Poundslap: If HBox relied on "random" factors like dumb rests to win, don't you think he'd be losing more? Because he doesn't play flashy, technically difficult space animals is, AGAIN, irrelevant. Different characters test DIFFERENT skillsets. Part of your skill is how well you can dictate matches to favor *your* skills and hide your disadvantages. If a technical player is very good at forcing people into situations where he can destroy them with his speed and precision--good enough that he wins a majority of the time against everybody--then he is the best, regardless of what else he is bad at.
On the other hand, if a very smart player has **** for tech-skill, but always makes the right guesses and decisions and stays clear of scenarios where he needs to be extremely fast and precise, to the point where HE wins a majority of the time, then HE would be the best player.
Meaning? The whole "he's not better, his style counters me" argument is not applicable if that player's style counters EVERYBODY. HBox has demonstrated that his "style" counters EVERY player but Mango, at least until ROM. Was it a bad day? Will it continue? Can he adapt and turn it around? Future tournaments will tell.
Jeez, just look at how he plays. Solid tech-skill with almost no errors, even in high-pressure tournament situations. Good reads and decision making. Patient and difficult to bait. Excellent anti-combo and survival DI. Ability to shut out an entire crowd being against him. He's got all the attributes of what it takes to be the best, except he's not a flashy combo fanatic. However, the way he plays, he doesn't need that to win.
Oh, and I liked this.
"as i said, you cannot copy someones style no matter how good or bad that person is. thats just impossible."
"btw if hungrybox was really that skilled he could win by doing show offs like armada or mango."
Kindly explain?