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Super Smash Battle Opera - West Lafayette, IN, USA


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
I am sorry for breaking the combo but the world needs to know about lance combo #2.

short hop off stage -> reverse soft knee -> stage spike -> ko
OMG, how does Lance get all these crazy-*** combos with Falcon?

Also, remember my brother's crazy friends who demolished that watermelon at the beach? Here they are: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw40kcd5rP4
Wait, what in the world? I was in a hurry, so I only skimmed it, but it looked like a group of guys dressed as Pokemon chars that were like oiling each other up. I will investigate the reason (something tells me there isn't one, lol) for this later, preferably when I'm alone, lool.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
so whos going to g2?, if you are i want to know if you can grab my copy of PAL for me, and how i can get u the money (paypal, or cash, etc)


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
I'll be in my bunk.
I seriously stared at this forever and read it over and over because I didn't know what you were talking about. Only after like 10 mins did I have one of those "OH!...." moments. :glare:

so whos going to g2?, if you are i want to know if you can grab my copy of PAL for me, and how i can get u the money (paypal, or cash, etc)
u Voorheese

Also, let me borrow it from you cuz I wanna play it too.

Although, strangely, I watched the entire video. Am I gay?
u Andrew


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2006
I seriously stared at this forever and read it over and over because I didn't know what you were talking about. Only after like 10 mins did I have one of those "OH!...." moments. :glare:
Heh I guess I will be less subtle about my 3 hour sessions.

Also you noobs. I can just download a PAL ISO and burn it to a disc and you can play it on my Wii. Don't need to go to old nasty California to do that.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
i know u can do that, but i dont own a wii, so i wanted to get this one, and the gameshark to play on it with. I guess since i wont play it often, ill just play it on my friend's wii


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Also you noobs. I can just download a PAL ISO and burn it to a disc and you can play it on my Wii. Don't need to go to old nasty California to do that.
Oh man! Is there any thing your ISO CAN'T do!?

Lance, your assignment for the next couple of weeks is to make the ultimate PAL ISO for me. Here is a generic rubric that I suggest you follow:

Did the student's ISO preserve the classic soundtracks along with ironing out the loops?

2 pts.- Student went above and beyond the call of duty with maintaining the epic integrity that was the original and further enhanced it by taking out the gay loops
1 pt.- Student met one of the two requirements, but dropped the ball on the other
0 pts.- Student clearly doesn't know what good music is, and opted to replace every song with inferior ones, and added insult to injury by having poorly designed loops

Did the student abide by your wishes in keeping the ISO free from textures?

2 pts.- Student was wise and realized that you shouldn't mess with perfection, thus not laying a finger on the previous ISO in this regard
1 pt. - Student tried to get cute, and decided to hide in a few textures here and there
0 pts. - Student did NOT abide by my wishes, and loaded the ISO with obnoxious and distracting textures

Does the ISO contain the PAL version?

2 pts.- Yes, the student included the PAL version
0 pts.- No, the student clearly is unable to follow directions or either feels too lazy to have to start sweetspotting certain moves, generally just wants to keep the broken characters just as broken, or is afraid that their pocket Samus will no longer be able to use the extended grackle beam


One extra point will be awarded for making an extra copy for yours truly ;)

Grading Scale:

6+ pts. → Pass with honors
5 pts. → Pass, but student is forbidden to play Alundra
4 or less pts. → Fail. student not only is forbidden to play Alundra, but must also grind rupees in The Legend of Zelda in order to buy enough keys to beat Ganon's dungeon

Please note that one point will be deducted for any ISO submitted late, and an additional point will be deducted for each subsequent visit that I make to Purdue where the ISO isn't finished.

Little England

Smash Master
Jan 14, 2008
Purdue, W Lafayette IN Rancho Cucamonga, SoCal
Grading Scale:

6+ pts. → Pass with honors
5 pts. → Pass, but student is forbidden to play Alundra
4 or less pts. → Fail. student not only is forbidden to play Alundra, but must also grind rupees in The Legend of Zelda in order to buy enough keys to beat Ganon's dungeon

Please note that one point will be deducted for any ISO submitted late, and an additional point will be deducted for each subsequent visit that I make to Purdue where the ISO isn't finished.
LOOOOOOOOOOL I see Lance doing some grinding in the near future...

read it all; didn't laugh
I just edited out a big post. Instead I'll kindly ask you to GTFO! Nobody cares!

Little England

Smash Master
Jan 14, 2008
Purdue, W Lafayette IN Rancho Cucamonga, SoCal
uhhh...ok guys, I tried. The above post made it sooooo much easier for me to post this. I've been too nice.

