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The Center Stage


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Hey Riddle I am up for our debate now. The topic that I am going to choose is abortion. I think the pros and cons of abortion weigh out evenly though I have my personal opinion. I would like to debate why abortion shouldn't happen if thats okay with you. Riddle if you think of a better topic to debate please feel free to suggest away. :)


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
F1ZZ the topic of abortion is fine. Post your first argument and I will respond soon (in the morning probably.) gl.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2009
Toronto, Canada
I will start the agrument in the morning. Right now I am just super tired and need to get some sleep. Hopefully my inner debater comes out in this debate. :)


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
You were just let into the debate hall and your posts are 10x more obnoxious than RDK's.
I disagree. Not possible.

I present this idea for one huge reason, I wanna see what GOD! and his friend with the H"s (Can't recall his name right now.) are capable of in policy debates, I'm very interested in that, I also think it'll give us a better idea on who to let in.
"His friend?" I've never even talked to the guy. I can't even post on his visitor messages for some reason.

I will do any policy debate with anyone in here. I would have if I didn't have to (a) respond to all the lies thrown at me in the center stage and (b) have real college work.

By the looks of his skills (or lack thereof) within the realm of factual debate, I have a hard time believing he'd do any better in a more subjective area such as policy debate.
I'm surprised you got in in the first place to be quite honest.. you are still crying about me. Instead of refuting points. Lol. Factual? Do you not understand the fact that fossil evidence doesn't support your theory? Where are the billions of transitional fossils, and why are the fossils archeologists supposedly find hidden away on some random website and not in the newspapers or public eye?

Pick up a history textbook. All the crap about humans is basically, "We used really lame dating techniques like faunal analysis and are basically just guessing all of this."

Factual evidence? Like Lucy, I guess? skull of a human, jaw of a gorilla. We watched a whole video about it in biology (public school, ironically).

And this is like the fifth time we've given you links to said posts. Kazoo just posted another one above you, proof that you read none of the criticism we give you.

No. That is like the first time a post was given ever. And that had about 1,000,000 different points in it. So which one were you referring too???

6th time. My point (quoted or summarized)--> my fallacy --> correct reasoning.
Maybe this time you'll do it?? I'm guessing not.

How is this hard? can any person who debated in school verify that this is just what you do?.. I feel like I'm dealing with a very small child here.. try and teach them something and they just keep spewing whatever comes into their head.

Once again, if you knew anything about the history of intelligent design you would know that it was made by Christians for the explicit purpose of forcing religion into the public school classroom. I've linked you to the Wedge Document a number of times, but I'll do it again just for laughs.


Here's even more tomfoolery from the ID camp:

Well lets see. Your fallacy: A believes C, B believes C, therefore A is B.

Too easy. They both believe the same thing and when editing, the author considered that creatonism was not the correct opposing term for evolution.

Creationism wasn't even the correct phrasing in the first place. And one textbook author confusing two terms somehow reveals that there is a major conspiracy??

In case you didn't know, I've read the Wedge Document twice. It proves that a group of people who believe in a) God and b) Intelligent design want to push both beliefs into school. You want to push evolution and (I'd assume) atheism into governments, as most atheists do (generalization). Please explain the difference here. And this was one group doing this anyway.

Furthermore, the idea of a designer has been around since Judaism was founded about 10,000 B.C.E. Just so you know, it's not some groundbreaking idea.

Please go look back at my responses I have called out on logic fallacies quite a bit, now to answer the quote.

No wonder I never answered it, I thought that was in response to RDK and not myself, I don't really read y our full response only thing things you have directed at me, whatever else I just skim over. I think that whole bias world view thing is kinda silly, what kind of person maintains a world view when new evidence is present?

I would say that his argument isn't very sound though, as theists scientists who have every single reason to believe ID to be true don't because of the evidence. Or is this just a bias world view?

Is this more of your bias world view?

But once again you missed the point, it was unconstitutional but those protesters didn't care about the constitution, it was their religion that made them speak out about the hindu prayer.

Indians come from India, which is a hindu state.

Your reasoning doesn't match the conclusion. I've said countless times Atheists were persecuted against long before they became aggressive. The persecution as fed the aggression, Atheist use to try and kill you guys with kindness so to speak.

You're looking at this all wrong. On a personal level yes every group has been discriminated against at some point even majorities.

Nationally? not as much. You as a white Christian Male can enter politics become President and do basically anything you want. So that little piece of discrimination you felt in public schools really isn't much sorry to say.

Me on the other hand, a White Atheist Male I cannot enter politics and become President the most I can hope for is a congressmen of a small district. (awesome) Topple with the fact that I get grouped with people like Sam Harris (did I mention how much I loath this man?) Which just isn't fair at all. Comparing someone like me to Sam Harris is like comparing Stalin to Ghandi.

This is what I mean by Discrimination. While on personal levels anyone can be discriminated against.
You didn't call out any logical fallacies. Quote or respost if you did, or just post new ones about my general ideas. I hardly even care anymore, it's just so tiring..

Have you read Aristotle? Or met any people, ever? People hate change and resist anything they can to change. If someone's life is built around an ideology, even if a good deal of opposing information surfaces, they will still resist change as much as possible.

There are many more theist scientists who believe in ID though. And what about in here? The atheists believe in macroevolution, the theists in creation (right? is this not true?). I have all the same information as you people, but my experiences that have shaped the way I look at the world are much different than yours. I didn't grow up in church, but I became a Jesus follower and have seen miracles and healing. This affects the way I view the world.

Atheists have seen no proof of these things, and have gotten ticked off at a lot of crooked televangelists and preachers who only want money. Those people believe in creation (which needs a designer).. so the way you view the world has been shaped by your experiences.

How can you say this is not sound reasoning? When you hear a preacher, any preacher, don't you just tense up a little?

Everyone has some bias. The trouble is to eliminate it (or make it very insignificant). And you also must know you are biased to overcome it, I know I am at some level.

It's not discrimination when you don't get elected. Minorities rarely get elected and some of the, cry about it, but the fact is they are unorganized and should only blame themselves. White people aren't lynching minorities who vote anymore, even in Mississippi and Alabama.
Also why would the average person elect you when you aren't like them? The majority of voters in the US are self-proclaimed Christian, so why would they elect someone to represent them who is nothing like them?

Oh yeah, I can totally become President. Poor logic. First, you need a lot of money, whether from supporters or from your family. You also need to be charismatic naturally and to be able to handle irate people with conflicting views. There are like 75 million white males in this country.. and almost all of them don't even have a shot at the Presidency.

You can live in India and not be Hindu. You can be a Hindu and live other places than India.

That metaphor is very extreme. And I wasn't comparing you with Sam Harris. I get grouped with people like Joel Olsteen, how do you think that makes me feel?
Atheists, kill us with kindness.. where do you get this from?


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Friend, debating with you is like arguing with a doorknob. It gets nobody anywhere and I have no inclination to do so.

Actually I honestly believe arguing with a doorknob would be more fruitful than continuing a conversation with you.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
You didn't call out any logical fallacies. Quote or respost if you did, or just post new ones about my general ideas. I hardly even care anymore, it's just so tiring..
I'm going to quickly skim through your posts in this thread.

It hasn't been "debunked." If the creation story (not the young earth model) was "debunked," then there would be clear proof somewhere (on a web page, in a book, wherever) that people could read and stop believing in it. If that's true, please show me this.
Appeal to Ignorance. Instead of trying to prove the creation story is right you merely suggest it's never been proven wrong (which it has).

That's why your post was dumb. You guys in here act like ID is some far-out theory when it is actually very popular. Don't be ignorant about where you are. I could live in Florida and say snow was unpopular and whack.

