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Sydney - Don't Come (Results)


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
lol i know what it is unreon its really cool dont get me wrong XD just adding alittle spam i mean qld into this thread =P

ow poor shaya.. i like smash 64...

as for qld being smart... we are the "smart" state lol... must be in the water.


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
15 v 15? too long make it 10 v 10 or 8 v 8 with sideliners - whatever we had for comrades 1 was perfect

oh yeah Jaz is coming to this, shaya stop bugging him or else he wont go

if gong/hunter crew beats sydney crew i'd lol
Commence with the LOLZ Cao :chuckle:

Get that Rat

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Apparently when I say picture (singular BTW unny), he chooses the one with Dave, Jaz and me in it, and not the one below with BRAWLLLLLLLL!!! ***** yeah! I love Brawl!* going on.


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
No need to turn this thread into a brawl vs melee thread. It was a great wknd lets not ruin the entire positive feel of the thread by spamming hatred for brawl.


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
How about you grow a **** and stop being such a piece of ****? ****en little turd go see a ****en shrink. You don't even ****en know me man. You're just some loser who prolly sits at home all ****en day jerking off to half *****, ******** insults you can fling at people just cause they aren't a carbon copy of ur dumb arse. You talk about Shaya's ego? You're no better for thinking everyone that doesn't share your opinions is lesser than you. Grow the **** up man. I spit on your unwarranted hatred of a game you don't even have to play.

Get that Rat

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
How about you encounter epiphany and realise that you're playing Brawl only because you're too **** to play Melee?

I'm definately better, because people actually agree with me, and other than that, people actually like me. So if you're going to flame me because I dissed your 'game', and even go so far as to defend Shaya...

I DON'T KNOW YOU, THAT'S WHY I SPENT THE LAST 3 POSTS JUDGING.... NO ONE? Good job! I fling insults like Brawltard and... Brawltard... NICE OBSERVATION ****ing inbred.

Besides, carbon copy of my *** is ****ing perfect. At least we won't have downy ****s like you to put up with. Spit on my unwarranted hared of a game I don't even have to play. Do it ***got. I spit on the fact that you're playing the game.
In fact, I spit on you. ****, I'd even give you the privilage of recieving a dump on your face.


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
Maybe you should read my post again. I never defended Shaya. I simply compared you to him cause u are both disrespectful players who should learn how to talk to people, and from what I can see, are both pretty indecent human beings in general.

Also, I didn't flame at you because you "dissed my game," i did it because you are a little **** who needs to learn that you can't try to push your opinions and beliefs on anyone. That's called facism. So basically, you're like Shaya + Hitler.

As for people not liking me? I can only assume that, due to me not being a douchebag like you obviosuly are, I am quite well liked in the Sydney smash scene. And if anyone doesn't like me, I don't give a flying ****. Because unlike your oh so likeable self, I don't really care what people think of me. All I care about is that slugs like you realise that your actually not a privilege to the world, you're not even a detriment, you're pretty much nothing buddy.

And frankly, I'd rather have you **** on my face than have to read any more of the **** you type.


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
gtr and zac are actually kinda nice irl, maybe not zack so much, but juggy is
i just wish they had the ability to be nice on forums, but i think theyre one of the few people here that realise the internet is serious business, so it calls for serious trollings

im pretty sure that if i tried, i would take down more than 4 stock on that qld crew youve listed syke, heck i didnt even have my own controller that day and i still almost beat you :/

talk all you want, im waiting until some other major comes and then maybe we can see what happens

ps: **** yeah brawl bro, its heaps sick
oh and cao i have your orange controller :x sorry
just let me know how to get it back to you :)

Get that Rat

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
How many fun facts do you tell yourself? Have I said anything about me caring about what people think about me? Have I said anyone didn't like you, or part there of? Have I shown myself in a light that I'm so ****ing awesome that you guys should just bend over and let me give it up your ***? Seriously who the hell are you? Shut the **** up and save some face for yourself. I'm not even pushing any opinions. I'm doing everyone the favour of telling Shaya to **** up and die. No one likes him, and if you do, you can go skip into the rainbow holding his hand for all I care, just kill both him and yourself while you're at it. That way you yourself who is dumping your opinion about me on this boards, can get your hypocritical Brawl player *** out of this forums and make this place so much happier. ****ing 5 birds with 1 swift kick to the balls.

If you're so determined on having **** on your face, just go make out with tkls you seedy *** ****.


