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Sydney - Don't Come (Results)


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
funny that the taps were actually buttons that you press in, not turning handle taps. :p

Oh and btw if someone is in posession of an unknown g/c memory card that would be mine. Let me know if u have it please.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
lol banned again.
that's what you get when you ruin the boards with hate spam.
seriously there's no reason why brawl and melee cant co-exist next to each other, what does
fighting over them accomplish?
why do we even fight anyway, we've already agreed that melee is better, we just prefer brawl.


Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2008
Melbourne/Gold Coast
I disagree with that statement, but even if it were true, who the hell cares
Just go play the game you like, and if you happen to like both then the more gaming the better.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2004
Keilor Victoria
I had a great time at OHN, I played tonnes of awesome games in Street Fighter 3 Third Strike against talented people, was simply awesome.

Anyway, onto smash shoutouts!

Redact/Em/Atticus: You guys are really talented at sleeping in the car. Was really beneficial to me staying awake on the long road back. Also you guys better not bail on me next year because I'm spending some major money on upgrading my car to make these sorts of trips better.

Redact: I'm just going to continue the theme of insults, since I want to fit in and I don't want to seem like some socially inept guy: You are no good at life, please quit it.

Atticus: I'll be 1-UPing your controller antics by playing on a dual shock.

Em: Brawl Team Best Friends Forever! <3

Unreon: You're pretty decent at 3rd Strike, however I expect you to be way better next year :)

Jei: Thanks for laughing with (or at?) me. Cya around.

Myst: That game you showed me was really amazing. Please get better at it and be a challenge next time we play :p

Cao: You are pretty much the most amazing dude ever. Glad you had fun at this tournament and it wasn't a stressfest for you.

Shaya: Nice to meet you again, fun times.

Kulla: Thanks for the fun times at your house, hope you liked our pizza connections, join us on vent and play TF2 with us!

Jaz: Thanks for those games at Kulla's place. Was good fun to actually get to play melee with someone in Sydney besides Em/Redact/Atticus.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Plasia you nub I havent seen you online since forever, took you off my FC list :(
need to have moar brawls imo


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
hey cmon, not everybody can be the best in the world like you turtle.
peep's need to teach me to play melee better.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2007
not flaming,
just saying its ironic the whole melee=skill brawl=/=skill converation, and then turtle, melee enthusiast, says the above.
im saying this lightheartedly, ok? no more flame wars


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
not flaming,
just saying its ironic the whole melee=skill brawl=/=skill converation, and then turtle, melee enthusiast, says the above.
im saying this lightheartedly, ok? no more flame wars
it's a joke
because melee obviously requires tons more skill than that, and indeed brawl
i guess only melee pros would get that it's a joke


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
Hey Vyse I forgot to give you a shoutout. I can't believe i forgot after our epic war between wario and diddy. Prolly one of my fav matches of the weekend. Would love to play you again.

And yeah it's tickles. Calling him tickles is ironic cause, lets face it, nobody really wants to go near him let alone tickle him/be tickled by him from what i hear. :p

No offence tickles.

Wait.... wait....

Yeah ok no offence. :p

Oh and also, g/c memory card? Someone has it maybe? Sure would love to get it back.


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Emily OMFG your Falco is a beast; much much better than I T_T You may have lost your tech skill but your mind is still young and fresh and laying the smackdown on Sydney =( It was fresh to play another really good Falco once again! Despite this I think everyone likes playing you more because I just TSEW TSEW all the time and nobody likes playing me no more =( T’was fun spinning Jaz round and round in the trolley LOL. And by the way, your hair cut short looks better that way =)

Jaz Probably hates playing with me in doubles because I always TSEW TSEW just before he knees ._. But holyyyyyyy crap you always deliver and play ungodly in crews O_O Your Dr. Frankenstein attempts to bring back the rumble was amazing HAHAHA Good results for teams I thinks; we almost got the Cabin Boys both times we met them! Sorry about TSEW TSEWing you in teams. Flying armbar will work next time!

Kulla Good jobs in teams! Crews was a blast despite my poor performance sorry =(. I don’t think we got that many friendlies in. You’re still as crazy as ever! Pick up someone else please, Sheik is cheap. Use Dorf, your Dorf is great! We didn’t get to wrestle Judo vs BJJ on the grass!

