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Super Smash Battle Opera - West Lafayette, IN, USA


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2008
Chesterton, IN and West Lafayette, IN
Yun is busted lmao. I was playing one and he kept doing block string pressure on me. I didn't know what to do, I just wanted to push block lmao. **** Akuma and Abel. I'm just going use Yun and push buttons untill I win. Also, WTF at how long Palm stays out. This guy whiffed one half screen and I was like hurf durf I'll jump in and punish him. NOPE IT HIT ME AND THEN I GOT LUNGED PUNCHED!! On that note I think I'll always be bad at SSF4 lmao. I just gotta hold out for SFxTekkan :(.

Little England

Smash Master
Jan 14, 2008
Purdue, W Lafayette IN Rancho Cucamonga, SoCal
Yun is busted lmao. I was playing one and he kept doing block string pressure on me. I didn't know what to do, I just wanted to push block lmao. **** Akuma and Abel. I'm just going use Yun and push buttons untill I win. Also, WTF at how long Palm stays out. This guy whiffed one half screen and I was like hurf durf I'll jump in and punish him. NOPE IT HIT ME AND THEN I GOT LUNGED PUNCHED!! On that note I think I'll always be bad at SSF4 lmao. I just gotta hold out for SFxTekkan :(.
Ya the palm stays out forever! It's been like that since 3S days, but even then it didn't have THAT many active frames. They need to match AE ASAP. I'm not even in a rush to get it anymore. SFxT will be better anywayssss. :p
Oh hai Mrs. Doubtfire :troll:


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
shoutouts to tak for housing me, and playing with me for like 19802743 hours. you have gotten a lot better than last time i played you, keep it up!


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Ok, I now have a phone that is up and running. For those of you who didn't even know my phone was out of commission for the past week and a half--screw you.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Ya the palm stays out forever! It's been like that since 3S days, but even then it didn't have THAT many active frames. They need to match AE ASAP. I'm not even in a rush to get it anymore. SFxT will be better anywayssss. :p
Palm's always been an attack that needs to be stuffed during start-up rather than punished. If you have two-hit projectile, though, Yun can't spam palms because the hitbox itself is a projectile. I don't know how seismo intertacts with it, though.

I'm hype for SF X Tekken myself! Hearing the combos only do 30-35% damage, even with super, calmed my fears of it being a touch-of-death based game, especially since you only need to KO one character to win. Ryu's a shoe-in for my team, but I don't know who else to play yet. Sagat's looking good, and Kazuya's always been a favorite of mine. However, if Lei Wulong is confirmed, the team will be Ryu/Lei.

EDIT: Just in case you were confused on my opinion, I'm also disgusted by Yun in AE. Him and Fei Long just make me cringe every time I see what they can do.


Smash Master
Jan 27, 2006
how many of you guys are playing AE? i main evil ryu now since they nerfed abel into the dirt and it's a severe love/hate relationship

his HP and stun meter = hate

his akuma combos with ryu's ult = looooooooooove


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2008
Chesterton, IN and West Lafayette, IN
how many of you guys are playing AE? i main evil ryu now since they nerfed abel into the dirt and it's a severe love/hate relationship

his HP and stun meter = hate

his akuma combos with ryu's ult = looooooooooove
I've been playing it. I switched to Akuma because my Viper tech skill goes to hell if I don't practice every day :(. I'll probably just say **** it and play one of the twins because I hate SSF4 and wait for for SFxT to come out.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
i play, i still play sim. the damage nerfs suck but really damage wise dhalsim was garbage anyway, u just have to keep your opponent out and win by chipping or on time. Damage nerf or not he is almost the same >_<


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
how many of you guys are playing AE? i main evil ryu now since they nerfed abel into the dirt and it's a severe love/hate relationship

his HP and stun meter = hate

his akuma combos with ryu's ult = looooooooooove
Abel still has his crazy rushdown game to work with at least. His Breathless just has much less scare factor, and Soulless is still good.

I'm still gonna play Ryu, even though Evil Ryu intrigues me. I'll work on both and see how it turns out, but I do think Ryu just needs to be tweaked in playstyle. I still think he's good.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2008
Chesterton, IN and West Lafayette, IN
Abel still has his crazy rushdown game to work with at least. His Breathless just has much less scare factor, and Soulless is still good.

I'm still gonna play Ryu, even though Evil Ryu intrigues me. I'll work on both and see how it turns out, but I do think Ryu just needs to be tweaked in playstyle. I still think he's good.
Ryu seems solid, except his fireball game is awful against the China men. Yang can almost full screen ex DP on reaction to punish the fireball, and I am pretty sure Yun can do the same with his shoulder move. Also, I haven't tested this so don't quote me on it, but I remember reading Fei can Rekka through fireballs lmao.

I'll probably just end up playing Yang lol.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2006
So i played melee yesterday. My kirby got stomped into the ground. So did my samus and mewtwo. *tear* it was a horrible day. On a side note my falco and puff won <.>
Not going to lie Josh, I don't think i have ever seen you play any of those characters XD

Also, I know some of you cobs are still around Purdue over the summer, so if you want to do anything you should holla at me.


