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The Best Players.

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Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
lol hbox johnning cuz utilt rest didnt work out on pp. why u need that info anyway? you lost because peepee and mew2king outplayed you. this just proves that theres a pretty poor player hidden behind this backair facade.

i cant wait till armada wrecks you into losers bracket at pound.
and lol again at those ******** johns.
hope that this is a joke, because that was completely unnecessary. Even if he did lose, he got 5th right?

I'm pretty sure that Hbox didn't even make any johns after losing.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2010
hope that this is a joke, because that was completely unnecessary. Even if he did lose, he got 5th right?

I'm pretty sure that Hbox didn't even make any johns after losing.
Everyone is just talking **** about hbox because they hate his jiggs. He's clearly still one of the best players.

So yeah, rom 3 was a smack in the face to me. M2k isn't losing it after all.

New list:


I'll give my reasoning. Mango was just jacking off at rom3. I think he's still the best player, although it is debatable. Maybe he's trolling us and hes going to **** everyone some time in the future...who knows.

It's hard to gauge Armada and Amsah's position because they weren't at rom 3, but Armada came over just five months ago. I'm putting Armada as second because he clearly handled m2k and dr pp last time; then again, he lost to hbox, who just placed behind m2k and pp. I guess we are going to have to wait for Armada to come over again.
M2K certainly proved himself, but I still think mango and armada will beat him unless he steps it up (even more).
And Dr PP; Lo and behold, he has proved his consistency, and has done so amazingly, might I add. I feel he is on the same plane as M2K; probably below mango and armada.

Again, my opinion. Given dr pp's rapid improvement rate, he might beat armada next time. Which I really hope he does.

And about Amsah and axe....those were kind of arbitrary placements, not too sure about that. It's really too bad Axe didn't come to ROM3. I hope he continues to improve, and comes to the next big tournie.

Any intelligent responses and arguments are more than welcome.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
I think the fact that I cannot remember the last time Hungrybox placed below top 2, much less below top 3, speaks to his skill.

He has a winning record vs every player on that list except for mango and axe (who he hasn't played yet).

Hbox has had to handle PP and m2k a million times, and armada's done it what... a grand total of once to PP, and 3 times to m2k? Does getting 5th at one tournament really just all of a sudden knock hbox down to second to last on a top 5 list?

Hbox literally hasn't lost to anyone not named mango in quite a while, while m2k and PP can't quite say as much...I'm not sure I can rationally justify placing hbox below m2k, PP, or armada. I'm not sure what the future holds, but for the time being it hardly does justice to hungrybox's history of winning to place him so low. I understand that a lot of his wins were in the past; despite that, his winning record against pretty much everyone is also true if you look solely at recent sets.

As much as I love m2k and PP (and think armada's amazing =P), give it until Pound to really make any judgments on placing anyone above hbox.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2010
I am assuming, this is a response to my post? Just that, you didn't quote or bluntly indicate that it is. Anyway:

He has a winning record vs every player on that list except for mango and axe (who he hasn't played yet).

Hbox has had to handle PP and m2k a million times, and armada's done it what... a grand total of once to PP, and 3 times to m2k? Does getting 5th at one tournament really just all of a sudden knock hbox down to second to last on a top 5 list?
Good point, perhaps I should reconsider hbox's placement.
What really convinced me though, was that he placed behind Jman and KirbyKaze. By no means am I implying that these two are bad players, but until now, they haven't placed in the top 5 in national tournies, I think. For that reason, to me, it feels that hbox has dropped a tad.

Hbox literally hasn't lost to anyone not named mango in quite a while, while m2k and PP can't quite say as much...I'm not sure I can rationally justify placing hbox below m2k, PP, or armada.
Good reasoning.

I'm not sure what the future holds, but for the time being it hardly does justice to hungrybox's history of winning to place him so low. I understand that a lot of his wins were in the past;
That's the thing; in the past. Players change, and it seems that m2k and dr pp surpassed hbox, seeing how they placed considerably better. However, I have not seen the sets yet, and I do not know how close they were; that could have a significant impact on my argument.

despite that, his winning record against pretty much everyone is also true if you look solely at recent sets.
Which sets are you referring to? I just do not know exactly what you are talking about here.

I just can't make a legitimate list right now way too much **** to factor in and think about. But just for fun:

hbox/dr pp/m2k/Armada

LOL, far too vague. Whatever.