Intelligent Design
Allows for complexity
Explains human nature that is common throughout cultures
Has a mechanism
Has Precambrian explosion (the biggest scientific piece for this)
Picks up where evolution (macro) fails so hard
appeal to popularity, just because something is popular doesn't mean it's correct. For hundreds of years it was very popular to string up blacks and hang them in trees.

These were the two that stuck out the most for me, I disregarded the little ones because I don't want to be a jerk.

I suggest you look over logical fallacies and become more educated on them so you can avoid being called out on them.

Have you read Aristotle? Or met any people, ever? People hate change and resist anything they can to change. If someone's life is built around an ideology, even if a good deal of opposing information surfaces, they will still resist change as much as possible.
If this was true Ronald Reagan should have never become president, and he wouldn't be regarded as one of the greats. The general population is resistant to sudden big change.

There are many more theist scientists who believe in ID though.
I would like to see some data to back this up.

And what about in here? The atheists believe in macroevolution, the theists in creation (right? is this not true?).
I wouldn't know I'm old fashioned I don't ask people what they believe. However I think Del who's a theist believes in Evolution.

I have all the same information as you people, but my experiences that have shaped the way I look at the world are much different than yours. I didn't grow up in church, but I became a Jesus follower and have seen miracles and healing. This affects the way I view the world.
I wouldn't say you have the same information as everyone largely because you didn't seem to know about the existence of mammal-like reptile fossils. I would argue that your unshakable faith has driven you to see something that isn't there. Only reason I think this to be the case is because my faith use to be unshakable and I thought evolution was loaded as well.

Atheists have seen no proof of these things, and have gotten ticked off at a lot of crooked televangelists and preachers who only want money. Those people believe in creation (which needs a designer).. so the way you view the world has been shaped by your experiences.
I became an atheist after years and years of thinking about my own theistic beliefs. The overwhelming evidence for evolution, didn't play a role in my conversion from christian to atheist. In fact it was a slow process for me, It wasn't unshakable faith to disbelief. I've always been a thinker and a logical one, but I always assumed god had to exist because of my theistic up bringing, once I opened myself up to the possibility I might be wrong I began to see things more clearly.

How can you say this is not sound reasoning? When you hear a preacher, any preacher, don't you just tense up a little?

Everyone has some bias. The trouble is to eliminate it (or make it very insignificant). And you also must know you are biased to overcome it, I know I am at some level.
I'm bias toward ignorance and ideological assumptions. If you look at my posts in the DH you might be able to see that, I have an undying hatred toward institutions or anything for that matter that cause one to not think.

It's not discrimination when you don't get elected.
Tell that to Thomas Bradly. He was consistantly polling high numbers against his white rival. It was a given for him, that he was going to win. Up until election night the polls didn't change he was still in the lead.

He lost.

Yeah I'm sure racism has nothing to do with it.

Furthermore Atheists are the most despised minority int he US, many Americans wouldn't vote for an atheist president, as shown in the gallop poll taking in 06. 45% of Americans would vote for an atheist. (can't find the actual gallop poll at the moment, if it's a problem I could find it if you gave me time.)


Even Ronald Reagans son has gone on record and stated "I wouldn't run for president I'm not cut out for politics I'm an atheist."

Minorities rarely get elected and some of the, cry about it, but the fact is they are unorganized and should only blame themselves. White people aren't lynching minorities who vote anymore, even in Mississippi and Alabama.
Again I point the Bradly effect and how often it's reared it's ugly head.

Also why would the average person elect you when you aren't like them? The majority of voters in the US are self-proclaimed Christian, so why would they elect someone to represent them who is nothing like them?
Because my religious affiliation or lack there of should have no bearing on my ability to lead a country. This is why our found fathers said there will be no religious test on running for office. If I'm a well qualified person who policy decisions would benefit the US and yet I'm not elected because every Sunday I sleep in instead of praying, and appologizng to a man who I have no idea exists. That's a load of crap.

For your information too, I would vote for anyone as long as they're qualified. They could be a Neo-pagan and I would vote for them if they ran on a platform I agreed with, to many people group religion and politics together when they should never ever be grouped together.

Oh yeah, I can totally become President.
You could, you have the image for it.

Poor logic. First, you need a lot of money, whether from supporters or from your family.
That would account for about 10% of your funds, every major presidential hopeful gets their money for special interest groups and corporations. Both John McCain and President Obama recieved large amounts of funds from special interest groups.

You also need to be charismatic naturally and to be able to handle irate people with conflicting views.
Yeah because when I think of George Bush I think of Charisma.

There are like 75 million white males in this country.. and almost all of them don't even have a shot at the Presidency.
Is that why every president before Obama has been a white guy?

You can live in India and not be Hindu. You can be a Hindu and live other places than India.
True but india is a hindu state, which was my point. I'm not saying every Indian is I'm saying that since India is a hindu state indians will be associated with that. Much like how I'm an American will be associated with christianity.

That metaphor is very extreme. And I wasn't comparing you with Sam Harris. I get grouped with people like Joel Olsteen, how do you think that makes me feel?
Probably feel like bashing your head against the keyboard?
Atheists, kill us with kindness.. where do you get this from?
That's generally how it use to be done, the aggressive I hate everything Atheist use to be a minority.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Riddle I am sorry to say this but our debate will have to wait. I wasn't home at all today and the next 3 days Im going away on a trip. Sorry to leave you hanging but it will have to wait.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
You don't have to apoligise, I'm doing this for you anyways.

Just to make it exceedingly clear:



Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
Appeal to Ignorance. Instead of trying to prove the creation story is right you merely suggest it's never been proven wrong (which it has).
I never said anything about whether it was right or not. I said
If the evidence to debunk it (rule it out completely) was known then...
It would be common knowledge.

I suggest that it's never been proven wrong, yes. But I don't then take a fallacious step and say that it must be true. I was responding to the claim that someone said it was "debunked" (I hate that word), and saying that it was not debunked because then there would be no debate about it.

So not a fallacy because that is not used as evidence for truth.
appeal to popularity, just because something is popular doesn't mean it's correct. For hundreds of years it was very popular to string up blacks and hang them in trees.
Ok. You and your entire squad of neo-darwinists were telling me that a majority of scientists believe it and that it was just a fringe theory.

I wasn't saying it was true because of its popularity. Therefore, not a fallacy.

I said it wasn't some fringe theory (which was what I was addressing). I in no way implied its popularity made it true, even looking at it now, because then my argument would be self-defeating (evolution is more popular than ID).

So that wasn't even a fallacy.

These were the two that stuck out the most for me, I disregarded the little ones because I don't want to be a jerk.
By all means... if you can find one.. :)

I suggest you look over logical fallacies and become more educated on them so you can avoid being called out on them.
I'm making flashcards.. but I already rarely make any logical mistakes (and none that you've pointed out).

If this was true Ronald Reagan should have never become president, and he wouldn't be regarded as one of the greats. The general population is resistant to sudden big change.
People hate having to change themselves in any way.
And even small changes are bad for people. We are creatures of habit.

I would like to see some data to back this up.
I'll respond with:
I would say that his argument isn't very sound though, as theists scientists who have every single reason to believe ID to be true don't because of the evidence.
This is almost like an appeal to popularity as well, but not quite..

Back this up with data.
I don't have any data, but I'd like to see some for your post.
I wouldn't know I'm old fashioned I don't ask people what they believe. However I think Del who's a theist believes in Evolution.
Well Miller does too. But "Scientists" in the way you meant it means more than two.