Pat Your Fox is still so @#$% annoying please stop playing the game. STOP RUNNING AROUND FFS it makes it hard to combo you! Nothing’s changed; you are still the worst player matchup that I’ve ever faced; except now its…

Syke Double. You. Tee. Eff. You are mean, pure mean. That was one ****ing beating I took in crews. I’ve never been more embarrassed in a tournament. You know pretty much everything to beat a Falco! Especially on Yoshi’s Story! =( I stood no ****ing chance GRAHHHH. People, if you want to beat me, talk to Syke. Turtle was taught how to beat a Falco in five minutes of coaching. Seriously. PS: at least I teamed you in volleyball, and we ruled :D

Juggy Show me your rage :D So much hilarious anger from one person! Your ICs are beastly and crushed me in singles. You didn’t so happy with your performance in teams and that’s just bad luck that TSEW TSEW breaks you up away from Jaz ._. Pseudo volleyball/hackeysack was funsome. And so was putting my neck into your shin! HAHAHAHA Happy Birthday mate, enjoy legality!

Mystic Sam WOWOW your Ness is fricking wicked – both in melee and in brawl. I aenjoyed being a mid-tournament replacement for your lvl 9 CPU partner :D I joined just for the hell of it and didn’t expect to go as far as we did! Especially since I was a negative asset by the time we got to that DDD/Snake team. ARGH. That schmup fighter game looked so fun to play, I want a go now! Wall-E is too cuted =)

Combo Turtle Your Marth is a whoooole lot better. Simply amazing. You’re definitely one to look out for next tournament! You keep saying that Falco is your worst matchup but it shouldn’t be much longer – just study the Syke/unreon match and you’re on your way! Awesome murderball games; my hooking shot hit you right in the ankles and you never saw it coming! Very satisfying. I’ll teach you the triangle choke next time we meet!

SD Sam Goodness gracious a scary IC player finally arrives on the Sydney scene. This is not good for me. You BEASTED this tournament, absolutely crushed our crew! You have great potential in Melee. Good games, and an awesome guy to boot! Pity about the screwdrivers =( Hope nothing major got taken (but heart says that it did).

Bjay nice talking to you again! You have been hiding away too long! Just remember that we have coined a new term, the ‘Bjay’. It’s opposite of a ‘John’. Don’t worry, its endearing =) And driving you home made me super tired for work the next day I actually fell asleep and got busted >< But its okay, the conversation in the car was entertaining HAHAHA

Jelly Very nice Samus! You and your brother play some troubling and annoying characters >< Samus ditto was fun :D Taking three stocks off Pat is no meagre feat. Congrats to that. See you soon around some more meetups, and looking forward to having a sick Samus on board too!

Hornsby Crew You guys are the new generation of Sydney players =) SS Ben, you have a much better Falco from the last time we met. Really have come a long way. Only thing is, your Falco control is a bit janky and you rush getting out the moves a bit too much and it causes you to act before you think. But don’t worry, that comes with time. IGIF, I think you need to stick with Fox >< To the Sheik player (forgot your name, sorry!), I would rank you as the 2nd best after SS Ben, and a mini-Kulla is in order! You’re going to be a threat soon enough =) 2t, I don’t think we played many games! Unless you WERE the Sheik player, in which case I’m up for some embarrassment.

CAOTIC You are FAWESOME. SO FAWESOME. Not enough good things can be said about you! Thank you GREATLY for making Australian Smash what it is. You sacrifice so much for the rest of us, and we should be giving standing ovations every time you walk into the room. Your Peach is still too hard to play =( Timmypoo is obviously far beyond me now. CAO/EMILY should take their teammateship one step further and become a cutesies Asian couple S2 First (and maybe only) Australian smash couple <3

Atlas Gotta give you a special mention. You’re an *** and I didn’t like you one bit. You come in and one of the first things you say to me is “Give that ball to me or I’m going to use force”? And you say things along the like of “I’ll rearrange your face” to Kulla? Seriously? If I weren’t a civilised person I honestly would’ve gone for your throat right then and there for being the ultimate douche. I’ve fought and subbed bigger guys than you; don’t you dare ****ing think that because you’re tall and overweight that you can push others around. You’re a vapid waste of food and employment participating in an Atlas circlejerk of one. Go to hell.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Okay, time for shoutouts.