(Leaving amsah and axe out for obvious reasons)


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
La Jolla, CA
What really convinced me though, was that he placed behind Jman and KirbyKaze. By no means am I implying that these two are bad players, but until now, they haven't placed in the top 5 in national tournies, I think. For that reason, to me, it feels that hbox has dropped a tad.

...I hope this is a joke. Like hungrybox himself posted earlier, he lost to Dr. PP and m2k. Looking at their placings is in no way relevant to anything except for how their bracket managed to turn out. KirbyKaze got an extremely Sheiky bracket before PP (still, congrats on third :)). hbox's placing below KK and Jman while they all lost to the same players (except Jman, who didn't play m2k and instead played PP twice) means absolutely nothing in terms of their skill relative to each other.

That's the thing; in the past. Players change, and it seems that m2k and dr pp surpassed hbox, seeing how they placed considerably better.

Again, not to discredit PP or m2k, but this is one set. Using their "significantly better placing" to arguing that they've surpassed hungrybox makes no sense. Hypothetically, if hbox beat both of them again tomorrow, would you immediately attribute that to hungrybox surpassing them both again?

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
TheGoat: The problem is that so much of it relies very heavily on bracket and all. HBox got 5th while Jman got 4th and KK got 3rd, but think of it like this: NEITHER of them even fought HBox. And we all know how HBox loves to eat his Sheiks for breakfast. HBox as we said lost to the people who got 1st/2nd, so it was really bracket dependent.

Also, am I the only person pissed that Lucky didn't get to play PP? Seriously, we've been waiting 10 months for that **** re-match and still nothing :(


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain

I did better vs pp than jman, hbox, and m2k this tournament

but they're all better than me

and a bunch of others are too


god dammit


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2010
OK you guys are right about the bracket thing. Sorry about that; the thing is, I have no idea on who fought who in the brackets, that is why I just went by the placings.

...I hope this is a joke. Like hungrybox himself posted earlier, he lost to Dr. PP and m2k. Looking at their placings is in no way relevant to anything except for how their bracket managed to turn out. KirbyKaze got an extremely Sheiky bracket before PP (still, congrats on third :)). hbox's placing below KK and Jman while they all lost to the same players (except Jman, who didn't play m2k and instead played PP twice) means absolutely nothing in terms of their skill relative to each other.

It was not a joke...but it was a poorly crafted argument hehe. You are right about how their brackets managed to turn out; like I said, I don't know who fought who, is that information anywhere?
I never implied hbox was worse than KK or jman, but the thing is, he just got way down at 5th, that really clicked in my mind. So from what I understand, hbox, at this tournament, only lost to pp and m2k?
Again I dont' know how close the matches were. Depending on that, I'd probably put hbox either above or on par with m2k and dr pp.

Again, not to discredit PP or m2k, but this is one set. Using their "significantly better placing" to arguing that they've surpassed hungrybox makes no sense. Hypothetically, if hbox beat both of them again tomorrow, would you immediately attribute that to hungrybox surpassing them both again?
You are right about the significantly better placing thing.
It may just be one set and I don't know how close it was, but the bottom line is, dr pp and m2k beat hungrybox. However, hbox has beaten them pretty consistently in the past (correct me if I 'm wrong), so I'm not too sure.

If hbox did beat the two again, I would actually consider him surpassing them, because he has beaten them up until now; if he won one more time, it would be obvious he just slipped up at rom3, and is clearly dominating m2k and dr pp.

TheGoat: The problem is that so much of it relies very heavily on bracket and all. HBox got 5th while Jman got 4th and KK got 3rd, but think of it like this: NEITHER of them even fought HBox. And we all know how HBox loves to eat his Sheiks for breakfast. HBox as we said lost to the people who got 1st/2nd, so it was really bracket dependent.

Also, am I the only person pissed that Lucky didn't get to play PP? Seriously, we've been waiting 10 months for that **** re-match and still nothing :(
Like I have addressed earlier in this post, yea you are right. I need to know who fought who to get where they were. The problem is I don't know where that information is located. So I was just going by the results.

m2k/dr pp


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
...Okay, I'll try not being sarcastic this time.

HBox constantly takes second. Nobody is willing to acknowledge that he deserves his rank of 2nd best player, despite constantly beating everybody that isn't Mango. Why? Because they don't like his style.