I wouldn't say you have the same information as everyone largely because you didn't seem to know about the existence of mammal-like reptile fossils. I would argue that your unshakable faith has driven you to see something that isn't there. Only reason I think this to be the case is because my faith use to be unshakable and I thought evolution was loaded as well.
The problem is you don't have access to the same information either, because I've read over 20 books on the subject of God, creation, and evolution. So I know quite a bit more than you about this, don't you think? Plus I read from different perspectives.
And now I know about these fossils that I can't find pictures of or even drawings of. Link?
You think my faith is unshakable? Do you even know me? A 3 months ago I had nothing to do with God. And I have problems every day, especially when you live away from people you trust and there are new influences in your life.

Also, hasty generalization. I was in B situation and believed this, someone else in B situation must believe this. You said it yourself. That is not me at all.

I became an atheist after years and years of thinking about my own theistic beliefs. The overwhelming evidence for evolution, didn't play a role in my conversion from christian to atheist. In fact it was a slow process for me, It wasn't unshakable faith to disbelief. I've always been a thinker and a logical one, but I always assumed god had to exist because of my theistic up bringing, once I opened myself up to the possibility I might be wrong I began to see things more clearly.
I became a christian (for real) in like 8th grade. And even then I was shaky as anything.
This debate has me thinking a lot though. I read all your evidence on the evolution side, and it starts to make sense.. and then I go read something from the Id side and it makes even more sense, and then all the impossible odds and faked fossils and fudged drawings of the macroevolution side seem silly.

I know macroevolution could exist and there still be a God. It was a challenge to me, too.
That's why I have an opinion now. And what I do is keep reading. In the end, it doesn't come down to what you heard on the internet this place or that place: for me, it comes down it this: is evolution into new species possible? IF we can see through lab tests and DNA that evolution between species is possible, then I will suspend all disbelief and once again look at all data. Again.

That's good.
I'm bias toward ignorance and ideological assumptions. If you look at my posts in the DH you might be able to see that, I have an undying hatred toward institutions or anything for that matter that cause one to not think.
I hope this wasn't a slight on me or anything.
I hate, more than anything else in the world, lies. Honestly.
Tell that to Thomas Bradly. He was consistantly polling high numbers against his white rival. It was a given for him, that he was going to win. Up until election night the polls didn't change he was still in the lead.

He lost.
Today. not 20 years ago, when poll rigging was still possible.
And these polls are taken of a random sample of a population. If a reporter went to downtown LA and polled 1000 people, he would not get the same results as if he went to LA suburbs. My government class did a whole unit on public opinion polls, and they are all extremely unreliable and prone to manipulation.

Racism is an issue, sure. But he wasn't being discriminated against by people who didn't vote for him. If I was 18 in November, I would have voted for John McCain because of his economic stance, not because I was discriminating against Obama. (I would like to add that I now fully support our President).

Yeah I'm sure racism has nothing to do with it.
I'm sure it has something to do with it.
Furthermore Atheists are the most despised minority int he US, many Americans wouldn't vote for an atheist president, as shown in the gallop poll taking in 06. 45% of Americans would vote for an atheist. (can't find the actual gallop poll at the moment, if it's a problem I could find it if you gave me time.)


Even Ronald Reagans son has gone on record and stated "I wouldn't run for president I'm not cut out for politics I'm an atheist."
Maybe because you have a need to tell everyone they're wrong and stupid (three of four atheists I talked with at my school told me just this).

In order to be President, it is also helpful to be a Representative of the people you reside with, and atheists don't represent the population of any area well. People vote for who they identify with more often than who is more qualified (last election + Gov book said it).

Again I point the Bradly effect and how often it's reared it's ugly head.
I point to Democracy, and majority wins. Why should a minority rule over the majority? That's how revolutions start.
Because my religious affiliation or lack there of should have no bearing on my ability to lead a country. This is why our found fathers said there will be no religious test on running for office. If I'm a well qualified person who policy decisions would benefit the US and yet I'm not elected because every Sunday I sleep in instead of praying, and appologizng to a man who I have no idea exists. That's a load of crap.
There are a lot of voters. Issue voters, party voters, etc. Most people vote for the person they identify with more, for better or for worse.
It's a bad system, sure, but its a reality here. Hopefully it will change.

Christians don't go to church to pray and apologize. Worship, group prayer, fellowship. The purpose of Sunday church is to provide support for many believers.
For your information too, I would vote for anyone as long as they're qualified. They could be a Neo-pagan and I would vote for them if they ran on a platform I agreed with, to many people group religion and politics together when they should never ever be grouped together.
Religious beliefs affect your worldview, which affects your morality, which affects your political decisions on candidates and issues.

It's just a fact of political life in America.
You wouldn't agree with someone who wanted school prayer, abortion banned, creation taught in schools cause of your religious beliefs (or lack, whatever you call it).
You could, you have the image for it.
No.. you have to be a lot of things that I'm not. You also have to want the job. I personally think that God also chooses our Presidents, and I don't want to be one anyway, so it's all good.
That would account for about 10% of your funds, every major presidential hopeful gets their money for special interest groups and corporations. Both John McCain and President Obama recieved large amounts of funds from special interest groups.
Yeah because when I think of George Bush I think of Charisma.
Go look at his speeches when he was governor of Texas. He really was very charismatic and intelligent, I just think the stress of being President and campaigning wore him down a lot. He used to be a great speaker.

Is that why every president before Obama has been a white guy?
True but india is a hindu state, which was my point. I'm not saying every Indian is I'm saying that since India is a hindu state indians will be associated with that. Much like how I'm an American will be associated with christianity.
Yeah, and that's not an association anyone wants. I'm just trying to say that it's not a good thing to do. If you confused Hindu/Indian, whatever, I was just pointing it out, not trying to flame.

Probably feel like bashing your head against the keyboard?
That's generally how it use to be done, the aggressive I hate everything Atheist use to be a minority.
I'd like to see some data for this. (to quote you)
Some things you just have to take someones word for. It's a risk, but some things are unprovable.
So I'll just take your word for this.. even though it's probably just a hasty generalization.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
I never said anything about whether it was right or not. I said
If the evidence to debunk it (rule it out completely) was known then...
It would be common knowledge.
Appeal to popularity.....again.

I suggest that it's never been proven wrong, yes. But I don't then take a fallacious step and say that it must be true. I was responding to the claim that someone said it was "debunked" (I hate that word), and saying that it was not debunked because then there would be no debate about it.

So not a fallacy because that is not used as evidence for truth.
Wrong you're using argument out of popularity to create doubt of the story being debunked.

Ok. You and your entire squad of neo-darwinists were telling me that a majority of scientists believe it and that it was just a fringe theory.
The problem here is evolution has overwhelming evidence for one and two a scientific consensus usually isn't considered part of "Argument out of popularity"

I wasn't saying it was true because of its popularity. Therefore, not a fallacy.
No but you were alluding to it.

I said it wasn't some fringe theory (which was what I was addressing). I in no way implied its popularity made it true, even looking at it now, because then my argument would be self-defeating (evolution is more popular than ID).

So that wasn't even a fallacy.
It was because you were using it's popularity to bring legitimacy to it's claims.

I'm making flashcards.. but I already rarely make any logical mistakes (and none that you've pointed out).
You've made quite a bit so far.

People hate having to change themselves in any way.
And even small changes are bad for people. We are creatures of habit.
I suggest you brush up on your politics before you continue this any more.

I'll respond with:

This is almost like an appeal to popularity as well, but not quite..

Back this up with data.
I don't have any data, but I'd like to see some for your post.
Not even close, I'm showing you that god and evolution are not mutually exclusive. What is there to back up with data? YOu want an example? Miller is my example. He has every reason to believe in ID but he doesn't, because of the evidence for evolution.

You've already show you have no data though.

Well Miller does too. But "Scientists" in the way you meant it means more than two.
Okay what are you getting at here?

