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Sydney - Don't Come (Results)


Oct 29, 2004
I'd rather just leave the thread open and delete the last 3-4 pages of garbage :)


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2007
ok, but i hardly played melee at all, picked up marth at dont come, and was about as good at melee as i am at brawl. so melee doesn't require skill? or the 2 games are similar enough that if you are good at one, you are good at the other? most great brawl players are great melee players first


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
ok, but i hardly played melee at all, picked up marth at dont come, and was about as good at melee as i am at brawl. so melee doesn't require skill? or the 2 games are similar enough that if you are good at one, you are good at the other? most great brawl players are great melee players first

who said you were about as good at melee as you were at brawl? if you played anyone decent they'd have destroyed you, no offence but thats the way it goes.

playing other brawl players doesnt count.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2007
im not fantastic at brawl either is my point.
and of course melee requires skill, as does brawl
and wasnt that ohn7?


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
im not fantastic at brawl either is my point.
and of course melee requires skill, as does brawl
and wasnt that ohn7?

i dunno, but if it was ill just leave it up cause i have brawl doubles in the bag for next year as long as i put in the same amount of practice that i did this year (zero)

Get that Rat

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
I love Tom, Zac, Dave, Unny, Tak, Jei, Ryan, Jaz, Pat, Kulla, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam.
I'm just full of love.

EDIT: Being good at Brawl means you're good at failing.


Brawl = Fail
Good at Brawl
Sub Brawl for Fail
Good at Fail
Fix with proper Englishing skeelz
Good at failing.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2007
ok, i get that melee fanboys hate brawl, but why do they have to give the players of the game so much ****?


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2007
what the **** is it with brawl players being socially inept? we arent the ones who yell at people for liking a different game.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
being good at melee doesn't mean u are good at brawl take syke of GTR for example =P

continue to flame and scare people away from both the melee and brawl scene =D

Darkwing SykeDuk

Smash Dankist
Mar 5, 2006
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
No, you just go around saying "hey you wanna play" then afterward "thanks bye"....

Scare people away.. that is what we are aiming for so thanks for pointing it out for the rest of the brawl***s.


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
ok, but i hardly played melee at all, picked up marth at dont come, and was about as good at melee as i am at brawl. so melee doesn't require skill? or the 2 games are similar enough that if you are good at one, you are good at the other? most great brawl players are great melee players first


ok, but i hardly played melee at all, picked up marth at dont come, and was about as good at melee as i am at brawl.

so melee doesn't require skill? or the 2 games are similar enough that if you are good at one, you are good at the other?

i think somebody's asking for you're friend code, run along and play


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2008
Flipping Out Someplace
lol at people taking brawl seriously, i mean it's just beginner melee

anywho shout out time

Cao: Every positive thing I could say about you has already been said to you countless times <3

Atticus: Your a hero for taking charge when our crew was being stupid

Forte: It was fun talking to you and hanging out when you weren't in super forte rage mode

Juggy: No Guilty Gear there was fail, but at least i got a lot of fun matches with you in melty blood. You Zac and Jaz are the funniest people i have ever met.

Zac: You, Juggy and Ryan's commentary was ****ing epic, WHERE IS MY 9HAMMER!!

Turtle: lol at being "2nd champion" for brawl doubles, i couldn't get anywhere near you in melee

Sam: Your crew match against Kulla was EPIC!!!!

Kulla: hmm what can i say about you, your a Metal Gear fan, you play TF2 and you **** at smash so your one of the most awesome people ever

Jaz: Your match against Em was great there were so many knees!!

Redact: Sheik's back air :laugh:

Em: I've never seen anyone so nervous in a match before, hopefully your getting less and less shocked about me hair now :)

S.D: I still don't know how you and turtle came back from that beating and won the final


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Chess requires skill, Brawl does not. Therefore does not require a any sort of event to determine who has the most skill.
The skill required in Chess is not being able to think the fastest, but the smartest, and that is the comparison to Brawl I'm trying to make.

Want proof: I was going almost even with Ryan's Rob having the played probably less then 30 matches of Brawl this year where as Ryan has gone to meets and placed highly at tourneys.
Exactly my point. I recognise that Brawl requires less technical skill. Just because Ryan has played Brawl a lot doesn't mean he's going to own your face. The point I've been making is that Brawl is about mindgaming and telegraphing, of which you have plenty to spare given your track record with Melee. Radiance and Triss don't practice Brawl at all, and yet placed highly at QBB as well.

