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Sydney - Don't Come (Results)


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
lolz, its ok I'm just being an attention *****.
but thanks for the feedback.
I think those few training sessions back in melbourne really helped.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
You know, for a minute I thought this was one of the American Regional rooms, because the behavior going on in here is the same you'd expect from a bunch of rednecks. You deserve the infractions you've been given. If you don't like Brawl, that's perfectly fine, but stop bashing those who do. Same goes for the Brawlers bashing the Melee players. Grow the feck up.


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
^ LMAO @the wiimote

Anyways, might as well give my shoutouts before I lose the ability to bother.

CAO: Excellent job organising. I thought it was complete success, and I thoroughly enjoyed being 2 stocked by your Zelda in Melee. :D

Tak: You ****. Apparently upsmash > all else. Great job.

Jei: lol, Yoshi rep sure is awesome. And sif you can't be killed by that PK Flash. >.> Nice seeing you again though!

Myst: **** YEAH, NESS IS PRETTY TOP TIER IN EVERYTHING AMIRITE. You're an awesome guy, and nice work showing Kulla who's boss in Melee crews, lol

Fortei: Your marth far surpasses what I expected. Great guy. :)

Atticus: Random is the manly way to play Brawl, aye? Nice games.

Emily: Sorry for destroying you in Brawl doubles. I'm sure you would have handed me my own *** in Melee though...

"Red Dizzy": Ness might not be a gordo magnet, but your Dedede still managed to land the crucial big hits this time around. You're heaps sick.

Juggy: Hope you enjoyed the berfday. Never got to play you though. :(

Accellerate: Sif I got hit in dodgeball.

Syke: Sif you didn't get hit in dodgeball.

Vyse: Nice falco in Melee. Would've been heaps better to get some 1v1's in both Melee and Brawl though, I've always wanted to play your Diddy.

Azure: All round great guy. You held up well in Melee, Brawl, and even 64.

Hornsby crew: I've caught up to you guys in Melee skill heaps fast. Maybe you guys should take some time to relax and try out a bit of Brawl for a while. Somehow made me heaps better at Melee, figured it might help you guys out a little, if you're ever low on inspiration. Top blokes, except for Igif who is self proclaimed "godly".

Tickles: Practice. Seriously. Get better or I will continue to snap your confidence. :)

Luke: I got the feeling we lacked in matches this weekend... oh well, you took your share of stock off everyone else, right?

Jaz: The almighty knee of justice knows no adversary. You blew everyone's pants the competition away in the interstate Melee. Your Kirby kept good form for Brawl as well. Keep it up.

Unreon: lol @ intertate Melee. Suicide much? Don't worry about it though, you made up for it by ****** in Melee for the rest of the day.

Pat: Man, you taught everyone a lesson about Pikachu's bull**** downsmash. You got lucky you never played me lol. Congrats on Melee too. You and Jaz were too much for VIC to handle. You were a top pick playing CAO's peach too.

Kulla: 2 stocks is good enough for now, right? Shame we never finished the friendlies. Nonetheless, you played great all weekend. Nice work heading the NSW Melee crew, and being cheap with Mk in Brawl. lol Hopefully if I pick up Melee a lot more from now on I have the potential to make the next crew, whenever that is.

Bjay: Haha, you did really well for someone who hasn't had any proper practice in ages. I'm surprised I managed to beat you in Melee (if you count it as a full match). Wario seems to be doing a lot better now too. Great seeing you turn up!

Shaya: Wow, what a pro teammate, with the tippered team attack upsmash kill and everything. But yeah, Ness is still epic, you just can't admit it yet.

Daz: Sorry I keep choosing IC's against you in friendlies. It's just habit. :p

Tim: You didn't play enough Smash. Get some more matches in with people next time! Great guy though.

Jelly: Thanks for stealing my Melee crew spot. >____> Next time, I'll play you for it.

Turt: Dude, you are too good. Win at life lol. I swear all the time, the only difference in me when I'm drunk is that I have little coordination and I get persuaded very easily. :p Man, you are too ****ing good at Brawl. I might as well not even play anymore, lololol. But yeah, stop your hate, and just **** everyone in it instead. ;) Also I'm sure you didn't need that extra stock in Melee crews anyway. I'm just going to keep improving my game to be able to beat you in a serious match /inspiration.

