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Legend of Zelda The Milk Bar [Archived]

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shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
Spoiler alert for those who haven't finished OoT:
I hope it wasn't just me, but I knew right away that sheik was zelda. Any1 else know right away?
Are you kidding me? Sheik/Zelda is in Smash Bros Melee and Brawl.

Way back when in 1998, I didn't really see it coming at all. I was dumb and 8 years old though.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
Given that we're on a Smash Bros. Forum and Zelda becomes Sheik with her Down + B...

Yeah, and did I forget to mention that at the end of Planet of the Apes it turns out that they were on earth all along?
I was going to say this too. Um...CA5H, have you played SSBM or SSBB? Just wondering...



Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
Given that we're on a Smash Bros. Forum and Zelda becomes Sheik with her Down + B...

Yeah, and did I forget to mention that at the end of Planet of the Apes it turns out that they were on earth all along?
It blew my mind!

Yes, I have played the SSB series. (Melee obviously is the best.) That's how I knew that sheik was zelda. Psh >_>


The Robo-PSIentist
Oct 6, 2009
Osaka, Japan


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
Yeah. Dude, who the **** cares about voice acting? It's utter crap in basically every game in existence so why do you so badly want to attach a voice and concrete personality to the character? There's absolutely no reason for it.


Apr 13, 2008
Yeah. Dude, who the **** cares about voice acting? It's utter crap in basically every game in existence so why do you so badly want to attach a voice and concrete personality to the character? There's absolutely no reason for it.
Thank you. It's pretty obvious that when they say they're focusing less on story and more on gameplay that voice acting means nothing to them. Those who want voice acting do so so the games can have more complex stories and move along the paths paved by other evolving series. If Zelda holds on to its signature trademarks, then it'll be even more recognized as sticking tried and true to its original concepts. That's something to praise, not frown upon.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
I really, really want to play shadow of the colossus, but I have too many games to play right now. :(

Voice acting in Zelda would be great as long as Link doesn't talk. Half-life did it, and look how that turned out.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2010
The Cucco Pen in Kakariko
Voice acting would kill Link. He's not like the other Nintendo characters who can be given a generic voice. He's called Link because he's a "Link" between you and the game. Thay's WHY you can name yourself in Zelda games. Giving him a voice would strain the connection Nintendo provides with Link in the first place.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Link is probably the only nintendo character I would never want to hear speak. Samus talking? Sure, why not. Ganondorf talking? If they're sure they can do it... Bowser talking?

...On second thought, never again.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Yeah. Dude, who the **** cares about voice acting? It's utter crap in basically every game in existence so why do you so badly want to attach a voice and concrete personality to the character? There's absolutely no reason for it.
Nintendo can afford good voice acting. I don't think we have to worry about there being crap voice acting in a nintendo game.

And of course I badly want to attach a personality to the character. I hate that Link is an empty shell, completely devoid of emotion. I get that his name is a sillly pun, but it still really bugs me. It's just a personal thing, though. I know people either hate that silent characters don't talk, or would never want to see them talk.

Kingdom Come

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2009
Spring, Texas
I love Zelda for what it is. Voice acting for Link?

Dude, Kingdom Hearts was a great game with horrible voice acting. WHo the **** is Haly Joe Osmond? I know I spellt his name wrong but IDGAF. THat's how bad it was. That and the script was horrible. Don't mess up a great game with trash voice acting.


Smash Lord
May 10, 2009
I don't know... Pit's voice acting was pretty horrible in Brawl.

Anyway, the way Link is now, it lets you choose his personality. You could see his as modest, sarcastic, kid-like (not in a bad way)... really any way you want. If he would talk, it would show what Nintendo thinks his personality should be (when you talk you show your personality, right?), therefore forcing a point of view upon you, and that's not fun.
Really, voice acting would have started with Ocarina of Time (like Mega man 64), but Navi really did the talking for you. They are probably going to keep giving Link helping characters to talk for him (Navi, Tatl, King of Red Lions, Midna?).
Link really doesn't need to talk.


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
Nintendo can afford good voice acting. I don't think we have to worry about there being crap voice acting in a nintendo game.

And of course I badly want to attach a personality to the character. I hate that Link is an empty shell, completely devoid of emotion. I get that his name is a sillly pun, but it still really bugs me. It's just a personal thing, though. I know people either hate that silent characters don't talk, or would never want to see them talk.
Yeah, but Zelda isn't a movie or a book. It's a game. Link is your avatar. The whole reason is to immerse yourself in the world and react to everything on your own merits, not on some weakly constructed character traits the designers made.

