I will roll a die before we play our match. If it's a 1, I win. If it's a 6, you win. If it's a 2, 3, 4, or 5, we play normally.
This is completely fair, wouldn't you agree? You have a 1/6 chance of instantly winning, and so do I. And then we have a 2/3 chance of playing normally. That sound good to you? I hope not.
AND BEFORE YOU SAY THAT COACHING IS NOT ANALOGOUS TO THIS... you're right. The point is that just because something is "fair," or applies "equally," or "may not even affect the match," does NOT make it a legitimate and welcome part of the game.
Hey guys, welcome to tripping. It doesn't affect matches very often and it has an equal chance of applying to either player. And if you think it's always disadvantageous (though it HAS cost people games), consider that sometimes the invincibility frames on it help you dodge attacks, and has also possibly HELPED those players as well. Tripping = bueno? No. Tripping no es bueno. Es malo.
AGAIN, AND AGAIN... we are making the argument that coaching changes the way the match is played, for better or worse. We are also arguing that in a 1v1 situation, having somebody point things out to you that you did not see or realize yourself is unfair. We are also arguing that being in a spectator position--where your mind is not occupied with execution and making decisions--allows you to concentrate more on the mental aspect, to see things that the player in the hot seat does not. Whether he should or should not see those things is irrelevant.
Actually, it IS relevant. If he could have seen something, SHOULD have seen it, but did NOT, then that is his error. If you correct that error FOR him by pointing it out, in time for it to make a difference, then you are giving him an advantage that he does not deserve.
Hey, I could have shine spiked you and you would have died. In fact, under most circumstances, I would have done it, but for whatever reason, this time I didn't. It would also improve the quality of the match by making it closer if it had worked. Would you kindly SD for me?
No. Mistakes and player errors belong to the player. Mistakes can be missed l-cancels, bad reads, poor positioning, using punishable moves at questionable times. Nobody should be there to cover for you to "make the match better."