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The GtaN Brawl General discussion thread! -Wait, did the title change?


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I hope you guys know that I can't leak or I get the boot. :/

But I've been keeping all of my MK-related discussion in there.
If my kirby absorb yours, does he get SBR membership as his power?

And whats your aim/msn? D:

Mike got it, now its time you guys get it too.

EDIT: Hmm, a kirby with a grimer back room hat would be hilarious.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
As much as I agree with the last paragraph, I was mostly referring to the comments about Ontario.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Swordgard, did you know that nobody wants your presence here?
I just hope you know that, we don't mind you in real life.... but here.... is another story.

Also, act as if Falco beats IC any other way.
The point does not translate to MK, as he has many options of winning his matchups without running time. Although he'll probably run it as well at least against ICs due to their mechanics as a character.


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2006
Parts Unknown
That kid does have some valid points in that post.

Though the fact he called Ontario a region of scrubs, makes me feel like either giving him a swift kick to the face or destroying him in Brawl, SC, SF4, GoldenEye, BB, etc.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Swordgard, did you know that nobody wants your presence here?
I just hope you know that, we don't mind you in real life.... but here.... is another story.

Also, act as if Falco beats IC any other way.
The point does not translate to MK, as he has many options of winning his matchups without running time. Although he'll probably run it as well at least against ICs due to their mechanics as a character.
Actually MK has very little to no option except camping dairs. Everything else can be easily countered. If MK isnt camping dairs, matchup is in ics favor.

Did i mention also how i obviously do not care what you guys think of me on this forum? You guys werent willing to argue, therefore you simply showed you had no open mind meaning theres no way to convince you. I just cant stand people who dumb down the game because they cant step it up.

EDIT: And its obvious his voice is him mimicking the one of kirby : D


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Well, how about the opposite. What about when Michigan / others would travel up to our tournaments? Doesn't seem that likely if we ban MK preemptively. Look at some of the states that have done it already, they're labeled "scrub states" and with the exception of Texas, pretty much nobody travels to those scenes for tournaments anymore.

That being said, attendance is already in decline, and when's the last time US came down? Maybe if we get enough US rep at Havoc we might start seeing things pick up, but placing a preemptive ban might dissuade others from coming across the border.

Plus right now there's a huge stigma attached to banning him preemptively. I personally don't want to be know as "the scrubs up north"

the main point of my post was the link, the rest was jsut to keep it on topic. Little thought went into either of these responses
Furthermore, we need not worry about being known as the scrubs up north. Frankly, the East Coast Canada Brawl Scene (from what I've read and heard) is fairly revered.

Swordgard, why don't you critique some of the posts I've created in this thread already? They're already there and really, I'd rather not re-type this shit.
Hate to say "I told you so" but. . . Jake: 0 - Mike: 1 :laugh:


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Well not that it matters but I promised to deliver the results of my SFIV performance today so here it is:

I did pretty bad lol, but pretty good at the same time. I guess I lied about using 2 characters because I only used Abel (B Tier) and never felt the need to switch to my secondary (Akuma). I played against a good Akuma (S Tier) first round, went 1-2, 2-1, 1-2 so I'd say we're pretty even... Lost the last match because I misread him and threw out an ultra and whiffed. Played against a good Sagat (S Tier again) next round, once again went 1-2, 2-1, and 1-2; and the only reason I lost that last match is because I messed up the execution of my ultra which would have passed through his fireball to win the round (seriously, 3 people behind me saw me do an EX Falling Sky and all said something like "ohhh that was supposed to be an ultra").

Anyway, in Brawl related news I finally got to play against Danny in something other than SFIV. Only got to play 1 game...beat his Snake with MK, close game though and Danny's Snake is legit. Danny - stop doubting yourself in Brawl XD


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Danny's Rufus is too pro. I can't find the livestream link for the Pownz tournament so I don't know how it's going - it might even be finished already (I left really early), but I hope Danny wins that TV :)

Anyone happen to know where I should look for a pownz livestream?


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Lol, I wish Danny would want to play Brawl, hes sooooo good...but he doesnt practice at all, his wii is in a box every time I go to his house.

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Ontario is a region full of scrubs. How dare you associate Ally with that region. That's like saying because a bunch of hicks from Montana banned Metaknight, then that somehow takes away from everything the top non-Meta mains from this country do .
we cant go out like this guys >.>


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Dude who gives a **** about what some random in a thread that has too many pages for anyone to even follow closely. Why in the world would we decide how we play the game based on someone who means nothing.