So many Smashers want to rate players that fit what they *think* is a "good" playstyle rather than what wins consistently. Sometimes those two qualities mesh together, sometimes they don't.

Like I used in my other post, PP and JMan are prime examples. Are they great players? Yes. Were they overrated as **** compared to people who kept placing higher than them, more consistently? Also yes. PP would get pretty high and lose, but everybody was saying "def top 5 material." JMan was constantly losing and placing outside of the top, but people still wanted to put him at 5th or whatever because... they wanted to believe that's what his style was. Same thing is happening with Axe, who gets 5th at one huge tournament and people are saying that he's obviously top 8.

Now remember when HBox was ****** errbody and people were claiming "gay," "boring," "campy," "people don't play the matchup right?" People were saying he'd have to win WAY more before he could be considered great.

Axe comes along with his Pikachu, beats a bunch of space animals that let themselves get gimped repeatedly, and people are saying he's one of the best in the country. Off performance at a few tournaments, against people with limited experience against his style of play. Do you see the hypocrisy? Do you see how ridiculous it is to say that because PP beat HBox at ROM this time, he's suddenly 2nd best?

And bear in mind, this is from somebody who knows firsthand how god**** good these players are. I know exactly how good Axe is because I played him multiple times in tournament as he was getting to be that good. Do I believe he's a top player? Maybe. He has to actually play against all the people who are clearly above him, and play against them several times to really determine it. Do I think his playstyle is awesome, fun, and entertaining? Absolutely.

Dr. PP: played him at APEX, played him in a lot of friendlies at TO6. His playstyle is ****ed hard to fight because it's precise, sharp, intelligent, and vicious. It's exactly what a top player needs. Does that mean he is 2nd best, or whatever? No. Just because his style echoes what we want a top player to look like doesn't make it so.

He beat HBox and M2K at ROM. I'm very happy for him. If he can do it again, and soundly, we can seriously consider ranking him higher.

I think it's ridiculous that people apply double standards based on who they like and what playstyles that they prefer to see. And in order to keep from backtracking, people will change their views on what makes a playstyle "good" to keep thinking their favorite players remain "good." Against Axe at APEX, JMan was relying almost exclusively on dash-dance camping into u-throw u-air to get most of his stocks. The kind of playstyle that would normally get a Fox labeled gay. But it's JMan, so it's cool. HBox spams b-air, he's gay. JMan spams u-throw u-air and camps, he's smart and amazing.

Seriously, some of you people astound me.

tl;dr: consistent tourney results over a period of time, and stop biasing based on what you'd like to "think" makes a good style.

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
^ The last part of your post there TheGoat is probably still pretty accurate.

Amsah get your *** out here and play PP and M2K =PPPPPPP

Armada have your re-match with PP and HBox, both would be entertaining.

EDIT: Great post Rob, but honestly sometimes it's not even worth bothering with people and explaining >_>


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2006
Uppsala, Sweden
Powershielding falco's appraoches into a downsmash isn't enough to win =P
Of course not.
- making good follow-ups from each dsmash leads either to the Falco ending up at 80-100% or dying.
- powershielding 50-70% of the lasers majorly takes away from his speed/momentum.
- you also have to weigh in everything else Peach has vs Falco (chaingrab on FD or between/on platforms, combo starters from uthrow, uair-combos, ridiculous gimps/edgeguards etc.)

And just the fact that the Falco knows that he can only rely on tomahawks in order not to turn his own approaches into a disadvantage is kind of discouraging.

PP: Also looking forward to (seeing) the rematch between you and AR!


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
Druggedfox: What Hack said.

Ofc that´s not the only thing a Peach player needs but that is something that really help and is a good weapon against Falco.

Wobbles: Good post =).
That wobbles saying its right even if people don´t like Hbox style that have no effect on the list.
Hbox is still second buy the step down is maybe a bitsmaller but still nothing to discuss yet.

