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Super Bubble Tea and such thread....Snakeee professes his love for pomegranate juice!


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
soo uhhh.. is vanz in this crew now or what?

cris- i wanna play you too... there are never free tvs at web2zone where we can just sit at and play.. always has to be won over lol

next time we're there we will have to take over a noob tv hehe lol
lolwho?? I was just giving my thoughts about the situation. I have a lot of experience in crews t'sall


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
Vanz, I'm definitely not trying to be "powerful" lol. It's hard trying to please everyone though.
And Xivk, I left you in, but you're really on the fence here. Start making some appearances and you'll be alright.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
We should just say we have a MM and people will get up and let us have it.

Or umm lol a noob tv XD Yeah I'd like some MK training indeed.
haha, yea that's a good idea.

lolwho?? I was just giving my thoughts about the situation. I have a lot of experience in crews t'sall
lol, i know. just kidding. you post here a lot is all though hehe.:laugh:

how many mms did you have last week vanz? and how many did u win? lol


Smash Rookie
Mar 31, 2008
Everywhere and nowhere
LOL @ christmas peach XD

I was just being real about it because she's not that active, and I know she'll only extend herself to going to the weeklies *went to college with her and Vlad* I just know her, that's all. I think other ppl deserve to be in this crew more so.
Ok Cris no offense you don't know me. I understand why you would be upset and say I don't belong. Hell you always made me feel like I didn't belong. Bottomline you don't know anything about me or how well I play period. I'm not saying I'm the best but I've beaten people worth fighting. I'm not out there getting my *** beat.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Vanz, I'm definitely not trying to be "powerful" lol. It's hard trying to please everyone though.
And Xivk, I left you in, but you're really on the fence here. Start making some appearances and you'll be alright.

i know, i was just making references to other people.. you know who they are. which is why i was saying that i think everyone should vote on things.. crew leadership thingies kinda suck

Cris- explain to Cristine what u told me on aim. i could see how might be offended, but if u tell her what u told me on aim, she would see that it wasn't meant how it sounded..

P.S. no more playing moderator for me.. (although being a mod would be cool.. LOL)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
That's crap, it's not based off of "cool points" you join a crew just because you're cool. If I wanted to join something based off of coolness I'd join some trendy crew (not knockin those of course =P). Rockin wasn't let in the crew for cool points alone, he was let in because he got better (o rly?). I agree that we should all get along and have awesome personalities but that shouldn't be the only deciding factor. If ppl are only being let in on coolness factors then the strengths don't really show in this crew.

Second of all, Snake said that there wouldn't be anymore additions to this crew. And as Vlad said earlier we have enough issues trying to gather everyone as it is. And if I think someone who else deserves to be in the crew it would be yes my bf (but I know he's going for other crews so it's not about that), Silvi(Mop), Shinigami etc. they are all good players and COOL since it's very important to be cool. -_-

I'm not the only one who feels this way. I'm just the only one who is gonna speak up on it. I guess I'm not allowed to do that.

WOOWOWOH!!!! Exxuuusse mee!! Cris, no offense but ur a Melee player and i hardly see u play brawl. Crews are for development and dont for get, u and rockin were also invited....Rockin didn't have a crew before and was invite. And to my knowledge, you never played her, so u cant judge wait u see. And as for vlad, U shud of been a better friend cuz u KNOW her actually knows her Cris, just sees her by and by in my opinion. I just say i try to organize things in this crew and as for the other members, i see nothing so i dont think yall have the right roll outta no where snapping at ppl.
But Snake told me to relax and that i will.....


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Ok Cris no offense you don't know me. I understand why you would be upset and say I don't belong. Hell you always made me feel like I didn't belong. Bottomline you don't know anything about me or how well I play period. I'm not saying I'm the best but I've beaten people worth fighting. I'm not out there getting my *** beat.
Out of respect for Snake I'm not going to respond to this because this statement is outrageous. See your PM.

And to PHD it's not worth getting into, I know there was other things written, and I could care less. But for the record I may like Melee more, but I play BOTH games.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
We all need to calm down. It's time I said some things.

