (House of the dead)
Magician/Type-0 is a recurring boss from SEGA's House of the Dead franchise and he is a sentient, synthetic humanoid creature with pyrokinetic powers.
He is one of known bosses from the game.

He would have moveset based on his abilities from House of the Dead such as his aforementioned pyrokinetics. He could also summon other zombies from HotD to assist him in attacks.

I'll do the boss later.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
I sat out the first job, but let me toss in my own ideas for this one.

Task 1:

Morrigan from Darkstalkers, Capcom's queen of crossovers.

Task 2:
Audrey II.jpg

Audrey II was previous mentioned as a possible playable characters, but I personally think that it would work better as a boss.

Task 3:
We'll have Miis, but we'll call them "Trick or Treaters"
In addition to Swordsman, Brawler, and Gunner, we'll also have claw fighter and magician.
tirck or.png


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
The Nominees for a character from a videogame are ....

Pyramid head
(nominated by Darkonedagger)
Big Daddy (nominated by DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
Space Invaders (nominated by AlteredBeast AlteredBeast )
Psycho Mantis (nominated by KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 )
Pac-man's Ghost Gang (nominated by Northsouthmap Northsouthmap )
Magician (nominated by Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds )
Morrigan (nominated by me)

Nomination for Bosses are ...
Cthulhu (nominated by Darkonedagger)
Annabelle (nominated by DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
Jack the Reaper (Spirit Halloween) (nominated by AlteredBeast AlteredBeast )
Carrion (nominated by KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 )
The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (nominated by Northsouthmap Northsouthmap )
Audrey II
(nominated by me)

For each of those two categories please list your top three choices, in order. Your can't choose your own nomination for 1st place, but you can choose it for second)

And a poll for Miis/customizable characters
Click for Poll


Task 1: Submit a stage for Jack O'Lantern
Task 2: Submit Music for Dracula and/or Freddy


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
The Nominees for a character from a videogame are ....

Pyramid head
(nominated by Darkonedagger)
Big Daddy (nominated by DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
Space Invaders (nominated by AlteredBeast AlteredBeast )
Psycho Mantis (nominated by KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 )
Pac-man's Ghost Gang (nominated by Northsouthmap Northsouthmap )
Magician (nominated by Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds )
Morrigan (nominated by me)

Nomination for Bosses are ...
Cthulhu (nominated by Darkonedagger)
Annabelle (nominated by DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
Jack the Reaper (Spirit Halloween) (nominated by AlteredBeast AlteredBeast )
Carrion (nominated by KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 )
The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (nominated by Northsouthmap Northsouthmap )
Audrey II
(nominated by me)

For each of those two categories please list your top three choices, in order. Your can't choose your own nomination for 1st place, but you can choose it for second)

And a poll for Miis/customizable characters
Click for Poll

View attachment 359425

Task 1: Submit a stage for Jack O'Lantern
Task 2: Submit Music for Dracula and/or Freddy
1. Pyramid Head. An icon of horror games, from an iconic horror series in the form of Silent Hill, I think this is a clear choice. Not only this, but visually, the whole vibe of this pick would be really fun to see in the game... plus, a very slow, tank-like character fits well into a title like this.
2. Morrigan. Whilst Darkstalkers might not be the biggest horror IP out there, I think Morrigan is an inspired choice for a, well, fighting game! She'd totally be a fun inclusion, and Darkstalkers is a really great series to represent overall.
3. Space Invaders. I think they'd be a really, really cool "wild card" pick... but that's almost the problem. I'm not sure they'd be my first choice as "the horror video game rep", but I nonetheless absolutely love the idea behind this and would totally want to see them, just, maybe later!

Massive honourable mention to the Ghost Gang - I honestly would never have thought of that and I think it's such an inspired pick!

1. Cthulhu. I'm pretty sure this is an obvious pick for a role like this. Sure, there is the consideration of Lovecraft's... um, interesting opinions on certain groups, but I think that the concept of Cthulhu could be seperated from that with relative ease (and has been in many cases.) Overall, an iconic and spooky pick with a lot of potential on a purely conceptual level!
2. Audrey II. A mostly static character with incredibly powerful moves and a lot of plant-based stage control makes a lot of sense for a boss fighter, and I think Audrey II would be a really unique and fun inclusion - especially if they sing musical numbers whilst trying to beat you down.
3. Stay Puft Marshmellow Man. Probably one of the more iconic parts of Ghostbusters, I think this would be a really fun inclusion as your archetypical "slow but surprisingly strong bullet sponge" character. The massive size of the character also works in its favour here!