Besides, Wind Waker shows us that Link can have personality without saying a single word.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
And of course I badly want to attach a personality to the character. I hate that Link is an empty shell, completely devoid of emotion. I get that his name is a sillly pun, but it still really bugs me. It's just a personal thing, though. I know people either hate that silent characters don't talk, or would never want to see them talk.
This, %100 this. I hate how everyone is "TIRED AND TRUE TRADITIONS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT" or whatever. I'm not one of those people who want to play basically the same game every few years only with some modification. And silent protagonists were okay back in the days when games had little to no focus on game play but now it makes the developers look lazy and it makes the character look like a one dimensional piece of cardboard completely devoid of any and all personality (although WW Link had quite a bit). I think that LoZ needs voice acting for the sake of the advancement of the franchise so that it can evolve into more than what it is.

Dude, Kingdom Hearts was a great game with horrible voice acting.
A few things:

1: It's a Square game, not Nintendo. Don't cite a non-Nintendo game for a counter point.

2: It came out at a time when voice acting was pretty much brand new to the company.

3: It's a Square game, they all have pretty mediocre voice acting.

WHo the **** is Haly Joe Osmond?

I know I spellt his name wrong but IDGAF. THat's how bad it was. That and the script was.
The kid's a good actor, it's just that Square writers SUCK BALLS AT WHAT THEY DO.

Plus it's a Square game, scratch that, it's a JRPG, they all have terrible, ****ty, pathetic, mediocre and sometimes even unbearable writing and story.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I don't want Link to have voice acting because I'm afraid it won't suit his mysterious personality. ;O
What personality does he have? xD

I myself agree with the fact that, he never talks, so the player gets to develop their own personality for him. Now, if Nintendo gave Link their own customized personality that he would live by forever...

...As long as he is nothing like Tigura's link, I guess it could be worse. That was disturbing.

Kingdom Come

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2009
Spring, Texas
Lol, I know who Haley Joel Osmont is. I meant, I mean in all honesty also, how relevant is he in today's society? Makauley Culkin is more relevant than he is dude.


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
This, %100 this. I hate how everyone is "TIRED AND TRUE TRADITIONS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT" or whatever. I'm not one of those people who want to play basically the same game every few years only with some modification. And silent protagonists were okay back in the days when games had little to no focus on game play but now it makes the developers look lazy and it makes the character look like a one dimensional piece of cardboard completely devoid of any and all personality (although WW Link had quite a bit). I think that LoZ needs voice acting for the sake of the advancement of the franchise so that it can evolve into more than what it is.
Why do you want a video game series to be more like a movie/animated feature?


Apr 13, 2008
@ Finalark and Skyler - why do you guys think voice acting is the only avenue for Zelda to advance by? Is true one-to-one motion control not enough? Board games don't have voice acting and they serve the purpose of being enjoyable games. Video games are games on a screen controlled via a console. Keeping Zelda the way it is and has been is not a gimmick, voice acting and pre-rendered cutscenes are gimmicks. They alienate players from the game world in which they can fill purposeful voids with their own imaginations. I ask you: do you continue to be fans of the series in hopes that Nintendo will take Zelda down the voice-acting/cinematic path, or are you fans because of everything that Zelda has been to date? If it's the former, then I suggest you find a new game series.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I can understand Link not having a VA, but what about the characters who must talk to advance the plot? No harm in giving them a VA, right?

But, as with the series, it's left up to our imagination . . . somewhat. As to what and how each would speak and the volume their voice would carry.

I myself could care less whether I got Voice Acting or not. You know what game I'm currently playing? Dragon Quest 9. Guess what? The main cast is what you make of them, moreso than Link himself because you MUST name them, and you MUST create the character to your liking. They remain without personality and do not speak the entirety of the game. And yet, I like it. I like the whole game. It's a classic RPG world with a silent protagonist reminiscent of the SNES golden era. I love that game.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
@ Finalark and Skyler - why do you guys think voice acting is the only avenue for Zelda to advance by? Is true one-to-one motion control not enough? Board games don't have voice acting and they serve the purpose of being enjoyable games. Video games are games on a screen controlled via a console. Keeping Zelda the way it is and has been is not a gimmick, voice acting and pre-rendered cutscenes are gimmicks. They alienate players from the game world in which they can fill purposeful voids with their own imaginations. I ask you: do you continue to be fans of the series in hopes that Nintendo will take Zelda down the voice-acting/cinematic path, or are you fans because of everything that Zelda has been to date? If it's the former, then I suggest you find a new game series.
We're not saying anything like voice acting is the only avenue for Zelda to advance by, or that we want to Zelda to go down a cinematic path. It's just outright stupid that Nintendo won't advance with the times and give Link a few speaking lines (he can be quiet! Just not a mute!) and give the series as a whole voice overs for the few cutscenes it does have.

