Erm, its not all about training. Its about understanding game mechanics, keeping yourself at the top of the metagame by reading stuff and researching about stuff noone knows about. Everyone can reach his level, simple as that. Even m2k said he had no natural talent and he had to learn everything to get where he was. Just training mindlessly is not all that matter, theory is worth even more. If you actually start to think and analyze your replays you can get much better. This is how i got so far and why i will keep on improving, same as to why meep will keep on improving, same as to why dom will keep on improving and so on. We stop practicing only to get better mindgames, that will get you far but you cant only rely on that. You need a deeper understanding of how the game works, ally has that, and you can get that too. You and him are no different in the game, you always have access to the same amount of options, you can always do the same as him. Whenever he dthrows you, you have the same amount of options as he does when you dthrow him. Hes not different, no one is. This is what is great about this game.honestly, im fucking sick of you saying that.
its ridiculous
its like saying "Albert Einstien was a genius, why cant you be?"
Ally is INHUMANE. if everyone could reach ally's level, then he would not be special, he would not be a big deal. stop relating to him all the time for fuck's sake, ally is so different than we are. the way his mind works is so well adjusted to this game, which is why he can play so well.
ally has a natural talent in this game that we simply cant reach. practising and training can only bring you so far, and trust me, considering that im a wifi player, i get REGULAR practise. but ally is at an entirely different league and level, one which i cant reach simply because i CANT. its impossible.
the best players of this game are only there because they have a natural talent at it, not by "stepping it up."
everyone flames you and gets pissed at you, but ive been fine with you, up until now where you simply stand me down saying "oh lol step it up," ignoring all of my efforts and how hard ive been trying for recognition in this friggin game.
what the hell are you saying, im "stepping it up" as much as i fucking can.
dont pass aside my efforts as if theyre nothing, it really pisses me off.
its not my fault that anytime i get to a high point in this game, people will start playing like total douches. from planking, to camping, to spamming on a fucking ******** counterpick, i think ive taken enough shit from this game, and im not about to take any shit from you either.
Its really easy to blame "lack of talent". I lack talent at smash games. Terrible tech skill, took me so long to understand mindgames. I had to work my *** off to get where i am, talent can help, and yes ally may have tons of talent, but that wont stop anyone else from reaching his level.
Im tired of whiners like you . Go and read tons of guides, start doing research on your own, analyze problematic situations, you will start winning. Continue on whining and training mindlessly, you will continue to lose.