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The Gta+Niagara Brawl Power Rankings! (last updated 06/28. OMG RLY!?)

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Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Yo guys, just wait till next week and the chart will be back again with the character icons and everything. Relax homies, lol.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
Wish this woulda bin updated right at the end of summer back when I had bin at several tourneis.

Pretty sure I woulda bin up and comer or sompin.

Um, this PR looks ridiculous compared to the last update. How much **** really went down in the first 2 months I was gone for college?:dizzy:

P.S. Just won a small humber tourney hosted by the MVP club... also known as "The Bro Club".

I walked in with my buddy Dayzin, he said "right, you guy are gonna lose! this is like, the best Lucario in Canada" they all poo poo'd his taunt, and then I joined the tourney, ***** everyone, and lawled as I walked out. Sandbagged everyone cept Dayzin... Oh, Humber tournies, you are such a joke.:laugh:


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
craaaap forgot about you when we were doing the update lol >_>

THATS who I was missing ugh, throughout discussions kept felt like I was forgetting someone.....:mad::mad::mad:


Sorry lol

You did good stuff during summer...but like yeah that was a while ago and I forgot about basically everything that happened lol. This update was mostly based on the past 2 tournies


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
I can't believe I've been replaced with half of the people on the UNC / PR. It's not a personal bias but I'm a lot stronger of a player than who had taken over my spot. Especially Ray Kalm, thats a huge joke. No offense to him but he knows it too.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
I obviously read your notes Mikey, I don't think replacing a deserving player from the PR/UnC for a players recognition is exactly the most logical thing.

You could easily recognize a players skill without replacing players who are rightfully stronger than those deserving recognition.

Just saying it's a bit of a motivation killer xD


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
craaaap forgot about you when we were doing the update lol >_>

THATS who I was missing ugh, throughout discussions kept felt like I was forgetting someone.....:mad::mad::mad:


Sorry lol

You did good stuff during summer...but like yeah that was a while ago and I forgot about basically everything that happened lol. This update was mostly based on the past 2 tournies
Sigh.. Why are the pretty ones always so dumb:confused:


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
I can't believe I've been replaced with half of the people on the UNC / PR. It's not a personal bias but I'm a lot stronger of a player than who had taken over my spot. Especially Ray Kalm, thats a huge joke. No offense to him but he knows it too.
its all about placing it seems, and these players have been placing better and better,
the day will come when sauc3 places 1st, and beats everyone, but for now, I hide in the shadows...watching...waiting.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Great confidence Sauc3. It also depends on who you beat, beating PR members is what makes shi t happen
I don't think so, ray kalm, kuenzel, and carter never beat any PR members.
Whereas me, you, nikok, wolfblade, jaske, we've all beatin 1 PR member at one point, but we never consistently place.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
I obviously read your notes Mikey, I don't think replacing a deserving player from the PR/UnC for a players recognition is exactly the most logical thing.

You could easily recognize a players skill without replacing players who are rightfully stronger than those deserving recognition.

Just saying it's a bit of a motivation killer xD
Read your post again and listen to how you sound.

Sigh.. Why are the pretty ones always so dumb:confused:
:laugh::laugh::laugh: up to Minus if he wants to add you lol

sauc3 - tbh your name came to mind first when we were thinking of u and c, but the whole not sticking to your main character thing didn't really help >_>. and yeah jaske got like dead last at some tourney too. you guys were really relaly close to making it, but then well for both of you it was just timing issue for the pr list...I don't remember much from summer lol - not even what I placed lol

Just keep doing well at stuffz, couple more tournies if youg uys do well we should remember


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
:laugh::laugh::laugh: up to Minus if he wants to add you lol
Not gonna lie, that would be pretty b*tchin'. I was wrecking house since I came back into the scene afterall. Missin two tournies lames me out... which is lame cause its during shcool. During the summer my attendance and placings were pretty solid (after learning to wreck ICs again anyway).


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
well since I'm losing my 1337 post count I better make this one count.

First of all good **** to the panelist for updating this, I really needed to be done.

Congrats to Doc for being the first person in a year to take the crown (no pun intended) from Kingace.

Good stuff joe, you deserve to be above me. I watched the doubles matches of you and iliad, you were ****in ******.

@Cruxis: finally...amiright?

Nice to see Culex on the PR too cuz he's a complete beast.

good stuff to Raidos too, lots of new people on this update.

ok so I was watching the vids from last tourney. I gotta say, Ray Kalm is a beast.

and good job to all the new up and comers.

Also, Niko shouldn't be replaced just so other people can get thier recognition. If you feel that he legitimately doesn't deserve the spot then don't put him in, but don't take him off solely because someone else should get their turn.