The series really shows its age when it comes to story. Calling pre-rendered cutscenes and voice acting gimmicks is a shallow argument because they put characters into the gaming experience. They solidify the characters and how they talk. Keeping things like that open to interpretation only weakens the experience - making characters more, you know, characterized strengthens the series as a whole. There's a difference between a purposeful void and an unpolished, sloppy job.


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
We're not saying anything like voice acting is the only avenue for Zelda to advance by, or that we want to Zelda to go down a cinematic path. It's just outright stupid that Nintendo won't advance with the times and give Link a few speaking lines (he can be quiet! Just not a mute!) and give the series as a whole voice overs for the few cutscenes it does have.

The series really shows its age when it comes to story. Calling pre-rendered cutscenes and voice acting gimmicks is a shallow argument because they put characters into the gaming experience. They solidify the characters and how they talk. Keeping things like that open to interpretation only weakens the experience - making characters more, you know, characterized strengthens the series as a whole. There's a difference between a purposeful void and an unpolished, sloppy job.
You say you don't want Zelda to be more cinematic but this is exactly what you're describing. Cutscenes take control away from the player, and force you to, in essence, watch a poor imitation of a movie for a couple minutes. How the characters talk is irrelevant to the gameplay. Personally, I'm baffled that people are looking forward to the story of Skyward Sword when it's clear that they are trying to revolutionize the gameplay.

In fact, I'd even go as far to say that this heavy focus on cutscenes (that more or less started with Final Fantasy 7) is holding video games back as a medium. Video games can do something that no artistic medium can, and that is utilize player interactivity with the medium. By their very existence, pre-rendered cutscenes take this away, and instead try to ape other mediums like film.

Link isn't a typical fiction character. He's our avatar. Constructing a personality around him would make the series much like every other game that's out now. And often times that doesn't work.

In Grand Theft Auto 4, the main character has this whole super serious plotline and characterization, where he is remorseful and hesitant about killing people. The cutscenes harp on this point over and over again. Then guess what? After the cutscenes are over, what do we do? Go on a rampage and murder hundreds of innocent civilians and cops. Oh no, now Niko's acting out of character! Do you see what I'm getting at?

Besides, what kind of personality would Link really even need? He's the kid that saves the world. Why do you need more? Do you want him to have the angst and whininess of the Final Fantasy protagonists? Do you really need a couple of voice acted lines that confirm that, yes, he DOES want to save the world? The Zelda series is archetypal by nature, as a means to identify with everyone and to focus on gameplay over story.

Which is what games are about...or they used to be. If games like Heavy Rain become the norm than I fear that true gaming is dead.

Kingdom Come

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2009
Spring, Texas
I agree with LuigiToilet.

But, I would like to see Zelda and Ganon have a few speaking lines.

If not then the laugh Ganon has is already ****** enough.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
My personal opinion on voice acting for games of the likes of Zelda is that it should be out.
My prime example of this is the Final Fantasy series. Personally, I enjoy FF7 and down only, and none of the later games(haven't played FF9 though).

Now, in addition to some of the system changes I'm used to and enjoy, they also started implementing voice acting, and in my personal opinion, it's one of the reasons I stopped playing the series. When I first played FF10, I was awestruck to find out they took the "level" system out, but I tried it anyways, because I enjoyed the games.

Now, when I was showed the voice acting(good in theory), I was appalled. Like that horrible scene showed above, it sucked. But, onto the point, I personally believe that the games without VA'ing told a more "dynamic" story, and most certainly drew me in more.

I think you understand my point, so I'll sell this short,(because of no time)but, it's my opinion about this I suppose, so none of you FF13 fans(Spire, el oh el)go raging on me now.
I think Zelda is perfect as nit stands right now.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
This, and this are why Link should just stay quiet. And as for Nintendo's VA: Yeah, no thanks.:034:
Yes, because a thirty-year-old cartoon and a game in which the only lines are "Mario" and "Let's a-go!" are clearly an excellent argument for why Nintendo shouldn't have voice acting in Zelda.

We're not saying anything like voice acting is the only avenue for Zelda to advance by, or that we want to Zelda to go down a cinematic path. It's just outright stupid that Nintendo won't advance with the times and give Link a few speaking lines (he can be quiet! Just not a mute!) and give the series as a whole voice overs for the few cutscenes it does have.

The series really shows its age when it comes to story. Calling pre-rendered cutscenes and voice acting gimmicks is a shallow argument because they put characters into the gaming experience. They solidify the characters and how they talk. Keeping things like that open to interpretation only weakens the experience - making characters more, you know, characterized strengthens the series as a whole. There's a difference between a purposeful void and an unpolished, sloppy job.
This, 110%.

