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The GtaN Brawl General discussion thread! -Wait, did the title change?


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Canada blows, knew it at CoT4, thank God there was someone else to see the scene outside of canada. Man, i knew it, makes me not want to play anymore for sure.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Hang on now, while I can appreciate Mikey's opinions about going to florida and facing people. The brose mobile and co have been going to the us for a while... AND doing well. We're about to head to snes, so then we will truly see how things are. Don't everybody get depressed now.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Go beat those Americans, show them that they will never EVER get our maple syrup no matter what they do, even if they plan on blowing us up with Weapons of Mass Destruction!

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
we gotta coordinate going to a U.S tourney but with every single good player from canada, id like to see how a crew of
Ally,Holy,King Ace,Doc,Swordgard,Percon,Brose,Hype,Me,Minus would fare in the americas

Pound4 people,lets do it.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Hang on now, while I can appreciate Mikey's opinions about going to florida and facing people. The brose mobile and co have been going to the us for a while... AND doing well. We're about to head to snes, so then we will truly see how things are. Don't everybody get depressed now.
I wish you guys luck but I'll tell you this about the general skill level:
1) they all have DI of my calibur
2) they all **** airdodges
3) if they lose, they're going MK

Hope that helps, but I was pretty disappointed after the tournament yesterday lol


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
The Americans are better than us because they take gaming seriously? 0.0

We all do too, but I think the deciding factor is a simple one:

Practice. Back when Rae hosted his casuals, we were on top. The brosemobile went to Critical Hit 4 in September and confirmed that we were indeed one of the best regions, then we lost Rae...and with it lost practice. We were fine til 09, because in late 08 we were STILL very competitive with the US, but then I guess not practicing accumulated beacuse everyone got ***** at cot4, 33rd being our highest placing...

So yeah, practice seems like the thing we need


Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2005
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
We all do too, but I think the deciding factor is a simple one:

Practice. Back when Rae hosted his casuals, we were on top. The brosemobile went to Critical Hit 4 in September and confirmed that we were indeed one of the best regions, then we lost Rae...and with it lost practice. We were fine til 09, because in late 08 we were STILL very competitive with the US, but then I guess not practicing accumulated beacuse everyone got ***** at cot4, 33rd being our highest placing...

So yeah, practice seems like the thing we need
Oh how I miss those days. =( They were quite fun...


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
To everyone who was at Havoc:
(And everyone else >_>)
You may have noticed that my Wii (The one over in the corner with the texture hacks) also had some music hacks going. Some of them were pretty epic, while a select few were for lulz. What you may not know, however, is that I'm still working on the library for this project.

This is where you guys come in, I gave my current trail-build a test run, and now its time to assemble the real thing. So I want you guys to help me choose music for the game. I won't get into too much detail here, but here's a group dedicated to the project. Please join and discuss this, I would love your guys' input. We are dedicated to equality throughout genres of music. Everyone comes from a different background and we completely respect that, and we look forward to some unique tastes to join discussion.


Once completed, I *WILL* be releasing this for free download. So contribute away, guys!


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
Ok so from what I know, nates told me that carter is ok with having 4 people in his car to goto SNES
right now me, carter, and nate can go forsure and we are waiting on ambroses decision as of right now i think lol

if ambrose flops is ANYONE interested in coming and splitting the driving?


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
If you're looking for a direct comparison - once again sorry to offend: this average MK I fought, 8-bit, was above Hype's skill level. Sorry to use you of an example Hype, but the only thing I could think about while fighting him was how similar you two played....except he has alot quicker movements.

Mikey, you cool guy, what was the point of this post?
-> The GTA needs to step its crap up, we're not good. We're imo the worst region. EC, WC, TX, MW would tear us apart.
So I was just playing some games in the MOTHER Lobby (a super cool wifi thing that the Ness mains setup to get practice as/against Ness with Ness and our secondaries) and I found another testament to Mikey's claim. I played against a Ness whom I had never heard of whatsoever and he beasted me...hard. Not only is his Ness straight-up better than mine or any Ness I've played in the GTA (Culex, SRTM), but after we played Ness dittos for a while he wanted to practice with his pika which he referred to as "horrible" and "need{ing} practice" - and it was significantly better than Carter's and Wolfblade's pikas beyond a shadow of a doubt... and that's what he calls "horrible" =/.

Also for anyone who gets frustrated playing against Fool or thinks the camping is unfair or whatever, I played against someone else who is at least 6x campier than Fool, regardless of what character he plays... even in friendlies...