S.D: Thanks for the invite to stay with you guys at the hostel. Was great fun. Pity we never made the 100th floor or even the one with the hippos. Hopefully I'm close to even footing with you in Melee now, though I lack the 0% to death combos... well, unless it's a Fox or something. You ***** Brawl again too as usual. Shame you guys didn't get a higher placing. And wtf, screwdrivers? Are they the same guys that apparently attacked Shaya? (turtle joke lulz).

And now for my 3 fellow ****ing Meta Knight crew mates:

Tedeth: You played heaps well all weekend. Improved ****loads. Shame about the final match in crew. Wario just doesn't cut it in some cases. :( Although, you did shame CAO pretty well in that pirate ship match. That was too funny.

FTS: Sorry we had you play Snake a lot. There were just too many matchups that killed our characters. Maybe we need some backup mains to make up for the weaknesses. You still ***** though. That was a really close call against dedede. o_o

tcranter: Hell yes, low tier represent. Nobody knows how to fight a Pokemon Trainer. And you got people talking. You got us some unbelievable comebacks too.

****ing awesome matches guys, I look forward to an OHN8.


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Laser! To another laser! Hell why not another one? Laser laser laser laser tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew tsew. Pure mindgames there unreon, props to your impeccable mindgames.
That hurtsies T_T


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
You know, for a minute I thought this was one of the American Regional rooms, because the behavior going on in here is the same you'd expect from a bunch of rednecks. You deserve the infractions you've been given. If you don't like Brawl, that's perfectly fine, but stop bashing those who do. Same goes for the Brawlers bashing the Melee players. Grow the feck up.

infractional justice!


Oct 29, 2004
thank god its a temp ban ~ i would quit smashboards in protest if the boards were perma juggyless and sykeless

shoutouts real soon i promiseies <3


Smash Apprentice
Jul 26, 2008
Wollongong, Australia
Here are some thoughts and shoutouts for Dont Come:

My Crew

Planetstereo: Thanks for teaming up with me, and convincing me to come to Dont Come! You were a good teamate and are a good friend in general.

Tkls: Hey Chris that match against Pat's pikachu in our brawl crew battle was awesome. It was so intense with the Metroid Prime boss music in the background, and Im glad you won.

E-alert: Hey man nice kirby. Thanks for joining with us for melee crews. You're a nice guy and I like you.

cozyt: Hey man hope you have a great time for the rest of your time in Australia. Thanks for the smash on Saturday.

RezTK: You were definately one of the "cooler" guys there and Im glad you could join our melee crew. Your shiek was definately the best out of all of us. I think you should make a smashboards account and come to future tournaments because your TLink is pretty good.

Others (in no particular order)...

Shaya: glad we could have some friendlies. I didnt realise your shiek was so good! It was nice of you to help out CAO in running the tourney.

TCR: Good to see you too man. I really enjoyed watching your pokemon trainer demolish your opponents. In particular the match where your Ivysaur was "tired" but you kept using it and beat the Olimar without losing your stock. That was classic. Congrats to you and your crew for coming second place in brawl crews.

Turtle: Glad we could get in a few matches, especially since you may not be coming back to the Gong. Congrats on brawl doubles. Also Ive been into melee since I got the game 5 years ago, but only now im starting to learn the ATs to become competitive.

Mr Fakeman and Ing: it was great to meet and talk to you guys at Maccas. Hopefully we can have some matches at the next tournament. (Ing hope you can perfect the SHFFL!)

Luke Atyeo: You are a cool guy and thanks for the Link ditto. It was really awesome watching your Snake in brawl crews because you play very smart. Truly pro.

Vyse and Gords: Glad to meet and play you guys and you are both very good players.

Unreon nice talking to you at boost juice and good luck in switching to medicine.

Dedu: You are a very friendly guy and it was great to meet you.

Jaz thanks for melee Link tips. I really enjoyed our brawl crew battle my Dedede vs your Kirby.

Also a Queensland Wolf player (Rune, I think?) nice to meet you too!

Some other highlights for me:

Watching CAOTIC and Emily own the melee doubles. That was really awesome the way yous worked as a team, brother and sister. I particularly enjoyed watching you guys demolish Turtle and SD.
Also I thought some of the Queenslanders were being pretty rude to Emily prior to her turn in the State Melee crew battles, so Im glad she deccimated almost half their crew with Shiek.

Also our crew battle against the "botany" crew was interesting. We were going really well until Kulla came in and creamed the remaining half of our crew lol. In one instance Kulla walked offscreen, Cozyt came in with a fresh stock, followed him offscreen only to be grabbed and thrown off for a 0% kill. That was diabolical.