You say you don't want Zelda to be more cinematic but this is exactly what you're describing. Cutscenes take control away from the player, and force you to, in essence, watch a poor imitation of a movie for a couple minutes. How the characters talk is irrelevant to the gameplay. Personally, I'm baffled that people are looking forward to the story of Skyward Sword when it's clear that they are trying to revolutionize the gameplay.
You know, unless you do cutscences right by letting the player actually perform the actions and only using them to advance the plot. And if you haven't noticed, this isn't 1991, game play isn't everything anymore. Now things like story and atmosphere also count, and just because Nintendo has been around forever it doesn't count them out of these.

In fact, I'd even go as far to say that this heavy focus on cutscenes (that more or less started with Final Fantasy 7) is holding video games back as a medium. Video games can do something that no artistic medium can, and that is utilize player interactivity with the medium. By their very existence, pre-rendered cutscenes take this away, and instead try to ape other mediums like film.
And then you go on to say this later in your post:

Which is what games are about...or they used to be. If games like Heavy Rain become the norm than I fear that true gaming is dead.
You know, despite the fact that Heavy Rain is probably one of the most perfect examples of interacting with the player to tell a story. Actually, did you even play the game?

Although it does bug the hell out of me that JRPGs went from being more centered around game play and more about trying to cover up a paper-thin story and characters with flashy set pieces.

Link isn't a typical fiction character. He's our avatar. Constructing a personality around him would make the series much like every other game that's out now. And often times that doesn't work.
Here's a suggestion: go the Bioware route. Give him a voice but allow player interacting with branching dialog trees that change how the characters feel about Link. He's supposed to be a surrogate from the player, right? Then why not bring that to a whole new level by letting us choose his personality though voiced dialog trees?

In Grand Theft Auto 4, the main character has this whole super serious plotline and characterization, where he is remorseful and hesitant about killing people. The cutscenes harp on this point over and over again. Then guess what? After the cutscenes are over, what do we do? Go on a rampage and murder hundreds of innocent civilians and cops. Oh no, now Niko's acting out of character! Do you see what I'm getting at?
If they decided to be like Bioware then this wouldn't be a problem (usually).

Besides, what kind of personality would Link really even need? He's the kid that saves the world. Why do you need more? Do you want him to have the angst and whininess of the Final Fantasy protagonists? Do you really need a couple of voice acted lines that confirm that, yes, he DOES want to save the world? The Zelda series is archetypal by nature, as a means to identify with everyone and to focus on gameplay over story.
Like I said, be like Bioware. If they let us put the words in Link's mouth (rather than leaving him mute and letting us decide that he just does **** for no reason) then that would bring him to a whole new level.


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
I played a little of Heavy Rain but sure, I willingly didn't get the full experience because it seemed like a glorified Quick-Time Event.

I know it's not 1991. I'm asking why games are becoming less like games? I don't play games to have a literary experience, I play to have fun. Seeing that games like Final Fantasy and Mass Effect are some of the most popular games in existence, I'm aware I'm in the minority here. But WHY does story count? Video game stories are shallow, unimaginative, cliche'd ripoffs of cheap film and literature. There are exceptions to this, but it's seriously like 1% of existing videogames. Sorry, but I really don't care what deeper motivations my little elf guy in green has for killing Ganon and saving the world. The Zelda experience is in the exploration and adventure, not the same rehashed Hero's Tale of a story that most of the games have been.

I'm done arguing this though. You guys can have your Mass Effects and Planetscapes and Heavy Rains. It's just not what Zelda is about to me.

Dragoon Fighter

Smash Lord
May 23, 2010
A Zelda game does not need voice acting to be great. It could just simply do things that made it great in the past + new invasions + Great graphics + awesome music + difficulty setting + making hard really hard (I.E. not TP or WW) + The retro gaming experience (I.E The Tech skill required and gives you clue on the fact you need to get to point c form a but you have to find out what b is with good old detective work or lots of luck.) Also TP's atmosphere and MM dark story line would be awesome but completely unnecessary.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
he retro gaming experience (I.E The Tech skill required and gives you clue on the fact you need to get to point c form a but you have to find out what b is with good old detective work or lots of luck.)
People actually consider this good game design?

@Toilet Luigi: Fine, if you want Zelda to consistently stay the same and not advance into the modern age then whatever. Some of us want to see Zelda become more than what it is, and story counts now because we've moved past the "this is a game, nothing else" stage. I don't get why you want to restrict the franchise to being nothing but game play, but video games stories will never be anything but cliched rip-offs of better stories unless we actually try to do better.
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