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The Bakery - Realised I can still edit the thread title!


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
ye larry inspired me to use falco seriously now and since im black I already have an advantage.

btw rain may be japanese but hes still black


Smash Master
Jul 25, 2008
Cleveland, OH
Yeah I want to see that vs M2K set.

And going back to Xylode, there are vids of SK92 vs good players where he basically just spams spotdoge and wins.

Also SHFFAD > Utilt/another move is a pretty standard mixup. And I'll say right now that you do not want to get predictable with SHADs.
Aug 6, 2008
I missed the stream for the tourney day due to a something wrong with ustream on my computer. But, I got the tio tournament organzier thing, and I am loving it right now.

You do not want to get predictable with anything in this game. Nothing is in exception to that rule.
Aug 6, 2008
All I have to say is that having a family member who works for an airlines in someway equals a discount. Fly standby also. One can fly cross country literally under $100. <3


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA

Back row left to right:
DEHF, M@v, Shugo

Front row left to right:
Sk92, D1, Rain

Not pictured:
Keitaro, Xzax, Bloodcross
Aug 6, 2008
I had a question. A lot of talk of buffering has been poping around places that I lurk. Could we buffer a b button input in the middle of phantasm to buffer the shortest cancel :confused:

The sky, with falco piloting his arwing
I <3 you for taking that literally.


Smash Master
Jul 25, 2008
Cleveland, OH
I had a question. A lot of talk of buffering has been poping around places that I lurk. Could we buffer a b button input in the middle of phantasm to buffer the shortest cancel :confused:

Well if you could then you could just mash be twice as fast as you can and get the shortest, or at least the window for the shortest would be a whole lot bigger.

Anyone know the startup frames on Phantasm?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Watch BluB & GregS on livestream!

From tomorrow 7PM (CET) to sunday afternoon there's a pretty huge brawl tournament in Berlin (~70 people). BluB from Germany and GregS from the Netherlands will both try to rep Falco at this as well as possible. The tournament host managed to organize a livestream so you guys will be able to watch them play against the likes of Mr.R, Calzorz, Luigi Player, Staco, istudying and other playes from Germany, Austria and the Netherlands.




Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
Dover, Delaware
I just want to point out that Bloodcross has been doing drop off lasers for as long as I can remember. You guys made it seem like nobody has ever done it in the US, and I wanna make sure BC gets his credit lol


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
I saw it like at beginning of 09 (or end of 08?) in that match between rain and souther in which they camped for 10 mins.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
I think people are mistaking one thing. We aren't somehow saying run off lasers are new, but moreso that with Rain's performance with them, there's obviously an advantage with them that can be (re-)integrated in to our playstyles.

We abandoned them as quickly as they were found. Rain was one of the few Falco's to stick with it, and prove they're useful still.


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Sure Rain makes it effective but I don't see WHY they're effective? Someone please explain. For some reason I think that just because Rain is a good player and happens to incorporate the run-off lasers it makes the tactic seem useful.


Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2009
Chicago, Illinois
Vlade, you can hit crouching characters with fall off lasers. This would be particularly useful against Snake, since he can just crouch and force you to approach if he doesn't feel like getting into a camp battle with you.

Other than that, I see this as a useless tech. Its flashy though. :p If someone has ideas on something else it could be useful for, I'd love to hear them. I can always use new stuff to throw with my laser game.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
In a normal SHDL the first laser wouldn't hit unless opponent is in the air. This one they both hit at ground height. And I believe the second laser comes out quicker than if shot grounded lasers. So the lasers are hard to ps and if they dont you get frame advantage.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
Partly what Yume said. When both lasers are 'low' lasers, you can't simply run straight through them and powershield one of them then continue to **** Falco on his landing. You have two lasers to deal with, making it harder to reach Falco by ground at a distance. Sure you can jump over the lasers, but specifically on characters with low aerial momentum, the same effect is applied of slowing down their approach.

Keep your reactions tight, and you have good mixups that aren't just lasers from offstage, which can include phantasms, aerials back on to the stage or simply airdodging back on and not taking the chance of shooting lasers.

