One impressive tourney result proves everything obviously.
You must not follow the community much:
Hax- 8th
Jman- 13th
Axe- 33rd
Rom 2:
Hax: 7th
Jman: 5th
Axe: N/A
Pound 4:
Hax: 13th
Jman: 5th
Axe: 17th
Rom 3:
Hax: 13th
Jamn: 4th
Axe: N/A
Apex 2010:
Hax: 9th
Jman: 7th
Axe: 5th
Hax: N/A
Jman: 1st
Axe: 17th
Pound 5:
Hax: 5th
Jman: N/A
Axe: 4th
Add that to his numerous top3-5 teams placings with hbox.
To say that hax has had only one notable tourny performance is ridiculous.
For tournaments both Axe and Hax have attended, Hax far outperformed him at genesis, and placed one spot below axe at pound 5. Apex is the only tourny where axe significantly outplaced hax (5th compared to 9th)
To put it plainly, they both have 5th place finishes so they "cancel out". Axe has a 4th, but then his next highest placing is 17th. Hax has numerous 7th, 9th, and even 13th place finishes and has never placed lower than 13th at a national. Axe has placed 17th on numerous occasions, as well as 33rd.
Jesus is clearly the best out of the 3 of them (but i included him in my original post which you quoted), but I find it outrageous that people put axe in the same category as jman/zhu/lucky but always leave out Hax. If anything, Axe is the outlier here with only 2 notable tourny placings
I've got nothing against Axe, amazing player, but dudes need to give credit where credit is due.
edit: ps. love you axe and mean no disrespect at all, just giving attention to my boy hax, sorry if it seems like im being mean. i also think ur top 10 lol