Actually, I've stated before I hated what they did to Samus' character and just that overall story. Nevertheless, I consider it a baby step in the right direction, because it was an ATTEMPT. They botched it pretty bad, but at least Nintendo tried. I wouldn't mind if they tried again, and it really can't get worse than Other M.
As you said, "great game stories are only great because they use the interactivity of the medium..." Well where is that in these past few Zelda games? Talking to that one random towns folk who comes off as creepy, but eh...if I help him, I get to continue going on with my adventure kinda deal? To this day, they have not made Link remotely an interesting character from any perspective. If they don't want assign him a voice that could give us a clue into how he feels, thinks, or why he acts on this or that, then at least do something that would make me give a damn about Link. Fallout has its own thing where your character has several different dialogue options that can be molded based off what you wanna do. Other characters have established personalities that make them alluring as well. Link is just some boring blank slate who nods, screams out whenever he attacks, and saves the world because he's "the chosen one".
I mean, that's just one thing that bothers me. Do I really need to deal with this 15 years from now? "Link! You're the chosen one! Go save the day!" is really all Zelda is to me now. -Go to dungeon, get item, use item to beat boss. Go to next dungeon, get item, use item to beat boss.-
I'm not asking Zelda to be on the level of Metal Gear, Uncharted, or something along those lines...but Nintendo needs to stop doing the same **** over and over. The Metroid series has continued to evolve over the years, even if Other M was horrific from a story perspective, but Zelda is always stuck in the same concept. Mario expands in so many different ways. Galaxy, 64, Sunshine, all those RPGs...Zelda is just...static.