Smooth Criminal's Belated Shoutouts for the Greatest Melee Tourney Since Brawl Came Out!
Ares: It's a good thing that you were hovering around that laptop seventy percent of the time. Otherwise, I would've been a lost soul forever wandering the landscape of confusion when it came to tourney organization. Through you, I have a comprehensive understanding of just how this tourney **** works.
Prac: Always good to see you, man. You kinda reminded me of a whack-a-mole, though. It was kinda like the crowd was that gigantic, hole-filled square and you were the mole that popped up out of those said holes, all random and ****.
Always great seeing you too. I wanna play your Samus the next time, dammit! Show me the fine art of missile canceling in the back of my Sheik's throat!
Gerbil: Still white. Still awesome. Great to see you again. "Only in Georgia..."
Carter: Didn't really talk to you much, but you seem to be pretty awesome. that I think about it, you're the dude that helped me get to the venue to begin with. And in speaking of misdirection and getting to places...
Eggz: ...I know the weekend you spent with me was nothing short of hellacious and ****ty, but I'm glad you put up with my fat ***. You're a chill guy and nothing short of mother****in' geisha, son (your Fox still gives me a hard-on, FYI). And thanks for all of the kick-*** music that I'll be putting on my Zune very soon.
Flex (Fletcher): YOU WORKIN'?!
You're an awesome guy, man. Seriously. ****ing hilarious and good with tricks. I appreciate you covering for my *** financially and all that ****.
Lambchops: I had my apprehensions, son, but you didn't disappoint. You're a pretty chill guy in spite of the humongous c0ck that you've blindsided me with a couple of times. Lol. You have an awesome Falco.
J00t: Worst mother****ing player in Alabama, my ***! LOL. Your G&W is absolutely ****. My crappy Sheik didn't stand a chance (no johns).
nes n00b (Ryan): Dude, wtf? Our time spent together was filled with lameness and non-****. We need to step it up a notch when another tourney rolls around. How about we run around and knee random people while screaming, "AMERICA!!!!" Good **** for the few friendlies we played, though. Your Falcon still *****.
Forkgirl: You wiped the floor with me in pools. In spite of my burning rage, however, you are still a very cool person. Thanks for chatting it up with me when I was bored.
The Rest of Texas: Oh, lawd. >.<; Sorry about the lack of housing, guys. Gross overestimation on my part. I apologize for the inconvenience. You guys are all awesome in my book.
HAT: I cried when you beat my *** with the ICs. I thought you were just sandbagging in pools until I found out that it isn't unusual for you to pick the ICs. Then I cried a little harder. You're a great guy, too. We need moar friendlies next time.
Plank: You + Sheik=RAAAAAAPE. Good job at the tourney. Hope you enjoyed the cake that Sleepy and company bought ya.
Maryland/Virginia: Same as Texas, only with the offer of felatio in place solely for repentance. FORGIVE ME.
RyanEX: >.>; Fox ****. DO. NOT. WANT. Lol. Good **** in pools, man. You were the first person to really push my crappy *** Sheik to its limits. For a second there I was like Drephen, spotdodging your shines when that ****ing mountain came up on Pokemon Stadium. Then you just did some wiggy technical **** and showed me the error of my ways (aka UP SMASH). And btw, I call stupidity johns on the "GGz for housing, Smooth."
The rest of Canada: Yikes. Yowza. And ****ing sheesh. Sorry about the housing bit. I will offer the same services as Maryland/Virginia, only with buttsecks on the side.
Oh, and Kirby Kaze? I want another hug from your *** the next time I see you. Lol.
Majist: I'm like a generic JRPG monster...with scruples. Good games, man. I had a lot of fun playing you.
Teh Umby: I have Sheik's Story, but forever may you have mother****ing Roy's Island! LMAO. Good games. I enjoyed hanging out with you.
DP's Mario: GANON BACK-AIR! * Reaches back and punches a black kid in the chest. Realizes the error.* OSHI---
We need to get some friendlies the next time we play, sir.
