Fark I've been in a few shoutouts... really guys thanks!
now this may sound callous but i like to think myself as an honest person, which is why i can be quiet sometimes if i know that whatever my next words may be they'll probably belay my honest reputation, but yes back to being callous.
I would reply to the shoutouts and i used to be a fan of writing them, but i have grown to know so many smashers now, and my memory is so **** poor i probably couldn't do shoutouts justice any more, kudos to those that bothered to address all the people at the tournament its a thing i will admire at a safe non-committal distance.
I would like to thank
Cao for organising a tournament within the OHN environment, Smash will probably never be accepted among a community of people that treasure "true" fighting games, but i spose Melee's entertainment factor will remain the smash communities little secret. Thank you for coercing with the extremely resourceful OHN and EGG to yet again provide a quality professional standard of melee.
Callous and hypocritical there are a few crew members i have to thank, i don't mean to exclude anyone, I hope that for those of you that remember me will assume that my value for you as a member of the smash community won't be summarised in a brief paragraph below, if you do assume that i spose we didn't talk for very long.
Jason, you teamed with a falcon who possess' an unhealthy addiction to unpredictable stock loss, I'd say your a gambler to say the least. Between being ambarred in a radical new fashion to Tv antics in the rain, authentic kick-*** Unreon lotus soup (OMFG) and shopping trolley adventures I'd say you and I make a smashing good team, just in general
I hope you stay a familiar face in sydney, thers no tourny without an Unreon
Well! I versed you at that brawl tournie and i knew you were good there, but dark horse Ice climbers is not something i expected or prepared for, in fact before the four man melee crews i said that the IC's thing wouldn't even be a problem.
I don't usually enjoy being proven wrong.
A welcome addition to the smash scene making the character selection more diverse in sydney and an awesome guy to boot! Sitting with you and turtle feels like I'm versing genuine hardcore aussies that have somehow managed to take an interest in video games. if i have the money next time round, I'll be hostelling with you guys for sure, and kudos on the treck from the Hunter, you guys deserved a f*cking trophy just for that.
Tom you exposed me due to the inexperience i'd become familiar with, spot dodging was frequently punished, as was any kind of recovery attempt, you have become a serious swordsman now, capable of winning a sydney tournament if your cards fell right. Pretty sure simons new interest in marth could be credited to your displays. What an improvement in a short year, like i said to Sam: kudos on the treck from south of Gong... Ulladulla? fark me you guys deserved a f*cking trophy just for that. Wish you didn't live that far away, its a shame i only get to see you for tournaments, don't be a stranger.
Wow... technically, your just a machine Pat. I see aspects of freddo in you when you automatically home in on helpless airborne victims with a Fox Uair, then you chuck your own twist on it, Cao is a fox Killer, he's bred his peach just for that and has come toe to toe with Shaz, Freddo Emily and Bringers Fox's. Yet you did extremely well against Aussie no.1, even with that diverse fox experience, it says alot.
I'll get resident evil back to you promise.
Sim where to start man? You made that tournie happen for me, i would've just gone insane without you there, the lifts home and being the leader when we needed one. The best part of Kulla leadership is that he's not a farking douche about it, as a group we made team decisions, some crews just follow orders, but yours was different. I've been in a few now and i have to say that although your disappointed in your performance as an individual you had faith in that fight before it started, and as a leader it was a textbook performance, congrats ^_^
might be worth noting that i was probably used to such a punishing Shiek that might have contributed to my crew battle performance... just throwing that out there XD
You guys... such a long time i barely recognised you guys and that's sad, for half a year i'd just like to have a job in QLD and chill with you guys it would be awesome. I know you guys aren't big on the shoutouts and getting banned and all that, but don't let that deter any return trips you had planned
ela................ ela..................... ela.................... aye.................. ayFARKIN SHADUUP!!!
Juggie happy ****ing birthday man
you guys are still intimidating, if it weren't for kulla I would have deemed us a no chance to beat you in the crews but things fell our way. I know some of you enjoyed your housing a little too much with the most expensive Ocean View in Oz nicely done.
Sam your a legend, i wouldn't recognise cao without you there
Didn't talk to you much, you were always busy and its become apparent I'm not a brawl enthusiast, so that probably contributed to the lack of talking as well. thank you for putting up with me in things i promised I'd enthusiastically participate in, Jean don't ever coach people that don't ask for it, its the most pretentious thing a leader can do.
Now there have been endless debates about brawl and melee and most people that have noted my views on the whole thing would say i have a fence jammed firmly up my rear on the topic. To each there own, i dare say you have experienced a fair few of these rants.
However due to this particular brawl tournament and my lack of smash activity in general i will have no further involvement in brawl tournaments, i was never going to organise one and now i can't see myself competing in it either, i'm only directing this at you because your the face behind the sydney brawl community. believe me when i say it is nothing personal
Because of certain measures, and the sheer time it took just to get brawl done, any chances i had of celebrating and catching up with Qld veterans were slaughtered, which I'd looked forward to ever since the tournament and they're participation in it became aware to me. Cao became imprisoned out of etiquette and as a result i didn't see him smiling much either.
there have been some extremely unfair and personal attacks made on you that i don't think are very becoming of what i remembered as a friendly community, but running a last minute 64 tournament was the most unprofessional organisational endeavour I'd ever heard of let alone witnessed, i don't believe your skill at the game was a coincidence in its going ahead either. That's true of melee too i suppose, cao organises the melee tournies, but there's is a whole community willing to participate in that.
I trust that brawl enthusiasts like yourself will respect my decision to not be a part of Brawl competition, its not an attack on what they enjoy, its my personal preference, If that's not a clear enough explanation or a perhaps in someway a lacking justification don't feel free to question me on it. It's my ****ing choice, i will have little patience for those that query my decision.
So Jean you walk away from this knowing that brawl will continue on its path, but I'll have nothing to do with it, don't mistake this as a alienation from you either. From one organiser to another, good luck, and don't take **** from people that friendly to much! lay down the law.
Overall OHN7 was a disappointment for me (no xeno) murderball was great, and the tournament didn't lack anything competitively its the lack of community moments afterwards that people talk about at the next tourny, and the only thing that made it work for me were the people i have come to know from a year of competitive melee. Although I'm not as active as i used to be, being a part of a group of dedicated gamers is something i really don't want to walk away from.