The problem is you don't have access to the same information either, because I've read over 20 books on the subject of God, creation, and evolution. So I know quite a bit more than you about this, don't you think?
So because you read 20 books on it, you're more qualified to debate these topics then? Or you're some how much smarter then me? And you called RDK an elitist.

Plus I read from different perspectives.
And now I know about these fossils that I can't find pictures of or even drawings of. Link?
You think my faith is unshakable? Do you even know me? A 3 months ago I had nothing to do with God. And I have problems every day, especially when you live away from people you trust and there are new influences in your life.
I've already answered this it was in my post a page back. I linked various articles about the existence of these fossils, the fact that you're disputing their existence reinforces my initial statement that you know very little about evolution.

Also, hasty generalization. I was in B situation and believed this, someone else in B situation must believe this. You said it yourself. That is not me at all.
No I'm simply saying I've been in your position before. (not the exact position obviously but yeah.)

I became a christian (for real) in like 8th grade.
Didn't you just say god came into your life 3 months ago?

And even then I was shaky as anything.
This debate has me thinking a lot though. I read all your evidence on the evolution side, and it starts to make sense.. and then I go read something from the Id side and it makes even more sense, and then all the impossible odds and faked fossils and fudged drawings of the macroevolution side seem silly.
Sounds like your bias world view to me.

I know macroevolution could exist and there still be a God. It was a challenge to me, too.
That's why I have an opinion now. And what I do is keep reading. In the end, it doesn't come down to what you heard on the internet this place or that place: for me, it comes down it this: is evolution into new species possible? IF we can see through lab tests and DNA that evolution between species is possible, then I will suspend all disbelief and once again look at all data. Again.
Looks like you'll be waiting millions and millions of years, because that's how long macro evolution takes.

Today. not 20 years ago, when poll rigging was still possible.
And these polls are taken of a random sample of a population. If a reporter went to downtown LA and polled 1000 people, he would not get the same results as if he went to LA suburbs. My government class did a whole unit on public opinion polls, and they are all extremely unreliable and prone to manipulation.
The last results that day were on exit polls, those exit polls showed a huge advantage for Bradly, however he didn't win the election.

This is called the Bradly effect.

Racism is an issue, sure. But he wasn't being discriminated against by people who didn't vote for him. If I was 18 in November, I would have voted for John McCain because of his economic stance, not because I was discriminating against Obama. (I would like to add that I now fully support our President).
That's good to know, but you have people in town hall meetings flying off the deep end, because they're screaming at these things saying. "We want our country back." I'm sorry your country back from what? Obama hasn't done anything radical he's just your standard corporate democrat, the only difference between him and any other corporate democrat is he's half black.

Maybe because you have a need to tell everyone they're wrong and stupid (three of four atheists I talked with at my school told me just this).
Maybe if you didn't doubt well known scientific theories you wouldn't be called out on for those things.

It would be like if I were to doubt the moon landing, or to say 9/11 was an inside job. Reasonable people don't say these things.

In order to be President, it is also helpful to be a Representative of the people you reside with, and atheists don't represent the population of any area well. People vote for who they identify with more often than who is more qualified (last election + Gov book said it).
I never doubt that, I'm calling it sham.

Because of religion an atheist can't run for major public office even if he runs on a platform that a majority of Americans favor. If I ran on a platform every American agreed with I wouldn't win because of my beliefs.

I point to Democracy, and majority wins. Why should a minority rule over the majority? That's how revolutions start.
Because ones religion should have no bearing on their character.

There are a lot of voters. Issue voters, party voters, etc. Most people vote for the person they identify with more, for better or for worse.
It's a bad system, sure, but its a reality here. Hopefully it will change.
Which is why I called it a sham.

Christians don't go to church to pray and apologize. Worship, group prayer, fellowship. The purpose of Sunday church is to provide support for many believers.
Don't be a smartass you know what I meant.

Religious beliefs affect your worldview, which affects your morality, which affects your political decisions on candidates and issues.
Not true, this is only apparent in the Christian right, moderates, liberals, libertarians do not have the same point of view as that.

It's just a fact of political life in America.
You wouldn't agree with someone who wanted school prayer, abortion banned, creation taught in schools cause of your religious beliefs (or lack, whatever you call it).
Which is why you have religious politicians who are against school prayer, for womans rights, against creation in public schools. Their religious beliefs haven't clouded their judgment.

No.. you have to be a lot of things that I'm not. You also have to want the job. I personally think that God also chooses our Presidents, and I don't want to be one anyway, so it's all good.
you took it to personal I didn't specifically mean you I meant the image you have.

But generally speaking as long as you have HUGE campaign contributions from big business you'll win.

Go look at his speeches when he was governor of Texas. He really was very charismatic and intelligent, I just think the stress of being President and campaigning wore him down a lot. He used to be a great speaker.
The Alcohol and drugs probably played a roll too.

He didn't win because of his Charisma he won because of his campaign slogan of the compassionate conservative.

Yeah, and that's not an association anyone wants. I'm just trying to say that it's not a good thing to do. If you confused Hindu/Indian, whatever, I was just pointing it out, not trying to flame.
It's a general association though.

I'd like to see some data for this. (to quote you)
Some things you just have to take someones word for. It's a risk, but some things are unprovable.
So I'll just take your word for this.. even though it's probably just a hasty generalization.
Because Dawkins, Harris and all of them are positive atheists they affirm that there is no god and that religion is hateful and wants to kill your babies blah blah. Which has become the majority of atheists recently.

Then there's negative atheism which is just an absence of belief, which use to be the majority. This whole "lets attack religion everyone in it as evil" is a new development and likely came about because of intollerance towad atheists.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2009
Needham, Mass
First and foremost, I hate making posts like this when debating. I feel it ruins my credibility. However, I'm going to get into the first person. Unfortunately.

In my time, I have had debates with many people. This included people with PhDs, not because I thought they were wrong, so much as I wanted to understand their point of view.

I had a professor once. He told us he was a Republican. Now, I'm fairly liberal. I'm not an extremist, but I am liberal. So, I asked him, "Why are you a Republican?" and he answered me simply. He said, "Because, I don't want things to change. I like things just the way they are. I'm gainfully employed, a tenured professor, and happy doing what I do. If everything stayed just as it is, I'd be perfectly happy."

I was dumbstruck. I'd never considered that point of view. I am still a liberal, but I am more willing to listen to the other side. Often times, they make very good points.

Now, I'm sure people are asking, "Where's he going with this?" about now.

@ GOD!: I've read through this. You've said some things that make me go, "Wait, what?" But, that's your opinions, and you're entitled to them.

However, your statement about having read several books on the subject of Creationism, God, and ID, (in whatever combination they came in), raises a simple question: How many books have you read on the opposing side? How many books have you read about evolution, the Big Bang, and so on? How many on biology? If you're statement is that you've read several books on one side, doesn't that mean you can't adequately, unbiasedly view the other? Doesn't that color your thoughts so strongly that you cannot accept other viewpoints?

Also, I still don't fully understand your issue with fossils. Here's what I've come to know about fossils:
1: Fossils are old. Really old.
2: When putting together a skeleton, with no frame of reference, it is difficult, and mistakes are made.
3: Any scientist in that field would fix any errors they could. Example: We used to think the T-Rex dragged its tail on the ground, making it slow. Now, we think it carried it off the ground, to run.

Okay, the only other thing about fossils is that they're clearly there. I mean, you personally don't get to hold them. The majority of people don't, since they're so old, and it's very possible they're frail. Any skeleton of a dinosaur you see in a museum is a mold of the fossils. But, that doesn't mean they don't exist.

You keep saying things about faked fossils. In what way are they faked? Are they made out of bubblegum, paperclips, and string? Are they just from giant chickens (oh, evolution joke)? I mean, what MAKES them fake?

