Samus vs Lucas
Pk Ice( i dont know its name) is a horrible projectile and i HIGHLY recommend you NEVER use it vs samus.
Electric(pk thunder) is a TASTY move. It screws up samus recovery because of a few reasons: if samus bomb jumps, she is stuck in the ball animation for some time which means the thunder will hit her with ease. Samus is also a FLOATY so no matter if she airdodges or not, she falls SLOW so the thunder can hit her. This type of thing CAN gimp samus but the chances are slim because we have a GREAT recovery.
PK fire is REALLY REALLY annoying if you cannot powershield it. Lucas can throw it in a way that if you regular shield it, lucas can get away and it becomes a chasing game. Oh also, PK fire STOPS our charge shot/both missles but not zair.
As for samus we have lock-on missles/super missle/Charge shot and Zair. Now obviously, if you can PS then then they will become alot less usefull but what MOST people fail to realize is that samus DOES NOT use projectiles JUST to damage people. We use all 4 to set up for other damaging combos
Zair--> grab or charge shot or dash attack
Lock-on missle-->grab or pivot grab
Charge shot-->zair or dash attack or grab
Super missle--> dair or dash attack
Though you may powershield this, some of these lead to frame traps in which you WILL be punished(though it may not be massive damage). Not to mention, ALL of samus projectiles can gimp lucas with ease off stage and WAY off stage.
Dishing Damage and KOs
Right off the bat, lucas wins this.
Samus spends MOST of the game camping and building up damage from projectiles and then goes in for the kill after 100%. What if you learned to PS? You just eliminated 80% of how samus builds damage on the foe. Now we must rely on getting up close to you and fighting you hand to hand.....which is NOT good for samus. Your nair EATS shields and can shield poke. Nair to jab or Nair to u-air is down right obscene. Your jab comes out faster than ours so thats not cool. Isnt dthrow to u-tilt guaranteed for a long *** time? As for KOing, tht stupid tree branch kills MEGA MEGA early and it can be COMBOED into. Dair to branch. D tilt to branch. Dair to dtilt to branch. Even if those dont KO you just did OBSCENE amounts of damage. You have a spike thats not to bad and a D smash that hits in FRONT and in back and some times that piece of **** hits me 2 times before i go flying. Up smash......this thing should NEVER hit but it seems to last MUCH longer than it should and it also kills MUCH earlier than it should. Freakin UP+B can even kill. There is this one glitch type thing where u can run off a platform and almost instantly UP+B into people. Plain ********.
All samus has is a spike and d tilt. Our Charge shot and fsmash will be weak from dishing out damage. lol so yea.
WINNER: lucas......big time.
No need to explain this really.
Samus has a better jump/2nd jump than lucas. Our tether is longer and we can re-tether at more varied lengths than lucas can. We are MEGA FLOATY which means we can come back to the stage easier and we are also MUCH heavier than lucas so we will live longer. We can also stall in the air and move around with our bomb jumping.
Lucas has a tether but its mega short. Lucas can stall( a little) with his DOWN+B. He can also do that DOWN+B pull thingy(which is really cool btw). Other than that hes like ness....his recovery sucks. Lucas is pretty light so he dies kinda early.
Samus stages are good for lucas and lucas stages are good for samus. Unless lucas LOVES yoshi's island, samus and lucas have pretty much the same taste in neutrals. But as for counter picks, we each have our own secret weapons. 2 examples are below.
Brinstar is the ONLY stage where i would rather fight a meta than a lucas. EVERY smash lucas has is extended(stays out longer) due to the pillars and the egg things on that stage. Now combine that with brinstars LOW roof and short walls. Now combine that with lucas ability to kill earlier than samus..... wtf hax samus dies MEGA MEGA easy.
This is where lucas get his *** beat. Samus can DECIMATE you with her platform camping on this stage. Then combine that with the fact that if you get into the water, its near impossible to come back....ESPECIALY if samus is shooting stuff at you while u try and come back.
Though it may seem like samus may have the advantage in more areas than lucas(and she does) she still fails at the ONE thing that WINS matches. KO-ing. And because of that, those other advantages dont weigh as much and thats why i think this match-up is even or MAYBE slightly in lucas favor.
PS: im sorry if this is all vague. im really pressed for time right now.