Marty (GA Peach): **** Guilty Gear. **** Third Strike. **** Arcana Heart. Most importantly, though, **** YOU FOR BEING SO **** GOOD AT THOSE GAMES. Lol. Seriously, though, you're awesome and I can't wait to see you again. Battle and Brew?
Nicaboy: WTF? I didn't see much of you at the tourney, son...except for when you jacked my god**** money. I call johns. Too good. Regardless, however, it was good to see you.
Flamin' Roy: Same as Nica, sans the money bit.
SleepyK: You live up to your reputation, Sleepy. You're a chill guy and have a good sense of humor. We need to get more Melee friendlies in the next time we see each other.
Iori: What can I say? Awesome to see you as always, mang. You did well in brackets and you jacked my money, too.
Myztek: The knee is a mindgame. I kid you not. We need more friendlies the next time I see you.
IHSB: >.>; I need to talk to you more...
PikaChad: Good job in the tourney, mang. Your Pika *****. Hard.
FullMetal: Yet another person who jacked my money. Good games, man. You live up to your reputation as GA's premiere Sheik killer...well, at least Smooth Criminal Sheiks. >.>;
Reflex: Another one of my favorite people. I <3 you, Reflex. We not only need to get some friendlies in some time, but we need to just chill. You seem so ****ing awesome.
Mew2King: I can now proudly say that I was four stocked by one of the greatest Smash players in the nation, further cementing my place as GA's Worst Sheik. *pumps fist.*
Duchock: You need to talk more, son. And do more repping of that Ness.
Samosu: >.>; Note to self: Never ask you for girl advice. Lol. It was nice to meet you, in all seriousness. We need to play more the next time we see each other.
Daisey: Bahama Mama! It was so cool that you came all the way here just for our lil' ol' Melee tourney. You're a sweetheart and fun to talk to. I really appreciate you spotting me at IHOP.
Black Panther (Rashad): AWESOMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEE. What more can I say? Next big Melee shindig we attend, we're both playing friendlies/MMs. Immediately.
Sliq: You said all of two words to me, but they were so awesome and full of win that they may as well have been a full-fledged conversation. I love your controller and I love you (no homo).
Everlasting Yahyuzzzzzzzzzz: MOFOing CRAAAAAaaaaaaZY LOOOOOoooooOOP. Needless to say, you were a chill guy and fun to hang out with. Friendlies next time. MMs? I'm all for it.
Wobbles: Green Mario says "hi." LOL. Don't be discouraged, though. We all have our down moments and can't play well. Case in point, I'm stuck in a perpetual stasis of ****ty play---hence why I am GA's Worst Sheik. You are still an amazing player regardless, though. I liked watching your ICs in action.
Jman: You're a trooper, son. Amazing Fox.
ColBol: More **** Fox action. Makes me envious.
Hungrybox: Hungryboxing MM, pl0x?
Cash Mooney: Need moar friendlies and conversations, son. That is all.
Zone: Smash guru and advice dispenser. I learned a lot from your nuggets of wisdom...even if they did come a few hours after I got pwned in pools. That's it. I'm calling johns and pinning it all on you.
AustinRC: Best. Doubles. Partner. Ever. This. Side. Of...
KoKingpin: ...MOTHER****ING KO! It was awesome to see you again, man. Seriously. Next time we gotta do up that liquor son and play Smash like true champions.
JMOAN: Still my Sheik mentor and still an even greater guy. *thumbs up.* I'll do ya proud one of these days.
Lil Kong: >.<; You're awesome as always, man, but lay off the forum drama.
Dogy: You are one of the most intimidating black people that I have ever met. No jones. But you are still awesome. and fun to talk to.
Now please don't glare at me anymore...>.<;
If there's anybody I forgot, please tell me. I tried to include everybody.
I had a great time. May Melee live on forever and may we have an even bigger attendance next year.
Smooth Criminal