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Sydney - Don't Come (Results)


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Man I got an infraction for SWEARING.
That's lame as.
Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck FuckFuck Fuck Fuck Fuck FuckFuck Fuck Fuck Fuck

Can't wait for tomorrow!


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
And dedu stumbles further and further into the abyss of immaturity and internet tuff guyism.


This is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down, and Id like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how I had a bit of an ADVENTURE IN THE TOWN of wherever.

So I arrive at Town Hall and make my way to CAOs and there's tedeth! I applaud tedeth's skills in fencing and how he was the pillar of strength for his team and state in his national championships.
But before this I'm walking around the block TWICE trying to find the place, mistaking the "Meriton TOWERS Serviced Apartments" for CAO's uber "Meriton WORLD TOWERS"; both being on the corner of George St and Liverpool.

Anyway so shortly after I arrive its time to go to dinner, I think the korean bbq place turned us away, so everyone went to a yamcha restaurant where LOW BEHOLD ACROSS THE ROAD IS PIZZA HUT. Mysterious partners and I ventured away from the group to pizza hut to have some all you can eat.

Syke shows up looking for Vyse, and doesn't have his mobile number; and shortly after we leave. Not long after that I have Luke calling me up asking how the hell do I get into contact with Vyse. I ask everybody around me and no one else knows where the hell or how the hell to get into contact with Vyse either. Vyse needs to get his number out there.

So I'm playing some melee and beating CAO's Peach with my Mewtwo and then it was late and had to leave. I go to the train station to find that my train home to MASCOT IS DISCONTINUED for the night and I raged. I decided to go catch a cab home but anywhere I went I couldn't get one. I even walked back from Town Hall to near MERITON WORLD TOWERS looking for one. Streak of genius told me that the Casino has awesome amounts of cabs.

So I walk all the way to Darling Harbour and eventually Star City. Along the way the broadwalk is extremely busy and smashboards is my blog and there was a guy dressed up as a oompa loompa (Charlie's Choc Factory) walking around causing storms of excitement. Joy for all.

So I head to the Casino and the line for the taxis is uber long. So I thought "Why Not, LETS gO GAMBLING BY MYSELF LIKE I DONT HAVE A GAMBLING PROBLEM".
I clear out my bank account of all my funds and head on up the stairs of glory. 30 minutes later I'm walking out with an extra $100.

Taxi line was still extremely long at star city, and when it was finally my turn the guy asked if I wouldnt mind sharing it with others going near you. I mumbled whatever, and instantly people just coming out of the casino (i.e. not waiting at all) are right there who live near me. One was an extremely attractive woman and the other was a drunk builder. He tried to convince me to go to Maccas for a chicken burger and I told him I was smashboards is my blog vegetarian and he wouldn't shut up the whole ride home about meat.

Anyway, now I'm home, ughhhh.

I will hopefully be arriving there before 12, the doors open for others at 12 and from that point IF THERE ARE ENOUGH PEOPLE AND THINGS SET UP NICELY I WILL RUN A SINGLES TOURNAMENT (with CAO's permission of course) FROM AROUND 12:30 UNTIL THE 2pm START UP TIME


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
hahahahahaha that ******* blokey builder loves his meat too much.

Chub much?


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2007
emily and cao won the mellee doubles for the unfortunate few of you who are not here at the moment.


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
it's funny how shaya was saying melee was like sex at gords' meet, but he's saying it sucks at ohn7. :3


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
No, cause my DVDR decided to be a ****tard and not record.