On the slightly brighter side, after what some of the Nesses (especially cheeseonastick; the player I mentioned in the first paragraph) have shown me, I know that it was really never my character holding me back; I still have a loooooong way to go to be on top of Ness' metagame, so I might hold on to my true main for a little longer :)


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
carter you beast, you still haven't sent me your workout regime.
We havent chilled since. If you ever come over to my place again, ill do it. Or if you come to york U on wednesdays, we can go to the gym and ill give you better training.

What do we have?
-Better ICs

And a better marth, apparently:bee:

id like to see how a crew of
Ally,Holy,King Ace,Doc,Swordgard,Percon,Brose,Hype,Me,Minus would fare in the americas
How about nickcam? But that crew would be dope.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Hey guys, I just went to a Florida tourney. This is how it went

Beat Chaz (Marth)
Lost to Advent Lee (Diddy)
Beat ...crap idk his name (Falco)
Lost to Poltergust (YOSHI) <-- you read that right, polt is beastly but Yoshi is a weird matchup if you play a good one. I think Polt is the best Yoshi though, hes got lots of tricks and is very very patient

I friendlied a crap load. You guys might not like what I'm about to say next.

Anyway so I'm friendlying this guy, 8-bit and hes taking me last stock high percent every single time, hes really good. He did this with 3 characters - Snake, ZSS, then MK. So I ask someone (whose name I won't mention for obvious reasons), how is this guy ranked in Florida? He responds to me, hes just average.

What am I getting at? Florida > Canada. Not going to lie but in Canada, I basically have a free ride into top 13, then from there it gets hard.

In Florida - EVERY SINGLE MATCH is a struggle. There is no easy win there for me, EVERY SINGLE PERSON in a room of 40 gives me a run for my money. They know the basics, they ALL **** airdodge, and all have very very good DI, our DI is such a joke

Florida has:
-Better MKs than us (Seibrik = Kingace with DI, hes scary man lol, can't kill the dude)
-Better Snakes than us (except Ally obviously) -> 8-bit, MixCoat, Afrothunder vs Fatal and Danny...not even a contest whos better (sorry to offend
-Better Diddys - Advent Lee is better than Pastaboy, GDX is better than Doc - sorry to say guys, but its true
-Better Falcos - idk about their top Falco, but this random Falco I played was Fool's level
-Better most things lol

What do we have?
-Better ICs
-.............um longer tournaments? lol this tourney ended at 7 - the power of straight brackets

Theres only 3 people that I feel worthy of competing in America as of right now from the GTAN:
Kingace, Doc, Percon
-Ambrose would be on this list but unlike back in February, he messes up CGs waaayyy too much

If you're looking for a direct comparison - once again sorry to offend: this average MK I fought, 8-bit, was above Hype's skill level. Sorry to use you of an example Hype, but the only thing I could think about while fighting him was how similar you two played....except he has alot quicker movements.

Mikey, you cool guy, what was the point of this post?
-> The GTA needs to step its crap up, we're not good. We're imo the worst region. EC, WC, TX, MW would tear us apart.

It was really disappointing to see the enormous skill gap between our regions.

Plz discuss don't ignore this
Wrong...... The only reason why they were hard for you is because it was your first time fighting them, you've never fought anyone from FL before, you brawl with GTA like every week + casuals.

You know how we play, you don't know how they play, if you were to go back next week you'd get top 7.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
So I was just playing some games in the MOTHER Lobby (a super cool wifi thing that the Ness mains setup to get practice as/against Ness with Ness and our secondaries) and I found another testament to Mikey's claim. I played against a Ness whom I had never heard of whatsoever and he beasted me...hard. Not only is his Ness straight-up better than mine or any Ness I've played in the GTA (Culex, SRTM), but after we played Ness dittos for a while he wanted to practice with his pika which he referred to as "horrible" and "need{ing} practice" - and it was significantly better than Carter's and Wolfblade's pikas beyond a shadow of a doubt... and that's what he calls "horrible" =/.

Also for anyone who gets frustrated playing against Fool or thinks the camping is unfair or whatever, I played against someone else who is at least 6x campier than Fool, regardless of what character he plays... even in friendlies...

On the slightly brighter side, after what some of the Nesses (especially cheeseonastick; the player I mentioned in the first paragraph) have shown me, I know that it was really never my character holding me back; I still have a loooooong way to go to be on top of Ness' metagame, so I might hold on to my true main for a little longer :)
Perhaps that applies for the ness community, but from when i've played online, i havent really been ***** by US people. I guess, some tourney ppl dont use online (M2K, ect) I hear what Mikey is saying, but I mean if that were true about online, howcome I aint doing better then I am "supposed to be" doing. I guess Doc could be applied to this but whats the difference?


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Wrong...... The only reason why they were hard for you is because it was your first time fighting them, you've never fought anyone from FL before, you brawl with GTA like every week + casuals.