If Hbox plays worse (or losing to) than Me/Dr pp/M2k/Amsah that´s probaly will happend stuff on the list but at least to Pound Hbox have second place.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2010
to me it sounds like wobbles is johnning for hungrybox. that maybe is because he has in common with him being hated by the crowd so he can feel with him.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2010
to me it sounds like wobbles is johnning for hungrybox. that maybe is because he has in common with him being hated by the crowd so he can feel with him.
LOL that actually made me laugh

@wobbles, good post. I do think dr pp is in the top 5 now, however. He placed very well in apex; at that point, I wanted to see if he could hold up at the next tournie before I put him at the top. And he was able to prove his consistency, so I'm pretty confident he is in the top 5.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
what exactly are rankings? is it even possible to make a linear list of how players rank relative to one another?

maybe you have to take into consideration personal matchups and player matchups. maybe not. smash has always been a game about consistency and probability.

you are consistent, u raise your probability of killing off of an opportunity. but also, when u make a read, it's mostly luck and instinct. and that goes down to something that can't be controlled. maybe the history is skewed because of luck. maybe not. but we can't sample something in the past over and over to see if it is consistent with the expected result.

so wobbles, i disagree completely with this whole idea of "proving" your rank. maybe it seems good but i think it's horse****.

the last result is what speaks. u don't know what circumstances have changed in the time between sets. maybe the environment, the mood of the players, or just the skill level. it is pointless to say someone is better even if they just lost no matter what the history is before as long as it wasn't like a dq or something.

i hate attributing luck to smash. if you win you win. and similarly, i hate using the concept of past victories to talk about refuting recent wins. it's inconsistent with the concept of smash

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Just my little 2 cents about Hbox...

Although he was defeated by both M2k and PP at ROM, I still think that he is #2 behind Mango. If he loses again at Pound, then that will probably change my mind. However, I'm not ready to drop him from his spot based on this 1 single tournament.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
ROM3 doesn't mean that much, people. The best players have off days like anyone else does. It seems that one day compared to the last year+ that H-box won beat everyone except Mango(when he goes Jiggs/ Fox) amounts to nothing. He could have had a bad day, or he could be worse than PP / M2K. One tournament doesn't change everything.

Looking forward to future tournies, though.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2006
Uppsala, Sweden
One win can't possibly be enough to overturn rankings in such a decisive way. It would screw brackets over (ex: RoM2, where Mango got 4th. If he would've rank according to that, the brackets at the next tournament would be unfair).
TWO wins on the other hand are certainly enough. You can't have two off-days/hangovers/whatever without consequence.

I.E: If PP beats (and outplaces) Hbox yet again at the next tournament, I will consider him better. Until then, Hbox remains 2nd. It's like in... let's say tennis. You have to win by two games to determine a set, thus a one-set lead is a matchpoint.


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Poundslap: **** right I do. It's called empathy, and I have it because I'm not a soulless, sociopathic shell of a human being.

Maybe you don't realize that HBox has put in crazy work to reach a level you can only dream of, and now he's getting hated because it isn't necessarily pretty. People who say, "oh he's just spamming b-air lol," well... guess what happens when they copy him?

They fail. And
I laugh

Nobody can do what HBox does to the level that he does, not even for lack of trying.

DJRome: You're wrong. Guess what that means? That means the next time your random scrubby friend beats you because you somehow SD five times in a four stock match, he's better than you.

Nobody's trying to go back and rewrite the tournament and say, "hey, btw PP's win was not legit." It's an acknowledgment that, particularly if players are close in skill level, there are fluctuations in performance, there ARE luck factors and random occurrences. There are exploitations of gimmicks and matchup ignorance that can be quickly overcome. There are things like clutch (or anti-clutch, I guess) phantom hits. There's the fact that PP always has the ****ing thunderdome behind him and HBox's cheering squad is a bunch of crickets with pom-poms; maybe PP's performance would shift if he was in a reversed position? Hell, I don't know.

Come on man, it's based on simple basic math and science. You can't derive functions and relationships from individual points. Hell, even two points isn't necessarily enough. A straight line can share two data points with a parabola or a sine wave, but it doesn't make them the same.

And of course, you missed the part of my post that's even MORE important, which is that some smashers are stupid hypocrites who will apply "better" to players they like, regardless of what it takes to define them as such. Player you don't like wins once? "HUFF PUFF HE MUST WIN MORE." Player you have a throbbing boner for wins once? "BEST IN THE COUNTRY GOODNESS MY PANTS ARE TIGHT." It's pretty unfair to players who develop styles that aren't crowd pleasers.