Everything after Melee 2v2 finals is recorded, though. >.>


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Melee Doubles:

1: We are bestest friends (CAO + Emily) [Peach + Sheik]
2: Cabin Boys (kulla + pat) [Sheik + Fox]
3: gay bar (syke + accelerate) [Marth/Sheik + Peach]
4: six eyes (unreon + jaz) [Falco + Falcon?]
5: the **** (s.d + comboturtle)
5: thats mad (atticus + red dizzy)
7: melty blooood (mystwalker + gtr)
7: azure advyse (azure + vyse)
9: Asians rock (FTS + aK)
9: TJ (Tak + Jei)
9: Metaknight rox (Shaya + Meteor)
9: ****** sheik and girly marth (gords + stuey)
13: we despise gnome warlocks (igif + daz)
13: last place (tedeth + tcranter)
13: Magic Karpet (forte + bryan)
13: the shiz (2t + ssben)
17: Gartenzaun (cozy + tkls)
17: Playing Diddy Kong Racing with the controller behind your back while TipTup Tombstones your face (billy + bob)
17: melee is fail (atlas + ealert)
17: Total Randoms (Zan + Luke)
17: Brawl crusaders (Joe + Ing)
17: Sword Brothers (Jamus + stereo)
17: Smashkind (Fake + Marsu)

Super Smash Bros Brawl 4-man Crews

1: Cabin Boys THE CREW (shaya [Marth] + kulla [Meta] + jaz [Kirby] + pat [Sheik/Pika])
2: OMG 4 ****ING METAKNIGHTS (Meteor [Ness/R.O.B.]+ FTS [DK/Snake] + Tedeth [Wolf/Wario] + Tcranter [Pkmn Trainer])
3: Lol Patrol (Redact [D3] + Jei [Pit] + CAO [Peach] + Tak [Fox])
4: The Ward (Vyse [Diddy] + Accelerate [MK] + Azure [?] + B00k3r [?])
5: Globogym Purple Cobras (S.D + ComboTurtle + Daz + Luke)
5: The "Left Overs" (DjCat + Unreon + aK + Atlas)
7: The A-Team (Atticus + Forte + Bylim + Gords)
7: The dreamboats (metroplex + plasia + em + myst)
9: Legions of Ganondorf (fake + e_alert + ing + marsu)
9: Wollongong Crew (tkls + cozyt + stereo + jamus)
9: Hornsby Crew (IGIF + 3ddy + SSBen + 2t)

Super Smash Bros 64 SINGLES

1: Shaya (Pikachu + Jigglypuff)
2: Accelerate (Kirby)
3: Atticus (Falcon + Pikachu)
4: ComboTurtle (Ness)
5: Meteor (Ness)
5: S.D (Ness)
7: Tak (Jigglypuff)
7: Azure (?)
9: Ing
9: Pat
9: Plasia
9: Atlas
13: IGif
13: aK
13: Redact
13: FTS
17: e_alert
17: Daz
17: SSBen
17: 2t
17: 3ddy
17: cozyt
17: Forte
17: jamus
25: Vyse
25: Jei
25: Mystwalker
25: DJ Cat
25: Metroplex
25: tkls
25: stereo
25: Kulla

n.b. I said that I would be hosting 64 Doubles tomorrow. Unfortunately I will not be running this. Smash 64 today did put time constraints that kept us there up to 11pm+ and perhaps halted us from running the interstate crews (that are postponed until tomorrow).


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008

tell me this isn't true!!
Would I lie to you, Jason?

Would I? D:

But yeah apparently there were some issues with the AV which I only caught on about when KO was like "SHOW ME THOSE FINALS RECORDINGS, QUALITY CHECK PLOX".

Gonna double-check and make test recordings n **** today to make sure the whole day gets recorded.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2006
E_alert are you ****ting me?

Gay Bar = Syke - Marth/Peach Accelerate - Sheik


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
The camera recordings by various folks during the melee doubles final is pretty shmick. Not much shakey movement, captures the screen well, sound from the game and the crowd can be well heard too.

To double up there's also Forte's recordings of the crowd which easily sync up with the screen recordings.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2005
Spot Dodge Down Smash ... town.
Zomg best tourney Ever. Thanks for having me peeps good to meet everyone. I'll do shout outs later when i can be bothered.





Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2008
lol i had fun overall, but left be4 melee crew battles started due to time lol the tourney take ages

o btw Team leftovers FTW


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2008
I got *****! The first day of the tourney went tooo long! I came home about 1:00 AM, it was nice and simple though, CAO made it convenient and fun.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Super Smash Bros Brawl Doubles
1: S.D + Turtle (Pit + Pit)
2: jei + tak (Pit + Fox)
3: Shaya + Meteor (Marth/Random + ROB/Ness/Random) [ya srsly random]
4: Tcranter + tedeth (Pokemon Trainer + Wolf)
5: FTS + aK
5: CAO + Bjay
7: luke + redact
7: plasia + em

9: atticus + forte
9: vyse + gords
9: Bob + Rune
9: Chan + Bell
13: billy + alison
13: myst + unreon
13: Bryon + Wayne
13: dedu + e_alert
17: juggy + zac
17: 2t + ssben
17: 3ddy + IGIF
17: Fakeman + Ige
17: pat + kulla
17: stereo + jamus
17: Daz + Tim

Super Smash Bros Melee Crews

1: Gay bar (Syke GTR CAOTIC Myst) [Ness + Rest]

2: The **** (Turtle SD Jelly Bjay) [Marth + ? + Samus + Peach]
3: No swords no turnips (Jaz Unreon Pat Kulla) [Falcon + Falco + Fox + Sheik)
4: EMO (Atticus Redact Tak Forte) (Marth + Falco + Fox + Marth?)
5: The Hornsby Crew (IGIF SSBen ST Eddy)
5: Yoshi Extremist Squad (Bob Vyse Jei Rune)
7: Powerade (Jamus Setero reztk EA)
7: High Class Prostitutes (Tedeth Daz Tim Chan)

9: Red Bull (Dedu Je Gords MTR)
9: Super Fun Happy Team (Wayne Bryan Plasia Shaya)


1. Vyse (Sonic)
2. [I think] Atticus (Marth)
3. Shaya (Sheik)
4. Unreon (R.O.B.)

5. e_alert (MK)
5. ? (Falcon)
5. Myst? (Ness)
5. Atlas (Pit)

9. tcranter (Trainer)
9. ? (Kirby)
9. ? (Captain Falcon)
9. ? (Ness)

13. Luke (Snake)
13. ? (Donkey Kong)
13. ? (Link)
13. Meteor Master (Ness)


Oct 29, 2004
I took about 279 photos of the weekend on Kulla's camera - will have them uploaded to Flickr soon

Murderball results:
FFA winners: Syke, GTR and someone else
Dodgeball results:


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
E_alert are you ****ting me?
lol I wasn't ****ting you, but I found out today from Cao what Shaya said about there being backup recordings, so it looks like there's footage of Melee 2v2 finals after all.

Silly Cao, could've told me a bit earlier, though. :p

I felt terrible about it. ;_;

Anyway shoutouts to come. Or to Not Come (lololol). Too ****ing tired to write a wall of shoutouts right now.


Smash Cadet
Aug 18, 2007
Had fun guys met new ppl. Honestly i went home in disgust as myself, cos i never play melee often and i just go smashed, i know it should be that way but I DON'T WANT IT TO BE!. I will now be attending every tournament possible lol and biweeklies, guh i sucked so hard. See you guys in da future! Very well organized tournament


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Shout outs? Eh.

Accelerate, Smash 64 is awesome, amirite? You and Syke are definitely a dynamic duo of comedic proportions - made watching melee a lot more interesting and gave me rage/passion/glory to bring out the PUFF.

FTS - Sorry I picked myself over you to finish off the out of staters :(.

Everyone else - Sorry about my irritability; I began to snap at a lot of people from about 6pm onwards. Tired johns but whatever - I hope I didn't hurt any person's feelings.

Meteor - Live saver. The slurpy was godly, it was something that really did keep me cool for quite a while before I started snapping again - I owe you one. And of course deepest apologies for snapping at you too. I hope you had lotsa fun and we should play some more again soon.

CAO - I hope you felt I was beneficial to helping you run/organise your big tournament. I'm sure we can safely say it was mostly a success. Your flight leaves in about 4 hours from now so have a nice safe trip. Gotta talk about what we're doing with all the recordings!

P.S. Any out of staters (I know this applies to most of QLD and various Vickers) who are free for a couple of hours are more than welcome to come over to mine for general vidya games before shifting off - as I live extremely close to the airport. Get into contact with Vyse/DJcats/Atticus. Or send me an sms (0425 290 330). I believe I'm having a contingency of QLDers coming over -today- depending on the sleeping patterns of both myself and the QLD.