Anthony, I'm not trying to convert Brawl players to Melee, I'm trying to get rid of them. I don't care about getting credibility or whatever feeds ones self-esteem today.
Well that's pretty terrible. Eventually older players will move on from smash, so really by telling the potential pool of players that would otherwise make up the new generation to go away, you're shooting Melee's long term life span in the foot. I'm only thinking about the long term viability of Melee as a popular tournament game in Australia.

Melee already stands up as its own and many faces say that it's pretty much a completely different game.
I would be one of those people. ComboTurtle set me straight not long ago, lol. But my previous point still stands. I don't see why you think growth of the scene is a bad thing, even if it means that Brawl Players *gasp* convert to Melee.

By using big words you find in the Thesaurus to try to 'win' people over with your 'semi-intellectual' vocabulary range.
Well soooooooorry Princess ;)

Besides, what mindgames have you provided in Brawl? Oh hey! Banana! To another banana! Hell why not another one? Banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana banana. Pure mindgames there Anthony, props to your impeccable mindgames.
There's a lot more to Diddy's game than the bananas like there is more to Melee Falco's game than lasers.

Whoever said Brawl wasn't tournament viable? I merely said it had to be faster. And by *****ing about Brawl, it totally means that I want more Melee tournaments. Great job. I suggest you all combine your brains together so that you have the ability to think like a normal person and realise that you should stop jumping to conclusions.
So why are you wasting time flaming 'Brawl-tards'? *****ing and being mean isn't going to make them go away.

"By saying Brawl's followers are fanboys and socially inept r-tards proves what exactly?"
It proves... that they are fanboys and socially inept *******?
The point I'm making here is that there's no reason to bring up player demographics as it has little to no bearing on the subject on hand (Or at least it shouldn't, unless you're too cool)

TL;DR I'm not telling Brawl players to go to Melee. I'm telling Brawl players to **** off. Anthony eat a ****ing rainbow a smile a little, the whole trip in Sydney you were as depressing as watching birds fly away from the winter sky. There's some poetic awesomeness for you.
Er, I'll try and work on that. I quite enjoyed myself, but I had the flu the whole time so maybe that's why I didn't look happy :p

Gah, usually I ignore you two because I've come to the conclusion that you're both professional trolls paid by the government, but I couldn't let it slide this time : (

I still <3 You guys.
But not in a manlove kind of way.

Why did you guys and Ryan walk into my room in nothing but your underwear again?

@idontgottaname: Two wrongs don't make a right. I'd rethink your posts with that in mind.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2008
I think we are all forgetting how awesome the Street fighter 4 Tournament was i mean OMFG did you guys see the skills!! RAWR!


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
*sigh* why...

I think your right cao, just delete this ****, they arent going to listern to anything anyone says no matter how much it might prove them wrong.

go back to your own state thread and hate on brawl there.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
South of the border, west of the sun.
Those last couple pages were pretty interesting reading.


Tedeth: Win team is win. Turt+S.D = ultra win. We tried :p

Meteor: Meteor combo is ****. Nice work mate :D Low tier pride.

Luke: some epic matches were had. Thanks for letting me crash at your hotel room and buying delicious foodstuffs. Your snake is a beast. 7 stock, 8 stock and 10 (?) stock? Toooooo goooooood.

FTS: I'm so sorry. The bullet seed was uber ghey. Your DK is still awesome and you rocked crews.

Turtle: It was good to meet you man, but we didn't end up playing any melee outside of doubles :( Next time you need to train me up! Mad props for the brawl victory. I was cheering for you guys.

Tak + Jei: I just want to reiterate the incredible failure of that double roy match. At least our hearts were in the right place. Oh and Jei your pit is great. It's a pity we didn't get to have as many friendlies as I hoped, it was real fun playing you. More melee or brawl with either of you would have been cool.

Jamus: Nice to see you there man! Good to see you working on link, even if it does mean i'll been getting gimped a lot in the future.

Stereo: You're better every time I see you play. Did you end up leeching some snake wisdom from luke?

Tkls: Didn't really see you or play you much later on. Why'd you leave so early?

aK: I would have liked to have more friendlies with you man. I'm glad you liked my PT :D. Keep up the good work with marth.

Shy-ah: In hindisght I probably bugged you for friendlies more than was necessary. I do like my marth practise quite a lot. Thanks for organising the tournaments, it must have been pretty stressful.