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Exactly, they will never be able to perform out of region because of this. GG Ontario scrubs. =)
Good for the kids in Ontario. They couldn't handle putting in the effort to beat Metaknight in tournaments, so they got him banned. Congratulations. Now lets wait till they start crying when they start going to other regions that know that Metaknight is not broken and they start losing a lot because their scrubby* play is clearly outclassed by the play of every other region that has learned to beat Metaknight.
seems as though even the warrior supports this random guy, funny how Clai has no clue about how our scene is,yet still grasps the idea as to why you guys want him banned,look at the bigger picture guys, how is Canada ever going to make a name for themselves if we only hold ourselves back from improving? i dont know about you guys but i **** well know that we have the potential to be a formidable region we just need to change our approach towards the game, Percon got 4th at Nikos beating me and hype with effin Kirby and got 3stocked by Swordgards ICs,cmon now

edit: even though this is wifi, im sure you guys know about Anti, hes 2stocked my MK with Falco and Marth recently,just putting it out there

edit#2:if you guys can honestly tell me that you've done everything you've could to beat MK,have no room for improvement yet still lose to MK, fine ban him i have no problem with that,just say so and ill end this arguement and stop questioning you all


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Dude who gives a **** about what some random in a thread that has too many pages for anyone to even follow closely. Why in the world would we decide how we play the game based on someone who means nothing.
Well, lets just say some more people talk about it on aib XD

Seriously though, gj being the new texas. You just took it backwards, you ban ics infinite THEN MK, get your bans timeline right : D


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
joe you were always anti-ban, you were never as "idc"

common now :laugh:


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
We really just want to have fun playing the game lol, we'll be fine OOS, its not like Kingace is going to forget how to play MK and stop playing him completely lol, there exists such things as:

-Idiots named Swordgard

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
joe you were always anti-ban, you were never as "idc"

common now :laugh:
you pro banners honestly make me laugh, pathetic how none of you can even argue,just go off on random subjects attacking the people who are presenting ideas infront of you that you shun off as nothing more then pointless...

i dont care if he gets banned as long as its for a good reason which NONE of you have provided READ MY POSTS for **** sakes jesus christ >.>

edit: ok the whole point of the ban was to make the game more fun, as much as i can respect this cause i deeply beleive a scene thrives off having fun together and competiting doing so you seriously cant ban a character solely off that reason,in competitive gaming your always going to have to put up with elitists cheap tactics you name it,the casual attitude can never mesh with the comeptitive scene and have both sides end up happy,i guess this is why were havin the arguement right?


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
We really just want to have fun playing the game lol, we'll be fine OOS, its not like Kingace is going to forget how to play MK and stop playing him completely lol, there exists such things as:

-Idiots named Swordgard
Guess what, people dont play the same in friendlies or in MM as in tourneys. MM are made to reproduce tourney-like settings but only achieve to do so with high sums on the game, which you wont do when MK is in game.

ALSO, dont ban MK cause hes not fun in tourney, thats completely irellevant competitively and also as far as i know: Tourney is for competition, friendlies for fun. You reversed both simply in order to increase your chances in tourney, which is ridiculous.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
OMG ALLISBRAWL I SMACK TALKING ONTARIO. Honestly theres nothing in this world that i or anyone from ontario could care less about(Aside from certain mk supporters). Do u honestly think anyone cares about your opinion still swordguard. Shouldnt u be practicing IC dittos on wifi . Joe how u posting shouldnt u be grabbing a ledge somewhere (lol)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2008
Swordguard, I don't understand how you can be like this online but not face to face XD, kinda funny imo. Besides, like I said your an IC, nothing else, because If you were....well, MK's would most likly **** you up. Try being someone other than ICs vs MK, lets see how ya do. I'm pretty sure you'll have ALOT more trouble. Try being Samus lol.
By the way, Ambrose is the TRUE Ice Demons in Canada =).

Deleted member

Hate to say "I told you so" but. . . Jake: 0 - Mike: 1 :laugh:
Eh, it's the internet. People are hasty to throw around insults to people they will probably never meet.

But yeah, this guy is a nobody. I've never heard of him, his region isn't listed, and I don't really care if they refer to the Ontario Brawl scene as scrubby - besides, some of you are known around the world (!) as excellent examples of how to play your specific Brawl character. If that's scrubby, then sue me.