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
Man you are seriously stupid. It's so rediculous. You're like "At least people like me," then you're like "I don't care what people think about me." Then you're like, I'm def better cause ppl actually agree with me....." followed by, "Have I shown myself in a light that I'm so ****ing awesome that you guys should just bend over and let me give it up your ***?" Seriously were you dropped on your head? You're so set on making me look as bad as possible that you're contrading your own argument. And as for my opinion, I'm not telling people who have nothing to do with me that they are ******** for liking something. I am telling you that you are ******** because, frankly, you come off as someone who should be put in an institution.

P.S. Didn't I already address the Shaya thing? I thought I made it clear where i stand in that respect but obviously you missed that in your little fit of douchebagism.

Get that Rat

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
People like me relates to how I think about myself
I'm better and people agree with me relates to me showing myself in as a superhero

Good job brainiac, you have successfully failed in differentiating facts from opinions. I am that ****ing awesome, so just bestow upon the awesome and realise that you've already lost, and deep down inside your blood is just boiling because you have no points to this argument but you have this undying urge to prove yourself to the internet.

If I was dropped on my head, someone probably attached a rope to your feet and ****ing flailed you straight into the ceiling fan at mach 6 while you were a baby. Round of applause ****ing dumb****, you keep getting smarter by the second don't you? Pulling **** out of your *** and trying to link it together in a sentence hoping it will make sense. I hope you realise that you called me a ****** for flaming Shaya and said something along the lines of "Brawl is ****" which as been in the minds of every normal person who isn't simply fascinated by shiny graphics and sharp noises. Hey I guess all Melee players belong in an institution then. Taking the fact that everyone already hates Shaya so we don't have to worry about that.

Think it through, you just raged up at 2 things that didn't relate to you. Wake the **** up and stop posting already. I've already won, so I'm goign to bed. Scum.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
I don't think I recall ever hearing or asking Syke for advise about tournament running. 64 at its extreme worse added an hour. It was getting played mostly on just one/two TVs and probably caused less delays than melee moaners delaying their brawl matches for friendlies.

Get that Rat said:
bawww mai feelns r hurted coz no onez licked my *** on meh birsday
If people wanted to play smash 64 over hanging out with you GTR, that is not my fault. baww no one likes you, right? I guess Mr. Social Ineptitude aka Juggy preferred sitting in a chair moping the entire time like a loser over it.

baww moar.:chuckle:

Get that Rat

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
We all wanted to go, Cao was being Mr Responsible. But Shaya was being... Shaya.

Realise that, kiss a girl.. or even a guy.. or anything that doesn't run away from you... **** just touch something that isn't Jurmada, look in the mirror because you have obviously failed, realise that you're ugly, cry... or do something that gets water on your face because you need something to wash all that ****ing oil off, then talk to me.

This is you.

This is Proactive.

Use it you ****ing scrub, get all that sewage off your face.


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
I would love to continue arguing with your redundant veiws but someone I respect as asked e to let it slide so that's what I'm gonna do. Peace man. The only thing that really pissed me off in teh first place was that I was just trying to get out of the negative direction the thread was headed in and then next post was you trying to put me down. If you want to argue some more feel free to get my msn off anyone who ahs it and I'll be happy to oblige.


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
lol yeah same. I think I know but it's just a guess. Doesnt matter anyway. I've been told ur actually an ok guy so there's no point in breeding hatred.

Get that Rat

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
I made all the noise in the Melee crews, and then made all the shut up Shaya you ****ing idiot comments. Then I just played Melee and chilled with people who wanted to kick Shaya in the teeth.


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
Wow. I remember telling Shaya to shut up on several occasions. And about the whole teeth kicking thing if I knew that group existed I would have been over there with you.

Edit: I think everyone was telling Shaya to shut up so that doesnt really elp me know who u were. I was the guy sporting the beard.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2006
For purposes of clarificaton, you'll be hard pressed to find someone who would be happier than me to see the utterly complete death of competitive Brawl for the full resurgence of the vastly superior Melee despite my apperance in the picture alleged to be some kind of Brawl fan club. Skipped most of the rest of that "conversation", but noted that us socially inept Smashers are fortunate in being able to refer to Juggie and Zac's forum posts for an indisputably fantastic role model in social interaction and linguistic eloquence. :)

I really liked the crew format used in the tournaments - it was mad fun and I'd love to see more of it in the future. Having the audience hype behind more matches than just the finals makes it more thrilling, and the bit of added strategy is interesting too. Casual setups of other games on the table near the bracket laptop was also good - MBAC, AoSX, DKR, SSB64, whatever. I love Smash but 10 hours straight is heavy and it's nice to play some other games when you need a break but can't leave cause you might be called for a match.