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
I took about 279 photos of the weekend on Kulla's camera - will have them uploaded to Flickr soon

Murderball results:
FFA winners: Syke, GTR and someone else
Dodgeball results:

QLD / VIC only won cause they got some pro recruits :)

p.s i made it home without dying

p.p.s im the greatest brawl player to ever have graced the earth, won some trophy thing.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
LOLing hard at your PIC tom.

At least Pit is an awesome character <3
Double pits in finals with release grabs!

Will do shoutouts later on.
CAO knows how to organise anything. We all wub him too much.
Juggy had his birthday.
Happy 18th!

XLR8 and Syke are too funnay.
Kas wasn't there to trashtalk moar.
Vyse is still awesome <3

Everyone didn't buy lunch much on Sunday.
Awesome weekend. Big thanks to Shoo-ya and Woxy!

And to players who managed to have $$$ and fly to Sydney!


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
Ok considering i never do shoutouts i figure i mayswell do some now before everyone else wakes up and does theirs.

CAO: Too ****ing good, i have absolutely no idea what to do against you're peach... thanks for running the tournament so well and being an ok dude :p my only qualm with you is that you didnt get harder balls for murderball :( but even that turned out to be loads of fun see you next time you decide to come to sydney and kick our *****.

Jei: Your pit is **** and your yoshi is pretty difficult aswell i thought i was in a bit of trouble when i had to play you last, i got lucky with s.d carrying me the whole way through brawl doubles though :) bad luck in the finals but good work on your results keep being a cool dude and ill see you around :)

Tak: Also bad luck in the finals, after you stomped our ***** down to the losers bracket i didnt think we stood a chance in the final. Always nice to see you good work in both melee and brawl.

Sam: I love watching your ness especially in that crew battle vs the other sydney guys where everyone was cheering every move that you made, its a shame we didnt get to play maybe next time.

Emily: Didn't get to play you this time around, would've liked to but ohwell.

Atticus: You have a funny control but you seem to do pretty well with it :)

Forte: You have a pretty good marth and it owned my **** in crews props on that, i would've liked to play you more because my marth ditto is a bit blehhhhhhh :dizzy:

Juggy: Congrats on turning 18 its a shame that you couldn't really celebrate too hard on account of smash running heaps late and everyone being too tired after it. Your hugs always make me happy and i love alot of the stuff you say "make me a sandwich" haha you're the best i hate the fact that you have to go to the army its pretty stupid i think, i will miss you lots dont forget to play some dota with me <3

Syke: I used to think you were a bit creepy cause u kept touching my leg while i was trying to sleep in queensland, but you're a really cool dude thanks for all the tips and stuff you gave me for some of the match ups and just in general, i dont think we would've won interstate crews if it wasn't for your coaching me cause i had absolutely no idea vs yoshi lol. Anyways <3

ACCELERATE: Never actually played you before yesterday and i was really impressed with all your characters im a bit pissed how you kept owning me in marth dittos, i hate the fact that i cant beat anyone that uses my main it makes me sad :( anyways you're a funny dude and you go alright at murderball, all the best.

Vyse: Your diddy is very very impressive and your commentary is very serious and funny :)

Jaz: You're still a ****ing beast i think the only reason im able to beat you at times is because you still spot tech ALOT once you hit me you combo the absolute crap out of me and i feel so helpless, good seeing you again hopefully wont be long until someone holds some sort of melee thing around the sydney area aka simon oh also well played in interstate crews you carried us hard :dizzy:

Pat: Your fox just gets better and better sorry about knocking you out of crews, you guys would've made for a much better final but ohwell. Thanks for the lift back to sutherland much love also i just remembered that dude that ran over the bins full of bottles that was pretty funny <3 always hopefully get to play you guys again soon.

