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The Greatest Melee Tourney Since Brawl Came Out: Results


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
you play i goood shiek ur too good i beat you in pools then u beat me too fun i love canada u guys are cool u better remeber me xd i was the only peach player
you were the peach/zelda guy right?

edit: kage you know meeeee.... i'm way to lazy to learn another character.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2005
Hey Flex where's my money at? You remember our deal!!!!!!! WHERE'S MA MONEY!?!?!?


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2005
San Antonio, TX
ugh i guess i cant procrastinate any longer...SHOUTOUTS!

people in my crew/people crammed in DoH's Yaris with me lol
cave: <3

xelic: you did so well in singles, and by that i mean i'm disappointed becuase you were so close to placing so high and you kind of just screwed it up lol. I have high expectations for you lol

DoH: LOL @ the princess hats. I never want to hear that one mix CD you have again. We heard it like 5 times?? pretty fun trip!

Wobbles: lol you NEVER drove!! *shakes fist* and sat shotgun practically the whole way lol! pretty fun trip, you have a lot of cool music

Plank: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! good to see you again, wish we could have hung out more. *shakes fist at you for taking out xelic and cave in teams* :) hope to see ya at more tourneys and steal more tricks from your shiek

chudat: cool seeing you again and talking. good **** @ winning :D hope to see ya at more tourneys!

hat: ugh sheik dittos :p you seem pretty cool and laid back

wife: it was really nice meeting you and i really enjoyed playing your falco! :) I ran out of money so we didnt do our mm, but i still really want to play your peach!!! :) hope to see you at future tournamnets

eevisu (off the chain): fun matches :) and you're a cool person

cactuar: it was WAYYYYY obvious you were sandbagging in our crews match, which sucks. you said people dont like to get *****, but i'd rather get 4-stocked than have it be so blatantly obvious that my opponent thinks i'm THAT terrible that they dont even have to try (even in tournament) ;_; I would like to play you seriously someday

mew2king: thanks for not sandbagging. :) your marth is amazing!! but every time i talked to you you'd either just stare at me or look away. you can talk to me :) I promise i'm not too scary >=D congrats at winning

Georgia people:
smooth criminal: nice to meet you! :) it was cool talking/hanging out and sorry the whole housing thing didnt work out.

C: i had a lot of fun playing you! All your characters are really good and it was also cool hanging out. you're a really cool, laid back guy.

hosts: sorry i didnt catch everyones' names, but thank you soooo much for this tournamnet. I had a blast! I got in more friendlies than i ever have at big tournaments and thats really cool. i will definitely come to the next one!!

daisy: it was good to see you again! and it was fun to finally play. I was impressed with your peach :) hope to see ya again!

kelli: gahh, sorry i forgot your gamertag because i was calling you Kelli the whole time, but good games :) work on those advaced techniques and i know your shiek and fox will ****!! Hope to see you at more tournaments!

Florida players!!! Boomstick, Drummaboi, luigi player who's name has just escaped me (sorry -.-), rest of FL: It was really cool to see all of you again and play you guys!! :) hopefully I'll see you all at FAST. come to Texas again!! :D

vidjo: you are super nice! :) you're a really cool person and I was glad to finally play your peach :D I definitely hope to see you at future tourneys! maybe we can play marioparty next time haha

eggz: omg i love playing you!! it seriously takes ALL my focus and i love it!!! from now on every tourney i see you at, i'll be following you around asking for matches lol :D :D

fletcher: it was cool meeting you (again i guess since you say we've met haha). we were ****** team friendlies and then i dont know what happened in pools lol. oh well :) you had some crazy stories haha

eggm: thanks for not sandbagging. Your falco has inspired me to get good at powershielding lol! you already know, but you're really **** good.

everyone cheering for me for "chain-throwing" lol: omg i've never felt so much pressure or been so nervous LOL but y'all were hilarious and made me laugh a lot. I kept using the chain just be a crowd pleaser and almost won because of it, so LOL

grrrr...i forgot your name, but the zelda i played against in crews: you were really fun and funny! I enjoyed hanging out and talking. you're a lot of fun to be around! :)

omg there are a lot of people who's names i forgot ;_; and i'm really sorry. I know i forgot to mention a lot of people, bad idea to wait forever to do shoutouts lol

edit: omg i cant believe i forgot the other texans!!!!

ARC: good **** in pools! I can't believe how good you've gotten so fast Good to see you again

JF: Good seeing you again! :) we didnt play at all ;_;

Jesse: i didnt play you either, but i didnt expect you to come, and was pleasantly surprised haha :) sucks about your car, but luckily you were all okay!

Rayzorium: fun matches in the middle of the night haha. good to see ya again :)


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
people in my crew/people crammed in Airtran's airplane with me lol
cave: you were quiet so i was intimidated into being quiet around you. gg

xelic: i'm literally coming to texas exclusively to **** you in tournament.