Task One:
I think it'd be a good idea for most of Jack O'Lantern's music to be made up of "Halloweeny music", without enroaching into territories of other potential character picks. A song like Monster Mash would fit well, for instance, whereas Thriller might not be particularly fitting given the potential possibility of seeing Michael Jackson as a character. Catch my drift?


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
Dracula Music:
Love Song for a Vampire
The Bat Attack
Meeting in the Cave
The Night Visitor

Freddy Music:
Whisper to a Scream
Into the Fire
Dream Warriors
In the Flesh

Jack-O-Lantern Stage:
Pumpkin Patch: Flat walk off stage


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
I almost forgot to include my own votes.

Let me toss them out and then we'll have results later tonight.

Playable character
Pyramid Head
Ghost Gang

Audrey 2
Stay Puft

Stage: I'm okay with A Pumpkin Patch stage, but I'm like it to have pits, some old creepy trees, and maybe a decaying wooden bridge


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
According to our poll, we don't want Miis, but we do want our next playable character ...

zombie intro.png

The customizable Zombie!
(We'll discuss zombie costumes later)

And our next actually voted on character will be ...

pYRAMID HEAD intro.png

Pyramid Head!

And our first Boss! ... well maybe not our first boss, but the first boss we've decided on.

(I don't have a neat graphic for bosses. )


Task 1: Nominate ITEMS you want to see in Monster Smash.

Task 2: SMASH has Snake's Codec and Palutena's guidance. Nominate a playable character that would fill that role for this game.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2012
Task 1: Halloween Candy

Trick or Treat! Various candies will appear and, once consumed, will heal you just a small bit. Candy is tasty, but it's not super nutritious. It'll make up for that by often coming in nice little buckets that house a lot of them in it, though. Monsters don't get sick from overeating, so it's not as much of a problem here.


Task 2: I'm nominating Elvira for this job. I feel like, as the host of a TV show that showed off horror movies (Elvira's Movie Macabre), giving her own energetic, sarcastic, and innuendo-laden commentary mixed in, she'd be a good character for this sort of job, giving her own humorous commentaries on the other fighters and showing off her knowledge. Maybe showing off something else, but regardless, a horror host makes sense for this kind of job, and aside from the Crypt Keeper, I don't know any more famous ones than her.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
My own nominations:

Task 1: A chainsaw

Let's face it, no weapon says "horror" quite like a chainsaw.
It would be a short ranged weapon that deals heavy damage with very little knockback however carrying it also makes your character slower.

Task 2:

If you need a character that has working knowledge of any and every supernatural threat, a group of iconic heroes that fight these things for a living seems like a safe bet to me.
Ghostbusters the game.png

The Ghostbusters


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
I was hoping for a bit more response than this. Oh well, adapt and overcome!

Due to responses, we'll just focus on the roster for the time being ... and maybe stages. If there's more interest later, we'll go back and fill in moves, costumes, etc.

I'll leave task 2 open for now and let's add to it.

Task 1: Nominate ITEMS you want to see in Monster Smash.

Task 2: SMASH has Snake's Codec and Palutena's guidance. Nominate a playable character that would fill that role for this game.

Task 3: Nominate a character from a black and white movie.

Task 4: Nominate an ASSIST character.

(Note for assists, I'm going to do this a bit differently from how most people have been doing them. We'll try this and see if it works. Assists do NOT de-confirm character! Let's say Count Chocula is chosen for an assist. A Later round comes up with the theme Nominate a Food related character. Count Chocula can still be nominated. If he wins, we'll then have a poll to see if stays an assist or becomes playable. Sound fair?)

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Task 3: Frankenstein

Task 4: Bruce (Jaws)
If this isn’t close enough to a horror movie feel free to tell me.

