I didn't know whether to post this in the happy or unhappy thread.
I'm going to try and give this series a chance
Edit: You know what, I had some laughs. It's not how I would have done a new turtles series but it's not that bad.The series might be worth a look to anyone interested. Just keep an open mind for those that grew up with the turtles in late 80's early 90's like I did.
Edit Edit: Apparently Part 2 is up as well, I haven't watched it yet. Let's see if it changes my mind or not
Edit Edit Edit: After watching part 2, I have to say I hope this doesn't turn into a Ben 10 kind of thing. I was getting that vibe from the character "Snake". I hope it doesn't turn into the turtles having to hunt down mutants created by the kraangs. Or something along those lines. While I actually DO like the "villain of the week" formula for some shows, for some reason I didn't like the vibe I was getting from this. Perhaps it was simply because I didn't like the design of the character "Snake". TBH it kind of creeped me out. Just looks at his legs and you'll get why. Maybe it's simply because he mutated into something that wasn't a part of the original turtles series. Spoiler: AFTER he mutates. Not really spoiling anything cause I just said it last sentence
It still had enjoyable parts, but this "Snake" looks like he's going to be a recurring character and I didn't like him.