Shaya: It was great seeing you again. I'm glad I bugged you for friendlies because we wouldn't have had time for them otherwise. Sorry I didn't end up making it to your place on Monday. I was just absolutely buggered. Actually, we almost missed our flight because of Jetstar's lameness, so it's a good thing we didn't stop at your place. I can see your style of tournament running now, how you try to run multiple tournaments at the same time, but I think that's not the best way to go about it. It removes focus from following the progression of individual tournaments, and makes everything waaaay too crazy. I think there are better ways to manage time (IE Moar TVs), though if your way works for you and everybody likes it that way, you should keep on with it. Good stuff from you though, your Marth was too much for Diddy =_= so you better come to QLD again sometime so I can own you back.

Kulla: Awesome seeing you again. Truly NSW's ace in the hole. I wish we had of played each other some more, gah, there's never time for friendlies : /

Luke_Atyeo: I know you’re ACT, but you go here anyway. Your Snake is becoming a beast! You’ll have to come and challenge our Snakes at some point. Lol @ Luigi’s Mansion. It’s actually a good counter-pick for both our characters. Just about the craziest match I’ve had. T’was good smashin’ with ya. And don’t worry about the Brawl haters, they’re all just blowing smoke over how Brawl is taking the spotlight away.

Gords: Man it was awesome seeing you again. Had so much fun playing you in Melee and Brawl. Double Diddy was the greatest team ever. That Pikachu will be having nightmares for a long time. Can’t wait to have you back in QLD again, lol. Good luck with your Melee training.

Jaz: Is a BEAST. WTF Your CF is so retardly GOOD. Man you’re one cool guy. You controller lost its rumble because your CF is too good. Lol @ unreon trying to pull you to the ground.

Twas good playing against you, your Marth (Pretty sure it was a Marth) is really good. Keep it up!

SD: Lol, it’s easy to see you as a journalist. Your commentary is professional, I mean it, you should be paid for how good it is. I really enjoyed doing commentary with ya. Also your IC’s are ownage.

Tcranter: Are you Syd or Melb? Oh well. I just wanted to say your PT is a BEAST. In the running for best in Australia. Though, you could probably claim the title of ‘Most successful’ I’d say after this past tournament.

Dedu: I probably played more friendlies with you than any other person. You’re such a cool guy to play with, I had lots of fun just talking with ya. Thanks for buying all that chicken, I lol’d when everyone swooped in on it.

Syke: I was about to get in contact with you on the first night when we randomly saw each other. I tried like 3 people and eventually Nick had gotten it for me off of Juggy’s Melee thread. You’re a classic example of a ‘retired’ pro that only goes to tournaments to see friends, but still enters said tournaments anyway lol. Clearly not enough Fuuuuuuuuuuoooockkks.

Juggy: God dammit. You and Syke are too good at Dodgeball. Especially you, you tiny little asian. I can’t believe that **** actually worked =_=. Good stuff in Melee, and it was fun hanging out with you two again. I wanted to come out with you guys to celebrate but I was feeling like **** the whole time, which is probably why I looked so depressing. I’m feeling even worse right now, I’ve had to take two days off from work. Anyway this is about you, not me, soooo good stuff from ya all round. We didn’t play any friendlies, though, I was more interested in playing with out of staters, since I could come play Melee with you more often than them. Fawk Syke, go back to IC’s lol.

Ryan: Still too pro. You’ll be pleased to know that you and the others are to be thanked largely for the revival Melee is going through. Good stuff in Brawl Crews, and Interstate.

Rune: Dude your Melee Sheik is coming along real nicely. With your brand of mindgames you’re sure to become top tier. Don’t stop with your Brawl Wolf either ya hear?

DJ: No shoutout necessary. You’re still QLD’s hero.

Booker: Good stuff from you man. Dude, we’re definitely coming back next year so you can show us your leet skillz at MVC and SF4 as well.

Dave: Man you know how to run a tournament. I actually learned quite a bit from your style of tournament running, it’s well done, really. I had a fun time hanging out with you and playing you in both Melee and Brawl. You are very good at being diplomatic with your decisions and despite everything that works against you, you’re able to help the communities of both games grow. Your Peach is amazing. I watched your Melee Peach do **** I’ve never seen Peach do, so I guess it goes to show that playstyles in Melee are still evolving. Keep it up man.