Caotic: Pretty much what I said to shaya, minus the bit about friendlies. Your efforts are really appreciated and you made both days run relatively smoothly. It was a very enjoyable tournment, mostly because you guys did such a good job of keeping everything on track.

So yeaah. Good times.

SS Ben

Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2006
good tournament

hornsby crew got owned

melee is ownage

rofl @ SD and Turtle winning Brawl Doubles


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
melee is own for sure.

Didn't take any pics for both days as I was too focused on getting my meleeeeee skills better than they were since the last tournament at Rambo.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha @ juggs + syke for trolling teh thread FTW.
Juggs is teh best troll on the boards, don't diss him.

Why do brawl players often think that if they do well in Brawl it automatically carries onto melee? Lulz how fail.
Marth in Brawl is very very very very very very very very very gay but even moar so in melee.

Just because you think less skill is involved in Brawl in order to win the game doesn't mean you are the better player when it comes to melee. Hell I tried playing in Brawl and I fail at it hardcore. Its a different game altogether.

Now... Melee 2.0 with 40 characters, 12% hitstun, wavedashing, SHFFLing and directional air dodging... I'd tap that.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2007
look can someone delete the last couple of pages. i try to have a proper conversation and voice my opinion and i get bull**** like :





i think somebody's asking for you're friend code, run along and play
i mean, what an idiot. real mature.

and shaya, it was a great tournament. its just stupid melee players who feel the need to flame anyone who even touches brawl. its like, less than 5 minutes or you are a socially inept ******


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
Time to interrupt the flame war with some shout out love. Top weekend except for when we got robbed by aboriginals with screwdrivers on the train home. OHN7 was great because of the following people.

CAO: First and foremost much love and thanks to the incomparable CAOTIC, without whom events like this would be utter and miserable phail. Too good at melee, pretty much beat our entire crew in finals even though I stomped your **** with a 20% wobble, what up now? <3

Tak: Greatest hair in the world, attached to a great guy too. Always good to see you and it seems we continue to come face to face at important moments, perhaps we have the making of a smashtastic rivalry? Sorry I went all emo on you after interstate melee, you deserved the win, I was just really disappointed in the way I played, full credit to you. Great matches for brawl doubles too, I’m still scratching my head about how we pulled that out as well.

Juggie: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUGGIE!!! It was great to finally meet you and nice to see someone else carrying the melee IC flag. Sucks that we didn’t get to celebrate your birthday with time constraints and what not, but hopefully you had a good time anyways. You’re my favourite troll <3 Can’t wait to hear your slurs in commentary.

Jei: Good to see you again Jei, and thanks for all the close matches. Didn’t get to play you in melee thanks to my lame effort in crews but brawl doubles was great, don’t know how we pulled it out after you and tak owned us in winners. Seems like we’re stealing Pit tactics off each other too which can only be good for our game :). Lol at calling each other out in dodgeball, let us know when you head to Sydney and I’ll come down and say hello. PS: You’re the star of the OHN7 photo album.

Jaz: You’re a ****ing animal Jaz and a super bloke also. What you did in interstate crews made my head explode which may have contributed to my sub par performance but seriously it was amazing to watch (Isai anybody)? Awesomeness hanging out with you and playing friendlies, teams etc and sorry my cheap Icies got in the way of you guys beating up on Cao and co in melee crew finals. Sorry we couldn’t fix your control, even with me loaded up in a trolley. Grats on winning brawl crews I know how much practice you put into it and it really paid off in the end :p

Kulla: Thanks for being an awesome guy and a great smasher, I learn a lot from playing with you and I’m really sorry I let you and everyone down in interstate (thanks for saving my **** Turtle). I think the pressure got to me and I made a lot of mistakes but I’ll learn from it and make sure I do better next time. Keep working on your water bottle tricks, A for effort C+ for style points :p Can’t wait for your melee scene next year and us becoming Scouts to make it happen.

Pat: Pat gives the **** to everyone over and over again was the story of the weekend. You’re too good, you and Jaz carried us to victory in interstate and you nearly snatched a win off us in 4 man crews as well with your brokenness. Next time we need to play more games I only remember playing one or two friendlies with you. Oh and grats on brawl crews win, I know how much you love the game so it must have been a really special moment for you :p

Unreon: Good to see you again Jason, great games too on all fronts. Great to see such a technical game, it’s a shame Icies seem to have a huge advantage in the match or you guys would have been off to thwart Cao in finals. Nice work with the flying armbars, even if Jaz is too beasty to be grounded by it, now teach me so I can take down people that mug me on trains :p

TCR: Nice to finally meet you in person and it was fun watching everyone scratching their heads as to how they were beaten by a PT :laugh:. Sorry me and Turtle were cheap and gave the release **** in doubles.