Having now sat through an entire 32 stock melee crew battle I can now say that I enjoyed watching the brawl crew battles more than the melee crew battles. The slower pace of brawl allowed for some more interesting tactics and mindgames.

SS Ben

Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2006
oh yeah well done again to the SD/Turtle/Bjay/Jelly crew on getting 2nd in Melee, unfortunately I had to leave but I really wanted to watch the finals. I'm assuming that SD gave out the **** with Icies against the other Sydney crew (actually I'm hoping that's the case so we look less bad lol).


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2008
Prisoner of society.....
S.D, no shout out for tickles?
No shoutout for stereo either:laugh:
Guess ill have to do some of my own then:

e alert: thanks so much for being in our melee team, you're a great guy and good smash player. lol at my meager grab avoidance of your IC and more lol at brawl doubles matches :)

tkls: thanks for being in our team, even though you dogged us for melee crew...and subway rips all over maccas any day....wollongong pride woot.

shaya: didnt get to play you which is a shame cause i wanted to get some epic Marth tips. I guess we'll have some crazy dittos when my marth is pro enough....awsome 64 was fun.

tcr: "Best...Pokemon Trainer....EVER" -vyse. this pretty much sums it up. your a great guy to be around and a hard opponent to verse, maybe one of these days ill be more of a match...More Wollongong Pride going around

turtle: never really got to play you but it was good to see you there...

Meteor: crazy 64 matches with me never having played before, much fun.....

Vyse: we only got to play once (i was that marth you totally diddy creamed). such a funny match, AND YOU SAVED THE REPLAY, such humiliation hahahaha. (marth boards say to not let diddy get any nannas on the stage and the matchup is in the bag- FAT CHANCE lol) But seriously, you have inspired me to learn diddy, thanks. also, was fun versing in melee crews, Yoshi festing for the win

Luke: we had some epic all-ins together, your snake is king.....thanks for the tips....awsome guy....lol at you and jamus' link ditto

FTS: never really got to play you but hanging out was good, your a cool guy

tedeth: your an awsome guy with an awsome wario, great to see you

Kulla: lets put it this way, some of us want to get badges of pride saying "I Versed Kulla"
haha your MK is practically unbeatable. respect.

Unreon: sorry for getting your name mixed up, lol good times man, see you at uni

XLR8: extra lol at traffic conductor

DEDU: good to meet you dude, had some nice friendly brawl vs melee discussions, brawl doubles lols

Caotic: Awsome Tournament, Extra Respect, thanks heaps. Never got to play you but was cool all the same...

Jamus: Finally, my partner in smash. You pretty much held up the team in whatever event we were in, your ddd is awsome king of CG now, so good for you to be come and put up with my incessant rambling and bad jokes. lol thanks man.....


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
oh yeah well done again to the SD/Turtle/Bjay/Jelly crew on getting 2nd in Melee, unfortunately I had to leave but I really wanted to watch the finals. I'm assuming that SD gave out the **** with Icies against the other Sydney crew (actually I'm hoping that's the case so we look less bad lol).

yer he took 7 stock 4 off unreon and 3 off jaz and played really well i took 5 and played well also we won somehow :) p.s we're gong / hunter crew not syd :)

edit: our samus player aka jellyhead got 3 stocks off pat aswell and then bjay was able to take his last stock with 2 to spare so it was a good win =]=]=]=]=]=] we all played well


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
yer he took 7 stock 4 off unreon and 3 off jaz and played really well i took 5 and played well also we won somehow :) p.s we're gong / hunter crew not syd :)

edit: our samus player aka jellyhead got 3 stocks off pat aswell and then bjay was able to take his last stock with 2 to spare so it was a good win =]=]=]=]=]=] we all played well
Yeah IC cheapness works great unless your name is CAOTIC

Edit: Turtle played great - took out Kulla's Sheik which is prolly his hardest match <3


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
Redact: Sorry we didn’t team, but my brawl hate teammate turned out to be pretty awesome in the end. Next time? Great games whenever we did play though, melee and brawl.
you saw my result, i bet i would have pulled you down if we teamed though, played brawl pretty horrendously on the second day so i think its better you stuck with combo, he turned out to be better than i expected, in both brawl and melee
stop playing ic's though, go play like mewtwo since its easy to beat them

"Red Dizzy": Ness might not be a gordo magnet, but your Dedede still managed to land the crucial big hits this time around. You're heaps sick.
since when was ness good?
sam needs to learn to play like you, so like i have to try and stuff haha