Jei: Jeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. The Yoshi crew finally lives! You must teach me how to hatch a healthy Yoshi so that one day I can train under master Bringer. You’re a really cool guy, don’t go changing on me.

Redact: Man your Falco is like mine except better. Especially under pressure. I choked so badly after that first stock in the crew battle. And Duuuuuude wtf was up with that 7 minute match on Castle Siege! If I learnt anything this past tournament, it was a lesson you taught me. You taught me that (in Melee) I shouldn’t be blaming my character choice, and I should be working to get better with said character. After years if playing Melee Falco, I began to have better success with other characters, but really I’d just hit a plateau with Falco and had to get better. I think you really showed me that, so thanks Redact. I’ll be seeing you for a rematch next time 

Wtf, we never played at all. Seriously, I think you mixed me up with someone else. In Melee crews I played against Redact, lost 4 stock whilst he lost only 1 and I walked off. Maybe my nametag was on? Lol. Either way, you’ve got an amazing Sheik. Friendlies? Definitely next time.

Tak: You have cool hair. You have a cool Fox. You countered at the wrong time. But mostly, you are cool.

Really close matches (Well my definition of really close is last stock :p ), which I really enjoyed. I hope we can play again soon. Also can you make the sun shine on the Gold Coast again?

Tedeth: Indeed. Wario vs. Diddy was epic stuff. I'd love to friendly you more next time :p

Argh, so many more people to give shoutouts to, but I think that’s it from me. I had a really good time, and I can’t wait to do it again.



Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
Atlas Gotta give you a special mention. You’re an *** and I didn’t like you one bit. You come in and one of the first things you say to me is “Give that ball to me or I’m going to use force”? And you say things along the like of “I’ll rearrange your face” to Kulla? Seriously? If I weren’t a civilised person I honestly would’ve gone for your throat right then and there for being the ultimate douche. I’ve fought and subbed bigger guys than you; don’t you dare ****ing think that because you’re tall and overweight that you can push others around. You’re a vapid waste of food and employment participating in an Atlas circlejerk of one. Go to hell.
absolutely froth this stuff keep up the good work ;)


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
lol, unreon looks like a really nice harmless guy.
then I saw that vid of the armbar.
if there is ever a fight between smashers, I shotgun being on unreons side.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
South of the border, west of the sun.
Tcranter: Are you Syd or Melb? Oh well. I just wanted to say your PT is a BEAST. In the running for best in Australia. Though, you could probably claim the title of ‘Most successful’ I’d say after this past tournament.
I'm another member of the sydney hoard. I'm glad you liked my PT, and I could easily say the same about your diddy. I was really looking forward to having some friendlies with you at some point, but I mistook your sickness for sourness, and thought I'd leave it for next time. Sorry about that! I look forward to you destroying me sometime in the future :p


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Vyse was not feeling well that weekend.

shit happens. Juggie was over the tourney since he came down coz there wasn't enuf awesome in his opinion. And yeah we failed to give him enuf awesome.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2008
okaylay dokaylay shoutouts from this IG

CAOTIC- It was great playing against you again, and i really do thankyou for the hardcore effort you put into the australian smash scene.

COMBO- You are the funniet smasher, like honestly Dont come wouldnt have been half as much fun without watching you dishing out buckets of ****, but next time im gonna give you an ocean of it, but i will admit i do some sped in-game things BUT ITS HARD TO CHANNEL THAT MUCH PAIN.

SD- wowee, you have a great pair of icerinos like ild say you were one of the most prominent threats in sydney. ( sorrry about our tounie match, where my contoller had an epileptic fit and started d-iing down.

Bjay- great seeying you again, always a pleasure, its ashame we coulnt get more matches, bring on the pain.

Kulla- wow it was fun versing you, next time i can hopefully ad a litlle more pain to the competition but i guess your far to pro, hopefull eddy can be like the you of our team ( very good shiek) and well be more dangerous next crew batlle.

Jaz- MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY- YOU ARE SO PRO, i loved watching your hectily good falcon, it actually like made me cream seeying those abs in action.

Pat- i have really enjoyed watching you play so far as i am starting to learn alot about fox and i love having those fd fox dittoes, nothing is more insane then fox dittoes.

Unreon- lol it was fun teaming with you against ems, maybe we can play together one time at a tournie cause your falco was very nice and i think i will sitck with fox but il pick up falcon and marth as alts.