On a slightly tangential note, if God chose our Presidents for us, doesn't that fly in the face of everything the Bible says from Genesis? Free will, the ability to choose? If God was picking things for people, making them happen, then doesn't that mean we have no free will? Just as a thought.

@ Aesir: I feel some, which is not all, of your responses to GOD!'s arguments are a bit too short. I can understand feeling frustrated when needing to repeat oneself, but it is oftentimes a needed action. Without trying to offend you, but rather be helpful, I'd suggest explaining some of your shorter points a bit more. A fairly easy example is from your last post (from when I started writing this >_>) where you quoted GOD! and then said he was appealing to popularity. If you explained specifically how, I think it would strengthen your argument.

Anyways, that's what I have to say to you two. It's somewhat entertaining to watch you two bounce back and forth. I'll try and weigh in a bit later, but not right now. I've been trying to post this for... the better portion of a day, and have been writing it in between errands.




Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
Appeal to popularity.....again.

Wrong you're using argument out of popularity to create doubt of the story being debunked.

The problem here is evolution has overwhelming evidence for one and two a scientific consensus usually isn't considered part of "Argument out of popularity"

No but you were alluding to it.

It was because you were using it's popularity to bring legitimacy to it's claims.

You've made quite a bit so far.
Can someone else please tell him that wasn't a fallacy? I wasn't saying "THis is popular so its right." I just said "This is popular so its not a fringe theory."
That was my point. Which you missed somehow.

I wasn't appeal to popularity. Not even implying or alluding to it.
You completely just made up what you thought I meant, which had nothing to do with what I actually meant and said.
Also the word debunked implies a finality in settling an argument. It is obviously not debunked if there is still no evidence that is observational or repeatable.
So not a fallacy. That's just you assuming.


I suggest you brush up on your politics before you continue this any more.
Lolz.. my politics are lacking? Where did this come from?

Not even close, I'm showing you that god and evolution are not mutually exclusive. What is there to back up with data? YOu want an example? Miller is my example. He has every reason to believe in ID but he doesn't, because of the evidence for evolution.

You've already show you have no data though.
Yeah, and you just admitted pretty much that you can't prove your generalization.
I already said Miller... so why bring him up again?

And I alredy said a million times that Christianity and evolution are not exclusive. Did you honestly think I was arguing that? My God, the amount of stuff you make up that I supposedly believe is enormous.

And I do have data.

Cambrian explosion.
LAck of fossils that should show gradualism to be the truth.
Irreducibly complex structures (CNS, eye)

I also believe in a God, and I believe he created people, separately from animals.

Okay what are you getting at here?
To show a trend you need more than two scientists. An organization or interest group is usually cited to show specific trends in modern thought.

So because you read 20 books on it, you're more qualified to debate these topics then? Or you're some how much smarter then me? And you called RDK an elitist.
Assumption. You said I didn't have as many facts as you. I'm saying I have more, not that I'm smarter than you.

I've already answered this it was in my post a page back. I linked various articles about the existence of these fossils, the fact that you're disputing their existence reinforces my initial statement that you know very little about evolution.

No I'm simply saying I've been in your position before. (not the exact position obviously but yeah.)

Didn't you just say god came into your life 3 months ago?
The fact that these missing links between humans and apes don't exist is interesting. Cause with all of them, the scientist came out later and said he filed the bone or used a bone from another creature.

Fossils of species are real. Saying something that looks like a reptile-like mammal doesn't mean it is a transitional fossil. It means that it was alive at one time, but not that it was transitional. It could just as easily be a species that is now extinct.

It's called going through a rough patch, don't get smart..

Sounds like your bias world view to me.

Looks like you'll be waiting millions and millions of years, because that's how long macro evolution takes.

Doesn't science have to be testable and repeatable?
So is macroevolution really a science? Seems more like a CSI drama to me... look at all the evidence and try and make some random crap up..

The last results that day were on exit polls, those exit polls showed a huge advantage for Bradly, however he didn't win the election.

This is called the Bradly effect.
SO this guy might have got cheated at the polls.

And now you have black represnetatives and a black PResident. It's called becoming politically organized, it takes time, and some groups just aren't, like atheists (according to Dawkins).
That's good to know, but you have people in town hall meetings flying off the deep end, because they're screaming at these things saying. "We want our country back." I'm sorry your country back from what? Obama hasn't done anything radical he's just your standard corporate democrat, the only difference between him and any other corporate democrat is he's half black.

Maybe if you didn't doubt well known scientific theories you wouldn't be called out on for those things.

It would be like if I were to doubt the moon landing, or to say 9/11 was an inside job. Reasonable people don't say these things.
Appeal to popularity...
People are racist. You can't change everyone of their bigotry. You can either try and change them or just stop crying about it..

Maybe because I question things I get more out of life. And I won't be fooled by ignorant people.
Bas analogy

I never doubt that, I'm calling it sham.

Because of religion an atheist can't run for major public office even if he runs on a platform that a majority of Americans favor. If I ran on a platform every American agreed with I wouldn't win because of my beliefs.

Because ones religion should have no bearing on their character.
And I call macroevolution a sham. Now we finally know what we believe..
Because no one is going to vote for someone completely different from them, and who looks at the world in a very different way.
Religious tests were banned to maek sure religion wasn't used to exclude someone from politics, not to remove all belief from politics. You took a law and took it beyond what it means, both literally and practically.

Wrong. If I believe in Jesus and I look like someone who believes in no one, I have a problem. This is bull crap..

Which is why I called it a sham.
Don't be a smartass you know what I meant. [/QUOTE]
No, I know what you want to believe, that all christians go to church to act spiritual and hang their heads. You just don't understand what churches are for. And I just told you what they are for.

Not true, this is only apparent in the Christian right, moderates, liberals, libertarians do not have the same point of view as that.

Which is why you have religious politicians who are against school prayer, for womans rights, against creation in public schools. Their religious beliefs haven't clouded their judgment.
I'm against school prayer.
It's called keeping religion out of government. It's constitutional. Just because a christian senator doesn't beg for abortions to be made illegal doesn't mean he doesn't want them to be so.

you took it to personal I didn't specifically mean you I meant the image you have.

But generally speaking as long as you have HUGE campaign contributions from big business you'll win.
It's easy to play the victim isn't it? Only 44 people have ever been president. statically, it is close to impossible for anybody to become President.

It's just having money, a record, and charisma. Hillary had more money at first than Obama, but then nobody like her so she lost. Cause Obama can captivate a crowd.

The Alcohol and drugs probably played a roll too.

He didn't win because of his Charisma he won because of his campaign slogan of the compassionate conservative.
We disagree, whatever. But you can't argue that he didn't used to be very persuasive and smart. Just watch some youtube video of him as governor.

It's a general association though.
can you just get over it.. you made a dumb error.. who cares, stop trying to rationalize it..

Because Dawkins, Harris and all of them are positive atheists they affirm that there is no god and that religion is hateful and wants to kill your babies blah blah. Which has become the majority of atheists recently.

Then there's negative atheism which is just an absence of belief, which use to be the majority. This whole "lets attack religion everyone in it as evil" is a new development and likely came about because of intollerance towad atheists.

First and foremost, I hate making posts like this when debating. I feel it ruins my credibility. However, I'm going to get into the first person. Unfortunately.

In my time, I have had debates with many people. This included people with PhDs, not because I thought they were wrong, so much as I wanted to understand their point of view.

I had a professor once. He told us he was a Republican. Now, I'm fairly liberal. I'm not an extremist, but I am liberal. So, I asked him, "Why are you a Republican?" and he answered me simply. He said, "Because, I don't want things to change. I like things just the way they are. I'm gainfully employed, a tenured professor, and happy doing what I do. If everything stayed just as it is, I'd be perfectly happy."