Scroll down to post 4468 and read.
So instead of going back and forth on the boards, I decided to talk to him on FB. I thought it went well...:awesome:

*bolded sections are the thoughts in my head

FB chat log w/ Sveet.
me: dude
ur like
100% wrong

noob: on?

me: ganondorf boards....

noob: no seriously, there is a frame skip
just watch it

me: loooool

noob: it makes perfect sense

me: ok so u think theres a video problem?

noob: its a minor skip
theres literally .2 seconds that are missing
watch the timer
it goes from like
xx : x7 : 2x
to xx : x6 : 8x

me: ok except i can actually see 05:06:98
because i paused it on that time

noob: ok well then watch the background
it skips too

me: im watching the stars
flying at the screen....
no skip

noob: yeah there is lol

me: what they do do is jump because of the quick camera angle the camera moved
do you know how long Ganon's double jump is?

noob: ok then look at the way the camera jerked
the camera is organic in melee
it doesnt jump like that

me: LOL the camera HAS to jump
to adjust quickly
to what just happened
its the same as the jump you see when someone has bogus smash DI

noob: it doesnt jump like that. Did you know you can actually be off screen (in the bubble) while STILL ON THE STAGE

me: or maybe even from a teleport

noob: the camera is organic

me: i dont see what that proves at all

noob: the camera doesnt make sudden jerks
or just watch pikachu
watch the end of his dash attack
and suddenly he is dashing
you miss the inital dash startup

me: LOL
no you dont
do u see
that cloud of smoke!?!?
from the initial dash

noob: watch his stand up
theres a jump there man
if you dont see it, then you dont see it
but its there

me: if you dont see it, then you dont see it
couldn't i say the same

noob: umm no actually lol (LOL)

me: worst way ever to right someone off

noob: i really dont have much interest in further in this "debate"
but i know the game well enough (ROFL!...clearly)
to see that theres a jump
if i cared enough i'd make gifs and ****
but honestly i dont

me: well this was a waste of time
btw i showed this to about 5 other people
and non of them say the video skipped

noob: none of whom

me: u want names?

noob: ill be honest with you dude

me: please

noob: names dont convince me
and i see what i see
theres a skip
thats it

me: LOL ok man
I'll send it to Linguini

(now here's where it gets spicy!)

noob: ok i really like to prove people wrong so here goes
watch that animation
that is frame perfect pikachu dash attack into dash
now watch the video in question
notice ~10 frames of missing animations between the end of the dash attack
to the start of the dash

me: ok firstly, you're tacky with your "im right your wrong" attitude and then now trying to prove me wrong
the dots line up to me!

noob: so in the face of proof you cant see it
therefor you are either 1) blind (lol isn't he the one that wears glasses?) 2) troll (no i get trolled) 3) dumb (.......now he's done it)
you pick
ima go sc2 (...LOL)

me: oh man
you've done it


Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Watch it while pausing repeatedly. Watch Axe's tag teleport. Tell me that Pikachu's dash is that fast.
y r u in MBR? :troll:

but seriously yeah like 4 or 5 frames were skipped, it's hard to notice. the only other possible explanation is like a platform landing during frame 1 or 2 of his nair or bair which IDK why he'd do it then.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2006
U matt. I planned on grinding those rupees anyway, because otherwise I don't think we will ever play that game again.

But, I will fix your ISO and remove all the little extras that Sleepyk's had on it. (Ganon texture/Random Map textures). I'll probably add on Smashville to yours and some awesome music because I don't think we will ever play Green Greens.

SSBO: We know Drama





Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
U matt. I planned on grinding those rupees anyway, because otherwise I don't think we will ever play that game again.
Heh, good. Every little bit helps. Afterall, when you hear this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-DAsdX82O0, you know you're ****ed.

But, I will fix your ISO and remove all the little extras that Sleepyk's had on it. (Ganon texture/Random Map textures).

Wait, that ISO had random map textures? lol, I didn't even know that.

I'll probably add on Smashville to yours and some awesome music because I don't think we will ever play Green Greens.
Smashville? but isn't that from...BARWL!?

Hmm, "awesome music"...this concerns me greatly. :p


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
I like how I can just spam back air, up throw rest, and nair shine and beat people. Who needs all this crazy frame data.

Um.............You don't know it. You're the same person who claimed Felicia's light normals to be 1-frame. False stories. Unless you suddenly started reading the guide and memorizing it.....
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