The obvious thing is don't be stupid with them and shoot them when your opponents close to the ledge.
Aug 6, 2008
They are not any more effective than normal lasering. SHDL is rather pointless for the most part as many characters simply try to take a ground approach against falco. That means you are stuck trying to fire off a laser in lag at the height of the jump. SHL are better overall. If the spacing when in a SH is there, you can get a laser off, if it is not, you still have time to airdodge, or go into an attack. However, a mixture of SHDL and SHL is best so that you can catch any occasional aerial approaches.

Run-off Lasers (ROL from the rest of this post out), are best used as an anti-ground tactic. Double lasers on the ground with the chance of no lag on the landing is a superb idea. You literally stop people in there tracks or force them to have to use a defensive maneveur which puts them into a frame trap of sorts. If they roll towards you after you land, you have the advantage. If they shield, we have safe options on a shield (ftilt). If they spotdodge, we have options against that. ROLs are pefect for the crouch people as well. It gives us an option still to try to bait people into attacking if they are simply crouching.

Now, this next part is a little bit of theory, but I believe it to be true. The first laser is always lower than the 2nd. So, really, you are only given a single laser to hit people who crouch. However, if that first laser hits, they should stand up right then and there. Which, the 2nd laser following behind will hit them. If they shield the first laser, they are still high enough for the 2nd laser to hit an incoming shield. If they spotdodge... you might get lucky with them mistiming the attack.

Either way you look at it, ROLs give us some option to hit crouching people, or to even camp a good distance away from people given that two lasers pretty much stops or limits any ground approach very well. In this regard, ROLs are effective and worth using. They do not replace SHL/SHDL altogether, but in combination with regularr SHL/SHDL, I believe this to improve upon Falco's camping game. We simply have not learned when it's best to use them really or apply them correctly as Rain has had the last 2 years to do.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
You contradicted yourself in your own post.

They are not any more effective than normal lasering.
And then go on and give us a description of what the ROL's have over normal lasers, which is amusing.

The only thing I legitimately want to say though, is that you're right in saying the combination of every type of laser is the ideal set up, and that no one ever said otherwise. However SHDL is not useless, it's situational and entirely depends on how your opponent is playing. Regardless, saying their useless is wrong, and they're amazing when your enemy decides to try and take the air. You shouldn't say they're pointless because people take the ground to avoid them, that in itself tells us why they're useful - their existence in itself causes people to already be weary about aerial approaches and whatnot.

And no, the first laser is not always lower than the first. It depends on timing. Both are possible.
Aug 6, 2008
You contradicted yourself in your own post.

And then go on and give us a description of what the ROL's have over normal lasers, which is amusing.

The only thing I legitimately want to say though, is that you're right in saying the combination of every type of laser is the ideal set up, and that no one ever said otherwise. However SHDL is not useless, it's situational and entirely depends on how your opponent is playing. Regardless, saying their useless is wrong, and they're amazing when your enemy decides to try and take the air. You shouldn't say they're pointless because people take the ground to avoid them, that in itself tells us why they're useful - their existence in itself causes people to already be weary about aerial approaches and whatnot.

And no, the first laser is not always lower than the first. It depends on timing. Both are possible.
lul So much picking apart of what I said. I'm not known for my english skills. I apologize for the incompleteness of what I have said.

I do not believe I condradicted myself. To say that ROL is not anymore effective than normal SHL/SHDL is in line with what I was getting at. That first sentence implies that using ROL is equal to, or less than the same effectiveness as SHL/SHDL. Each method plays an entirely different role. One is covers aerial options, one covers crouching and ground approaches, and one is overall safer option. This I outlined in the rest of post, and with which you agree with; the idea that ROL takes a nitch in falco's camping game on par with SHL/SHDL.

SHDL bit, I will admit was poorly worded and a bit bias. From my experience, many people learn quickly that SHDL ruins aerial approaches most often and that it is better to take the ground approach.

Thanks for clarifying that. My ROLs always hit lower first than up high next.
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