I was dumbstruck. I'd never considered that point of view. I am still a liberal, but I am more willing to listen to the other side. Often times, they make very good points.

Now, I'm sure people are asking, "Where's he going with this?" about now.

@ GOD!: I've read through this. You've said some things that make me go, "Wait, what?" But, that's your opinions, and you're entitled to them.

However, your statement about having read several books on the subject of Creationism, God, and ID, (in whatever combination they came in), raises a simple question: How many books have you read on the opposing side? How many books have you read about evolution, the Big Bang, and so on? How many on biology? If you're statement is that you've read several books on one side, doesn't that mean you can't adequately, unbiasedly view the other? Doesn't that color your thoughts so strongly that you cannot accept other viewpoints?

Also, I still don't fully understand your issue with fossils. Here's what I've come to know about fossils:
1: Fossils are old. Really old.
2: When putting together a skeleton, with no frame of reference, it is difficult, and mistakes are made.
3: Any scientist in that field would fix any errors they could. Example: We used to think the T-Rex dragged its tail on the ground, making it slow. Now, we think it carried it off the ground, to run.

Okay, the only other thing about fossils is that they're clearly there. I mean, you personally don't get to hold them. The majority of people don't, since they're so old, and it's very possible they're frail. Any skeleton of a dinosaur you see in a museum is a mold of the fossils. But, that doesn't mean they don't exist.

You keep saying things about faked fossils. In what way are they faked? Are they made out of bubblegum, paperclips, and string? Are they just from giant chickens (oh, evolution joke)? I mean, what MAKES them fake?

On a slightly tangential note, if God chose our Presidents for us, doesn't that fly in the face of everything the Bible says from Genesis? Free will, the ability to choose? If God was picking things for people, making them happen, then doesn't that mean we have no free will? Just as a thought.

@ Aesir: I feel some, which is not all, of your responses to GOD!'s arguments are a bit too short. I can understand feeling frustrated when needing to repeat oneself, but it is oftentimes a needed action. Without trying to offend you, but rather be helpful, I'd suggest explaining some of your shorter points a bit more. A fairly easy example is from your last post (from when I started writing this >_>) where you quoted GOD! and then said he was appealing to popularity. If you explained specifically how, I think it would strengthen your argument.

Anyways, that's what I have to say to you two. It's somewhat entertaining to watch you two bounce back and forth. I'll try and weigh in a bit later, but not right now. I've been trying to post this for... the better portion of a day, and have been writing it in between errands.


If you'll read my post I said I read from both sides.
I've read the blind watchmaker, pandas thumb, and am about half-way through GD. I'm into Dawkins (though he drives me crazy) because he does have a very nice style of writing.

I appreciate your comments though.

I know fossils exist, of course. I just question whether they actually prove macroevolution. If there were fossils (as there are supposedly millions) that showed the transition between humans and apes, than I'd drop everything and believe evolution.

But all the fossils I've heard of aren't a missing link, they are a solitary link in a chain that doesn't exist. Yet. And may not ever.

These links could just as easily be extinct species as real links. Especially since an estimated 4 species become extinct every day (not counting the insect world), I think this idea is simply ignored. It is perfectly rational.

I hope that's clear? That's basically my stance.

Also, I believe God gives everyone a choice to follow him or not. God chooses who he wants to be President, and he tries to get them elected by using Christians to do his will. Maybe its just sending a check to a campaign, maybe its raising an issue in front of friends, but the butterfly affect.. whatever. God tells me to do things all the time.. not like run for President, but to like, buy this product or go to this place. I obey and sometimes I run into someone I know and I feel better.. sometime I don't know what happens.

When you submit yourself to God, he asks you to do things, which are completely up to you to follow. Given his nature, it is usually the logical thing to obey. I think of myself as an instrument in a way.. so God isn't taking away my free will, he's just offering me a choice that is probably the best option.

That's my position on this.

As fun as this is, I have a hell of a lot of work to do.. schoolwork.. and these posts take time. So could we maybe wind down a little bit in this thread?
Plus I have work.. I'm not backing away from an argument, I've tried to answer everything, as my huge posts have shown. I just have a lot of important stuff to do.

Basically, paragraph responses would be a good target.


Marsilea quadrifolia
Jun 6, 2003
Location: Location
GOD, you need to stop with all this anti-evolution stuff. If you want to learn a little something (despite everybody's best efforts here), check out some of these links. There's more to being a good debater than a staunch attitude and refusal to change your opinion. It also means conceding when you've lost. This is especially true in scientific arguments, where there is often a right or wrong answer supported by hard evidence. I would never endorse anybody for the DH who does not have this trait.



Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
GOD, you need to stop with all this anti-evolution stuff. If you want to learn a little something (despite everybody's best efforts here), check out some of these links. There's more to being a good debater than a staunch attitude and refusal to change your opinion. It also means conceding when you've lost. This is especially true in scientific arguments, where there is often a right or wrong answer supported by hard evidence. I would never endorse anybody for the DH who does not have this trait.
So much for toning this down..

I looked at all of them. All of your posts made sense.. Riddle's was good (cause he's a good guy imo) but I don't even think ID should be taught in public school, what are you getting at there?
RDKs was his typical hateful trash.. not to mention the fact that there is evidence for a flood. Like seashells on top of mountains in the Middle East, trees in the Grand Canyon covered in 7,000 year old sediment 5 feet high... and like 50 other things that I'll look up later!
This isn't gonna be in order cause its gonna be pretty quick:
First off, your little tirade did nothing but tick me off and show that you know some big words. Good job huh? Grow up and realize that there isn't conclusive evidence either way.. and get off your high horse for god's sake.
Your third post:
First. Organic molecules were formed by scientists in a lab setting from inorganic molecules. scientists even created a cell from inorganic material!! but after it divided, the new pieces stopped functioning.
How much is enough time? You know that mutations today mean cancer right?
Somehow all mutations in the past were good until about 120,000 years ago when everything suddenly stopped evolving.
Arguing that with enough time, the near impossible would happen is just not good science. "It could have happened" is not solid evidence for anything.
"If a trillion monkeys typed out ten random keys a second on typewriters, we would have to wait a trillion times the estimated age of the universe before we would even see the sentence, "To be, or not to be; that is the question." It may be theoretically possible for a pot of water to freeze when placed on a lighted stove burner, but the real probability is so absurd that it is hardly worth talking about."
William Bennett, Jr., Scientific and Engineering Problem Solving With the Computer
Cells don't divide 10 times a minute, much less mutate, and there are a lot more variations than in the monkey problem. There was also no original ability to mutate for a cell, because cell reproduction (even cells) did not exist.
Stephen Gould doesn't believe your evolutionary theory. He thinks the odds are astronomically small, I could quote him, or you could just go look up his work.
At the bio textbook:
My bio textbook had Lucy fossils in it. And she was a fake, did you know that?
I can draw fake fossils too. Those fossils have never even been found.. there is not a missing link from humans to apes, there is a missing chain.

You think I'm being stubborn because I haven't changed my position... I could say the same for you. But then you say the evidence for evolution is overwhelming. Well I say its all just situational, and there is not one true fact about evolution you know.

And it isn't even testable.. what a shame. Otherwise this debate would be over.
I'm kind of tired of this. If you just jumped in now and didn't care enough to read all my other posts, it's not my job to type everything again. I have a heck of a lot of work to do, and since I've been debating you guys, I've been reading less, which really sucks.
I like debating, but drawing some gray argument out for 12 pages is over the top.