Shoutout time! :d

A shoutout to my Brawl crew Bryan, Gords and Forte - shame about our placing, but we had some great moments and I had fun playing with you guys.

Loved the Melee matches we played Bryan, especially Link vs. Ness - it's fun to play some of the game's more unloved characters. You're starting to get the hang of Melee pretty well and you seem to be enjoying it! Keep up the good work and let's play some more back in Melbourne :)

Thanks for joining up with us Gords, good to see Toon Link still getting some love after his hype from the Brawl release era died down. Enjoyed our Melee games too!

The EMO crew well and truly lived up to its name, but we were alright once four people were convinced to play a first match lol. My love to my lovely EMO crewmates - Redact, Forte and especially Tak for filling in for a spot we thought we already had filled. Oh, and a lol at Dekar for kicking a hole in the wall and missing this. FAIL

Forte...my Brawl crewmate, my Melee crewmate, my Brawl teammate, and a legend. It was an honor to fight by your side. Neither of us were terribly keen on Brawl but I think we made a good time out of it with our random character escapades. Thanks for playing :lick:

My horrible Melee teammate Redact was a douche and always has been. Avoid this guy, DO NOT RECOMMEND.

Tak on the other hand is a champ and I think we need to see about making you an "official" EMO. Talk to us when we get back if you're interested :)

Congratulations to Em for decisively taking out teams with KO. You may not have been satisfied with your performance, and that's fine, but the fact is you still won and you're still an amazing Smash player who I can only hope to be able to provide a challenge to someday.

Hey Plasia, thanks in advance for driving us home. Hope you learned some valuable lessons from OHN, such as the dangers of whiffing a medium punch.

A shoutout to Shaya, my evil twin uniting the Smash community in hatred since 1999. Good to see you again, thanks for bringing the 64 love to the people and renewing my interest in the game. Time to boot up the old pj64k?

Props to Accelerate's very strong Kirby for taking a well-earned second place in 64. You were an unexpected obstacle in what I thought would be a pretty clear run to the finals between me and Shaya, and it's awesome to see more talent for this underappreciated game.

Also want to shoutout ComboTurtle's 64 Ness for giving me trouble on a matchup I have a lot of experience with. Solid Marth too!

And I just want to express my admiration for Jaz's BEAST of a Falcon which ***** me every time we meet in battle, my short participation in VIC vs. NSW being no exception. 2G.

And finally, MASSIVE shoutoutz to:

CAOTIQUE for making the magic happen as he always does. I'm pretty sure I've said it in previous shoutouts and I'll say it again: Australia's Smash scene wouldn't be half as strong as it is today without your efforts, and we all appreciate it very much. And you're also one hell of a player to beat!

And I don't know if he'll read this, but <3<3<3 to Metroplex for housing the boys and girls of the NmE Smash division. You've been an amazing host to us and we can't thank you enough.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
wow, I never knew this community was so full of *******s... yes shaya can be a douche, and yes he can be annoying, but wtf guys? he host's tourneys for you, puts melee in them even though he's not a melee player, donates smash money to charities, organizes heaps of **** and results and stuff, lots of other crap I cant remember; and this is the thanks he gets.

seriously, you dont have to like the guy, but dont give him all this ****, just keep your thoughts to yourself.
all the trolls, haters and flamers need to **** off and come back when they learn to troll like turtle.

oh and redact is pro team mate


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2007
luke, you seem to be one of the reasonable people on this forum lol.
yeah, shaya can be a prick sometimes, with a massive ego, but, he does organise great tournaments, so he deserves some credit. and hes not too bad.
melee players that hate brawl need to shut the **** up honestly. brawl would not have a scene at all without melee, and melee would be dying with few people interested, if it weren't for people going to brawl tourneys and seeing that melee is good too. and brawl aint dying anytime soon. there are currently 195 people reading brawl character discussion, and 39 on melee character discussion. after dont come, i'll be playing melee as much as brawl, but both communities need each other.
and gtr, no need to get personal. you can make a point without being a prick

Get that Rat

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Melee had it's fall, and now it's better than ever. No thanks to Brawl tho, so I'd shut the hell up if I were you. The only reason Brawl is still alive is due to the massive demand from Fanboyism, where most of them get so easily fascinated by shiny things and prettier pictures.


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
oh and redact is pro team mate
im good when i like dont fail, was playing pretty pox that day, you carried to the few victories had, dedede is too heavy to carry to a finals or such and snake has a bad back too :(

also your opinion doesn't count atticus, i reccomend myself now, just watch the people flock to me to team :)


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2008
Prisoner of society.....
Im not really gonna get involved with this but i just want to say to gtr that it would help your argument a lot if you didnt have a very brawlish Lucario on your profile....

