Smash Ace
Okay everyone please do me a favor. Relax yourselves, close your eyes (but open them just enough to read). Imagine yourself, in a murky, forlorn room. You are in a corner, you are breathing heavy. You feel your nerves tingling, and you feel that your arduous journey is coming to an embittered end. You sense an approaching menace. You are cornered, trapped. You know your end is near, but you are too afraid to move. Your arms don’t respond. Your legs don’t respond. The enemy is upon you, as he gets near, you can see the figure in the dark. His face is a skeleton, expressionless. He holds a large axe. You try to walk back, but the wall behind you stops you. He swings, and misses, not because you eluded him, but because your knees gave way and you fell. He stands above you. You’re numb. Too numb to feel anything. Too numb to have your life flash before your eyes. Your heart begins to race. Faster. You start to panic, you know you are going to die. You can’t see anything anymore, but you can hear the enemy raising his axe. It is the end. You feel it. Lying there next to you. Your hope, your protection, your sword. Your mind flashes to the most important event in your life. You see yourself, in your green tunic, tossing that very sword into the fountain you loved so much. You watched it come out, stronger, brighter, a new color. The most important part. The new color. Then, back in the room, you raise your sword high. You notice it’s new power, you can feel it. It glows bright. Very bright. It blinds your enemy. This gives you courage, it empowers you. You use this opportunity, and in one motion you get up, and slice your enemy in two. Time seems to accelerate. The next thing you know, you are back at home, safe, glad you are alive. You think back. You realize, the reason you are alive. The only reason. Yes. The fairy fountain. It is the reason you are alive.
The end.
*takes a deep breath*