Smash Master
Jan 27, 2006
@fro: the thing about evil ryu is that you want to do taps into hadoken butttt they just don't do as much damage as what you can do. remember, you're now rykuma! combo into L tetsumaki into H shoryuken and rack up that damage.

even using c MK to space like ryu (except at max range) can lead to a L tetsu; it's freakin' gross.

also: the only link i've found so far out of evil ryu's M axe kick (you gotta use M because L doesn't have enough hitstun and H has too much windup) is c MP. (which, again, can lead to L tetsu lol)

i think you'll like him!


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2008
Chesterton, IN and West Lafayette, IN
Chris what system do you play ssf4 on lol? We should play some time. I'm pretty bad, but I'm getting better... I think. I don't get it. I went to a 25 person fighting game monthly and get first in MK9, second in MvC3, and last in SSF4 lmao. You think some of my knowledge of bad games would carry over :*(.


Smash Cadet
Aug 28, 2010
shoutouts to tak for housing me, and playing with me for like 19802743 hours. you have gotten a lot better than last time i played you, keep it up!
Yeah anytime man, and thank you! Yeah guys I'm at Purdue now with a working setup so if anybody wants to play just let me know. Also Lance I sent you a FB request like a month ago; I think you have to manually go to the friend request page and accept it if it didn't give you a notification.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Ryu seems solid, except his fireball game is awful against the China men. Yang can almost full screen ex DP on reaction to punish the fireball, and I am pretty sure Yun can do the same with his shoulder move. Also, I haven't tested this so don't quote me on it, but I remember reading Fei can Rekka through fireballs lmao.

I'll probably just end up playing Yang lol.
It's not THAT bad against Yun and Yang. Yang can do what you said, but Ryu can actually hold up against him pretty well at mid-range. Yun's EX shoulder doesn't go THAT far either, and Ryu can EX hadou through palms whenever he sees the chance.

Fei, however, is pretty bad. His EX chicken wing is the issue, because that is projectile invincible. His EX Rekka has a projectile hitbox on each punch, but regular Rekka does not go through projectiles.

Yang? He's the tougher of the twins to use, but still damn good. Tier lists by Kindevu, Daigo, Tokido, and Mago all placed Yun and Fei at the top, with Yang at 3rd.

EDIT: @ Chris: I've checked out Evil Ryu videos and I'm definitely interested. If his zoning game works into leading to that huge damage potential of his, he might end up being my choice. I still have to get back from Egypt and actually head back to the States before I can see how it works out.

@ Corey: What I've seen in Egypt so far seems all right. Just that the people seem restless. The riots left some pretty bad marks, including several burnt police stations. At least it's not like tanks are still running through the streets trying to clean things up.

@ Jason: I got mindgamed SO HARD today. I saw a store called "In and Out" and I was like "Sweet! I can try their burgers!". Looking at it again, it turned out to be a furniture shop. I felt so let down.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2006
@Tak - Yea I never got a notification but I just added you. Just hit me up if you wanna smash :D

@George - The josh challenge had the opponent playing all 26 characters. The Victor earned Bread and Glory.


Smash Master
Jan 27, 2006
@Jay: I play exclusively on PSN and with a pad. ;D

PM me your name if you're on PSN and we'll play today. I don't have any smash scheduled until later in the afternoon.

Little England

Smash Master
Jan 14, 2008
Purdue, W Lafayette IN Rancho Cucamonga, SoCal
Yeah anytime man, and thank you! Yeah guys I'm at Purdue now with a working setup so if anybody wants to play just let me know. Also Lance I sent you a FB request like a month ago; I think you have to manually go to the friend request page and accept it if it didn't give you a notification.
lol This reminds me of the time when this girl (she was absolutely disgusting in her looks and her actions) from my old high school and college kept trying to add me as a friend and I just kept denying her. After the 16th time maybe (no exaggeration) I sent her a pm...."I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND". Last night I had a dream that I saw her as I was walking by CL50. *shudders*

@ Jason: I got mindgamed SO HARD today. I saw a store called "In and Out" and I was like "Sweet! I can try their burgers!". Looking at it again, it turned out to be a furniture shop. I felt so let down.
LOL that's the worrrst! I'll buy one today in your honor. :bee:


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
The Victor earned Bread/*Green Tea* and Glory.
So the story goes. >_>

After the 16th time maybe (no exaggeration) I sent her a pm...."I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND".
Leave it to Jason to be brutally honest. In other words, with regards to the In and Out burger you're going to eat in Ahmed's honor, don't be afraid to let the employees know if you think it tastes like a sandbox.

Last night I had a dream that I saw her as I was walking by CL50. *shudders*


Smash Cadet
Aug 28, 2010
Well Jason I'm glad that I remind you of an ugly stalker girl who desperately wanted in your pants. See you at CL50 qt~~~


Smash Cadet
Aug 28, 2010
lol This reminds me of the time when this girl (she was absolutely disgusting in her looks and her actions) from my old high school and college kept trying to add me as a friend and I just kept denying her. After the 16th time maybe (no exaggeration) I sent her a pm...."I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND". Last night I had a dream that I saw her as I was walking by CL50. *shudders*
That, Voorhese.
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