To conclude: Just watch this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xwe4n-Tb4c . And parts 2 and 3. It's very interesting, and definitely not the kind of debate we have been having. This guy thinks in a different way than me. It's not about ID vs. evolution, but I think its important nonetheless..
Someone make a good political debate post somewhere.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2009
Needham, Mass
So much for toning this down..
This is a debate hall, is it not? If you want to withdraw from the argument, feel free to stop posting. Or reading. If not, feel free to continue. But, no one is forcing you to say anything in response. Just, for the record.

I looked at all of them. All of your posts made sense.. Riddle's was good (cause he's a good guy imo) but I don't even think ID should be taught in public school, what are you getting at there?
RDKs was his typical hateful trash.. not to mention the fact that there is evidence for a flood.
My understanding is that it is generally accepted that, a long while ago, there was a very large flood. Of course, I'm only telling you what I've heard. I do recommend not being so... acidic in your criticism of people, but rather pick at their arguments with that same tenacity. If you can find weaknesses in their arguments that are not "You can't prove this," then people will likely listen to your points more. Because, "You can't prove this" applies to both sides.

Like seashells on top of mountains in the Middle East, trees in the Grand Canyon covered in 7,000 year old sediment 5 feet high... and like 50 other things that I'll look up later!
Really? 50? You want to be specific enough for people to hold you to no less than 40 other reasons? I'm not saying you're wrong about there being a flood. I'm saying 50 is a big number of things that prove it. Not unreasonable... but large.[/quote]

This isn't gonna be in order cause its gonna be pretty quick:
First off, your little tirade did nothing but tick me off and show that you know some big words. Good job huh? Grow up and realize that there isn't conclusive evidence either way.. and get off your high horse for god's sake.
The idea of an Intelligent Designer, whom I shall assume is God, brings up an interesting theological point here. And, that point is that God is beyond proof, and only exists in faith. This completely makes God beyond the idea of evidence, or anything other than ourselves feeling fairly confident in His/Her/Its existence. It makes the idea of Intelligent Design, as a scientific theory, worthless. As a belief? Sure, it's fine. But, as a scientific theory, it becomes somewhat useless.

Your third post:
First. Organic molecules were formed by scientists in a lab setting from inorganic molecules. scientists even created a cell from inorganic material!! but after it divided, the new pieces stopped functioning.
How much is enough time? You know that mutations today mean cancer right?
Mutations are not limited to being cancerous. A mutation is any time the original DNA of a cell changes its form. This can happen seconds after conception. That doesn't make a baby a form of cancer, suddenly. Though, it might have a really nasty disease.

For more on mutation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutation

Somehow all mutations in the past were good until about 120,000 years ago when everything suddenly stopped evolving.
Everything? Really? 120,000 years ago, everything stopped evolving? Wow. I better go start unmaking people's dogs, since 120,000 years ago, a good number of the breeds we have today didn't exist. Poor creatures. Never knew they didn't exist.

There was no sudden stop to evolution. PEOPLE were drastically different 500 years ago. They were shorter, and used their appendix, among other differences. And, my math is pretty good. Last time I checked, 500 was a smaller number than 120,000.

Check your facts when you make a big, sweeping statement like that.

Arguing that with enough time, the near impossible would happen is just not good science. "It could have happened" is not solid evidence for anything.
Isn't THAT the argument for ID? That's roughly my understanding of the argument.

William Bennett, Jr., Scientific and Engineering Problem Solving With the Computer
Cells don't divide 10 times a minute, much less mutate, and there are a lot more variations than in the monkey problem. There was also no original ability to mutate for a cell, because cell reproduction (even cells) did not exist.
Are you aware how fast cells divide after conception? I think they split in under a second for a good while. I might be wrong, and I'll double check that, but if I learned anything about reproduction, it's that babies grow REALLY fast. And, how would you know if something on a microscopic level was mutating. Let's take a single celled organism. Let's also say it splits once every hour. For no reason. If you're watching that thing, every second of those hours, and watching all the copies, there is still the chance that one of them, on a scale you cannot see, even with a microscope, has changed somewhat. Now, with single celled organisms, it's a smaller chance, since they have a tendency to reproduce asexually. But, even then, it's not unreasonable to assume that one out of every... let's say... 10,000 isn't exactly the same as the other 9,999 critters.

Stephen Gould doesn't believe your evolutionary theory. He thinks the odds are astronomically small, I could quote him, or you could just go look up his work.
At the bio textbook:
My bio textbook had Lucy fossils in it. And she was a fake, did you know that?
I can draw fake fossils too. Those fossils have never even been found.. there is not a missing link from humans to apes, there is a missing chain.
Who has been telling you Lucy was a fake? Because, in the 35 years since her discovery, I'm fairly certain that no one would have ever even bothered to mention her if she'd been debunked. And, I very strongly doubt she'd be touring the US if we had proof she was faked.

And, she wasn't a drawing. Stop saying she was. She was fossilized remains. Not lines on paper. Either stop saying she was a drawing, and talking about how you can draw fake fossils, or come up with a term that is accurate to the issue surrounding Lucy, whom you were talking about.

You think I'm being stubborn because I haven't changed my position... I could say the same for you. But then you say the evidence for evolution is overwhelming. Well I say its all just situational, and there is not one true fact about evolution you know.
All facts are true. That's why they're facts. History can be falsified, but a fact, such as when on earth, objects tend to fall at roughly 9.81 meters per second squared, doesn't change.

And, your statement that the evidence for evolution being situational doesn't make your argument stronger. It means that that's how you feel. If you said, "Here's a list of twenty five scientists that feel that the evidence for evolution is situational," then you'd have some kind of credibility. But, your personally statement means nothing, since you're not someone in that particular field of study.

And it isn't even testable.. what a shame. Otherwise this debate would be over.
I'm kind of tired of this. If you just jumped in now and didn't care enough to read all my other posts, it's not my job to type everything again. I have a heck of a lot of work to do, and since I've been debating you guys, I've been reading less, which really sucks.
I like debating, but drawing some gray argument out for 12 pages is over the top.
Please. Over the top is this turning into a hockey game. Or a fist fight. I have difficulty telling the two apart. Anyways, the point is, a 12 page debate isn't that long. People have written books on one side of an issue, only to have someone else write a counter to their specific book. That's like... 800 (ish) pages of debate between the two guys. (I'm assuming roughly 400 pages a book.) So, 12 pages is really nothing big.

To conclude: Just watch this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xwe4n-Tb4c . And parts 2 and 3. It's very interesting, and definitely not the kind of debate we have been having. This guy thinks in a different way than me. It's not about ID vs. evolution, but I think its important nonetheless..
Someone make a good political debate post somewhere.
That is not a conclusion to your argument. That is called "Changing the subject." It's a tactic used by people that want to avoid a particular topic, because it somehow makes them uncomfortable.

Anyways, my whole point in posting this was to note that there were several issues with your argument. Largely, you didn't even really have one this time. Other times, you've at least had something, but this time... was not as impressive.

Care to try again? ^_^


Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2009
Needham, Mass
He's a creationist. The answer is obvious.
Plenty of perfectly reasonable people of fairly high intellect are creationists. However, they view the creation differently than the way most IDers view it. It's unfair for you to imply that all creationists are... educated poorly. It is also unfair of you to attack GOD!s intelligence to make your point. That's a step below debating. That's politics. /zing

But, seriously. As much as I disagree with GOD!s viewpoint, I don't think that makes him less of a person. And, as a person, I feel he has the right to believe whatever he wants. It's our job to convince him he's wrong. It is NOT his job to accept it. Until we convince him, we need to keep trying.

But, attacking his character is just beneath a debate. It is a childish tactic, used largely to make yourself look better than the person who's character you've just sabotaged. Since we're debating, at the moment, evolution, and you are on the side of evolution, when you attack his character, it makes that side look weaker. It makes the side of evolution look like we can't hold ourselves up by our evidence, and then let people choose to agree or disagree. It makes us look like we're trying to force our beliefs on everyone. And, that's just not a good way to debate.

