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Super Smash Battle Opera - West Lafayette, IN, USA


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2004
Saint John, IN
Big Changes

After a good deal of discussion and brainstorming concerning the future direction of SSBO and the Purdue Smash community for the upcoming school year, I am pleased to announce a number of changes to both our ruleset and the Purdue Power Ranking project. These changes are detailed below. I welcome any input regarding these moves, and I am confident that they will usher in yet another successful run for our tournaments and our community.

1. Changes to Ruleset

i. Singles Stages

The new stage system will function as follows:

1) Players take turns striking from the following 5 stages for the first game in a 1-2-1 fashion; the player who is first to strike may be agreed upon or determined via a method such as rock-paper-scissors.

Dreamland 64
Final Destination
Pokemon Stadium
Yoshi's Story​

After the first game, counterpicks include the above five stages in addition to Fountain of Dreams.

2) After a player's first win, he or she may choose to ban a stage for the remainder of the set.
3) Advanced Slob Picks: The loser of the previous game chooses the stage for the next game, subject to the opponent's ban and modified Dave's Stupid Rule. Afterwards, the winner may switch characters, followed by the loser. Repeat this process until the set is complete.
- Modified Dave's Stupid Rule: A player cannot choose to return to the last stage on which he or she has won in a set.

ii. Doubles Stages

The process for doubles is the same as singles with the following exception: Fountain of Dreams is not a legal stage for counterpicks.

Note that for both singles and doubles, if both involved players or teams agree on a stage that is not listed in the current ruleset and this decision is also approved by an attending TO, the game may be played on that stage.

2. Purdue Ladder Rankings

The second announcement concerns the Purdue Power Rankings. As with most ideas, the PPR garnered modest interest at first and generated a certain level of hype, but it quickly fell out of favor due to a number of factors. This fact combined with the need to liven things up in our community and inject something new into the mix led to consideration of a new system, one that not only gets our players involved but also encourages tournament attendance and consistency all while addressing a number of the PPR system's faults.

After discussing these matters with members of the community and doing some brainstorming, I am pleased to announce the creation of the Purdue Ladder Rankings (PLR), which will replace the PPR. This system will combine the original challenge aspect of the PPR (with some modifications) with a more objective measure of points awarded according to performance in SSBO's. Please find below an explanation of the details of this system.

i. Overview

The general goals of the PLR are to encourage a spirit of competition among the members of our crew; to encourage tournament attendance; and to reward both attendance and consistent performance in a tournament setting. The PLR accomplishes this via a challenge system combined with ranking points earned according to performance in tournament. Ranking points may be earned by performing well in tournament play or by winning challenge matches, and they may be lost by losing challenge matches.

The top finishers at the end of each semester will be awarded cash prizes (the actual number of winners and the percentage pay-outs have yet to be determined). The pay-out pot for the PLR will be generated by setting aside a flat $10 from each SSBO ($5 each from singles and doubles) and will be managed by SSBO tournament organizers. Note that this may impact the number of players to which we pay out at each tournament .

As with the PPR, the current standings of the PLR will be used to seed accurately the pools or brackets for SSBO's. The PLR will be used only for singles competition.

ii. Initial Rankings

The following inaugural list of the PLR was compiled utilizing results from the 2010-2011 school-year SSBO's. Positions were determined via a rough scale of points awarded according to tournament placing, as the PLR itself will do. If you are not listed here, you either did not make it to the bracket phase of any tournament or did not attend a minimum of 2 SSBO's (one in each semester) during this span of time. This initial list will be used to seed our very first SSBO of the Fall 2011 semester (note that all currently-listed players will begin with 0 points). Point totals will be reset at the end of each semester, although the rankings themselves will remain the same to seed for the next semester's first SSBO.

Big thanks to Lance for the awesome SC2-esque rankings!​

iii. How the PLR Works

Players earn points according to their placings in tournament bracket. Larger tournament brackets are worth more points. The actual scale for this has yet to be determined.

Players may also gain or lose points according to their performance in challenge matches.

iv. Challenges

1) Players ranked below any other players may challenge those players.
2) Challenge match rules are the same as the new singles ruleset.
3) Challenge matches are now best 3/5.
4) Challenges may only be played on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of weeks with a scheduled SSBO.
5) Points awarded and lost for challenge matches will be a function of the actual magnitude of difference in points between the concerned players and the actual magnitude of difference in numerical ranking between the concerned players.
a. Winner currently ranked lower than loser: winner earns entire difference of points.
b. Winner currently ranked higher than loser: winner earns x/(n+1) points, rounded down, where x = numerical difference in points and n = numerical difference in rank number.
- The higher-ranked winner's point earnings will be limited in a manner yet to be determined.

c. Loser: loses 50% of the difference in points between the players, rounded up.

ex. A rank-5 player with 50 points (A) challenges a rank-2 player with 100 points (B), and B (the higher-ranked player) wins. As the loser, A loses 25 points (50% of 100-50) and drops to 25 points. As the higher-ranked winner, B gains 50/(3+1) = 12 points. Note that if A had won, he or she would receive 50 points as the lower-ranked winner.

d. Players may not drop below 0 points.