A shark fin would appear and move around as the familiar Jaws music plays. If an opponent is close to it as the music ends, Bruce would jump up from the stage and bite the opponent

Deleted member

Job 3:

Gill Man
The creature from the black lagoon. A classic desgin. He could have a lot of water based attacks.

Job 4:

The Gremlins will spawn and cause havoc, as they bite, claw and just cuase general mischief. They'll multiply across the stage.

(I was gonna have a water transforming gimmick but i felt it might be limiting.
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 3:
Imhotep is a fictional character from Universal Pictures's movie "The Mummy" and he is an Egyptian mummy who was killed for attempting to resurrect his dead lover, Ankh-esen-amun. After being discovered and accidentally brought to life by a team of archaeologists, he disguises himself as a modern Egyptian named Ardeth Bey and searches for Ankh-esen-amun, who he believes to have been reincarnated in the modern world.

Although he isn't very popular as Frankenstein & Dracula himself, but at least he was a moderate success that spawned many sequels, remakes and reimaginings.

As for it's moveset, he could use his Egyptian stuff to attack such as sarcophagus as his shield attack or even side Smash if he could swing it around. Also he could use his tape to fight the opponents.
He would be all-around character that doesn't have any movement options.

Job 4:
King Ramses (Courage)
One of minor antagonists from CN's Courage the Cowardly dog animated series and he is an undead pharaoh who doesn't like when someone is stealing his slab.

When summoned, he wold spawn the slab in middle of the stage. When someone touches the slab, he gives a one of three curses.
  • Locust swarm - He summons a locust swarm to attack the opponents.
  • Flood - covers the stage with water. Any fighter gets infinite jumps, but they drown.
  • Himself - he appears on the stage and he gives a random negative side effect (similarly to Ashley AT) on whole stage. Can only harm the opponents.

Deleted member

I know the item job is done but

Lament Configuration (Hellraiser)

Once touched it will open up and cause the classiest fighter to be pulled in by chains. They'll be delt damage before they're shot out. A voice will call out "we have such sights to show you."
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Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Task 3:

Norman Bates (Psycho)


Initially from a novel but is from the famous black and white movie Psycho. This movie has been cited as one of the earliest examples of slasher horror movies so Bates is the perfect candidate for the monster Smash.

Task 4:

Nosferatu/Count Orlok


He will spawn on stage and simply flicker the lights akin to his appearance on Spongebob. Also, he will do vampire things as well. I feel a horror platfighter needs him in it definitely.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Task 3:The Invisible Man

Jack Griffin,AKA The invisible man is very obvious,he's not very iconic as Dracula,but there are his references on pop culture.

Task 4:Scissorman (Clock Tower)

Scissorman is the antagonist from Clock Tower series,his design would be the SNES Clock Tower. as an assist,Scissorman walks slowly and he attacks the opponent with his scissor


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Now for my own nominations.

Task 3: The Phantom of the Opera

I suppose we could have some of the more romantic better looking Phantoms are alternate costumes but for the main look, I want the hideously deformed classic.

Task 4: The Killer Tomatoes
Kill;er tomatoes.png
A larger than human tomato with a nasty face on it would roll around the area trying to crush anyone it can. And it might be able to do short jumps as well.

Deleted member

Didn't want two Orlocks clashing with each other so I swapped my submission out


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Now let's do some voting.

Please vote for the character that would fill the Snake's Codec and Palutena's guidance role for this game.

Nominations for character from a black and white movie.
Frankenstein (nominated by Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule )
Creature from the Black Lagoon (nominated by Darkonedagger)
The Mummy Imhotep (nominated by Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds )
Norman Bates
(nominated by AlteredBeast AlteredBeast )
The Invisible Man (nominated by DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
Phantom of the Opera (nominated by myself)

Nominations for Assists

Bruce the shark from JAWS
(nominated by Champion of Hyrule)
Gremlins (nominated by Darkonedagger)
King Ramses (nominated by Tankman from Newgrounds)
Nosferatu/Count Orlock (nominated by AlteredBeast)
Scissorman from Clock Tower (nominated by DragonRobotKing26)
The Killer Tomatoes (nominated by myself)

Please list your top three choices for both categories. Your own nomination cannot be in the top spot, but it can be in the second spot.


And while you're voting on that...

