Lawl. Not to start anything, but don't confuse me with the German's screwed up idea of the "perfect race". I really despise being called or confused with being one of them. I'm not even from the South - I haven't experienced what all this "white supremacy" shiet is, we didn't and still don't give a sh*t up in Oregon. Your example fails.
I live in the present, I don't care what WAS better.
This is the last I'm going to say on this subject, as I don't want to derail or interrupt the thread anymore. If you feel like making one last post on the subject, by all means do. However, I will not grace it with a response unless it's in my PM box.
1) You're a bit naive if you really think the Germans came up with the concept of the Aryan race. The concept was around all over Europe way before they decided to make that the subject of their ill endeavors. I was just providing an easy example of supremacy for you. If you are not pleased with that one, the Anglo-Saxons (which includes every type of white, as opposed to just blonde hair and blue eyes) often imposed their superiority over other colors/races.
2) Your opinion on what people should be called is of little consequence, as it is history and society that dictates denominations and nomenclature. I'm sure you've filled out questionnares before. White is quite clearly considered a race by general society, therefore it is... and by correlation, there are white women.
3) I'm amused you really think that the KKK, the Neo Nazis, and other such supremacist groups are/were solely a Southern problem. They were dominant and more active in the South (and many were founded in the South), but their influence extended everywhere (including Oregon)... and the North is plenty racist as well.
4) You're a bit naive with your "living in the present" response. History shaped and influenced what we are today, it can't be ignored, nor eradicated just because you say it's the present now. We may have, as a whole, attempted to fix many of our mistakes/biased preconceptions/etc, but by no means does that remove all our underlying bias or tendency.
5) I laughed at the "no u" ness of your statement "Your example fails." when you provided no real counterargument. Then again I shouldn't have expected much, this being a random forum on the internet and all.
Back on topic: I agree with Lee on the idea that balancing could be accomplished much more simply and with less dangers by just tweaking weights and knockback.