6) A player is added to the PLR upon advancing to the bracket phase of any sanctioned SSBO singles event and will be awarded points and ranked according to his or her performance in that tournament.

7) The no-turn-around rule (limit 1 challenge to the same player within a 24-hour period) remains in effect. Keep in mind also that challenges may only be played on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of a week with a scheduled SSBO.

8) A player may challenge any player ranked above him.

9) All ranked members must accept all challenges, with the penalty of loss of points.

And that concludes this public service announcement. I hope that all of you are as excited about the upcoming semester as I am, and I welcome any and all input on these changes.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Niiice! Glad to see it up so quickly! And mad props to your SC2 touch, Lance!

Finally! After all this time the non neutral stages are gone! I thought this day would never come! Hmm, however...the more I think about it, I can see the lack of CP's cutting into my massive supply of johns when I lose....:urg:

But yeah, I'm likin' this a lot and am looking forward to seeing it in action.

Man, with this new ladder system and my new ISO, I may actually start liking this game again! :p

Also why you guys hating on brinstar? =[
That's because I remember a few months back I was playing Jay on that stage, and he did some crazy thing to me and I fell THROUGH those larvae egg things. :glare:


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
well when it comes to these rankings, who ever wins the 1st challenge match of the year will becomes 1st place. i mean thats ok with me since i am 10th, but im sure some people will think thats dumb.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
well when it comes to these rankings, who ever wins the 1st challenge match of the year will becomes 1st place. i mean thats ok with me since i am 10th, but im sure some people will think thats dumb.
Did you...read Anthony's post....?

Scottson! I see you lurkin' this thread! Hang with us one of these weekends!


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
New Rule Set.
I definitely like it.

Also, Voorhese, do some research.

I had a dream about being back in the U.S. last night. I wasn't even doing anything cool or important. I guess I somehow miss being there..... I've still got a month and change before I'm back, though, so johns all around.

I even feel nostalgic for some Melee. There, I admitted to it.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Man, I'm bored....I've re-played all the Fire Emblem games I've beaten for both the SNES and GBA (That's 5 games total), and a couple of those I've played through twice. I'm also playing through Tales of Phantasia for the SNES. I'm pretty sure it's a fan translation, considering one character thought one of the girls "probably ****s like a tiger!".

Yeah, I'm bored.

EDIT: @ Josh: There is, but it only works for Jigglypuff.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2008
Hialeah, FL/W.Lafayette, IN
****ing jiggs. For something with jiggly in its name, it sure doesn't have a lot to jiggle with lol.

So Fro does that mean you've beaten the Genealogy of the Holy Wars (i forgot the number) twice?


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
****ing jiggs. For something with jiggly in its name, it sure doesn't have a lot to jiggle with lol.

So Fro does that mean you've beaten the Genealogy of the Holy Wars (i forgot the number) twice?
This summer or in total? I've beaten it once this summer, but overall I've played through it at least five or six times. The different parent combinations make for some interesting results for 2nd gen! Also, that's FE 4, and my personal favorite next to FE 7.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2008
Someplace greater than yours
Did you...read Anthony's post....?

Scottson! I see you lurkin' this thread! Hang with us one of these weekends!
Lol, how the heck did u spot me? I'm only on here like once a week for two minutes. Anyways, I never know when you guys are in town. You need to call me for stuff. I'd love to hang out.

Sweet, I'm finally off the power rankings.
^ This, sort of. But, didn't I play in like 3 ssbo's this past semester? I think it was only teams, though, so I suppose that doesn't count.


Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
i like the new ruleset, if anything that would improve my stadium play even though i'm probably going to ban it vs the spacies.


Smash Master
Feb 7, 2006
Purdue/Woodridge, IL
heres my biased rankings just for controversy and johns

1 cunning
2 jason
3 matt
4 me
5 lance
6 jay
7 draco
8 fro
9 voorheese
10 timerbomb
11 tak
12 dj
13 bees
14 mr h
15 doggalina

I like the new rules except I think FoD should be a neutral instead of PS. I like the new Ladder system. Lance good work on the sc2 prettyness.

I think it might make more sense to use the normal DSR and put KJ on, at least for new people. but if you guys really want kongo banned then this should work. I dont see how that stage is any worse than dreamland though.

lance, <3 ur avatar looool
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