Kulla: I still find your sheik to be the hardest match in sydney for me. Thanks for the lift aswell and <3 always too. Oh and a special thanks for sandbagging real hard in brawl doubles and allowing us to have the privelage of winning in such an awesome game :)

Unreon: You absolutely beast me in friendlies i dont think we got to play in a tournament setting, which is actually quite lucky for me i think :) However i would like to play you some more as i still have alot of work to do on my falco match up. Also you never got around to teaching me your flying arm bar thing i didnt even get to see you do it on jaz :(

Igif: You got lucky you didnt have to play me today else you would have been in alot of pain :mad:

The rest of the hornsby crew: You guys have alot of potential its a shame you have to carry igifs large weight around all the time. It's also a shame none of you have any experience vs a good ic's it sorta ***** you otherwise i think it might have been alot closer :)

Jelly: Thanks a tonne for coming down and playing with us in melee teams, i didnt really follow your brawl results but im sure you did ok. You did heaps good in melee especially in that important match against pat in the crew semi finals many props for that and thanks again, however you should've come both days :(

S.D: Well what can i say, we're just too ****ing good at brawl and life in general haha but in all seriousness thanks for carrying me to victory in brawl doubles and taking so many stock in all our crew battles 7 stock against unreon and jaz? ****. You more than made up for your less than impressive performance in the interstate crews. Always good to see you, its a shame about the stupid aboriginals on the train with their fhuking screw drivers and stuff you should've shot them in the neck and stolen their screw drivers anyways i hope you guys didnt lose too much and they get caught and put in an electric chair <3 <3

Timothy: ****ing fantastic dude, really enjoyed having you around for the weekend glad you had fun at homebake badluck on your brawl results but you're a good dodgeball player and thats all that matters.

Daz: Also bad luck on your brawl results, however i watched one of your melee games vs sam and you played so ****ing good stomping his IC's everywhere i think that you should play melee more competitively also good having you around all weekend aswell i look forward to doing business with you in regards to my uni work :laugh: hope to see you soon

Tedeth: You laugh really loud at times, you're really good at brawl from what i seen and good work on your results, bad luck against shaya.

Shaya: Sorry about being a smartass to you all the time, but im clearly the better brawl player as proven by the results of the tourney and the trophy that is in my cabinet... i guess all the practice ive been doing really paid of ROFL haha but seriously we both know how it'd go down if we had a 1v1... (i'd **** you) :laugh:

Meteor: AKA Ricky you're funny when you're drunk you swear alot bad luck on having to team with shaya in brawl maybe if you had a good partner that didnt tipper you to death with up smashes you would've done alot better. I wouldn't worry about it too much though as brawl is a terrible game, just keep working on that jiggs instead :bee:

TCR: Finally got to meet you for real and even got to play you guys in doubles, you're a great dude. If i move back to wollongong next year i'll be sure to convert you to melee and teach you some stuff.

Jamus: Wollongong represent, glad to see you taking an interest in melee sorry i couldn't teach you much with link but i think jaz helped a bit.

Planestereo: Didn't see much of you :ohwell:

Sorry if i missed anyone im rate tired and i wrote alot of shoutouts if i did miss you im sure i'll get around to remembering you etc so dont feel bad. Great tourney well done to mr. shaya and that CAOTIC dude for running such a succesful tourney etc etc.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
Heyas, posting on Metro's awesome computer.
Was a really fun tournament despite sucking so much in brawl and melee [crews lol]. Although it ran pretty late overall, it was enjoyable being to see and talk people again who were at rambo and the new people at Dont Come. WTB more awesome tournies! =D Was suprised at the number of TV's and the lack of Wii's/smash copies. Oh well, hopefully next time, things will go much smoothly and on time and stuff. hehehehehehehehe.

Time for Shout outs! :3 |in no particular order|

Caotique: Many huge thanks for running the smash tournaments and for teaming with me. Much Much love. It was good to see you all happy, cheery and not all sad/raging. LOL we didnt rage at each other omg! haha! Only thing I'm really sad is that I didnt get to have a friendly with you. /sadface. Oh well, i'll get to see you next monthly and "hopefully" get my revenge! :p

Myst/Sam: ROFL @ the win against Kulla's crew. Sam's biggest moment :p Had me worried that Kulla was going to 4 stock you somehow hahahaha! Anyways, was good to see you there and see you play those weird anime girl-isque games you bring. Good stuff, see you when we get home and play more Left 4 Dead/TF2 :p.