And yeah, I'm one of those players. I loved moving to TX, and had to beat Caveman in FIVE sets over three tournaments before people stopped flipping hating me. And you know why? Because I play to win, not to impress people. My friendly style is radically different from my tournament one. It's full of inefficient but hilarious shenanigans and tricks. Last time we played, PP said "you do tons of crazy stuff in friendlies that I don't see other ICs do." But when tournament time comes, I get down to business and play to win.

Hey, I don't expect you to find it thrilling or even to cheer for me, or HBox, or whoever you don't want to cheer for. First amendment *****es, it's a beautiful thing.

But don't you find it silly that in a community where our motto is supposed to be "no johns" and "play to win," people are remarkably quick to call other players "gay" and "cheap" and "not really that good" before looking at the results? You should, though if you don't, I respect your opinion.

You're still wrong though.


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Well said Wobbles, well said...
Again its that which makes me wonder why people rank M2K so low, VERY rarely does he not finish very high in the standings, yet everyone puts him low, hes been in this same boat if not better for so long, he's been playing at the same strong level for longer then most players now, so im going to go ahead and say he's pretty legit, and deserves credit.

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
Hungrybox is no doubt the second best player still.

I find it hilarious how quick people are to drop him in rankings. When Armada ***** Shiz, M2K and Mango, people still wouldn't even give him Top5, and now that Hungrybox only got oh, 5th? at ROM3, people are placing him below M2K and DrPP.

But when it's Axe or M2K ****** face, then they shoot up to the top instantaneously.

Mango is the best, but his tournament performance sucks (compared to others).

M2K/DrPP/Amsah (since it can be tricky to pick out until Amsah plays those two)

And others we need to see more of are Axe, Wobbles, and now KirbyKaze. Maybe KirbyKaze got a fortunate bracket (I don't know all his preferences in match-ups), or maybe he got ridiculously good since Pound 4, but I'd like to see more before anyone seriously ranks him as a world-class player. Zgetto beat him at Pound 4, perhaps he's not comfortable with that? I don't know.

In any case, Hungrybox has to lose more if he's dropping any ranks. I'd say if Hungrybox performs about equally as he did at ROM3 and also loses to Armada at some point and places Top 2 or something, maybe Armada can jump to 2nd.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2007
Atlanta, GA
In all honesty I think Mango should be listed as 0 or something. He is clearly the best, but he doesn't really give a rat's *** about the game, so is it really fair to include him in the normal rankings?


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
In all honesty I think Mango should be listed as 0 or something. He is clearly the best, but he doesn't really give a rat's *** about the game, so is it really fair to include him in the normal rankings?
I don't believe he doesn't care, I think he wants to prove something else. Even at that, that's just my claim about him when I played him at RoM 3. It felt like he was trying so I guess that's only my assumption. You can't claim something about someone when you don't even know them personally.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
If I was mango I'd still do it (as in, try to win) for the money if nothing else. I love watching him play when he tries.

And hbox is still 2nd.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2010
Poundslap: **** right I do. It's called empathy, and I have it because I'm not a soulless, sociopathic shell of a human being.

Maybe you don't realize that HBox has put in crazy work to reach a level you can only dream of, and now he's getting hated because it isn't necessarily pretty. People who say, "oh he's just spamming b-air lol," well... guess what happens when they copy him?

They fail. And
I laugh

Nobody can do what HBox does to the level that he does, not even for lack of trying.

DJRome: You're wrong. Guess what that means? That means the next time your random scrubby friend beats you because you somehow SD five times in a four stock match, he's better than you.

Nobody's trying to go back and rewrite the tournament and say, "hey, btw PP's win was not legit." It's an acknowledgment that, particularly if players are close in skill level, there are fluctuations in performance, there ARE luck factors and random occurrences. There are exploitations of gimmicks and matchup ignorance that can be quickly overcome. There are things like clutch (or anti-clutch, I guess) phantom hits. There's the fact that PP always has the ****ing thunderdome behind him and HBox's cheering squad is a bunch of crickets with pom-poms; maybe PP's performance would shift if he was in a reversed position? Hell, I don't know.

Come on man, it's based on simple basic math and science. You can't derive functions and relationships from individual points. Hell, even two points isn't necessarily enough. A straight line can share two data points with a parabola or a sine wave, but it doesn't make them the same.