FIRST OF ALL, yes PH D., I was never in a crew before. But I was invited to one way back in the Melee days by Dark Pch and his Imperial Era crew. But wait. Why did I not join? My friends Jumpman, NinjaLink, Hoyo, Jash, and even Dark Pch. himself was in it....oh I know. Because it was very disorganized. Not to mention I didn't like how Dark Pch ran things. The crew began to look worse and worse over time. Then, after that one fatal midstake he did, it went into ruins. What I'm trying to say is that I joined not only because I was joined cause I wanted to, but I was recommanded by Alex. When I came to Snakee, he had to see how well I am, do he tested me on some wifi matches. I'm not sure of the people of those that joined before us, but I was definitly not in cause of an invite or 'cool points'. I had to be tested as to how I played. The same with Eli.

Second, a person may like Melee more, but if they can still play Brawl with people and play it with a good or higher amount of skill, then that's fine with me, as should it be with other people. Cris has actually been playing Brawl with others. Maybe not in your eyes, but trust me, she has.

Now, before this HQ thread of ours becomes a flamewar, I suggest we all speak about this issue sometime tody in a chatroom. I'm welcome to speak to others individually by IMs and such.

One note. CompB, understand one thing. If you can't get along with everyone here, there's no need for you to be in the crew. This including Cris. I don't expect for you to be best friends with her or worships whatever she says, but if you can't at least respect her as a human being then....oh well. This is a crew. We work as one. While we may not respect the views on other people's lifestyle or comments, we have to co-op with them.

Now, with all that said, let's talk about more...fun things in life. Like bubble tea...the new battle man movie....or how gay Meta knight is....

..........or porn. hentai is welcomed too.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
I've already addressed Christina's issues in a PM, whether or not she reads that is her prerogative.

Thanks Rockin.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
We all need to calm down. It's time I said some things.

FIRST OF ALL, yes PH D., I was never in a crew before. But I was invited to one way back in the Melee days by Dark Pch and his Imperial Era crew. But wait. Why did I not join? My friends Jumpman, NinjaLink, Hoyo, Jash, and even Dark Pch. himself was in it....oh I know. Because it was very disorganized. Not to mention I didn't like how Dark Pch ran things. The crew began to look worse and worse over time. Then, after that one fatal midstake he did, it went into ruins. What I'm trying to say is that I joined not only because I was joined cause I wanted to, but I was recommanded by Alex. When I came to Snakee, he had to see how well I am, do he tested me on some wifi matches. I'm not sure of the people of those that joined before us, but I was definitly not in cause of an invite or 'cool points'. I had to be tested as to how I played. The same with Eli.

Second, a person may like Melee more, but if they can still play Brawl with people and play it with a good or higher amount of skill, then that's fine with me, as should it be with other people. Cris has actually been playing Brawl with others. Maybe not in your eyes, but trust me, she has.

Now, before this HQ thread of ours becomes a flamewar, I suggest we all speak about this issue sometime tody in a chatroom. I'm welcome to speak to others individually by IMs and such.

One note. CompB, understand one thing. If you can't get along with everyone here, there's no need for you to be in the crew. This including Cris. I don't expect for you to be best friends with her or worships whatever she says, but if you can't at least respect her as a human being then....oh well. This is a crew. We work as one. While we may not respect the views on other people's lifestyle or comments, we have to co-op with them.

Now, with all that said, let's talk about more...fun things in life. Like bubble tea...the new battle man movie....or how gay Meta knight is....

..........or porn. hentai is welcomed too.
Um ur not getting the point of squashing a conversation, so i'll bring this point once and for all. Cris, is didn't show respect to Comp B and keeps bashing at her. So CompB defended herself. That's called "DEFENSE" Rockin, not disrespect. And Vlad talked 2 me and CompB already defended herself so there is no disrepect on that. Case closed.....


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005


What? You mean like saying "there are other ppl who deserve to be in the crew more?" yeah I was very brutal. That was my opinion as well as others, and let's get this straight bashing would've been A LOT worse.

What I said in my PM was personal and it had nothing to do with you, nor did you need to know about it.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
i was the one who wanted her in
cris- you should address this. because I understand what u were saying now. and it will clear up any misconceptions.


also, at the end of the day, you guys are all still friends and a crew. if you think someone is "bashing" you should respond to it positively at least until you find out the whole story. responding to it with "flames" only creates drama that could've been avoided.

as much as I wanna say what cris was talking about, it's not not my place to do so. So cris, TELL THEM!! lolz

and everyone, just try to avoid bashing each other and please pick your words carefully.

now, I will end this with something constructive. "my peach is legendary" :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
It's still Bashing :-/



What? You mean like saying "there are other ppl who deserve to be in the crew more?" yeah I was very brutal. That was my opinion as well as others, and let's get this straight bashing would've been A LOT worse.