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2008
Mr Fakeman and Ing: it was great to meet and talk to you guys at Maccas. Hopefully we can have some matches at the next tournament. (Ing hope you can perfect the SHFFL!)
Actually that was me who wanted to perfect the SHFFL, Ing is not to fond of using the SHFFL but rather ****** his opponents with limited use of advance techniques. Also I managed to learn the SHFFL today :) I just can't stop doing it. You should give it a go! but it kills time heaps especially when you enjoy SHFFL on big characters. (for melee)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2008
yeh ild like to say thanks to caotic, it was a really good tournie, an no im not gonna brawl bash lol but i did piss my pants laughing when i found out turtle won brawl lo, anyway great tournie and JAZ wow your falcon, its inspired me to pick it up as a main.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2005
Spot Dodge Down Smash ... town.
OK Shoutouts!

CAO: Cao you sexy peace of man. Thanks for all your work. Without you smash would be nothing. Hope to see you soon.

Tak: Lol man fun walk back on the way from dodgeball and keep dash attacking that FOX!

Juggie: Juggie you are without a doubt the best troll ive ever met. Thanks for a great weekend and many lols. You made the trip man.

Jei: Ahh bloody pit. haha Good job man your brawls skills are leet. Good to see you again your a cool guy.

Jaz:You awesome piece of shiz. You did to emily what i could only dream of. Falcon brother 4 life lol.

Kulla: Cool guy as always fun matches that shiek is awesome i love it. Teams was epic. See ya soon

Pat: Nice to see you again thats one crazy fox beating on cao there good luck man all the best.

Meteor: I hit you.

Emily: Hey em that was me you played against when you were shaking. I have that effect. lol im kidding great match too bad no friendlys

Atticus: Crazy falco man definetly up there for the best keep it up.

Daz/Tim/Jelly: Well I see you a lot so I can talk to you whenever but you guys are ok I guess.

Shaya: Thanks for the 64 games.

Vyse: Nice in brawl as usual good stuff gotta work on that melee heh see back in qld.

Syke: You sexy beast thanks for the trip man without you it woulda been epic fail.

Redact: Nice dedede cant keep up with rob tho :)

Gords: Bridge climb photo ftw.

DJ Cats: " "

Dedu: Always good to see you Stu.

COMBOTURTLE: Good to finally meet you man you rocked it in DB and in melee great to see such decaded melee players. Your a great guy.

S.D: Same again man DB skills off the charts nice IC's as well there awesome. Need more falcon dittos but haha your a cool guy.

Doug: Great Sheik man keep practising thats things got some unique talent.

To anyone i missed im sorry good to meet you all hope to see you in QLD sometime.

Peace out.


Oct 29, 2004
I enjoyed this tournament, in terms of smash and travel it's pretty much as good as it gets in australia. anyone who didn't go missed out big time.

Some of the new things that were implemented worked out really well. 4 Man Crews was successful, as was Dodgeball (that worked out a little too well). Both games were featured properly, thanks to the 2 day stint and an oversupply of equipment that exceeded our needs. Having it over 2 days set a more gentle pace, so I was more inclined to be happy rather than pissed. I'll always get a nice hotel from now on when I'm on the go in tournaments, it's quite refreshing. I'll invite you if there's room.

Good games to everyone, I hope OHN got a better impression of Sydney Smash Scene after this event.

Apologies for the delays in running tournaments. It's becoming something common in large tournaments, but at the very least be thankful you got enough sleep time.


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
Haha Syke and juggie banned, nice alt account there Syke.

Way to cheat on shoutouts Ryan, you clearly copy and pasted mine and left one unchanged :p

I like your style <3


Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2005
Omg banned for a week from the brawl***s, our lives are now.... better XD


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007

omigod omigod omigod omigod.
Temp bans FTL

I assume they are using an alt account on an alt computer IP Address?


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2008
Flipping Out Someplace
Oh **** i forgot to shout out to Jei

Jei: Awesome teamate that ***** metaknights and is one of the most fun people to talk to, sunburn gone away yet XD?


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Make/post on another alt account and I'll add another week. Do it again and I'll perma ban you. Seriously guys, you're smarter than this.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2008
just make sure you haven't still got soap on your hands
lol that was terrible, i couldnt turn on the taps cause i had so much soap on my hands, and i could wash them cause i couldnt trun of the dam hands so i played a match and i like couldnt do **** in the match cause my hands were so soapy lol.
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