Your skill as a player = Your skill playing in tournaments.
Tournaments hold 2 events, singles and doubles.
Now with that said, singles of course is waaay more important. But the point is that points can still be proven through doubles. For instance me and Erix taking out Kingace and Mdk in winner's bracket at T9.
Now how good does that look for Erix, an up and comer? Its not going to right out get him on the PR, but say at Niagra this sunday he plays well in singles too. That fact backed up with his achievement in doubles will make his spot a hell of a lot more solid.
But seriously, I love doubles. Not trying to boost myself but does it not look good for me that I team with a different person almost every tournament but no matter who it is I team with my team is allways in the top 3?
Do you guys understand how doubles works now?
Singles is like a sentence, do well in doubles and you add an exclamation point to that sentence.
Stop hating on it because you dont practice it as much and you somehow feel like you'll get ripped off because you don't usually do well in doubles. No doubles johns.
I've been the one saying " look, there's only two events...." from the get go...