You know how we play, you don't know how they play, if you were to go back next week you'd get top 7.
So to do well I have to know all my opponents inside and out? wtf lol

Also, the only people who can say they know how I play are Carter, Nickcam, Fool, Hype, Ambrose....thats it. I don't play you guys every week at all, when I go to York all I do is play is other 2d fighters because its a rare opportunity that I get to play them offline (because online, 2d figthers suck)

I lost because I'm just an average player over there, simple as that. Also that argument can be used both ways. They don't know how I play, so now that they do shouldn't I get ***** next tourney? Alot of people were talking about "the guy from Canada" mid tourney lol

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
We havent chilled since. If you ever come over to my place again, ill do it. Or if you come to york U on wednesdays, we can go to the gym and ill give you better training.

How about nickcam? But that crew would be dope.
i knew i was missing someone,yeah def Cam too

i was excited for Pound4 now its during exams.....dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn

man i wish we could stop speculating and like during a break or a time when school isnt going beast mode plan a trip down to the states xD revisit florida so mikey can get his revenge LOLOLOL


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
We havent chilled since. If you ever come over to my place again, ill do it. Or if you come to york U on wednesdays, we can go to the gym and ill give you better training.
Double post, sorry. yo Carter, I may want to take up on that offer. I am finding that I don't have the right technique for one chest exercise, the declined chest press. I also would like to know what other exercises you may have for triceps, maybe even another one for my back.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Double post, sorry. yo Carter, I may want to take up on that offer. I am finding that I don't have the right technique for one chest exercise, the declined chest press. I also would like to know what other exercises you may have for triceps, maybe even another one for my back.
Ohh man sooo true.. I plan on actually working out this year between breaks, so it'd be good to learn from da proooo

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
pound4 is january 16-18th...i had exams on the 26th last year so i probably cant go to that

but on winter or march break im hopeful i can find a big ec tourney


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Perhaps that applies for the ness community, but from when i've played online, i havent really been ***** by US people. I guess, some tourney ppl dont use online (M2K, ect) I hear what Mikey is saying, but I mean if that were true about online, howcome I aint doing better then I am "supposed to be" doing. I guess Doc could be applied to this but whats the difference?
Well, expanding on what I said earlier:

I've now played against numerous Ness players in the MOTHER Lobby, and have come to an inescapable conclusion - as Ness mains go, I am a scrub. Seriously, every Ness I have played is better than me, and by no small margin. I am frequently getting 3-stocked in the MOTHER Lobby... these other Ness players make me look like a joke.

To anyone who's ever felt or said that my Ness was good or ever had difficulty with my Ness... then using Swordgard's (obligatory lol) system FOW is a 10/10, Shaky is a 9/10, and Bartolon (most of you probably haven't heard of him, and this is exactly why I'm using him as an example) is a 7/10... I am a 3/10; tops. I am a scrub. I've accepted that I am a scrub and it's time to work towards improving, and believe me it's going to be a long-a** road. If I've ever beaten one of you or came close, then you also have a lot of room to improve.

(On the bright side I suppose if people believe how much worse I am than other Nesses then the ones who may have thought I was good might start to believe what I've been saying all along that Ness is a much better character than I can properly demonstrate)


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
av - good to hear you're finding yourself in this game again :) it's always humbling when you realize that you're a scrub... though at the same time, by knowing you're a scrub, you know where your faults are, and that at least is a great starting point at getting better :) hope to see you at the next tournament

happened to me at mikeys tournament...


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Well, expanding on what I said earlier:

I've now played against numerous Ness players in the MOTHER Lobby, and have come to an inescapable conclusion - as Ness mains go, I am a scrub. Seriously, every Ness I have played is better than me, and by no small margin. I am frequently getting 3-stocked in the MOTHER Lobby... these other Ness players make me look like a joke.

To anyone who's ever felt or said that my Ness was good or ever had difficulty with my Ness... then using Swordgard's (obligatory lol) system FOW is a 10/10, Shaky is a 9/10, and Bartolon (most of you probably haven't heard of him, and this is exactly why I'm using him as an example) is a 7/10... I am a 3/10; tops. I am a scrub. I've accepted that I am a scrub and it's time to work towards improving, and believe me it's going to be a long-a** road. If I've ever beaten one of you or came close, then you also have a lot of room to improve.

(On the bright side I suppose if people believe how much worse I am than other Nesses then the ones who may have thought I was good might start to believe what I've been saying all along that Ness is a much better character than I can properly demonstrate)

Having been in fows clan for over 4 months help knowing the matchup too XD, hence why i didnt have the same problem as lain XD XD

Conclusion: Either go to usa to learn or play online.

Either way, still go play online.
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