Fortei: For just being Fortei. I didnt get to hear new stories from you =(

Plasia: For doing well as my teammate in brawl yet also sucking so so much at the same time <3. ROFL

Redact: It felt good to throw my controller at you. Deserved it regardless. Be glad I didnt aim for your head. You're a douche and you should go jump off a cliff.

Atticus: For owning Sam and Tak in Melty Blood. Good show! /salute

Tak: Still cant get over your hair. It's so so weird and..cool. Now I'm not making any sense :(. Twas good to see ya there for some brawl reppin'!

Jei: Awww hahaha. Yoshi 4 lyfe! We should catch up some time ;).

Metro: Holy Sh*t dude. You won Melee teams! F*ck F*ck F*ck F*ck! So f*cking amazing! Wish I could play like you mangz! Team NME 4 lyfe!

Sydney Crew:

Kulla: OMG, I was so scared of vsing you in Melee teams. You and Pat are crazy good. Losing that one round in teams made me nervous and I really thought we were going to lose the set from there onwards. It felt nice when you said that you learnt something from my Sheik. Really glad we had some friendlies and thanks for them! Learnt something from our friendlies and I do look forward to vsing you again and hopefully I wont SD stupidly. Omg, what a choker lol :p!

Jaz: OMG again! I think I'm going to get nightmares from choking in that Crew match we had. I've alwards dreaded about vsing your Falcon as soon as I saw you play. But thanks for the friendly match after that. Made me feel a lot confident on my Falco. Time to scrap Sheik for the time being til I remember how to f*cking play! Twas good to see you again and to have a chat! Hope you get a control that really suits you. Cant believe you went out to wreck your controll by smashing a trolley into it hahahahhaa. <3

Pat: Woah, crazy Fox. Sorta reminds me of Shaz' Fox. Was really good to see a consistant Fox player and I really really want your tech skill. Was sooo good :3. Was a pleasure to meet you and play some friendlies. /salute

Unreon: Wow, huge improvement on your Falco from Rambo til Don't Come. Wish I still had that technical style of play. I've lost it and it'd probably never come back to me again qq. Oh well! It's good to see another Falco player that I can compete with and hopefully you've learnt something from my Falco [if anything lol]. Again, it was so good to see you again. GL with your Uni course and stuff. Hope it goes well! :3

Bjay: Glad that you came on the second day of the tournament! I was worried I wouldnt get to see you! Haha despite not playing much you really did well on both games. *Cheers!* Man...the only thing I regret is not being able to go hang out in the city and chillax. Oh well, next time! <3

Sydney's BEASTIN'! in smash. WATCH OUT!

Qld Crew

Syke: Ruh Roh, hope I didnt make you angry >.< in that crew match. I think I was pretty d*mn lucky I didnt get BF, otherwise I would've gotten tipped to the point I'd throw my controller at someone. D: Ah well, was a pleasure of seeing you and seeing you play! Sorry for ditching you in teams. I never got a response from you confirming that we'd team =(. Then Cao stepped up and offered. Next time? We'll **** imo :).

GTR: Although long overdue, Happy 18th dude. =)

Vyse: My hands literally were shaking. I'm pretty sure I showed it to everyone how nervous I was despite taking 8 stock from QLD crew. But really you had me there. I thought I would've had it easy but it taught me not to underestimate how frikken dangerous a Falcon can be. GG tho. Shame we didnt have any friendlies.

Thanks for the fun times!

Anyways that's it for now. Sorry if I forgot anyone but I'm sorta half tired/awake from yesterday. See yas next time! :3

Oh yea, fyi I didnt play. Metro did. He's so amazing at the game.


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
Redact: It felt good to throw my controller at you. Deserved it regardless. Be glad I didnt aim for your head. You're a douche and you should go jump off a cliff.

nice work forfieting crews over something so stupid :)
almost wrecked the day till atticus made **** run
hes a hero
learn to mature
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