Again, I am really glad to see this updated.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
NikoK its your placings that keep you from staying on U and C's, if you want I can give you some mad diddy practice just ask me at your tourney.

But for now, I think the list is solid, and yeah I would most definitely add wolfblade he beat nickcam and minus at fan expo and got 4th, and the tourney before that he got 9th, you should most definitely add him.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Everyone always forgets about the sauc3, but its a crucial ingredient in many recipies.

Spaghetti, chicken wings, ... sex?


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
What do I have to do to prove myself at least U & C, or rather, what haven't I done???
I would think that you have to u know beat people.... but hell what do i know lol. Since brawl is on its second life right now ive bought a tent which im gonna bring to the next tourney for all the campfests, hooray!


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
NikoK its your placings that keep you from staying on U and C's, if you want I can give you some mad diddy practice just ask me at your tourney.

But for now, I think the list is solid, and yeah I would most definitely add wolfblade he beat nickcam and minus at fan expo and got 4th, and the tourney before that he got 9th, you should most definitely add him.
You make me smile Doc. Oh right, grats on 1st eh:)

Oh Em Gee, thats like half the panelists saying I should be up thar. Lucario FTW!


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
You make me smile Doc. Oh right, grats on 1st eh:)

Oh Em Gee, thats like half the panelists saying I should be up thar. Lucario FTW!
I'm just trying to be fair.. I mean, we put Ray Kalm on there for 1 7th placing with Gdorf which is impressive and all..

But you had a 4th placing not too long ago, and have been getting top 10 at a few tourneys before that, so if Ray Kalm is going to be up there so should Wolfblade, please add him Nate.

- Jules


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
just out of curiosity, what has carter placed recently,

i never see the guy anymore and i hear he's beast.

also wolfblade deserves U and C's, he ***** my ics soooo bad.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
You guys should've seen what happened to me at the Scarborough tourney, I shouldve saved a video for my justification, cause I would've gotten to play people that would have benefitted my PR placing. But since I was knocked into losers and wouldn't be even playing anyone on the PR until Losers finals, it kind of tells you not to bother lmfao.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
just out of curiosity, what has carter placed recently,

i never see the guy anymore and i hear he's beast.

also wolfblade deserves U and C's, he ***** my ics soooo bad.
Well hes like always top 4 in teams, he had some good placings...or would have...but then dropped out lol, like beat the person then drop out of the tourney lol, ask Doc about stats though hes good with that crap


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
I'm usually top 5 in teams (when I team with my main partner -- or Niko) and usually drop out of singles -- and have beaten / done well against PR peeps. I don't think that's grounds for a spot on U&C to be honest, no offense to Carter, especially over someone like Niko or Wolfblade who are consistent and have beat or done well against the PR. Being a good player is all well and good, but you can't overlook people who get results.

I dunno, the U&C section of the new list bugs me. Not because of who is on it, moreso who isn't. I think there are a lot of deserving peeps to be on that list.

But what do I know, eh?


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
LOL I will add Wolfblade... I hate to say it but I wouldn't have forgotten him haha =D

But I hope this illustrates to all the new panelists how much you have to think about when making these lists.
You really have to take into consideration everyone and everything at once, and every decision you make you have to consider that people will come up to you with arguement.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
That's true, the panelist must have a good solid reason why 'this person' is up on the PR and why 'that person' is at that rank, also why 'this person' shows consistent tourney results than 'that person' yet 'this person' is not higher than 'that person' and shenanigans like that.

Let's go PR panelist!


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Carter got 9th at iliads tourney and has been placing high in teams, hes U & C material.

Wolfblade belongs on the list, and if he comes out to one more tourney and places the way he did, Yoh would be U & C's too.

Niko, all I ask of you is get top 10 at your tourney, and I'll consider you for U and C's again, fair? I'm not looking down on your accomplishments I'm just encouraging you to place the way you used to :)


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
If I didn't show up to GI's tournament, I would've been in Wolfblade's shoes and kept my spot, really doesn't make much sense lmfao.

But I'll obviously place well at my tournament, I was taking TO Joes MK down to its last stock 120+ in friendlies, I know it's friendlies but STILL.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
Thanks guys. I better get some good practice in before the next tourney :p

There's a couple good guys at humber this year so hopefully I'll be repping the poketier good next time you see me.

P.S. I love my name in Gold... makes me feel special ^-^


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Here's my two cents on the u&c. I think there was way to much influence on the last tourney. Ray kalm i know uses ganondorf and got 7th but he did not beat a PR member at the tourney. I dont think he deserves that spot yet. Carter has consistenly proven himself and has taken games off pretty much all of the PR.