Task 1: Nominate a playable character that's GIANT sized.
(for gameplay sake, they'll probabaly be shown only slightly larger than the other characters)

Task 2: Nominate a character originally from a comicbook

Task 3: Nominate a stage (or two stages if you like) for any of our current playable characters

Deleted member

1. Frankenstein
2. Gillman
3. Invisible Man

1. Bruce
2. Gremlins
3. Orlock


The literal King of the monsters.


A half vampire. He'd pull from the comics and the movies.


Silent Hill
Would take place inside the town, filled with fog. There would be buildings like a school and hospitali. Kind of like a dark verison of Onnet. Monsters like the nurses would appear in thr background.


Dracula's Castle
Would be a port of the Smash stage, but reworked to be more general Dracula themed. Reinfeild would Wander around in the background.
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Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Now for my own votes and nominations.

character from a black and white movie.
Creature from the Black Lagoon
The Mummy Imhotep


Killer Tomatoes


The Cyclops, brought to life by the legendary stop motion artist Ray Harryhausen in the movie the 7th Voyage of Sinbad.
A cyclops very much like this one appeared as a tribute in an episode of Gravity Falls that focused on claymation.

Comicbook character
crypt keeper.jpg


Perhaps better know for his TV series, the Crypt Keeper first appeared in the long running Tales from the Crypt comic series. He looked a little bit different there, but we won't hold that against him. Plus if Elvira makes the cut, it's be fun having these two ghoulish punsters face off against each other.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Task 1:Indominus Rex (Jurassic World)

(i think anyone will say "but Dinosaurs aren't monsters,they are animals",man,there are horror content with dinosaurs)
Indominus Rex is a fictional dinosaur from Jurassic Park series. Indominus Rex's attack is easy to describe: bites and scratches.

Task 2:Spawn

Spawn is the eponymous protagonist from a comic book series created by Todd McFarlane. he was an CIA soldier,his real name is Al Simmons,after Simmons is killed by an ambush,he was sent to hell,in the hell,Simmons made a deal with a demon called Malebolgia because one thing:Revenge!.

i want to submit Scarecrow from Batman,but Spawn is a perfect choice and he is iconic.


Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
1. Frankenstein
2. Norman Bates
3. Creature from Black Lagoon

1. Bruce
2. Gremlins
3. Orlock

I cannot think of any giants so for the comic book character...

Ghost Rider


Probably one of the most iconic horror Marvel heroes. I was going to submit Morbius for the memes but nah. Ghost Rider seems like a solid pick for the Monster Smash.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Let's give a ghoulish greetings for our latest confirmed killer.

Frankenstein  intro.png

(Or Frankenstein's monster if you want to be picky)
nominated by Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule

And our FIRST assist
Bruce the Shark (from JAWS)
ALSO nominated by
Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule

Champ, you just hit a home run with this round of nominations. Great job.

I Still need more votes for the the Snake's Codec and Palutena's guidance role for this game. If you don't want either of them, that's an option as well.

The next set of characters up to vote are ....
For the GIANT character ...
Godzilla (nominated by Darkonedagger)
King Kong (nominated by Northsouthmap Northsouthmap )
The Cyclops (nominated by myself)
Indominus Rex (Jurassic World)
(nominated by DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )

and for the comic character ...
Blade (nominated by Darkonedagger)
The Incredible Hulk (nominated by Northsouthmap Northsouthmap )
The Crypt Keeper (nominated by myself)
Spawn (nominated by DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
Ghost Rider (nominated by AlteredBeast AlteredBeast )

List your top three choices for each category. Your own nominations can't be in first place, but they can be in second.


Task 1: Nominate a FINAL BOSS

Task 2: Nominate a Character from Myth or Legend

Task 3: Nominate a category of character that you want to see nominated next (do you want to see a character from the 2000s, a character from TV advertisements, a slasher character, a music based character, a Nintendo character, etc etc)

Deleted member

1. Kong
2. Godzilla
3. Cyclops

1. Spawn
2. Blade
3. Ghost Rider


What better final boss for a game full of evil creatures and monsters than the Lord of Darkness himself?


We could use some more female characters. There could be a pretty fun moveset using her snakes and turning to stone abilities.

Job: Submit a TV character
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