Just a thought

peace guys


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2007
gtr, you are wrong. brawl is feeding melee, for better or worse. i believe eventually most brawl players will go towards melee, but just my opinion. brawl wont die anytime soon
and it is ironic you bring up fanboyism, when your brawl hate has nothing at all to do with fanboyism right?


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Actually, I like Brawl because it rewards mindgames and telegraphing instead of punishing mistakes with retardedly long combos. What is hurting GTR and Syke's posts at the moment is the fact that they are trolling/flaming to get their point across instead of trying to put across their points with unbiased fact.

Stop flaming people who like Brawl. By saying Brawl's followers are fanboys and socially inept r-tards proves what exactly? Because in the debate that has zero to no bearing on it.

So I'm going to ask you guys now to give me and everyone else a civil and flame-free response, otherwise you're going to lose A LOT of credibility.

If you guys want people to give up Brawl for Melee you're doing it entirely the wrong way. Telling people that Melee is superior and Brawl is for n00bs is going to make people resistant to your ideals rather than accepting. I accept that Melee is superior in terms of enjoyment and awesomeness because I've played Melee for a (relatively) long time.

But just because Brawl is not as awesome (to you guys that are anti-Brawl), it does not equate to a game that is not tournament viable. Chess for example isn't particularly exciting to watch, but that doesn't make it a non-tournament viable game.

What I'm saying to the anti-brawl crowd is that despite what you believe, Brawl is a perfectly tournament viable smash game and you have yet to make any kind of argument otherwise. The fact that it's taking spotlight away from Melee is up to you guys to rectify. CAOTIC I've no doubt isn't going to waste time with this. Instead of wasting time telling people to stop playing Brawl, he's going to go ahead and host Melee tournaments next year whilst catering for Brawlers as well. Stop *****ing about how you hate Brawl and start hosting your own Melee tournaments.

I'm going to host Melee tournaments next year unless Juggy really is going to step up with a Melee next year in QLD, in which case we'll split the responsibility and possibly take it to GenCon next year.

To everyone who is pro-brawl
people shouldn’t be discouraged by those that think little of Brawl. It warrants merit, and if you like playing it competitively, then to heck with anything else anybody else tries to tell you.

Darkwing SykeDuk

Smash Dankist
Mar 5, 2006
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
Chess requires skill, Brawl does not. Therefore does not require a any sort of event to determine who has the most skill.

Want proof: I was going almost even with Ryan's Rob having the played probably less then 30 matches of Brawl this year where as Ryan has gone to meets and placed highly at tourneys.

Phil.. having played Dave so much I thought you'd be able to recognize sandbagging by now?


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2008
Prisoner of society.....
Chess requires skill, Brawl does not. Therefore does not require a any sort of event to determine who has the most skill.

Want proof: I was going almost even with Ryan's Rob having the played probably less then 30 matches of Brawl this year where as Ryan has gone to meets and placed highly at tourneys.

Phil.. having played Dave so much I thought you'd be able to recognize sandbagging by now?
lol at Brawl not requiring skill.......

Get that Rat

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Anthony, I'm not trying to convert Brawl players to Melee, I'm trying to get rid of them. I don't care about getting credibility or whatever feeds ones self-esteem today. Melee already stands up as its own and many faces say that it's pretty much a completely different game.
By using big words you find in the Thesaurus to try to 'win' people over with your 'semi-intellectual' vocabulary range. Besides, what mindgames have you provided in Brawl? Oh hey! Banana! To another banana! Hell why not another one? Banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana. Pure mindgames there Anthony, props to your impeccable mindgames.

idontgottaname: If you didn't have a impaired sense of learning, you would learn that I'm against Brawl, my fanboyism is where? Explain how Brawl is feeding Melee? We get more ******* who play Melee, that is all.

Whoever said Brawl wasn't tournament viable? I merely said it had to be faster. And by *****ing about Brawl, it totally means that I want more Melee tournaments. Great job. I suggest you all combine your brains together so that you have the ability to think like a normal person and realise that you should stop jumping to conclusions.

"By saying Brawl's followers are fanboys and socially inept r-tards proves what exactly?"
It proves... that they are fanboys and socially inept *******?

TL;DR I'm not telling Brawl players to go to Melee. I'm telling Brawl players to **** off. Anthony eat a ****ing rainbow a smile a little, the whole trip in Sydney you were as depressing as watching birds fly away from the winter sky. There's some poetic awesomeness for you.
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