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada
I don't really care whether I get put up as a "U&C" or not. I also don't find it fair for me to get put up there just because I use a trash character and placed high with it in one tournament. Actually, the character you use shouldn't really have anything to do with these rankings. I might as well have used Metaknight, or Snake and know that I would've placed alot better, but I didn't, because I didn't want to. - It's my own fault for using a trash character, not anyone else's.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
This is why I would have rather overseen the pr discussion, because then I could address the critics its receiving, as consistency of decisions is very important, and I made sure to keep that in mind at all times.

With the new panelists, Phil is the only returning one, so thats only 20% of the same panelists, and considering the rest of the panelists were doing this for the first time, I don't think its really anyone's fault exactly.
The rational and thinking of the new panel will certainly be different, and will sharpen with experience.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
I'm usually top 5 in teams (when I team with my main partner -- or Niko) and usually drop out of singles -- and have beaten / done well against PR peeps. I don't think that's grounds for a spot on U&C to be honest, no offense to Carter, especially over someone like Niko or Wolfblade who are consistent and have beat or done well against the PR. Being a good player is all well and good, but you can't overlook people who get results.

I dunno, the U&C section of the new list bugs me. Not because of who is on it, moreso who isn't. I think there are a lot of deserving peeps to be on that list.

But what do I know, eh?
Which pr member did you beat and was it in pools? And no offense in teams but you guys can't compete with Carter + Culex. And no offense when I played you at my tourney...I know Dedede is your worst matchup...but >_> Ugh good luck not taking offense to any of this, sorry - I will understand if you're mad though...but you nkow have to defend our list

If I didn't show up to GI's tournament, I would've been in Wolfblade's shoes and kept my spot, really doesn't make much sense lmfao.

But I'll obviously place well at my tournament, I was taking TO Joes MK down to its last stock 120+ in friendlies, I know it's friendlies but STILL.
If you didn't show we would have taken you off. Don't bring up Hype or Percon, Hype is still really really interested in the game, is very skilled, and WILL make it out to future events where he will most likely place top 4 and we moved Percon down to try to make him come to more events...cant really move anyone down from u and c its just off or on

"More than once" BULLCRAP ARGUMENT: Danny got on U and C with 1 7th placing last summer, Doc got on with 1 2nd placing, Fatal got on after t9 - his first tourney. Yo I'm getting really pissed off at people nitpicking, I knew I shouldn't have been a panelist in the first place because I knew people were gonna come up with bull.

Seriously, stfu about the list if it does not concern you.
Niko's post about why hes not on: very good, thanks for the input. The rest of the posts: annoying, you're not on, get over it.

POSTS TRASHING SOMEONE ELSE: sorry that you're not on, but he is, get over it. Don't trash other poeple, ask why YOU YOURSELF IS NOT ON AND I WILL ANSWER IT.

Doc: please don't answer any more questions about "oh why is so and so on". Only answer if they ask about themself.

Ray - you're on because you did very well in the tournament, the "with Ganon" is just added lol

VERY IMPORTANT POINT: back to my point against PND. If you get utterly destroyed by one of the panelists....you've obviously got a worse shot at getting on u and c...common sense. Like really the person you're supposed to impress really has a sway in things. Things like Iliad doing really well vs me, I remember. Ray doing well vs me, I also remember. Common sense, everyone - don't try to say bias its just common sense.

1 more thing to say: if you believe you should be on, break down what you have done in tournament, post it up, and we'll consider it. Honestly if you've got nothing about yourself, and just a comment on the current list i.e. making a useless post, then lick my nuts, I don't care.



Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Mikey stop being stupid, seriously. I never implied anything besides what was said in my post.

Those players you mentioned got on by beating high up PR members.

Think before you argue please.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
lol, my best suggestion for the people not on the list, is to just perform better. Do well and youll be recognized. Besides its an opinion, of the most respected GTA brawlers. There no wrong and right, only opinion. Meaning if you have a differing opinion, thats fine, and completely inevitable. Especially if youre vouching for yourself to be on the list.

As for me, last time i entered singles i beat, knuckles (mk that placed 5th at BISB2), stannum (beat illiad that tourney), Tippr (beat minus and fool that touney), and culex. And was the only non pr member in the top 10. Historically, i beat/taken games off of everyone on the pr, including people like brose, jl, anthony, raidos, holy, and minus when they were on the pr. So maybe its not one tourney, but an accumulative effort.

I was told to come in here and do some talking; and thats the best i can do. ahahaah But i much rather be on a teams pr anyways.
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