And of course, you missed the part of my post that's even MORE important, which is that some smashers are stupid hypocrites who will apply "better" to players they like, regardless of what it takes to define them as such. Player you don't like wins once? "HUFF PUFF HE MUST WIN MORE." Player you have a throbbing boner for wins once? "BEST IN THE COUNTRY GOODNESS MY PANTS ARE TIGHT." It's pretty unfair to players who develop styles that aren't crowd pleasers.

And yeah, I'm one of those players. I loved moving to TX, and had to beat Caveman in FIVE sets over three tournaments before people stopped flipping hating me. And you know why? Because I play to win, not to impress people. My friendly style is radically different from my tournament one. It's full of inefficient but hilarious shenanigans and tricks. Last time we played, PP said "you do tons of crazy stuff in friendlies that I don't see other ICs do." But when tournament time comes, I get down to business and play to win.

Hey, I don't expect you to find it thrilling or even to cheer for me, or HBox, or whoever you don't want to cheer for. First amendment *****es, it's a beautiful thing.

But don't you find it silly that in a community where our motto is supposed to be "no johns" and "play to win," people are remarkably quick to call other players "gay" and "cheap" and "not really that good" before looking at the results? You should, though if you don't, I respect your opinion.

You're still wrong though.

this is definately the biggest john post ive seen. to the bit about me: hbox does get rewarded for his work, its called prize money. i dont see why i should give him credit for things other people deserve more. there are smarter player, more techskilled player, player that put in even more work into the game. but hungrybox takes away their seat because he plays somehow strange and gay which is something people cannot give credit for. also, there is no way in copying style. you cant copy my style too. thats why i think hungrybox has this way to play the same in every situation except for one or two roll predicitions or edgeguards but since his style is assigned to himself and no other soul outside, he cannot be copied because hes just a weird player.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
this is definately the biggest john post ive seen. to the bit about me: hbox does get rewarded for his work, its called prize money. i dont see why i should give him credit for things other people deserve more. there are smarter player, more techskilled player, player that put in even more work into the game. but hungrybox takes away their seat because he plays somehow strange and gay which is something people cannot give credit for. also, there is no way in copying style. you cant copy my style too. thats why i think hungrybox has this way to play the same in every situation except for one or two roll predicitions or edgeguards but since his style is assigned to himself and no other soul outside, he cannot be copied because hes just a weird player.

Is this guy serious? He best be trollin.

Don't want to give credit to Hbox? fine. That's your opinion. But fact are facts and Tournament placings proves these facts. HBox simply out places those other players every time regardless of how much more "smarter or more skilled" than he is. You can hate on him all you want but it won't change that fact.

That's all there needs to be said really.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2010
yes thats my opinion but wobbles told us its necessary to give him credit for how he plays. and i cannot agree with that.
i dont hate hungrybox all i do is telling the facts.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
And others we need to see more of are Axe, Wobbles, and now KirbyKaze. Maybe KirbyKaze got a fortunate bracket (I don't know all his preferences in match-ups), or maybe he got ridiculously good since Pound 4, but I'd like to see more before anyone seriously ranks him as a world-class player. Zgetto beat him at Pound 4, perhaps he's not comfortable with that? I don't know.
I would seriously hope people aren't being serious if they're putting me on here.

It's still

1) Mango

2) Hungrybox
3) Armada
4-6) M2K / Amsah / PP

The 2-6 spots are all extremely close.

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
this is definately the biggest john post ive seen. to the bit about me: hbox does get rewarded for his work, its called prize money. i dont see why i should give him credit for things other people deserve more. there are smarter player, more techskilled player, player that put in even more work into the game. but hungrybox takes away their seat because he plays somehow strange and gay which is something people cannot give credit for. also, there is no way in copying style. you cant copy my style too. thats why i think hungrybox has this way to play the same in every situation except for one or two roll predicitions or edgeguards but since his style is assigned to himself and no other soul outside, he cannot be copied because hes just a weird player.

Okay anyways moving onto what people who are actually important are saying....

Kage: Maybe he just wanted to prove something to you and that he could beat you because you're the only person out there he had a negative record against :p.

KK: Well said stuff man, good stuff on being humble but I think we'd all love to watch you against Jman,Zhu and the likes to see how you'd fare. You did really well in your matches and I think we'd all love to see if you are top 8 material. Never know, you could be :D
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