Tedeth: Thanks for staying with us in the hostel and it was good to see you again. Love your energy and enthusiasm and I’m sorry we gave you the release **** in doubles but you did really well all the same.

Luke: Luke! Great job in brawl crews you monster! Carried us as far as you could, taking 10 stock against one crew and 8 against another. Your snake has come a long way even since Melbourne and I can see you winning some tournaments in the very near future. Great seeing you and crewing with you again, beasted interstate as well.

Meteor: Another to thank for staying with us in the hostel and gooning up was a laugh. We need to team for real sometime soon. Sorry for knocking you guys out of brawl doubles but you can blame Shaya for hitting you with a tippered upsmash. Your Jiggs is coming along great too which is nice to see, I might have to resort to ROY next time we play.

Emily: Didn’t get to play you at all except for teams, but you’re an awesome player and you were just unlucky to run into a red hot Jaz in interstate.

Atticus: WTF controller?

Hornsby crew: Great to meet you guys (again)? You’re a great bunch of blokes and I enjoyed chatting with you and playing some friendlies (which we will do more of next time). You’re all really coming along in melee and I was extremely impressed with your skills. All you need now is a little more experience in certain matchups (cough Icies cough) and you’ll be well on the way to the ****. You probably would have beaten us in crews if Igif’s control hadn’t broken coz he probably could have taken out our whole team. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon.

Well I see you a lot so I can talk to you whenever but you guys are ok I guess.

Shaya: Thanks for helping Cao run the show, without your help with: recording, chasing up matches, brackets, etc it couldn’t have happened. Sorry for all the **** you get and for knocking you out of brawl but we all know it was thanks to Turtle who is the best brawl player in the Southern Hemisphere and maybe the world.

Vyse: Thanks for helping with the commentary we were a great team. Way to give me the spike ****. Next time round we need to play more matches in both games. Sorry about the flu or cold that you had.

ACCELERATE: Didn’t get to play much smash with you, excluding a few falcon dittos and FFA, but you are clearly a great player and a funny dude. Nice job with the traffic control and also your dodgeball prowess.

Syke: Again, didn’t get to play much with you which is a shame coz I’m sure I could learn a lot from you. Sorry our crew wasn’t good enough to take down Cao and give you anything much to do. Go G&W.

Bjay: Thanks for coming on the second day and completing our melee crew. Your Wario seems to be improving rapidly too and you’re working out how to balance your style with his weaknesses. Yay for us coming second in crews, too bad Cao ***** us all. Old school ftw!

Redact: Sorry we didn’t team, but my brawl hate teammate turned out to be pretty awesome in the end. Next time? Great games whenever we did play though, melee and brawl.

Gords: Barely saw or played you in the smash arena but thanks for coming on the bridge climb, it was a really great experience and we have some top photos to show for it.

DJ Cats: Again, barely saw you in terms of smash but bridge climb was epic and thanks for coming along with us.

Dedu: Always good to see you Stu, unlucky in crews, I know you felt you could have played much better but dw about it everyone has their off games. Nice work on stomping Cao in teams too bad you Suicided twice at the end :(

AK: Say hello next time man!

COMBOTURTLE: Last but not least (well maybe least) my partner in crime/smash. We pretty much stomped everyone’s **** all weekend and gave the **** out left right and centre, especially in dodgeball where every team we played for seemed to win... coincidence? National brawl champions is a great title to hold, we actually played heaps better as a team in brawl which might help us for melee next time, we would have taken out 64 doubles too. Thanks for saving my *** in interstate everyone would have hated me if we had lost it. Great to see you as always, thanks for hostelling it up with us and being a mad ****. Thanks for all the support in 4 man brawl crews too you were an ace cheerleader…… Top work in melee crews though you gave out the **** everywhere and showed everyone that Hunter Gong is amazing and capable of doing good things like taking down Sydney and doing well against CAO. <3 <3

Yeah i had nothing to do today....


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
mangzzzz stop changing ur name unless you really like to confuse ppl with ur nameeezzz.

tkls is now official. Kgo.
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