Shaya/ e-alert/luke- please let me teach you the ways of melee.

Gords- your sheik has become quite good but sffling will really help you inprove andmaybe asking eddy or kulla for a bit of advice with some of his combos.

stu- i think you need a bit more match up expieriance and learning some more efficent combos becuase like me you probably need to learn some of the match ups. BUT ON ANOTHER MATTER THANKYOU VERY VERY MUCH FOR THE LUCH, YOUR A LEGEND.

emily you great at melee and i had a fatastic time playing with you.

thats all from me folks

BRING ON THE PAIN FOOLS :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

OH btw tedeth i did have soap on my hands and could not play yet i still beat one of your members LOLOLOLOL BRAWL FAILURE.

SS Ben

Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2006
Well if IGIF can manage to muster semi-legit shoutouts I probably should too.

Cao - thanks for hosting and organizing, you made sure everything ran smoothly and overall made the whole weekend work.

Jaz - it was epic watching you beast it out in interstate Melee, and was really good having a few matches with you. Did you end up getting rumble back in your controller, lol?

Pat - amazing Fox as usual, good work in interstate as well. In the matches we had I really had to pull out all of the Falco tricks to just attempt to keep up with you.

Unreon - just watching you play really highlights the things I need to work on to improve my Falco game, you pull off some awesome shiz sometimes. Had fun vsing you in Melee crews and our friendlies, hope you can say the same even if I did some n00by crap whilst playing nervously.

Kulla - didn't have many matches with you, but the ones I did I got ***** in lol. Great player and guy in general, definately want more matches with you next time hopefully.

Turtle - good work winning Brawl Doubles rofl, clearly you have quite the dedication for Brawl and mastering it's many skills. Good job in Melee crews coming 2nd, can't honestly say I expected that, even though you're an epic Marth I wasn't sure about who was on the rest of your team, but everyone pulled it together well it seems.

SD - pro ICs are deadly and essentially gave the **** to most of our crew. Really illustrated the importance of decent matchup experience. You and Turtle are both cool guys in general and had fun having a laugh with you, also thanks both of you to introducing IGIF to the term 'giving the ****', he says it all the time now lol.

Hornsby Crew - all 4 of you are fail LOL get some skills ffs

OOSers - can't say I had that many matches with you, as the Hornsby crew is still just really getting to know the NSW regulars, but overall everyone from Qld and Vic were pretty darn good players.

I know I left out a few people like Shaya, Meteor and Gords but I only had a couple of matches with you :(. More next time hopefully, you all did really well in Brawl I think buuut can't say I cared too much about Brawl.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Thanks for buying all that chicken, I lol’d when everyone swooped in on it.
Hahaha noticed everyone didn't have any lunch on Sunday. What is the world coming to?

Oh wait. Smash is GREATER than life itself.

Hell I heard a story of a bunch of smashers who were playing in their apartment and a bunch of girls knocked on the door, scantily dressed. They asked the smashers if they'd like to go to their room for some 'fun'. The guys said nah smash is moar awesome and rejected the girls' offer for sum 'fun' in the bedroom.

hmmm... Smash is too good to pass for anything related to real life. Just like WoW...


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
Hahaha noticed everyone didn't have any lunch on Sunday. What is the world coming to?

Oh wait. Smash is GREATER than life itself.

Hell I heard a story of a bunch of smashers who were playing in their apartment and a bunch of girls knocked on the door, scantily dressed. They asked the smashers if they'd like to go to their room for some 'fun'. The guys said nah smash is moar awesome and rejected the girls' offer for sum 'fun' in the bedroom.

hmmm... Smash is too good to pass for anything related to real life. Just like WoW...
that story didnt actually happen.


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
I know I left out a few people like Shaya, Meteor and Gords but I only had a couple of matches with you :(. More next time hopefully, you all did really well in Brawl I think buuut can't say I cared too much about Brawl.
lol whaaaa? I played you in Melee :p

...and had my share in winning.


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
jiggs isnt really a hard char to learn and ****s up noob fox's such as igifs cause they dont di

edit: besides you've been on the melee scene like 3x longer than igif

lol, like I was at 3 tourneys then disappeared for a year or so, until Brawl came out. And I played Pichu back then. >.>
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