DoH: raaaaaaaaaawr we didnt hang out, but i wish i played our guys peaches more so i wouldnt have lost to xelic. wtf @ you guys peach dittoing so much LOL n.n

Wobbles: we play in teams like every tournament. ****. your ics are fuggin tiiiight

Plank: We both lost to dumb characters. I blame brawl. LOL. Although sheik should never lose to ganon. >_>;

chudat: mah *****aaaaa. you'd better come to WA. I already told sillyfox that you might. good conversations n stuff, cya next time.

hat: you were the best person in my first round pool. good ****. haha. youz chill fo rill n stuff.

wife: i dont like peach mains that arent vidjo or texan >=[

cactuar: i wish we did better in teams. =/ now we never get to team again cuz u hate me. n.n thanks a lot for your teams winnings lol. ill cya next time. warriors of looooove

mew2king: good times hanging out that one night. you learned me cool things. and put me in my place. Now i know what i need to train for. but yeah, ima try to stay at your house for like a week sometime in august.

Georgia people:
smooth criminal: thanks a lot for the housing. however weird you getting lost literally every time we left your apartment was, or how your apartment was too hot for fletcher to even finish having sex with trick, or how ****ty your car was, it all just made for good stories to tell back home, so don't worry about it.

hosts: this tournament was tiiiiiight good ****. had a lot of fun. definitely one of my favorite OOS tournaments.

daisy: those FFAs were tiiiight haha. had fun talking at dinner, it was good to meet you. and sorry you had to cram into a car with like 7 sweaty guys LOL

forkgirl: i saw gradual improvement while we were playing, glad i was able to facilitate that. brinstar is like really **** with sheik, especially vs like spacies. and smart people who know how to **** shiek will counterpick mute city! D= but yeah, it was really fun playing you haha we'll do a bunch of 1$ MMs again sometime <3

vidjo: so me u n chu are gonna go stand around janet's college, right? LOL sounds like a party. lets do it.

eggz: way to lose to a pikachu lol

fletcher: travelling with you was ****ing tight. wouldnt have had anywhere near as many **** stories if not for you.

eggm: i would have ***** you.

pb&j: thanks for taking care of us lol your ****in cool. and your apartment was omg ****. and LMAO @ buying generic black food.

everlasting yayuhhhz: NYUKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. i think thats all that needs to be said here LOL. your driving skills are **** >_>;

colin ballin: hungryboxing + us being really cool = ****. man the night after the tournament was ****in FUN

Jman: your fox is hilarious. come to washington.

DJ Nintendo: omg your bowser and mario are raaaaaaaaaaape haha good ****

green mario: i beat u in mario dittoz i r best mario nao mirite?

hungry box: hungryboxing needs to be a national sport. that ****s so real its almost unreal nyukka. but yeah power rankings =
everyone else
cash mooney

kage: great times hangin out again mah canadian negrodamus. you'd better come to washington in august, all the cool kids are doin it.

raynex: theres game time, theres prime time, and then theres SHAQ TIME! nuff said LMAO

unknown: sorry we didnt get to record that set n.n next time fasho though.

other guy with the falco (i forgot your name x_X): you were rly cool lol but i forgot your name n.n

everyone cheering for me for "****** the **** out of people" lol: omg i've never felt so much pressure or been so nervous LOL but y'all were hilarious and made me laugh a lot. I kept using the **** just to be a crowd pleaser and almost won because of it, so LOL

If i forgot anyone's name, its because forkgirl forgot it. >_>; cuz i copied her shoutouts and added like 10 people haha


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2005
San Antonio, TX
i didn't get a smiley face in my shoutout =[
i added in two open face smileys and those are my favorite :D

LOLZ at you stealing my shoutouts.

Also i forgot a very important shoutout:

Myztek: i KNOW it was you who ate my bigmac and fries when i went to play crews. wtf, you also ate my poptarts that morning behind my back D=<


Smash Apprentice
Apr 15, 2007

Mikeeeeeeeeeeee (Mike G) it was so awsome to meet you and thanks for looking out for me ^ ^. im going to win next time i play you

Chudatz, i love you, congrats in placing at the top like i knew you would.

PB&J, i think your awsome, all those friendlies i did with you was nice.

Forkgirl, it was nice hanging out with you and playing you, i like your sheik, when i get better with her, lets ditto.

Josh, nice friendlies, sorry i was so tired friday night to play you somemore.

Smooth criminal, it was nice to meet and talk to you, thanks alot for taking me to the airport.

Vidjo, i love your peach, i hope i get to play you again.

Cactuar, your so awsome, i had fun playing your marth.

Kage, your too good (me and kelly almost beat you guys in teams).

nicaboy, nice playing you and doing friendlies with you. It was fun hanging out with you.