I'd also like to point out that California and other states that allow gay marriage are commonly insulted due to their views on gay marriage (it's legal.) It just happens to people who are uninformed, or in the Meta Knight case, people who grossly disagree.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
OMG ALLISBRAWL I SMACK TALKING ONTARIO. Honestly theres nothing in this world that i or anyone from ontario could care less about(Aside from certain mk supporters). Do u honestly think anyone cares about your opinion still swordguard. Shouldnt u be practicing IC dittos on wifi . Joe how u posting shouldnt u be grabbing a ledge somewhere (lol)
Once again avoiding the argument.

Good stuff, remember when i showed you matchups for ics and you still want to ban them? I remember also you saying MK is BS without giving any type of argument.

You guys are really the scrubs of the scrubs : D

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
OMG ALLISBRAWL I SMACK TALKING ONTARIO. Honestly theres nothing in this world that i or anyone from ontario could care less about(Aside from certain mk supporters). Do u honestly think anyone cares about your opinion still swordguard. Shouldnt u be practicing IC dittos on wifi . Joe how u posting shouldnt u be grabbing a ledge somewhere (lol)
you should seriously stop with these posts,they only prove the anti bans point further

shouldnt you be getting outplaced by Mks at every tourney then ***** about it? shouldnt you be steadily decling in singles placings and hope that the mk ban will change things for you?

^^ this stuff gets us no were,just divides people and creates stupid drama

Joe - the reason: the community doesn't want it. end of story. stop grasping for MK's life in this scene
last time i checked the community = all of its players, not a majority, your not even hearing out arguements, it was bad enough it went from just a vote to GG mk, even the SBR heard people out on this >.>


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Swordguard, I don't understand how you can be like this online but not face to face XD, kinda funny imo. Besides, like I said your an IC, nothing else, because If you were....well, MK's would most likly **** you up. Try being someone other than ICs vs MK, lets see how ya do. I'm pretty sure you'll have ALOT more trouble. Try being Samus lol.
By the way, Ambrose is the TRUE Ice Demons in Canada =).
Did i mention how snake goes even, or diddy? I wonder how percon also manages to beat those top MKs.

Seriously, samus isnt gonna magically become viable without MK. MK isnt your problem, he just happens to be more popular, but once you go to any big tourney i can tell you you wont place with samus.

And even if you were right and ics are the only even matchup with MK, then its your job to pick em up if you expect to do well. I personally like the snake vs MK matchup, until the top of the top of the metagame, i find the matchup actually easier to handle for snake.

However it is not the case considering you can still take one of the many 60-40 matchups and still beat him without being incredibly good to do so. Remember fow beating tyrant?

Oh and finally.

Kingace on aim: Your ice climbers are definitly better than ambrose's.

Get *****.

Deleted member

Hate to appeal to authority here, but there are a LOT of respected members on the pro-ban poll list.

In fact, last time I checked, there are more SBR members listed in the pro-ban side than on the defensive.

Stop calling the ban-movement scrubby. There are countless justifications for banning Meta Knight - just read the first post of the poll. They've done a pretty decent job of it. Better than the defensive, at least.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Wow cool swordgard. You're totally not wasting your time here. Everyone likes you so much, and you're certainly enlightening us, you're so cool to do this for us even though we're so ignorant as to disagree with your opinion. Good work, you're truly virtuous.

Anyways, everyone planning on hitting up t10? I'll be there for sf4 and whatever smash goes down.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Hate to appeal to authority here, but there are a LOT of respected members on the pro-ban poll list.

In fact, last time I checked, there are more SBR members listed in the pro-ban side than on the defensive.

Stop calling the ban-movement scrubby. There are countless justifications for banning Meta Knight - just read the first post of the poll. They've done a pretty decent job of it. Better than the defensive, at least.

Youd be surprised at the number of misinformed people in the SBR too.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
Did i mention how snake goes even, or diddy? I wonder how percon also manages to beat those top MKs.

Seriously, samus isnt gonna magically become viable without MK. MK isnt your problem, he just happens to be more popular, but once you go to any big tourney i can tell you you wont place with samus.

And even if you were right and ics are the only even matchup with MK, then its your job to pick em up if you expect to do well. I personally like the snake vs MK matchup, until the top of the top of the metagame, i find the matchup actually easier to handle for snake.

However it is not the case considering you can still take one of the many 60-40 matchups and still beat him without being incredibly good to do so. Remember fow beating tyrant?

Oh and finally.

Kingace on aim: Your ice climbers are definitly better than ambrose's.

Get *****.

phil has aim??
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