What I said in my PM was personal and it had nothing to do with you, nor did you need to know about it.
OK, so let the other ppl who want to join come and ask or be invited like everyone else. And for the record, no one else was invited. So <bleep> that bull<bleep>. Next CompB's placement is my concern, although i respect your privacy

1. CompB ask if it was ok
2. Crewmate (Ph.D) gave approval
3. Ph.D Consulted with the CREATOR of P.E

and for you to say whatever it is about CompB is farfetch towards me cuz in the end, it all wind down to me.
It's like saying i want to buy a burger at McDonalds, but its none of ur business whether or not i decide to put pickles in YOUR burger.

If Jman said "yo Ph.D can I join the crew?" i still would of done the same thing of asking Snake, cuz he does the decision. Not Ph.D, not Crismas, Not Jumpman, maybe Shadow, but its Snakes decision. We could suggest and see how it goes. I made a suggestion and Snake said it was ok. I dont think anyone else mad a suggestion so y'all can <bleeeeeeeeeeepppppp (lolz)>
But real the problem is CompB is being slept on and thats wats really bothering me. If I was to tell Snake that Jman ask he could join, and if Snake approved it, none of u guys and i mean NOBODY would be objecting. and i dont wanna here bull<bleep> replies cuz this is rhetorical. So i doubt that the is is that yall were misinformed
Ppl may know how Jman plays one day but there can be a time where he just plays bad. Are we still gonna say Jman is nice be he's been playing horrible matches for lets say about a month. Much less CompB. Cris and Vlad doesn't think is a go enuff player based on match at their skool but none of you guys goes to her house to watch her play or yall dont bother to watch her matches at web2zone.

(I dont want use other ppl but this for future refence)

CompB said she's not worried and she isn't puttin such a big deal outta this as every one else, so i'll just leave it be.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
cris- you should address this. because I understand what u were saying now. and it will clear up any misconceptions.


also, at the end of the day, you guys are all still friends and a crew. if you think someone is "bashing" you should respond to it positively at least until you find out the whole story. responding to it with "flames" only creates drama that could've been avoided.

as much as I wanna say what cris was talking about, it's not not my place to do so. So cris, TELL THEM!! lolz

and everyone, just try to avoid bashing each other and please pick your words carefully.

now, I will end this with something constructive. "my peach is legendary" :laugh:
VaNz, the psychotrist of Pheonix ^_^


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
No one else made a suggestion because Snake said there were weren't going to be any more members.

and for you to say whatever it is about CompB is farfetch towards me cuz in the end, it all wind down to me.

Not really. No. I knew her before you did. So this has nothing to do with you.

She's not being slept on without reason. And I'm NOT the only one who feels this way. It's not anyone's fault that we don't see her play. She doesn't enter weeklies, and none of us are invited to her house. So how do you figure? And none of us in the game room have ever heard her say she wanted to play this game competitively. EVER.

PhD I know the only reason I'm hearing from you on this is because you're dating her.

CompB is a total saint.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
Well I missed the drama, and don't really want to bring it back up but I have to say I liked Rockin's post. For a crew to function properly we need everyone to get along as best they can. But, we'll see what happens with this.

Anyway, I'm going to start giving some words of wisdom every once in a while now lol.
I was just thinking about this..
A lot of people seem to have trouble progressing after a certain point because of mental blocks. They seem to crack under pressure and/or become intimidating when facing tough opponents. These things used to destroy me, but I'm coming along with getting past all that. You have to train yourself to maintain your composure throughout your matches and don't be afraid to play people just because they're "big names." No one's unbeatable, we're all human. (Yes even M2K >_>)

This isn't to say to become arrogant either, though. Another way you can lose from your mentality is underestimating a player. I admit that this has nearly happened to me on a couple of occasions, and I have to say it would be the most embarrasing way to lose. If I go in saying, "Hah I've never heard of this person or seen them, so they must be a noob" and end up losing the first game, you just start feeling like an arrogant idiot. It's likely to even panic after this, and I've panicked myself thinking "Oh man why was I thinking like that, I'm gonna lose the set because I didn't even give this guy a chance." Yeah, you definitely don't want to go down this route...
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