Wife, omg i didnt know i was playing you in team friendlies, i would have gotten nervous and played like crap. its so cool that you were impressed by me, your one of my inspirations as to playing peach.

Plank, your an amazing sheik player, i hope i get to play you.

Hats, nice meeting you, sorry i didnt get to play you.

Warren, your amazing, we would have made a lovely team, we didnt do to bad playing m2k and vidjo in team friendlies.

Marsfool, thanks so much for looking out for me, your awsome. You made me laugh alot while i played you in friendlies. I hope i get to play you again.

Black panther, nice to meet you and play you, it was fun hanging out at I hop's.

Eggz, those free for all friendlies we're so much fun, you and chu ganged up on me and i still won, whoooo. it was nice meeting and playing you, your awsome.

Hungrybox, you are amazing, i watched you played, i wish i had gotten the chance to play you, and hell yes all the way from the Bahamas for melee, i hope i play you in the future.

the guy wearing "no b*******ness t-****" (sorry i forgot your name). Your an amazing player, i hope i get better so i can beat you next time.

Everyone at I hop's and that hung out at the venue that night, your awsome, playing hungry box is more technical than brawl people.

dammit almost forgot pritch, thanks for teaming with me, your awsome

Lambchops- nice to meet you and thanks for wishing me happy b-day ^ ^

Fletcher-it was nice meeting and talking to you. I must say you must be some sort of pimp or something, lol

thanks guys for having me at the tournament, it was so much fun, im going to be there next time. ^ ^


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
i added in two open face smileys and those are my favorite :D

LOLZ at you stealing my shoutouts.

Also i forgot a very important shoutout:

Myztek: i KNOW it was you who ate my bigmac and fries when i went to play crews. wtf, you also ate my poptarts that morning behind my back D=<
conclusively...im forkgirls favorite.



Smash Cadet
Mar 12, 2008
Austin Texas

Smooth Criminal - Thanks so much for the housing.having sex with trick wouldnt have been possible without your assistence.your a funny guy and id like to see you again.

DoH - Good set in pools.almost had you.

Xelic - Way to show em texas is where its at.As far as im concered you are the best peach.period.

AustinRC - Wow youve gotten good.didnt take one match off of you.Good seeing you.

JesusFreak - Good seeing you too.

Kage - Good job taking me out in pools.ill have you next time.

Nite - Wow you tore me up in pools.Ausome fox.

Jman - Im glad to have a set on youtube of the guy who got 3rd place.Really good fox.

Eggz - Glad you were able to come with me.Wouldnt have been the same without you.

Forkgirl - Good team.I just wish we could have done better.Oh well it was fun.

Mew2king - Thanks alot for the friendlys. I enjoyed being owned.

Black Panther - Your a cool dude.I enjoyed talking to you.

Lobelia MK 2 - ******* are weird.Perhaps you should accept your male.

Anyone else i forgot Im sure we had mad fun.
Ausome tourney I wouldnt have been anywhere else.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2005
Peoria, Illinois
Everyone Flex is a true player. If you don't believe me ask Shane or Smooth Criminal they're true witnesses lol.

It was nice meeting you too Daisy, I had forgotten your name, I'm really sorry =( I don't forget it now though. Your Peach is good don't worry though I will overcome Peach even if it kills me.


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
forkgirl said:
your marth is amazing!! but every time i talked to you you'd either just stare at me or look away. you can talk to me I promise i'm not too scary >=D congrats at winning
Girls > M2K. Srsly.

That's why Jiggs (wierd) beats him. M2K, that's the "hack" to your system. :p


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Everyone Flex is a true player. If you don't believe me ask Shane or Smooth Criminal they're true witnesses lol.

It was nice meeting you too Daisy, I had forgotten your name, I'm really sorry =( I don't forget it now though. Your Peach is good don't worry though I will overcome Peach even if it kills me.
how could i forget to shoutout to you lol

rashad - ur rly ****in cool. i **** u at hungryboxing tho. rofl cya in WA in august?! >=]


Smash Apprentice
Apr 28, 2006
Is there currently any plans for another "Greatest Tournament Since Brawl Came Out", by any chance?


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2005
Peoria, Illinois
how could i forget to shoutout to you lol

rashad - ur rly ****in cool. i **** u at hungryboxing tho. rofl cya in WA in august?! >=]
Yeah how did you forget me you little ******* lol? If I don't do this FAST tourney, then I'm definitely gonna do the washington one


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
And you didn't ask me Chad? Come on.
PROTIP: Ask your atheist friends when you're unsure of biblical trivia.
its ****ing true. most atheist friends will have been raised Catholic and will know more about the Bible than Iori knows about cartoons.

(including me and jack)


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi

I did NOT eat your Big Mac and fries.

Yes, I did eat the poptarts. But a guy sitting at the table told me they were his and I could have them anyway.

But no, I did NOT eat your Big Mac. Wtf? I would tell you if I did.
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