In conclusion, RDK, as cool as you are, and as much red as you post in, please, try to be civil. It's not a large request. It's simply one that is asking you to hold yourself to a higher standard.

I'm sure you can do that.

Thank you. ^_^


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
How did you get out of that the idea that I think he's less of a person? I said he was uneducated, not that he was sub-human. Come on now.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2009
Needham, Mass
How did you get out of that the idea that I think he's less of a person? I said he was uneducated, not that he was sub-human. Come on now.
Mm. I was tired when writing that. Still, my point stands that attacking his character is something that people should be above.

I may have poorly phrased my response, entirely. And, for my poor word choice, I apologize. Nevertheless, I expect the debates to be civil. If not, it becomes less meaningful. Wouldn't you agree?

Again, I'm sorry I put words in your mouth. That was not my intention.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Sorry I haven't active here lately but between the internet not working and been on vaction there has just been no time for me to be active. I still think I am ready and able to become a Smash Debater. I am just feeling a litlle bit discouraged that I am not a Smash Debater yet. Mewter believes I am ready and hopefully you do too. Also if you still want to debate with me (Riddle), I am still willing too. :)


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
I'm ready to debate whenever, go ahead and start.

Edit: It only took me 2 minutes to reply? **** I'm good.


Smash Master
May 31, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Sorry I haven't active here lately but between the internet not working and been on vaction there has just been no time for me to be active. I still think I am ready and able to become a Smash Debater. I am just feeling a litlle bit discouraged that I am not a Smash Debater yet. Mewter believes I am ready and hopefully you do too. Also if you still want to debate with me (Riddle), I am still willing too. :)
You wanna get in? Then repeatedly own Hooblah in any argument he makes for Jesus being the best thing ever. :laugh: j/k

Just keep posting, you will get there...btw do you have any posts that you feel stand out for your campaign to be in the DH?


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2009
Toronto, Canada
First off I would like to say that I attempt to post with the same level (being high :)) of intelligence with each and every post, but the threads that I feel I debated well in are:

Atheism and "Forced" Conversion: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=243926
1.92 million dollar fine: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=245607
2012. Is it really BS? :http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=243387
Handling a bully: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=242689

Please read all of my posts because I believe I have proven myself and I am 100% dedicated to these boards. Hopefully you see my potential and vote for me to become a Smash Debater! :)
Jul 13, 2009
I think I need more time in the Proving Grounds, does anyone agree?

*sigh* That Atheism and "Forced" Conversion topic made me look like a fool. That was a bad performance on my part. :urg:

But focus on other ones!


Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2009
Needham, Mass
My biggest issue is that I can't think of anything that hasn't been debated to DEATH and back.
Politics? Done to death and back.
Religion? Do I even need to get into how debated that is?
Most things are so highly subjective that it makes them difficult to debate, and the things that aren't are considered factual, making them nearly impossible to even bring up a debate about, since you usually use facts to support your arguments.

I know there's stuff out there to debate. But, I can't think of any. Which makes me a sad panda. ;~;


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC
Debate about the possibility of legalizing marijuana, why would it help our society, or hinder it.

Here, I'll just start it off with a random point: There are a good number of places that have it legalized and it's causing less harm than keeping it illegal does. Look: Netherlands, Amsterdam, and other old-world countries...

Post your stance and why your stance is in "legalize" or "keep illegal" and address all you can, from crime rates to economical factors... That should be enough to keep you busy and make a couple of us who haven't posted in a while, post... What do you say, omnicloud7strife?


Smash Master
May 31, 2009
Atlanta, GA
First off I would like to say that I attempt to post with the same level (being high :)) of intelligence with each and every post, but the threads that I feel I debated well in are:

Atheism and "Forced" Conversion: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=243926
I will be running my analysis with inline quotes and critique where needed. I will also give you all appropriate criticism here.
Concerning this point: While you do receive points for agreeing with my sentiment (:laugh: j/k), there really isn't too much to debate well here. Moreover, you just give your two cents and let the argument take place. There was possibly some red meat in debunking the always poor debating of Hooblah and Omnicron's poor stab in showing the existence of God would have been a good step in the right direction. Unfortunately, RDK, and Altf4--perhaps in a more respectable manner--did so, which really ended this hackneyed post (in only the fact that this was drawn out and shut down by Teran around a month ago).
Grade (from 0-10): 5.
Little input put here as well. Sure, recidivism is a good look for this subject, but what about the other aspects? AltF4 and I hinted towards this, but didn't want to give the PGers the setup fully--after all, you are in the PG to show your competence in debating. Some topics that could have furthered the argument are the woes of the music industry (viz why pay $16 for a CD? Why pay iTunes 99 cents for an inferior copy of music? &c.).
Score: 5
Where's the beef? Good points raised, but could use more sources and such.
Score: 4
Nice debating here. Doesn't need many sources, but still debated fairly well.
Score: 7
Please read all of my posts because I believe I have proven myself and I am 100% dedicated to these boards. Hopefully you see my potential and vote for me to become a Smash Debater! :)
Upshot:You have a lot of potential to be on the DH. However, you need to work on sourcing more. The more credible sources you have in an argument, the better your debating will be. If you have anymore questions, feel free to PM me.
I think I am ready to get into the debate hall. Some threads that I have posted in are:
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=240684-The "Right" Times to Kill
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=242689&page=2- Handling Bullying
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=246220-Does Religion Promote Bigotry?
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=236678-Looks Don't Matter?
You need to source more and not repeat points already made by others.

I think I need more time in the Proving Grounds, does anyone agree?

*sigh* That Atheism and "Forced" Conversion topic made me look like a fool. That was a bad performance on my part. :urg:

But focus on other ones!
You live and you learn. Omnicron, find me on AIM and we can discuss how to further improve your debating...

My biggest issue is that I can't think of anything that hasn't been debated to DEATH and back.
Politics? Done to death and back.
Religion? Do I even need to get into how debated that is?
Most things are so highly subjective that it makes them difficult to debate, and the things that aren't are considered factual, making them nearly impossible to even bring up a debate about, since you usually use facts to support your arguments.

I know there's stuff out there to debate. But, I can't think of any. Which makes me a sad panda. ;~;
You are knocking on heaven's door, Omni...

EDIT: Look @ me: I went through the CS in under an hour. Get @ me. :laugh: j/k

If you guys have any more questions, give me a shout...


Smash Master
May 31, 2009
Atlanta, GA
You can let me in the debate section now?
Dayum homes, you want your name pink that bad? :chuckle: Good to see you are enthusiastic...

In all honesty, you are making good strides. However:
  1. You have posted for one day! (as I type this)
  2. You have way too much clumped text. MOAR N-LNE QUOTIN PLZ?
  3. Not enough sources...
Cure these three maladies, and you're in.

Smoke and smash

Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2009
Dayum homes, you want your name pink that bad? :chuckle: Good to see you are enthusiastic...

In all honesty, you are making good strides. However:
  1. You have posted for one day! (as I type this)
  2. You have way too much clumped text. MOAR N-LNE QUOTIN PLZ?
  3. Not enough sources...
Cure these three maladies, and you're in.
This site sucks. And two/three days. Two different topics.

Smoke and smash

Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2009
Don't split hairs homes, you have been posting (as I type this) for 1 day, 9 hours, and 28 minutes. Get @ me. :p

You are doing good. IMHO you can do better by taking my suggestions to heart. Just trying to help...

Cooler story broham. :chuckle:
I use sources when I think they are necessary. Perhaps I don't know when and when not to use a source? I'm pretty sure I do, but then again my professor always deducted points off my grade because of sources. This is something that most likely won't change, I'm afraid .
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